Indescribable (Closed)

Malvo smirked for a moment before then giving her brother the same look. Arms on the counter.

Dei-Loki huffed yet again as he glanced back and forth between the two. Soon closing his eyes as he shifted and rubbed his face with his gloved hands gently while trying to explain. "Look it... It just is, alright? It's one thing t' have yer guards address ya that way, because yer higher than them... and..."

"And what? Does calling you my lord tickle your fantasy of some sort?" A chuckle came from the man as a hand, hidden under the table snaked its way onto Dei's inner thigh, rubbing him gently on his smooth thigh.
"And what? Does calling you my lord tickle your fantasy of some sort?" A chuckle came from the man as a hand, hidden under the table snaked its way onto Dei's inner thigh, rubbing him gently on his smooth thigh.

Dei-Loki kept a soft gasp contained as he'd felt the hand. Softly biting the inside of his cheek as he lowered his own hands from his face. His eyes having closed while he looked down and away to hide his red tinted cheeks. "It... I, uh... it might..."
Dei-Loki kept a soft gasp contained as he'd felt the hand. Softly biting the inside of his cheek as he lowered his own hands from his face. His eyes having closed while he looked down and away to hide his red tinted cheeks. "It... I, uh... it might..."

"What? What was that, my lord~? I couldn't hear you correctly." Masaru snickered as his hand went a little bit upwards and continued to caress.
"What? What was that, my lord~? I couldn't hear you correctly." Masaru snickered as his hand went a little bit upwards and continued to caress.

Dei-Loki trembled, biting into his cheek even more as his cheeks continued to heat up. With an ear lowering, he spoke a small bit louder - though still kept it to a whisper in an effort to keep others from hearing. "It might..."
Dei-Loki trembled, biting into his cheek even more as his cheeks continued to heat up. With an ear lowering, he spoke a small bit louder - though still kept it to a whisper in an effort to keep others from hearing. "It might..."

Masaru grinned and whispered into his ears as the hand began to palm Dei through his pants. "Good to know. Why am i just learning about my lord's kinks now?" 
Masaru grinned and whispered into his ears as the hand began to palm Dei through his pants. "Good to know. Why am i just learning about my lord's kinks now?" 

Dei-Loki would stifle a quiet moan, forcing his excitement back with an exhale. "F-For certain reasons, it's one of my... darker kinks..."
Dei-Loki would stifle a quiet moan, forcing his excitement back with an exhale. "F-For certain reasons, it's one of my... darker kinks..."

Masaru bit his bottom lip as his hands continued to stroke and palm. "I want to know these kinks. Tell me now. I mean, you don't have to me . . . but don't think it won't cost you." He whispered. He then his attention to Malvo. "So Malvo, how did you meet Gizmo? He's very adorable."
Dei-Loki quirked a brow, gazing into his eyes after his head had been turned. With a smirk on his face, he softly kissed Masaru's thumb as it gently grazed over his lips. "That's a good start."

Akumu blinked at that before having then snickered. "Well, I must still be something lovable?"


Neo would then nod in response, her smirk falling as she blinked.

Nia smiled back "Yes..." she answered with a blush on her cheeks.


"right, follow me" She said, leading Neo to their base of operation.
Masaru bit his bottom lip as his hands continued to stroke and palm. "I want to know these kinks. Tell me now. I mean, you don't have to me . . . but don't think it won't cost you." He whispered. He then his attention to Malvo. "So Malvo, how did you meet Gizmo? He's very adorable."

Dei-Loki shifted at the whispered words as he'd still keep his moans silent enough not to be picked up on. Though, his blush was still there.

Malvo looked to Masaru with a quirked brow before reaching over for the notepad he'd taken - quickly sliding it back over as she'd brought her pen to it. as she wrote, she smiled when Gizmo hopped up beside the notepad before nuzzling her gently. With a wide smile, she slid the notepad back over for them to read before hugging the small fox to her chest. Nuzzling into his fur before then pausing as she'd think back. A soft huff escaping the girl.

"He was a gift from my uncle a while back. My father didn't really like Gizmo at first, but he warmed up to him over time. A day before all hell broke loose in the other group, my father sent Gizmo my way once more. He claims it to be 'another gift', but I'm sure he was just tired of him sneaking into his office and tearing up his paperwork."

Nia smiled back "Yes..." she answered with a blush on her cheeks.


"right, follow me" She said, leading Neo to their base of operation.

Curling his tail upon seeing her smile, he continued to hold his own - leaning back a small bit.


Neo followed behind Cheshire, closing her umbrella as she'd allow it to rest on her shoulder once more.
Dei-Loki shifted at the whispered words as he'd still keep his moans silent enough not to be picked up on. Though, his blush was still there.

Malvo looked to Masaru with a quirked brow before reaching over for the notepad he'd taken - quickly sliding it back over as she'd brought her pen to it. as she wrote, she smiled when Gizmo hopped up beside the notepad before nuzzling her gently. With a wide smile, she slid the notepad back over for them to read before hugging the small fox to her chest. Nuzzling into his fur before then pausing as she'd think back. A soft huff escaping the girl.

"He was a gift from my uncle a while back. My father didn't really like Gizmo at first, but he warmed up to him over time. A day before all hell broke loose in the other group, my father sent Gizmo my way once more. He claims it to be 'another gift', but I'm sure he was just tired of him sneaking into his office and tearing up his paperwork."

Curling his tail upon seeing her smile, he continued to hold his own - leaning back a small bit.


Neo followed behind Cheshire, closing her umbrella as she'd allow it to rest on her shoulder once more.

Masaru laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like a fox alright. Excuse me for a second, i have to use the restroom." He slid his hand on Dei's trouser snake and stood up, leaving the room.
Masaru laughed. "Yeah, that sounds like a fox alright. Excuse me for a second, i have to use the restroom." He slid his hand on Dei's trouser snake and stood up, leaving the room.

Dei-Loki bit back a soft groan from the contact, watching Masaru head off before then glancing to Malvo - lowering his other ear after noticing her slight mood drop. Awkwardly standing, he went to her side as he smiled, patting her back. "Hey, I may have somethin' that'll cheer ya up. And, just in case ya wanna watch;" With Malvo's attention grabbed, Dei-Loki removed a glove and drew a circle on the counter with his index finger. The Corruption in his fingertips opening a one-way mirror. "Just be sure to shut it off if the little ones come in, and let Masaru know I'm gonna go 'talk' with Ruvik." A twisted smirk then climbed his face as he walked out of the kitchen saying; "Heeeee'll know what it means~"

Dei-Loki then set out to find Ruvik, gently drawing one of his blades in the process. Once he'd spotted him, Dei-Loki's twisted smirk altered into something far more heinous.

The room went dark around Ruvik in an instant, startling him enough to cause the blighter to rapidly attempt at looking around as he took a step back. Every muscle in his body tensing following the sound of what could only be interpreted as blade being slowly dragged across the floor - yet it somehow held the pitch of a blade on concrete. "What--"


Eerily, Dei-Loki could be heard singing out as he circled Ruvik in the dark. His voice holding a certain tone that would even make the bravest man fearful. And it echoed. "He's got the whoooooole world... in his hands~. He's got the whooooole wide world in his hands~. He's got the whole wide world in his hands~. He's got the whole world in his haaaands~."


The chilling Irish voice grew closer.


"He's got the little bitty blighter in his haaaands, he's got the little bitty blighter in his haaaaands, he's got the little bitty blighter in his haaands." The voice would then whisper, sounding as if it were right at Ruvik's ear. "He's got the whole world in. His. Hands~"


Ruvik remained tense, instantly looking in Dei-Loki's direction before yelping after being hit over the head with something - falling to the ground unconscious with a thud.


(Part 1 of 2)
Dei-Loki bit back a soft groan from the contact, watching Masaru head off before then glancing to Malvo - lowering his other ear after noticing her slight mood drop. Awkwardly standing, he went to her side as he smiled, patting her back. "Hey, I may have somethin' that'll cheer ya up. And, just in case ya wanna watch;" With Malvo's attention grabbed, Dei-Loki removed a glove and drew a circle on the counter with his index finger. The Corruption in his fingertips opening a one-way mirror. "Just be sure to shut it off if the little ones come in, and let Masaru know I'm gonna go 'talk' with Ruvik." A twisted smirk then climbed his face as he walked out of the kitchen saying; "Heeeee'll know what it means~"

Dei-Loki then set out to find Ruvik, gently drawing one of his blades in the process. Once he'd spotted him, Dei-Loki's twisted smirk altered into something far more heinous.

The room went dark around Ruvik in an instant, startling him enough to cause the blighter to rapidly attempt at looking around as he took a step back. Every muscle in his body tensing following the sound of what could only be interpreted as blade being slowly dragged across the floor - yet it somehow held the pitch of a blade on concrete. "What--"


Eerily, Dei-Loki could be heard singing out as he circled Ruvik in the dark. His voice holding a certain tone that would even make the bravest man fearful. And it echoed. "He's got the whoooooole world... in his hands~. He's got the whooooole wide world in his hands~. He's got the whole wide world in his hands~. He's got the whole world in his haaaands~."


The chilling Irish voice grew closer.


"He's got the little bitty blighter in his haaaands, he's got the little bitty blighter in his haaaaands, he's got the little bitty blighter in his haaands." The voice would then whisper, sounding as if it were right at Ruvik's ear. "He's got the whole world in. His. Hands~"


Ruvik remained tense, instantly looking in Dei-Loki's direction before yelping after being hit over the head with something - falling to the ground unconscious with a thud.


(Part 1 of 2)

Masaru came back from the restoom, quirking his brow, he looked to Malvo. "Where's your brother?"
Dei-Loki shifted at the whispered words as he'd still keep his moans silent enough not to be picked up on. Though, his blush was still there.

Malvo looked to Masaru with a quirked brow before reaching over for the notepad he'd taken - quickly sliding it back over as she'd brought her pen to it. as she wrote, she smiled when Gizmo hopped up beside the notepad before nuzzling her gently. With a wide smile, she slid the notepad back over for them to read before hugging the small fox to her chest. Nuzzling into his fur before then pausing as she'd think back. A soft huff escaping the girl.

"He was a gift from my uncle a while back. My father didn't really like Gizmo at first, but he warmed up to him over time. A day before all hell broke loose in the other group, my father sent Gizmo my way once more. He claims it to be 'another gift', but I'm sure he was just tired of him sneaking into his office and tearing up his paperwork."

Curling his tail upon seeing her smile, he continued to hold his own - leaning back a small bit.


Neo followed behind Cheshire, closing her umbrella as she'd allow it to rest on her shoulder once more.

Nia smiled as their pancakes arrived, and started eating them quickly.


Cheshire arrived at their temporary base of operations "home sweet... wearhouse"
Masaru came back from the restoom, quirking his brow, he looked to Malvo. "Where's your brother?"

Malvo, whom kept her eyes on the one way window Dei-Loki had drawn out and materialised, flicked a brow before writing onto the notepad before flipping it to him - pointing to what she'd been watching. "He's 'talking' t' Ruvik."

Ruvik groaned and came to a short while after, attempting to move before widening his gaze after finding himself tied to a chair. In an instant, he clenched his teeth and quickly took in his surroundings. It looked to be the basement, the air holding an uncomfortable and unsettling dampness to it. "Hello!?"

What followed the call... was a familiar tune being hummed by a more than familiar demigod. It was the same song from before.

"Shadow Warden, is that you?" Ruvik whispered out, his body instantly jolting in fright once he spotted the emerald eyes of a viciously twisted wolf, seconds away from tipping on the verge of complete insanity. Black veins traveling up the left side of the boy's face. And, with every step closer, the colder the room would get.

"We-he-he-hell, seems Ruvy is in a bit of a pickle~" Dei-Loki giggled while still wielding that cold, intimidating look in his crazed eyes. In his staring, he'd cock his head to the right - exposing more of the black veins on the left side of his neck. "Isn't this a DOOZY!?"

Ruvik flinched and growled a bit from the jumpscare, his hands clinging to the arm rests while trying to calm his heart rate - wincing and restraining a yelp as Dei-Loki swiped his blade at his cheek - nicking it pretty good. "GHH!"

"Awwww, you're screwed if y' thought that hurt~" Dei-Loki cooed in response, looking over the pitch black blood on his blade. His tongue clicking once at the roof of his mouth. "You know, I know Masaru has, most definitely, begun to show y' just what happens when y' mess with the Grants, but..." slowly, Dei-Loki placed the tip of his blade under Ruvik's chin, forcing him to look up. Gazing into his trembling, purple eye. "Have ya ever wondered what happens when ya fuck up with one of the Alaois kin~?"

Moments later, all that could be heard coming from that basement, and from the one-way mirror Dei-Loki granted Malvo, were the tortured shrieks of a terrified male that could show regret towards every little thing he'd done in his entire existence. And every scream, every cry, was followed by a sadistically demented guffaw from Dei-Loki that seemed... so out of place for the 'innocent' demigod everyone had come to know and love.

(Part 2 of 2)

Nia smiled as their pancakes arrived, and started eating them quickly.


Cheshire arrived at their temporary base of operations "home sweet... wearhouse"

Akumu looked to the pancakes being set down. Lifting his fork, he'd then glance to Nia and smirk a bit. "Don't eat too fast."


Neo would study the warehouse as they had arrived, a smirk of agreement forming on her face.
Malvo, whom kept her eyes on the one way window Dei-Loki had drawn out and materialised, flicked a brow before writing onto the notepad before flipping it to him - pointing to what she'd been watching. "He's 'talking' t' Ruvik."

Ruvik groaned and came to a short while after, attempting to move before widening his gaze after finding himself tied to a chair. In an instant, he clenched his teeth and quickly took in his surroundings. It looked to be the basement, the air holding an uncomfortable and unsettling dampness to it. "Hello!?"

What followed the call... was a familiar tune being hummed by a more than familiar demigod. It was the same song from before.

"Shadow Warden, is that you?" Ruvik whispered out, his body instantly jolting in fright once he spotted the emerald eyes of a viciously twisted wolf, seconds away from tipping on the verge of complete insanity. Black veins traveling up the left side of the boy's face. And, with every step closer, the colder the room would get.

"We-he-he-hell, seems Ruvy is in a bit of a pickle~" Dei-Loki giggled while still wielding that cold, intimidating look in his crazed eyes. In his staring, he'd cock his head to the right - exposing more of the black veins on the left side of his neck. "Isn't this a DOOZY!?"

Ruvik flinched and growled a bit from the jumpscare, his hands clinging to the arm rests while trying to calm his heart rate - wincing and restraining a yelp as Dei-Loki swiped his blade at his cheek - nicking it pretty good. "GHH!"

"Awwww, you're screwed if y' thought that hurt~" Dei-Loki cooed in response, looking over the pitch black blood on his blade. His tongue clicking once at the roof of his mouth. "You know, I know Masaru has, most definitely, begun to show y' just what happens when y' mess with the Grants, but..." slowly, Dei-Loki placed the tip of his blade under Ruvik's chin, forcing him to look up. Gazing into his trembling, purple eye. "Have ya ever wondered what happens when ya fuck up with one of the Alaois kin~?"

Moments later, all that could be heard coming from that basement, and from the one-way mirror Dei-Loki granted Malvo, were the tortured shrieks of a terrified male that could show regret towards every little thing he'd done in his entire existence. And every scream, every cry, was followed by a sadistically demented guffaw from Dei-Loki that seemed... so out of place for the 'innocent' demigod everyone had come to know and love.

(Part 2 of 2)

Akumu looked to the pancakes being set down. Lifting his fork, he'd then glance to Nia and smirk a bit. "Don't eat too fast."


Neo would study the warehouse as they had arrived, a smirk of agreement forming on her face.

Masaru took the mirror, watching and hearing before thinking to himself, 'gods, you're sexy.'
Malvo, whom kept her eyes on the one way window Dei-Loki had drawn out and materialised, flicked a brow before writing onto the notepad before flipping it to him - pointing to what she'd been watching. "He's 'talking' t' Ruvik."

Ruvik groaned and came to a short while after, attempting to move before widening his gaze after finding himself tied to a chair. In an instant, he clenched his teeth and quickly took in his surroundings. It looked to be the basement, the air holding an uncomfortable and unsettling dampness to it. "Hello!?"

What followed the call... was a familiar tune being hummed by a more than familiar demigod. It was the same song from before.

"Shadow Warden, is that you?" Ruvik whispered out, his body instantly jolting in fright once he spotted the emerald eyes of a viciously twisted wolf, seconds away from tipping on the verge of complete insanity. Black veins traveling up the left side of the boy's face. And, with every step closer, the colder the room would get.

"We-he-he-hell, seems Ruvy is in a bit of a pickle~" Dei-Loki giggled while still wielding that cold, intimidating look in his crazed eyes. In his staring, he'd cock his head to the right - exposing more of the black veins on the left side of his neck. "Isn't this a DOOZY!?"

Ruvik flinched and growled a bit from the jumpscare, his hands clinging to the arm rests while trying to calm his heart rate - wincing and restraining a yelp as Dei-Loki swiped his blade at his cheek - nicking it pretty good. "GHH!"

"Awwww, you're screwed if y' thought that hurt~" Dei-Loki cooed in response, looking over the pitch black blood on his blade. His tongue clicking once at the roof of his mouth. "You know, I know Masaru has, most definitely, begun to show y' just what happens when y' mess with the Grants, but..." slowly, Dei-Loki placed the tip of his blade under Ruvik's chin, forcing him to look up. Gazing into his trembling, purple eye. "Have ya ever wondered what happens when ya fuck up with one of the Alaois kin~?"

Moments later, all that could be heard coming from that basement, and from the one-way mirror Dei-Loki granted Malvo, were the tortured shrieks of a terrified male that could show regret towards every little thing he'd done in his entire existence. And every scream, every cry, was followed by a sadistically demented guffaw from Dei-Loki that seemed... so out of place for the 'innocent' demigod everyone had come to know and love.

(Part 2 of 2)

Akumu looked to the pancakes being set down. Lifting his fork, he'd then glance to Nia and smirk a bit. "Don't eat too fast."


Neo would study the warehouse as they had arrived, a smirk of agreement forming on her face.

"domft terhl meh whot toh dooh" Nia said with her mouth full as she continued eating.


Cheshire pulled out her phone, and gave it to neo "here add your number so we can actually  talk... kinda"
Masaru took the mirror, watching and hearing before thinking to himself, 'gods, you're sexy.'

For what seemed like hours on end for Ruvik, had only lasted a half hour in reality. The harsh eyes of the demigod marvelled at the quivering, bloodied ball of a broken man on the floor. A lengthy giggle having emitted from the boy as he pushed Ruvik with his foot. "Ahh, if we stand above the destroyer of worlds, I can't even begin to imagine what that makes us. Me even. We really do have the whole world in our hands~." And, with that being said, Dei-Loki turned and exited with a skip in his step. His eyes closing as he'd soon re-enter the kitchen.

"domft terhl meh whot toh dooh" Nia said with her mouth full as she continued eating.


Cheshire pulled out her phone, and gave it to neo "here add your number so we can actually  talk... kinda"

Akumu huffed, but still chuckled before he'd then begin to eat, as well.


Attention shifting to the phone, Neo gingerly took it. Her thumbs working fast as she'd enter the number before then handing the phone back to Cheshire.
For what seemed like hours on end for Ruvik, had only lasted a half hour in reality. The harsh eyes of the demigod marvelled at the quivering, bloodied ball of a broken man on the floor. A lengthy giggle having emitted from the boy as he pushed Ruvik with his foot. "Ahh, if we stand above the destroyer of worlds, I can't even begin to imagine what that makes us. Me even. We really do have the whole world in our hands~." And, with that being said, Dei-Loki turned and exited with a skip in his step. His eyes closing as he'd soon re-enter the kitchen.

Akumu huffed, but still chuckled before he'd then begin to eat, as well.


Attention shifting to the phone, Neo gingerly took it. Her thumbs working fast as she'd enter the number before then handing the phone back to Cheshire.

Masaru grinned at the bloodied Dei, wanting to lick off the red splotches on his flesh. "Nice work, Squishy. Never knew you could be a bad, little monster."
Masaru grinned at the bloodied Dei, wanting to lick off the red splotches on his flesh. "Nice work, Squishy. Never knew you could be a bad, little monster."

Dei-Loki curled his tail as he glanced up to Masaru following having heard those words. Blinking a few times as he'd smile. "Ah... Ya watched that, huh..?" he'd then snicker and rock from heel to toe. "Well, just goes t' show ya, ya can't trust the sweet, innocent ones t' truly be the way they appear, can ya?"
Dei-Loki curled his tail as he glanced up to Masaru following having heard those words. Blinking a few times as he'd smile. "Ah... Ya watched that, huh..?" he'd then snicker and rock from heel to toe. "Well, just goes t' show ya, ya can't trust the sweet, innocent ones t' truly be the way they appear, can ya?"

"I guess so. Did you know about this?" He asked the last part to Dei's sister.
"I guess so. Did you know about this?" He asked the last part to Dei's sister.

Malvo, whom deactivated the window after turning in her stool to face her brother. Soon held up the notepad. "I knew he was dark, but I never thought it was this intense."
Malvo, whom deactivated the window after turning in her stool to face her brother. Soon held up the notepad. "I knew he was dark, but I never thought it was this intense."

Masaru chuckled. "I see. I've been with you for three years, and you have never thought to tell me?"
Masaru chuckled. "I see. I've been with you for three years, and you have never thought to tell me?"

Allowing his hands to enter his pockets, Dei-Loki gently exhaled before flicking an ear. "Personally, I'd love t' expose it more. I only don't because it's a side of me that no one ever seems t' want t' see. So, it just became second nature t' hide it. Hope y' aren't mad..."
Allowing his hands to enter his pockets, Dei-Loki gently exhaled before flicking an ear. "Personally, I'd love t' expose it more. I only don't because it's a side of me that no one ever seems t' want t' see. So, it just became second nature t' hide it. Hope y' aren't mad..."

"No, i'm not mad. We all have our secrets." Masaru thought of his past, how it lingered in the back, snapping it's sharp teeth, begging for Masaru's tears. Of course, he doesn't talk a lot about that. His family, yes, but her, no. 
"No, i'm not mad. We all have our secrets." Masaru thought of his past, how it lingered in the back, snapping it's sharp teeth, begging for Masaru's tears. Of course, he doesn't talk a lot about that. His family, yes, but her, no. 

Dei-Loki listened, soon nodding as he smiled and leaned up as best he could to kiss his cheek. "Glad t' hear ya aren't upset." he'd huff before giggling quietly. "Now, as fun as it is t' be covered in the blood of an enemy, I need a shower. Yer free t' join, if you'd like." He offered to his mate before having head off in the direction of the bathroom.

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