Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru petted Dei's hair and sat him down onto his lap as he too sat down.

Dei-Loki's smile grew once he'd been patted, leaning back against Masaru when he'd been set on his lap. His gaze shifting to Malvo, whom had been watching them. "What?"

Malvo, holding a smile, wrote down on the notepad before turning it around and holding it in front of her with both hands. Closing her eyes in the process of showing them that the note read; "Just refreshing to see two people so happy."

Nia looked up and kissed him. "so are we... together together now. Like... officially?"

Akumu, returning the kiss had then nodded and softly pressed the tip of his nose to hers. "I suppose we are."
Dei-Loki's smile grew once he'd been patted, leaning back against Masaru when he'd been set on his lap. His gaze shifting to Malvo, whom had been watching them. "What?"

Malvo, holding a smile, wrote down on the notepad before turning it around and holding it in front of her with both hands. Closing her eyes in the process of showing them that the note read; "Just refreshing to see two people so happy."

Akumu, returning the kiss had then nodded and softly pressed the tip of his nose to hers. "I suppose we are."

Nia smiled t the nose touch "Yay! lets go get pancakes now" she said grabbing his hand and leading im down the road.
Nia stopped in front of a pancake place. "this is the place. You brought money right?"

Akumu stopped beside her, soon removing the wallet from his pocket as he'd then hold it up between his index finger and thumb. "Of course."



(I WISH I had a picture of her floating in the air that wasn't a Chibi comic... but I don't. this will have to do. XD)

Neo had been up in a high tree that was a bit distanced from the resr, silently allowing her gaze to hop from branch to branch before having felt her phone go off. Removing it, she glanced to the message before pausing and looking down to see a female traveling in her general direction - the one that had sent out the message. How convenient. As a bit of a smile climbed her face, she'd quickly stand on the branch before jumping off. With the push of a button, her umbrella had opened, allowing her to gently float down to the grass below.
Akumu stopped beside her, soon removing the wallet from his pocket as he'd then hold it up between his index finger and thumb. "Of course."


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(I WISH I had a picture of her floating in the air that wasn't a Chibi comic... but I don't. this will have to do. XD)

Neo had been up in a high tree that was a bit distanced from the resr, silently allowing her gaze to hop from branch to branch before having felt her phone go off. Removing it, she glanced to the message before pausing and looking down to see a female traveling in her general direction - the one that had sent out the message. How convenient. As a bit of a smile climbed her face, she'd quickly stand on the branch before jumping off. With the push of a button, her umbrella had opened, allowing her to gently float down to the grass below.

Nia, still holding his had with interlocked fingers, looked at a menu, then up to him. "what are you getting?"


Cheshire watched the girl float down "judging by the hair and eyes. You must be Neopolitan"
Nia, still holding his had with interlocked fingers, looked at a menu, then up to him. "what are you getting?"


Cheshire watched the girl float down "judging by the hair and eyes. You must be Neopolitan"

Akumu had studied the menu as he'd bit down on his lip as if in mid decision. With his brow seeming to lift a small bit, he'd then answer her. "Y' know what sounds good right now? Chocolate chip pancakes."


Neo would simply nod, resting her umbrella on her shoulder before she'd then slightly bow in greeting. Straightening her posture after having done so.
Dei-Loki's smile grew once he'd been patted, leaning back against Masaru when he'd been set on his lap. His gaze shifting to Malvo, whom had been watching them. "What?"

Malvo, holding a smile, wrote down on the notepad before turning it around and holding it in front of her with both hands. Closing her eyes in the process of showing them that the note read; "Just refreshing to see two people so happy."

Akumu, returning the kiss had then nodded and softly pressed the tip of his nose to hers. "I suppose we are."

Masaru gave a small chuckle, "yeah . . . it is. All thanks to someone so special in my life." 
Akumu had studied the menu as he'd bit down on his lip as if in mid decision. With his brow seeming to lift a small bit, he'd then answer her. "Y' know what sounds good right now? Chocolate chip pancakes."


Neo would simply nod, resting her umbrella on her shoulder before she'd then slightly bow in greeting. Straightening her posture after having done so.

"I'll have blueberry." Nia said closing the menu. Then looking around the building "its been a while since I've had a proper date"


Cheshire, with her mask still on. Looked her over, then speaking "Cat got your tounge?" 
Masaru gave a small chuckle, "yeah . . . it is. All thanks to someone so special in my life." 

Dei-Loki smiled at that, turning a bit as he leaned up and kissed Masaru's jaw gently. "Mhm."

"I'll have blueberry." Nia said closing the menu. Then looking around the building "its been a while since I've had a proper date"


Cheshire, with her mask still on. Looked her over, then speaking "Cat got your tounge?" 

Akumu flicked an ear, smiling as he'd set the menu down. "Same here."


Neo would quietly watch Cheshire, her brow slowly lifting in reaction to her words. And yet, she'd still not say a word.
Dei-Loki smiled at that, turning a bit as he leaned up and kissed Masaru's jaw gently. "Mhm."

Akumu flicked an ear, smiling as he'd set the menu down. "Same here."


Neo would quietly watch Cheshire, her brow slowly lifting in reaction to her words. And yet, she'd still not say a word.

Masaru snorted, "I'm not talking about you, conceited. I'm talking about my brother, Gizmo. My main fox!"  The fennec fox moved off of Malvo's shoulders, onto the table and gave a small high-five to Masaru's hand. Gizmo gave a small bark and then reached into Masaru's hands as he petted him. A smug smile playing on Gizmo's lips.
Masaru snorted, "I'm not talking about you, conceited. I'm talking about my brother, Gizmo. My main fox!"  The fennec fox moved off of Malvo's shoulders, onto the table and gave a small high-five to Masaru's hand. Gizmo gave a small bark and then reached into Masaru's hands as he petted him. A smug smile playing on Gizmo's lips.

Dei-Loki blinked at that snorting before having then huffed in response. Watching Gizmo before then glancing out the window.

Malvo watched, chuckling as a grin climbed her face. She'd then gently set the note pad down. Gizmo having gently flicked his ear.
Dei-Loki blinked at that snorting before having then huffed in response. Watching Gizmo before then glancing out the window.

Malvo watched, chuckling as a grin climbed her face. She'd then gently set the note pad down. Gizmo having gently flicked his ear.

"Awe, Squishy, don't be a sourpuss. You're still my favorite."
"Awe, Squishy, don't be a sourpuss. You're still my favorite."

"Sure." Dei-Loki would huff again with a playful pout to follow his words. His tail gently swaying as he continued to look out the window.
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"Sure." Dei-Loki would huff again with a playful pout to follow his words. His tail gently swaying as he continued to look out the window.

"Oh, come on beautiful, don't be like that. What do i have to do to make you happy?" He gripped his chin and turned Dei's face. The pad of his thumb gently going over Dei's full lips. "Such a beautiful masterpiece."
Dei-Loki smiled at that, turning a bit as he leaned up and kissed Masaru's jaw gently. "Mhm."

Akumu flicked an ear, smiling as he'd set the menu down. "Same here."


Neo would quietly watch Cheshire, her brow slowly lifting in reaction to her words. And yet, she'd still not say a word.

Ni smiled and looked at him. "you are somthing else..."


Cheshire blinked under her mask "can you not speak?"
"Oh, come on beautiful, don't be like that. What do i have to do to make you happy?" He gripped his chin and turned Dei's face. The pad of his thumb gently going over Dei's full lips. "Such a beautiful masterpiece."

Dei-Loki quirked a brow, gazing into his eyes after his head had been turned. With a smirk on his face, he softly kissed Masaru's thumb as it gently grazed over his lips. "That's a good start."

Ni smiled and looked at him. "you are somthing else..."


Cheshire blinked under her mask "can you not speak?"

Akumu blinked at that before having then snickered. "Well, I must still be something lovable?"


Neo would then nod in response, her smirk falling as she blinked.
Dei-Loki quirked a brow, gazing into his eyes after his head had been turned. With a smirk on his face, he softly kissed Masaru's thumb as it gently grazed over his lips. "That's a good start."

Akumu blinked at that before having then snickered. "Well, I must still be something lovable?"


Neo would then nod in response, her smirk falling as she blinked.

"Yeah? How shall i continue, my lord?" He teased, remembering that he didn't like to be called that.
"Yeah? How shall i continue, my lord?" He teased, remembering that he didn't like to be called that.

Dei-Loki would rapidly blink a few times at that, lowering an ear before huffing. "Y' know I don't like bein' called that..." he'd then pause and look to the note pad that was slid in his direction after Malvo had written on it.

"Ya have no problem with the guards back home callin' ya that." 

Flicking an ear, Dei-Loki glanced to his sister. "That's way different."
Dei-Loki would rapidly blink a few times at that, lowering an ear before huffing. "Y' know I don't like bein' called that..." he'd then pause and look to the note pad that was slid in his direction after Malvo had written on it.

"Ya have no problem with the guards back home callin' ya that." 

Flicking an ear, Dei-Loki glanced to his sister. "That's way different."

Masaru grabbed the notepad quickly and then looked back to Dei, a confused look appeared on his. "I don't understand. How's that different?"
Masaru grabbed the notepad quickly and then looked back to Dei, a confused look appeared on his. "I don't understand. How's that different?"

Malvo smirked for a moment before then giving her brother the same look. Arms on the counter.

Dei-Loki huffed yet again as he glanced back and forth between the two. Soon closing his eyes as he shifted and rubbed his face with his gloved hands gently while trying to explain. "Look it... It just is, alright? It's one thing t' have yer guards address ya that way, because yer higher than them... and..."

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