Indescribable (Closed)

Quirking his brow, he looked to her and continued to eat. "Sure."

Nia brushed her hair behind her ear on the right side to show a light colored, straight line scar just beneath her ear. "that was a peice of glass" She said explaining the mark, her long, pointed ears having twitched a small bit.
Nia brushed her hair behind her ear on the right side to show a light colored, straight line scar just beneath her ear. "that was a peice of glass" She said explaining the mark, her long, pointed ears having twitched a small bit.

Akumu kept his brow quirked, studying the scar briefly before then watching her ears twitch. His own perking a bit. "Didn't go in too deep, did it?"
Akumu kept his brow quirked, studying the scar briefly before then watching her ears twitch. His own perking a bit. "Didn't go in too deep, did it?"

"I ALMOST DIEDNia said dramatically with a pause "nah just grazed me" She said with downward a wave of her hand.
"I ALMOST DIEDNia said dramatically with a pause "nah just grazed me" She said with downward a wave of her hand.

Akumu's eyes widened from the dramatic explanation, only to sigh in relief once it had been clarified. His eyes having closed. "Glad to know it wasn't serious."
Masaru got out of the shower and dressed, leaving Dei to finish the rest by himself.
Masaru got out of the shower and dressed, leaving Dei to finish the rest by himself.

Dei-Loki quietly grumbled following being left alone to finish up. Though, once he had finished, he eventually stepped out and dried himself. And, in being alone, it granted himself with some time to think. With his gaze traveling to the fogged mirror, he softly wiped some of it clean - enough to just barely see himself. The shell that encased the broken monster that this demigod truly was. "Heh... Bein' alone with yer thoughts never really is a good thing, is it?.." He'd speak to himself as his fingers gripped at the towel around his waist - staring at his own reflection as he thought to himself. 'Don't look at me like that... We both know what ya truly are... Y' can hide behind this 'beloved Demigod' facade all you want, but that changes nothing because you'll always be mammy's little bloodthirsty psychopath.' Dei-Loki's eyes widened as his mental voice took on a more feminine tone, one that seemed to instantly strike a nerve with him, as if familiar. Trailing this action, he'd witnessed the very woman he'd despised take the place of his own reflection. In an instant, Dei-Loki reeled back before plunging his fist into the mirror. The shattered glass instantly digging into Dei-Loki's fist, but he didn't care. He kept his bleeding hand clenched as he shouted while backing up until his back hit the wall on the other side of the bathroom. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE DEAD, JUST SHUT. UP. AND LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!"
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"I'm actually royalty" She said matter of factly with a nervous laugh to follow. "according to the rest of the world, Im dead." 

Akumu paused his cleaning action, soon slowly lowering the napkin from his mouth. Not having believed it at first, though being a Prince himself, he'd laugh and shut his amethyst gaze. "Ahaah... That's a good one."
Akumu paused his cleaning action, soon slowly lowering the napkin from his mouth. Not having believed it at first, though being a Prince himself, he'd laugh and shut his amethyst gaze. "Ahaah... That's a good one."

Nia kept a straight face "I'm serious Aku. Only my most trusted friends and  family know about it. Im heir to the throne of Dalania. (Eyyyyyy) Now a barren wasteland of charred ruins and ash rain..." she paused "I had to find my own way in the world before I can one day restore that which fate has been taken from me." 
Dei-Loki quietly grumbled following being left alone to finish up. Though, once he had finished, he eventually stepped out and dried himself. And, in being alone, it granted himself with some time to think. With his gaze traveling to the fogged mirror, he softly wiped some of it clean - enough to just barely see himself. The shell that encased the broken monster that this demigod truly was. "Heh... Bein' alone with yer thoughts never really is a good thing, is it?.." He'd speak to himself as his fingers gripped at the towel around his waist - staring at his own reflection as he thought to himself. 'Don't look at me like that... We both know what ya truly are... Y' can hide behind this 'beloved Demigod' facade all you want, but that changes nothing because you'll always be mammy's little bloodthirsty psychopath.' Dei-Loki's eyes widened as his mental voice took on a more feminine tone, one that seemed to instantly strike a nerve with him, as if familiar. Trailing this action, he'd witnessed the very woman he'd despised take the place of his own reflection. In an instant, Dei-Loki reeled back before plunging his fist into the mirror. The shattered glass instantly digging into Dei-Loki's fist, but he didn't care. He kept his bleeding hand clenched as he shouted while backing up until his back hit the wall on the other side of the bathroom. "SHUT UP! YOU'RE DEAD, JUST SHUT. UP. AND LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY!"

Masaru turned back around as his felt his mate's spirit turn a terrible shade of red. He opened the door to see Dei's bloodied fist. "Son of a bitch, that was nice glass." He moved his way quickly over to Dei and began trying to clean up Dei's bleeding hand. Soon, stitches and a gauze was wrapped around his hand as Masaru hugged him close to his chest on the bed. "Tell me. I'm right here, listening to every word that you speak."
Nia kept a straight face "I'm serious Aku. Only my most trusted friends and  family know about it. Im heir to the throne of Dalania. (Eyyyyyy) Now a barren wasteland of charred ruins and ash rain..." she paused "I had to find my own way in the world before I can one day restore that which fate has been taken from me." 

Ceasing his laughter, Akumu took in the information given to him and, in this process, he would fold his ears back very slightly. "Wow..."

Masaru turned back around as his felt his mate's spirit turn a terrible shade of red. He opened the door to see Dei's bloodied fist. "Son of a bitch, that was nice glass." He moved his way quickly over to Dei and began trying to clean up Dei's bleeding hand. Soon, stitches and a gauze was wrapped around his hand as Masaru hugged him close to his chest on the bed. "Tell me. I'm right here, listening to every word that you speak."

Dei-Loki had his eyes winced shut while his anger violently found it's way free via his previous actions. His gaze, however, set on Masaru as he cleaned and tended to the damage he inflicted on his hand. His mind having been in a downward spiral by the time the two got to the bed. Though, the embrace seemed to calm him downs even if it was just a little bit. As Dei-Loki spoke, he'd bury his face in his mate's chest. "Fuckin' 'ell, she's right. Nearly my entire being is nothin' but a fuckin' ruse t' protect everyone from the malevolent demigod who's hurt and taken the lives of so many..." The last bit cracked his voice as he gripped Masaru's shirt. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"I eventually become the bane of everyone I love and care for's existence...[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"[/COLOR]
Ceasing his laughter, Akumu took in the information given to him and, in this process, he would fold his ears back very slightly. "Wow..."

Dei-Loki had his eyes winced shut while his anger violently found it's way free via his previous actions. His gaze, however, set on Masaru as he cleaned and tended to the damage he inflicted on his hand. His mind having been in a downward spiral by the time the two got to the bed. Though, the embrace seemed to calm him downs even if it was just a little bit. As Dei-Loki spoke, he'd bury his face in his mate's chest. "Fuckin' 'ell, she's right. Nearly my entire being is nothin' but a fuckin' ruse t' protect everyone from the malevolent demigod who's hurt and taken the lives of so many..." The last bit cracked his voice as he gripped Masaru's shirt. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"I eventually become the bane of everyone I love and care for's existence...[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"[/COLOR]

Nia simply sighed "sooo.... what now?"
Ceasing his laughter, Akumu took in the information given to him and, in this process, he would fold his ears back very slightly. "Wow..."

Dei-Loki had his eyes winced shut while his anger violently found it's way free via his previous actions. His gaze, however, set on Masaru as he cleaned and tended to the damage he inflicted on his hand. His mind having been in a downward spiral by the time the two got to the bed. Though, the embrace seemed to calm him downs even if it was just a little bit. As Dei-Loki spoke, he'd bury his face in his mate's chest. "Fuckin' 'ell, she's right. Nearly my entire being is nothin' but a fuckin' ruse t' protect everyone from the malevolent demigod who's hurt and taken the lives of so many..." The last bit cracked his voice as he gripped Masaru's shirt. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"I eventually become the bane of everyone I love and care for's existence...[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"[/COLOR]

Masaru griped the demigod's chin tightly and kissed him for a long while before pulling away. "She's trying to make you feel that way, my everything. But she is extremely wrong. Your brother loves you. Nia loves you. Everyone loves you. Hell! You made me love someone when i thought i could never love at all. I love you. We are still here aren't we? I am right by your side for as long as you want me. So please, never feel this way again. For your love makes me the happiest man in the world. i wish to hear your laughs in the day. I wish to hear your moans of my name at night, for only true mates know of that feeling."
Nia simply sighed "sooo.... what now?"

Akumu had then simply shrugged, back against his seat. "What would you like t' do?"

Masaru griped the demigod's chin tightly and kissed him for a long while before pulling away. "She's trying to make you feel that way, my everything. But she is extremely wrong. Your brother loves you. Nia loves you. Everyone loves you. Hell! You made me love someone when i thought i could never love at all. I love you. We are still here aren't we? I am right by your side for as long as you want me. So please, never feel this way again. For your love makes me the happiest man in the world. i wish to hear your laughs in the day. I wish to hear your moans of my name at night, for only true mates know of that feeling."

Dei-Loki was hushed the moment their lips made contact. And, in that time, he'd return the action up until the moment it was broken off. At that point, he'd simply listen to Masaru's words as a painful look flooded the young Demigod's eyes. His emerald eyes tightly having shut as he tightly embraced the torso of the kogitsune. Tears streaming down his cheeks as he shakily sobbed/muttered. "But fer how long..? How long do I have until I'm forced to watch everything get taken from me again? Hell, even Akumu's claimed time and time again that--" purposely cutting himself off, he flattened his ears to his head as his hold would continue.
Akumu had then simply shrugged, back against his seat. "What would you like t' do?"

Nia facepalmed " thats exactly why I asked you. There's like nothing... to... doooo..."  she said trailing off in thought as she got an idea, a crazy idea, but still something to do for several days.
Nia facepalmed " thats exactly why I asked you. There's like nothing... to... doooo..."  she said trailing off in thought as she got an idea, a crazy idea, but still something to do for several days.

With a curious, cocked brow, Akumu watched her as his head would slightly tilt. "What? Y' thought of somethin'?"
Akumu had then simply shrugged, back against his seat. "What would you like t' do?"

Dei-Loki was hushed the moment their lips made contact. And, in that time, he'd return the action up until the moment it was broken off. At that point, he'd simply listen to Masaru's words as a painful look flooded the young Demigod's eyes. His emerald eyes tightly having shut as he tightly embraced the torso of the kogitsune. Tears streaming down his cheeks as he shakily sobbed/muttered. "But fer how long..? How long do I have until I'm forced to watch everything get taken from me again? Hell, even Akumu's claimed time and time again that--" purposely cutting himself off, he flattened his ears to his head as his hold would continue.

"You won't loose us, okay? You won't loose us. I love you and be damned if the Gods think they can take you away from me. I will fight until the sky rains blood just to keep you happy. Don't ever think of it that way." Masaru kissed the fallen tears, pushing Dei to the bed so that he could lay Dei's head on his chest. 
"You won't loose us, okay? You won't loose us. I love you and be damned if the Gods think they can take you away from me. I will fight until the sky rains blood just to keep you happy. Don't ever think of it that way." Masaru kissed the fallen tears, pushing Dei to the bed so that he could lay Dei's head on his chest. 

With a shaky exhale, Dei-Loki nodded and curled up to his chest. his ears remaining flat as he quietly sniffled.

"we can always go explore the world. there are plenty of places to see"

"We could do that." Akumu would smile at the idea before seeming to pause. A smile curving his face after remembering something. "Ooorrrr..."
With a shaky exhale, Dei-Loki nodded and curled up to his chest. his ears remaining flat as he quietly sniffled.

"We could do that." Akumu would smile at the idea before seeming to pause. A smile curving his face after remembering something. "Ooorrrr..."

"Ooooorrrrr?" She echoed back, leaning in closer.
With a shaky exhale, Dei-Loki nodded and curled up to his chest. his ears remaining flat as he quietly sniffled.

"We could do that." Akumu would smile at the idea before seeming to pause. A smile curving his face after remembering something. "Ooorrrr..."

Masaru kissed the top of Dei's forehead as he rubbed his arm. "I love you, my Squishy. Tell me what i can do to stop you from hurting and i shall do it."

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