Indescribable (Closed)

Ashe's normally drunk eyes cleared instantaneously again at seeing three strangers suddenly appear and growl at her. Her barely stead arm holding the gun locked into a shooter's hold. "dangerous for others, yes. dangerous for me depends on your skill." Ashe's cold, hardened gaze spread across her face. Her demeanor changing to that of a true killer.

Yuhao just continued to remain calm. only one in the group of the new strangers were a match for him. "i dunno why your pissed off. the gun wasn't aimed at any of you." HE said shugging like Masaru, Izzy and Oliver were the ones blowing this outta proportion.

Kai just stood there with his always blank face and look, eating more chips. Since he was a Gashadokuro the three new arrivals would already start to feel hungry just from him being near.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia smiled wide "yep!!" She sat up and stretched "what now?" 


Oliver took a step forward "well, traditionally. If you hear a gunshot, close to your house. Your naturally going to investigate. It could be poachers, stealing your game. Or a murder. Its common sense" he said resting the bottom limb of his bow on his foot, maintaining a relaxed form. "which brings the question. Why, are you here?" 
"I know. That's why i am making them, because i love you and i love to see you happy." He said as he mixed the ingredients together.

"Now. I'm going to bed. There are cookies by the nightstand." A smile perked at the corner of her lips as she closed her eyes.

"This is my property. Now, you wouldn't me totting pistols around your neck of the wood, would you? Say if was to hurt you or one of your allies? You wouldn't forgive me. No, not in the damn slightest. So please show some respect and quit with the shooting. I don't like to be disturbed on MY property." Masaru eyes seemed to fill with black smoke as held his hand together behind his back
Dei-Loki listened as he stuck by Masaru's side. His eyes flashing a bit as he'd remained quiet as he awaited an answer following Oliver's question. His arms crossing as he held no desire to stick his gloved hands into soaked pockets - even in his thin jacket. The wolfish demigod would then huff following Masaru's words.

Akumu took a glance around before leaning and grabbing his clothing. Shrugging soon after as he got dressed.
Izzy huffed. "kids are here, so yeah, itis dangerous." Her eyes narrowed as she felt hunger in her stomach. It was like, mixed feelings of hunger. Lust, hunger, blood, everything. She bit her lip, fighting the urge and looked away from them all, looking at Oliver. "oh, while they're here, and at this totally inappropriate time, This is Masaru and Dei-Loki, as I called them by their couple name earlier, Aruu." She said, looking back at the new group and eyed them. She nodded along to oliver's words, growling softly. She also agreed to Masaru's words, her black wolf ears also smoking.

Ash huffed, "but I thought it would have been considerate for him to have a piece of her!"

Mia giggled and kissed his cheek, wiggling on the counter as she watched him cook."god I love you!"
Ashe at some point had gotten a second gun into her hand. The second being the twin of the first. Without warning she fired off four shots as she swung her arms out. The resulting effect causing the bullets to curve just before hitting Izzy, Masaru, Dei-loki and Oliver all right between the eyes. The curved bullets swerved just enough to miss each of their ears. "i don't give a fuck what you do around or near me. cause i could kill at least three of you before i go down. which i imagine would be humiliating for you supernatural types." She talked like the situation wasn't delicate. Talked like she were just talking shit with a friend at a bar.

Yuhao groaned and face palmed. Sure Ashe's words weren't lies but he'd rather not fight due to being dragged into another's fight. 

Kai just silently ate another chip and watched unmoving. The feeling of hunger inflicted naturally on anything near his kind grew stronger by the minute.
Oliver took a step back "I have no doubt about me, I'm just a guy with a bow. But I know at least one person here can teleport, difficult target that. Theres also an entire house full of inumagis and other supernaturals. If you were any kind of professional killer, or just a killer with common sense." he knocked an arrow with a strange looking tip "you would've learned how to pick a fight you can actually win"


Nia laid down, and fell asleep.
Nicholas poured the batter into the muffin pan. "I know." He winked and laughed. "Go grab some jam that you want and i'll make some hot tea."

"You are really pissing me the Hell off, but i won't fight you. I don't fight drunks." Masaru looked to Yuhao. "Can you please assist your friend from shooting down my home? What brings you this way anyways? Are you travelers?"
Dei-Loki seemed to be not the least bit phased by the bullet that had come so close to penetrating his skull. His arms still crossed at his chest as his stance was, once more, accompanied by his own silence. His eyes proving that he, too, had been aggravated by this whole encounter. Still, though, he kept his ears perked as his wolf tail would sway with the breeze.

Akumu watched them both as they seemed to decide to sleep. He, himself, having decided to stand and go for a walk once fully dressed.

"That's not how..." Malvo would then huff, as well. Shaking her head as she'd slowly close her eyes. "Stuff like this is a sensitive subject. And, from what I could gather, probably even more so for Ruvik. The poor bastard's never loved a soul in his entire life up until he met Maya."
Izzy snapped at the feeling of the bullet wizz past her face. She went into her snarling wolf form, black smoke rising from all over her body. "you fucking DARE aim a bullet at US? FUCK YOU!" Her body grew until it was taller than Ashe, a red like glow in her throats and mouth now as she towered I've  over the Girl, the hellwolf coming out. She opened her mouth as the glow got brighter, ready to shoot the mass of lava like fire at the ignorant girls face.

Mia jumped off the counter and quickly got the jam, ready to eat some muffins!

Ash sighed. "okay so? She would have betrayed him at some point anyways. It's how love works."
Olivers eyes would widen and draw back his bow, loosing an arrow into Izzy's face. Which would explode into a white gas, which when inhaled would put someone unconscious almost immediately. Oliver rushed over and tied her mouth closed, preventing her from burning the forest down. "There, I'd rather avoid a fight if I can help it... can someone move her?" 
Masaru nodded, wrapping his arms around her waist and propping her on his shoulder. He felt weighed down, but was able to move steadily. "You can come in, have a bite to eat and then leave. Just keep your drunk friend in control." He then turned and walked in.

Nicholas put the muffins in the oven and shut the oven door. He turned to see a excited Mia coming over with jam. "Do you know how beautiful you are when you smile? It really brings out your features."
Turning away from the three newcomers, Dei-Loki would then silently follow after the others. Quietly shutting his eyes as he silently growled to himself. My, my... Not too peeved, are we, Mischief Bastard?

Malvo quirked a brow, shaking her head with another sigh. "Not all love ends in tragedy, Ash... Sometimes it becomes something so powerful that it can't be broken..."
Oliver followed Masaru, keeping the newcomers in his sight. "hey sooo, Fox guy and... neko guy. I dont know if you are aware, but Izzy just invited me to stay at your place. At least untill I can move on. Names Oliver by the way, friends call me Ollie."
"She did, did she? It's nice to meet you, Oliver. My name is Masaru, i am the creator of this accepting home. This, 'neko guy' is Dei-loki. I advise you not to call him 'neko guy' either for he is a shadow wolf." Masaru snickered and laid an arm around Dei's neck.
Dei-Loki, already obviously annoyed to begin with, angrily shut his eyes as the room would slowly begin to darken. His ears folding back and flicking in annoyance as he bit back his words as he literally forced out something kind - even if it was followed by an angered growl. "Nice... to... meet... you..."
"crap, sorry. Dei-Loki it's just with the ears and the tail... its the first thing I thought of." he said with meaning behind the words. 
Masaru looked to Dei sizzle with anger. "He's fine. You're forgiven. Hey, you should meet Akumu, he's coming this way." He pointed to the man that was walking out of Nia's door. "I gotta go take this one for his nap. See you around." He said, grabbed Dei's arm and walked all the way until they were in Masaru's bedroom. He pushed Dei onto the bed and ran his fingers through his hair. "I thought i was the grumpy one? Wanna tell me why you are beings such a sourpuss?"
Akumu huffed, fixing his hair after soon stepping out. "I've REALLY got t' work on how easily enticed I am..." he whined, heading down the hall and glancing to Masaru and Dei-Loki as they left before then looking to Oliver and blinking. "Hello."

Dei-Loki perked a brow slightly as his arm was grabbed, following Masaru and grumbling as he'd been pushed against the bed. With a huff, he spoke. "Not too big a fan of overly-cocky people..." would be his quiet remark regarding the three they'd just met several minutes ago.
"Funny. I thought i was overly-cocky. Listen, stop being grumpy. That's my job." Masaru grabbed Dei's chin gently and kissed his lips. "Is there a way that i could comfort you and calm your fire?"
"hello" hed glace to the room her just exited "oh... I guess you were having fun with those two lovely ladies that were in that room?" he said with a smile 
Akumu blinked, glancing back to the door for a moment before then looking to Oliver once more. "I, uh... I was." he replied with a slight smirk, quickly changing the subject before his thoughts on the subject could fog his glasses - quickly heading over as he scratched the back of his head. "New here, I take it?"

"They were worse..." Dei-Loki muttered quirking a brow and blushing the moment their lips had made contact. The action, if just for a moment, dimmed that angry flame in the wolfish demigod's core before he'd then give a stubborn huff and poof! The metaphorical flame would flicker once more.
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Masaru groaned, "I see. Not even that would work, huh? Well then, i guess i'll just have to make it all go far far away." Masaru pushed Dei all the way back on the bed. "Gods, you look so vulnerable like this." Masaru then began to nip and lick from Dei's mouth, to jaw, to neck and then down to his collarbone. He didn't stop until Dei's skin began to show signs of his art work. "How beautiful." 
"that's right, I just met. Masaru, Dei-Loki, and Izzy. I knew there would be more here, pretty big house." he activated a button on his bow, causing it to fold up 


(Like dis)

Oliver looked up and down the hall 

"speaking of big house, why dont you show me where I can crash?"
"Yeah, it's a pretty large living space. I'm still trying t' figure out where everything is. Though, only being here a few days, I suppose that's t' be expected." Akumu snickered before he then watched as the bow would contort into a smaller size. With a nod, he turned and began to lead the way to a spare room. "So, I heard Masaru tell y' my name before draggin' my little brother away, but I haven't heard yours, yet."

An ear gently flicked soon after hearing Masaru's groan before Dei-Loki would then feel his blush intensify almost instantly upon feeling the kogitsune push him back and... begin his work. Shivering, he'd gently bite down on his bottom lip as his eyes would slowly close. Almost immediately forgetting about his anger. Exposing his neck a bit in the process of this - only to look up at him as soon as he stopped.

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