Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu listened to them, chasing that it's better not to get involved. With a gentle sigh, he perked his ears in response to Nia's question, grinning and heading over to a bit of an open area - lifting his hand as the atmosphere in front of him began to crack and tear. With a smile, he spoke. "Like this."


Dei-Loki glanced back and forth between both his mate and Yuki, teeth clenching before he'd then widen his eyes at the sound of Masaru accepting the offer. As he blinked a few times, he huffed and looked to Yuki with an expression reading 'I wish you luck' before having then turned his attention to the slowly opening warp.

Akumu, though having expected a bit more of a reaction, managed to keep a smile before shooting a slight glare to Masaru.

Dei-Loki huffed to avoid a quiet snicker, looking to Malvo with a smile. "Like I said, Mal, always welcome."

Malvo narrowed her eyes and roughly elbowed Dei-Loki in the stomach for even THINKING of using that name. Making a 'hmph' noise before lifting Gizmo and heading through first.
"Awe, Nia's being such a good, dwarven boy! Who's a good boy? Yes, you are. You are a good boy!" Masaru snickered as he ruffled her hair before taking it back quickly after to not get bitten. "I think i'll take your offer. Thanks!" He hopped through the portal. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Restraining a growl, Akumu then shook it off before smiling to Nia. "Go on through."

Dei-Loki huffed, hand on his stomach as he watched the others go through - looking to Yuki and gesturing her to follow with a small smile. Soon looking forward as he hummed.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"YOU DID NOT JUST TOUCH MY HAIR!" Nia yelled out diving through the portal after Masaru, landing on his back, and 
Restraining a growl, Akumu then shook it off before smiling to Nia. "Go on through."

Dei-Loki huffed, hand on his stomach as he watched the others go through - looking to Yuki and gesturing her to follow with a small smile. Soon looking forward as he hummed.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Yuki gave a small chuckle before coming into the portal with the rest. "Are they always like this?" She asked as she watched Masaru switch positions and gave a noogie to Nia's head. 

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Dei-Loki and Akumu followed after them soon after - the warp closing the minute they got there. 

"More than you'd know." Akumu chuckled as he replied to Yuki, his attention traveling to the gates that led into the village. The palace having been visible in the distance.

"Mhm, if this keeps up, first impressions should be... Interesting." Dei-Loki snickered, shaking his head.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki's eyes would then widen from the slap, as well. A gentle sigh escaping him as he approached the two. "Alright, break it up before--" 

"M'lords! It's good t' see you both, again." One of the guards had spoken as he pushed the gates open. A few guards behind him that all perked their brows at the scene. "Y've brought friends, it seems."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki's eyes would then widen from the slap, as well. A gentle sigh escaping him as he approached the two. "Alright, break it up before--" 

"M'lords! It's good t' see you both, again." One of the guards had spoken as he pushed the gates open. A few guards behind him that all perked their brows at the scene. "Y've brought friends, it seems."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia immediately got out of the grasp, turning to face the guards 

"Salutations guardsmen!" Nia said giving a salute.

Dei-Loki's eyes would then widen from the slap, as well. A gentle sigh escaping him as he approached the two. "Alright, break it up before--" 

"M'lords! It's good t' see you both, again." One of the guards had spoken as he pushed the gates open. A few guards behind him that all perked their brows at the scene. "Y've brought friends, it seems."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru turned towards the guards. He gave a crooked, lazy smile before walking to Dei's side. "Let's just get this over and done with, please." He mumbled as he remembered something about the guards. His mind wondering about how many guards have taken a liken to his Dei. It didn't help that they were visiting his parents with it. 
With his gaze previously on the guards, Akumu would then look over to Nia with a grin and a chuckle. His arm gently wrapping around her. "I don't suppose our parents are too busy t' see us?"

"Not at all! Your father just finished with his papers and sent us out to see what the commotion was. Come, come. They'll be pleased t' see you." The guard smirked, gesturing for them to follow before turning his dark green gaze to Dei-Loki. His smirk growing as he'd watch him in an unintentionally lustful tone after managing to pick up on the slight jealousy. "Little lord."

Dei-Loki looked to Masaru and nodded before gently taking his hand. Rolling his eyes at the remark from the guard as he began to walk in. "Shut the fuck up, Perry."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
With his gaze previously on the guards, Akumu would then look over to Nia with a grin and a chuckle. His arm gently wrapping around her. "I don't suppose our parents are too busy t' see us?"

"Not at all! Your father just finished with his papers and sent us out to see what the commotion was. Come, come. They'll be pleased t' see you." The guard smirked, gesturing for them to follow before turning his dark green gaze to Dei-Loki. His smirk growing as he'd watch him in an unintentionally lustful tone after managing to pick up on the slight jealousy. "Little lord."

Dei-Loki looked to Masaru and nodded before gently taking his hand. Rolling his eyes at the remark from the guard as he began to walk in. "Shut the fuck up, Perry."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru's eyes slowly started to grow black. Yuki saw this and immediately acted, not wanting to ruin Masaru's image nor having him kill Perry in the process. She quickly walked to Perry's side, subtly wrapping her arms around his own and pushing her breast onto his arm. "Wow, someone seems to work out. My name's Yuki. Nice to meet you, Perry." She giggled, bit her lip as she slightly fluttered her long eyelashes. 
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With his gaze previously on the guards, Akumu would then look over to Nia with a grin and a chuckle. His arm gently wrapping around her. "I don't suppose our parents are too busy t' see us?"

"Not at all! Your father just finished with his papers and sent us out to see what the commotion was. Come, come. They'll be pleased t' see you." The guard smirked, gesturing for them to follow before turning his dark green gaze to Dei-Loki. His smirk growing as he'd watch him in an unintentionally lustful tone after managing to pick up on the slight jealousy. "Little lord."

Dei-Loki looked to Masaru and nodded before gently taking his hand. Rolling his eyes at the remark from the guard as he began to walk in. "Shut the fuck up, Perry."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia put an arm around Akumu's waist "okay, lets go meet the parents"
Perry blinked, shifting his gaze to Yuki as he'd then give a smug smirk. "Yuki? Pretty name." he'd snicker. "Aaaand, I certainly do. Need t' keep the kingdom safe, somehow."

Dei-Loki, squeezing Masaru's hand gently, continued to walk with the guards as she gave a thankful look to Yuki. A gentle exhale fleeing the short male. Soon looking in the palace's direction.

Akumu nodded, following the others while keeping Nia close. His attention soon being lifted as he'd caught sound of yet another familiar voice. The smell of smoke and burnt plants in the air.

"Weeds!?" Reaver's voice rang out in the distance, his back turned to the others. Flamethrower nozzle pointed up to the sky. "No, now you're [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]nothing but simple piles of smoldering ashes."[/COLOR]

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
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Perry blinked, shifting his gaze to Yuki as he'd then give a smug smirk. "Yuki? Pretty name." he'd snicker. "Aaaand, I certainly do. Need t' keep the kingdom safe, somehow."

Dei-Loki, squeezing Masaru's hand gently, continued to walk with the guards as she gave a thankful look to Yuki. A gentle exhale fleeing the short male. Soon looking in the palace's direction.

Akumu nodded, following the others while keeping Nia close. His attention soon being lifted as he'd caught sound of yet another familiar voice. The smell of smoke and burnt plants in the air.

"Weeds!?" Reaver's voice rang out in the distance, his back turned to the others. Flamethrower nozzle pointed up to the sky. "No, now you're [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]nothing but simple piles of smoldering ashes."[/COLOR]

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Yuki giggled again, "Thank you~." She then turned her to see the thankful look before nodding. She laid her head on his shoulder and gave a happy, little sigh.

Masaru squinted as he watched his sister flirt with this man. His attention instantly shifted towards the smell of pure passion. His eyes grazed over the beautiful work of a true arsonist. "It's . . . it's magnificent. Truly, a beautiful masterpiece. The way that the flames almost reach out to the flowers as it finishes its victim is truly a work of art." Masaru became giddy at the sight of the flamethrower in Reaver's hands. 
Perry blinked, shifting his gaze to Yuki as he'd then give a smug smirk. "Yuki? Pretty name." he'd snicker. "Aaaand, I certainly do. Need t' keep the kingdom safe, somehow."

Dei-Loki, squeezing Masaru's hand gently, continued to walk with the guards as she gave a thankful look to Yuki. A gentle exhale fleeing the short male. Soon looking in the palace's direction.

Akumu nodded, following the others while keeping Nia close. His attention soon being lifted as he'd caught sound of yet another familiar voice. The smell of smoke and burnt plants in the air.

"Weeds!?" Reaver's voice rang out in the distance, his back turned to the others. Flamethrower nozzle pointed up to the sky. "No, now you're [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]nothing but simple piles of smoldering ashes."[/COLOR]

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia looked over to Masaru and then up to Akumu "can we skip the pyromaniacs and go straight to the parents? I want to be early to make a good impression" She said with a beaming bright smile.
"So, what brings such a beautiful creature here? You hear to meet the king and queen, as well?" Perry would then ask as he lifted his brow only slightly as he watched her. His smirk remaining.

Reaver looked up at the praise, turning to spot the kogitsune that had been marveling graciously at his work. With a smirk climbing his face, he spoke. "Another true fire lover." He commented, finger loosely resting on the trigger as he laughed. "Ah, nice t' hear some praise fer one of my passions instead of the usual scolding..." He'd then follow his gaze to his flamethrower. His grin growing. "Y' wanna see it in action?"

Dei-Loki snickered, having watched both Masaru and Reaver. Malvo by his side as she grinned.


Akumu nodded in agreement to Nia, laughing lightly as he started up the palace steps. "Come on."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
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"So, what brings such a beautiful creature here? You hear to meet the king and queen, as well?" Perry would then ask as he lifted his brow only slightly as he watched her. His smirk remaining.

Reaver looked up at the praise, turning to spot the kogitsune that had been marveling graciously at his work. With a smirk climbing his face, he spoke. "Another true fire lover." He commented, finger loosely resting on the trigger as he laughed. "Ah, nice t' hear some praise fer one of my passions instead of the usual scolding..." He'd then follow his gaze to his flamethrower. His grin growing. "Y' wanna see it in action?"

Dei-Loki snickered, having watched both Masaru and Reaver.

Akumu nodded in agreement to Nia, laughing lightly as he started up the palace steps. "Come on."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"I just wished to come along with my friends to see your marvelous world. Had i known that this world had such a handsome man as yourself, i would've came here sooner." She smiled up at him. It had been a while since she had a man to toy with, so her smile was wide and bright. 'No harm in getting something for myself,' she thought. 


Masaru gave a genuine, huge smile as nodded quickly. "I thought you would never ask! Show me how this stunning creature works!" His one tail swaying quickly from excitement. 
"So, what brings such a beautiful creature here? You hear to meet the king and queen, as well?" Perry would then ask as he lifted his brow only slightly as he watched her. His smirk remaining.

Reaver looked up at the praise, turning to spot the kogitsune that had been marveling graciously at his work. With a smirk climbing his face, he spoke. "Another true fire lover." He commented, finger loosely resting on the trigger as he laughed. "Ah, nice t' hear some praise fer one of my passions instead of the usual scolding..." He'd then follow his gaze to his flamethrower. His grin growing. "Y' wanna see it in action?"

Dei-Loki snickered, having watched both Masaru and Reaver. Malvo by his side as she grinned.


Akumu nodded in agreement to Nia, laughing lightly as he started up the palace steps. "Come on."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia smiled as she walked up the steps but then it vanished 'the last time I was in a palace was when...' she stopped herself from finishing the thought. "do I need to act all proper, like most royals? or are they less traditional?" She asked, recalling her experience in the palace.
"Ah, aren't you a charmer..." Perry chuckled, gazing about. "I suppose I could take a bit of a break to show you around."

Reaver laughed and kept his wide grin. Soon aiming it to the sky. "Ah, simple. Ya simply pull the trigger, it releases the liquid and gas aaaaand-" with a simple pull back of the trigger, a thick flame shot from the nozzle. Dancing in the sky as it had been released. "The existence of the beautifully dangerous light is formed."

@Forever J


Akumu would lower his ear upon catching the disappearance. His fingers lightly running against her shoulder. "Neither of our parents are real sticklers when it comes to being formal, wouldn't hurt."

@Heir of Dalania
"Ah, aren't you a charmer..." Perry chuckled, gazing about. "I suppose I could take a bit of a break to show you around."

Reaver laughed and kept his wide grin. Soon aiming it to the sky. "Ah, simple. Ya simply pull the trigger, it releases the liquid and gas aaaaand-" with a simple pull back of the trigger, a thick flame shot from the nozzle. Dancing in the sky as it had been released. "The existence of the beautifully dangerous light is formed."

@Forever J


Akumu would lower his ear upon catching the disappearance. His fingers lightly running against her shoulder. "Neither of our parents are real sticklers when it comes to being formal, wouldn't hurt."

@Heir of Dalania

Nia took a deep breath "Alright,  I can do that." she said as they arrived at the door.

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