Indescribable (Closed)

He lowered his head to Dei's ear, putting a little bit of his weight on the shorter man's body. "Stop being so angry. You want your Mr. Grumpytails, you got him, but i want my sunshine back and apparently he's nowhere around. Come on, smile." He then got to the pillows on his bed, putting the covers on and laid down. He patted the spot next to him. "Come here and lay down. Let me hear you rant. Maybe that will help you stop being so grumpy."
Mia smiled more as she sat the jam down and looked into the oven to watch the muffins with a hungry look.

Izzy grumbled, the rope still wrapped around her muzzle. She moved around on the floor that she somehow ended up on. She perked her ears at voices and stood up to see Loki and Masaru together. She widened her eyes and whimpered, backing to the darkest shadow in the room then disappearing, to Oliver and Akuma. She shifted back into her human form, the rope smoothly falling off as she glared at Oliver. "Gee, thanks for leaving me to the sexual dogs." She huffed then looked at Akumu, raising an eyebrow. "How was the three-some? First day and you already got Nia and Elizabeth in bed with you. Damn. Maybe someday I can give you wayyyy better than what they did~" She winked at him before chuckling and looking at Oliver. "But... thanks for not letting me melt a ignorant girls face off.."

Ash sighed and looked away from her. "What is done is done, Malvo."
Akumu widened his eyes, lowering an ear from Izzy's words before blushing and looking away. His purple eyes locked and somewhat nervously trembling as he watched the ground. "Yeah, it was, uh... Well... not exactly what I was planning on doing by coming here, but..."

Dei-Loki flattened an ear before soon moving under the covers to lay beside him. A blush still reminiscent on his cheeks as he turned to face his chest. Looking back up with a slight smirk. "Who's t' say ranting won't make it worse?" He'd then huff, pulling a bit more of a smile as he tried to stomp out the remaining flicker of the raging flame. "I'm back, though. N-No need t' worry..."

Malvo watched as Ash looked away before looking down with a soft sigh. Hesitating before then placing a hand on his back. "Yeah... you've got that right, at least..."
Nicholas took the muffins out and set them on the stove. "No touching, Mia. It is hot." He pointed his finger, squinting his eyes and smiled. Of course, he knew that she would try her best to eat them now. He made it a game to see how long and well she would listen before succumbing to hunger.

"Good, because we only need one hothead in this relationship. Now that that is settled, you smell like you need a bath." Masaru said with his eyes closed and his nose in Dei's hair.
Blinking from that, Dei-Loki hesitated before smelling himself. His ear lowering from the result. "I-It's not that bad..." The wolfish demigod would temporarily puff his cheeks before then grinning and sniffing Masaru. "Not as bad as you do, it seems." he'd playfully tease, his tail having wagged a bit in his process of watching him.
"oh, Akumu. My name is Oliver, friends call me Ollie. You asked but I was interupreted by this fine lady here. And your welcome for the save" Oliver said, looking back and forth between the two 
Masaru laughed before he turned quickly over Dei and grinned. "Well then, let's take a shower together." He teased.
Akumu smirked slightly and nodded to Oliver. "Well met." he'd reply before allowing his gaze to shift back and forth between Izzy and Oliver. His brow having quirked as he thought to himself. 'Smoooooth.'

Dei-Loki's eyes would rabidly flutter a few times before he quirked a brow and smirked with a nod. "Sounds good to me! I wouldn't take up too much room--..." Dei-Loki paused, lowering an ear slowly after realising what he had just said. Aaaaaaah, reality hits ya hard, Mischief Bastard...
Masaru's eyes widen at the sudden agreement. He then pouted. "No faaaaaaaaaaair~. I wanted to teaaaase~ you. You're suppose to blush and stutter. Not agree so easily."
Oliver looked at Akumu "What?" he said with a smile as her shrugged. 


Nia woke up after her post sexy time nap, and got dressed. Going outside and sitting on the grass as she watched the now peaceful body of water Masaru tried to drown himself in.
Blinking again, the demigod stuck his tongue out before attempting to sit up as his smirk turned into a small smile. "Well, sorry to disappoint."

Akumu returned Oliver's look, smirking slightly as he shrugged. "Oh, nothing."

Whistling, Reaver stepped out from a tear in the atmosphere as he glanced about. A large satchel hanging from his side. "Gods, leave it to the guardians of the warp to fail to give me proper coordinates..." He would grumble and, with a flick of an ear, he watched as his wolf companion would step out with him. "Now, then... I suppose they shouldn't be too hard to find around here." And, as he glanced about, his brow would slowly perk as he spotted Nia heading out and over to the water. Allowing his brow to quirk a bit more after noticing her eh... lack of half a limb. Smirking, he nudged the wolf beside him. "See, Rika? Easy." He'd then slowly approach, Rika letting loose a huff as she, too had followed.
Masaru gave a slight smile, "i don't know about you, but i'm going to take a shower." Masaru stood up, disrobing as he began to walk to the bathroom, shutting the door, but not locking it behind him. He shred the last bits of clothing and went into the shower, starting and began to hum as he scrubbed. 
Oliver scoffed "as if." he grabbed Akumu's wrist and dragged him around a corner. He poked his chest once "alright, spill"


Nia turned to the person behind her, waving with her good arm in a wide arc "Hellooooo~" 
Dei-Loki watched Masaru stand and disrobe, his gaze following him all the way to the bathroom. Ears twitching, Dei-Loki leaned forward in the process of this - making his best attempt to peek around the doorway, only to pout when the door was closed. It was then the wolf realised he leaned too far - causing himself to fall off the bed with a thud and an 'oof'. Flicking his ear, he soon stood and - dare I say - scrambled in a comedic fashion in the direction of the humming. Twitching his ears once more as he slightly opened the door so he could join him.

Akumu widened his eyes as he'd been tugged off, snickering and shaking his head once they stopped. Slightly moving back from the poke. "Nothing. Just observing an attempt at possible wooing, is all."

Reaver watched Nia wave, smirking a bit as he'd return the gesture. "Hello. You're Nia, yes?"
Oliver developed a slight blush "whaaaaaaat. Nooooooooooo. I wasn't, I mean I didn't intend too. Me and Izzy? I hardly know the girl." Oliver took a step back, "hey. Didn't you just get seduced by two girls in like 3 seconds flat?"


Nia nodded "the one and only"
Masaru's ears twitched as he heard a thud and then the door open. The glass shower was steamed already. The only thing that could be seen blurry was his tan skin, and his tattoos that covered half of his side. His normal fox ears and tails were now hidden, making the decent-sized shower seem quite huge. "That took a forty-five seconds. You must be hungry. Very very hungry. To gaze upon my body without my permission. You must be wanting something, don'tcha, Sunshine? Well then, you can either stare out there, or you can join and wash my back for me. . . please." A smirk raised on his wet lips as he buried his head under the shower faucet.
Dei-Loki's face became beet red upon receiving the invitation, and no hesitation had come with stepping into the bathroom fully. With his ears twitching yet again, he gently pushed the door closed with his foot before undoing his clothing and managing to step into the shower. A smile shaping on his face in the process. "O... O-Okay."

Akumu couldn't help but snicker, as he'd shake his head with a sigh. "You can try and hide it all you want, Oliver." he'd then pause, huffing and adjusting his glasses as he held a light blush of his own. "And it was ten sec--" stopping himself, he grumbled.

"Well, Nia, I am Reaver. Akumu and Dei-Loki's uncle." Reaver would then pat the satchel at his side. "And I believe I have something that you may find useful."
Masaru smiled, bent down and began a fever kiss to Dei's lips, to his neck, to his collarbone and then lower and lower and low- 

oliver just grinned and continued to explore the house.


Nia was immediately on her feet "REALLY!?!" She said ecstatic 
Dei-Loki's dark blush remained, even when it was all through. As he softly panted, he kept his back against the wall as he listened to the water hit their skin and the floor. Heheheheheheheeeehh... 'Please tell me you looked awaaaay...' He'd mentally tell the corruption, wet ears flicking as he glanced to Masaru.

Akumu shook his head before he'd then follow. A smirk on his face as he looked around. "So, where did y' come from, if ya don't mind my asking?"

Reaver watched as Nia leapt to her feet in an instant, a chuckle to follow as he'd nodded. "Really." he'd then remove his satchel before then setting it down and opening it before soon removing the robotic arm, as promised. "It's a prototype, but it should do nicely."
Masaru stood up and wiped his mouth. A chuckle rose from his throat as he saw the panting Dei. He kissed his lips once more, "I hope i was okay for my first time?" His hands sliding up and down Dei's back until they cupped and groped his butt.
Oliver looked at the man besides him. "I came off a boat. Onto this island, then walked up here." he said, keeping his gaze forward.


Nia had a large smile "hey, prototype robo arm is better than no arm" 
Dei-Loki softly kissed his lips in return before slightly jumping from the double grope. A grin on his face as reached up and softly placed his hands on Masaru's shoulders. "For a first-timer, I'd say it was pretty good."

"That's it?" Akumu quirked a brow, pocketing his hands as he continued to walk at Oliver's side. "Huh. I figured a dramatic entrance happens to everyone here. Guess that's just a special occasion, then."

With a grin, Reaver would nod in agreement before having then looked to Nia's injury. "Y' think you're healed up enough to give it a go, now?"
"yep, just an average guy, no special magic, powers, or race. I dont need those. After all the most powerful weapon of them all is knowledge, and knowing how to use it."

He said as he continued to walk.


Nia continued to smile "im bot going to say no"
Masaru frowned, "pretty good? Eh, i guess i'm going to have to study how you tick in all the right ways then." Masaru then began to clean the two from hair to body until they were both clean and pleasant-scented. He stepped out of the shower and began to put his clothing on. "Have i at least sated your needs?" 

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