Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki would assist in the cleaning until it was done, soon following him out as he grabbed his own clothing. "You have." He replied as he'd blush yet again. Still, he grinned as he tugged on a shirt. "You've pleased me enough t' let the sun shine once more." What has this ship done to me? I squee far too much, now. 'Ship? Pretty sure we're in a house...' Oh, you 'innocent' playing soul.

Akumu listened, his brow still perked as he grinned and looked forward. "Knowledge is power, as they say."

Brow quirking from the pun, Reaver quietly snickered before then moving to her side and attaching the arm - tightening it a bit before standing up straight. "Alright, give it a go."
"yes, it is" Oliver was silent for a time "speaking of knowledge. Your race, shadow... wolf, is it? Where is your homeland? I've never heard of your people before. Which is why I mistook your brother for a neko when first meeting him"


Nia took a breath and moved the arm around in various ways. "it works. How much can it lift? How durable is it? And does it have any features? Maybe a death lazer?" Nia asked, wanting to know the limits and capabilities of her new appendage.
Dei-Loki kissed Masaru's chin to return the gesture before having then stretched a small bit - his gaze scanning the room. "Could always get something to eat? I haven't really eaten anythin' all day..."

"You mistook him for a neko and you're still standing?" Akumu whistled lowly, glancing to the walls. "Lucky man... As for out homeland, well... It's a bit hard to explain because it isn't... here..."

Reaver watched with a satisfied grin, arms folding behind his back. "It isn't too special when it comes t' lifting. It can handle about the same amount of weight as yer regular arm can. As for features, there is no death lazer, BUT..." He slowly brought an arm out, extending his fingers a bit as if to demonstrate what she needed to do. "Outstretch the fingers a small bit, and y' shall spawn several projectiles."
Mia whined, hearing him tell he replied to stay away from the muffins. She eyed them, bouncing on her feet as she whined more.

izzy huffed, listening to their conversation as her black tail twitched and her ears flattened a little. She listened in on how Akumu was a shadow wolf, her ears perking a little bit then looked away.

Ash looked at his now wrapped wing and sighed. "now how am I going to get across the world to my foriegn girls?"
"nonsense, here is a matter of perspective. So where is it then?"

He'd ask, then glance at Izzy as he listened.


Nia did the motion, resulting in the blades popping into her hand. "cooool" 

'Yes it is, I can definitely use that' cheshire would think to herself 
Masaru nodded and went downstairs to Nicholas. "Sup Nickel, making some muffins?" Nicholas eyes seemed to burst out of his head. "Wait!? I thought you had amnesia and i thought you were still in the clinic!?" Masaru shrugged his shoulders, "crazy shit happens in a blink of an eye. By the way, Dei is my-" He turned to look at Dei, "lover? Boyfriend? Significant other? Partner? I don't fucking know. But yeah." Masaru touched the hot muffins and bit into it. "Wait. . . .what? Wait! Masasru, don't eat the muffins yet! I don't care if you are a fucking demon, you are setting a bad example for Mia! You know how she is!" Masaru groaned and finished the rest of the muffin as he struggled against his brother. "Mia, you can't have it yet. It's too hot for you. See, all better now, you overprotective shithead." Nicholas rolled his eyes, "yup, you are definitely Masaru again." This caused the boys to laugh.
Dei-Loki listened to the two brothers with a gentle snicker, flicking his ear as he'd return Masaru's look with a light shrug. "All of the above." Soon approaching the muffins, the demigod would gently lift one - his touch seemed to cool it almost instantly. He'd then hand it over to Mia as he kept a smile. "Here ya go, Mia."

"Well, not here as in not of this realm... At all. We're from another world entirely." Akumu replied, glancing to Izzy for a moment before then looking to Oliver once more.

"You like it, then?" Reaver grinned proudly, returning his hand to his other one - holding his wrist behind his back.

Malvo paused from that, lowering her hand as an emotional pain seemed to strike her out of the blue. Sighing, she shrugged and fell silent.
Mia squealed with excitement and snatched it out of his hand, shoving the whole thing in her mouth and grinned at him. "huanc uuuuuuu." she said around the mouthful then eyed the rest and reached for one.

Izzy stepped back, the conversation clearly not for her. She shifted into her hellwolf form, black smoke rising off her back, ears, and tail tip. She walked around the two in a circle, her feet leaving singed paw marks in the ground as her chest and stomach glowed softly.

Ash looked at her, her thoughts leaking into his mind as he grinned at her. He grabbed her chin and pulled it towards him, saying in a lustfilled, persuasive voice, "does little Malvo have a crush?" 
"Mia. Either you let them cool or you let Dei-loki do it, but no touching the hot ones." Nicholas pointed at her again. "Gods, when did i turn into such a father?" Masaru ate another muffin and then looked to his brother, "when you started to date a girl that wasn't from here and doesn't know what could hurt." He then finished the muffin and wiped at his mouth. "Oh! Which reminds me. I have something to tell you. While you were not you, Mia's. . . .ummm. Her father passed away." Masaru eyes widen, "what? How?" Nicholas shook his head, "it doesn't matter at the moment. I want positive vibes. Especially for what i'm about to say. So, since her Dad always wanted 'poopies' we decided to do it and hope to the heavens that it works." Masaru actually gave a genuine, sweet smile. "I'm going to be an uncle?" Nicholas laughed and nodded. Masaru fist pumped the air. "I'M SO HAPPY! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mia, you gotta listen to us when you do. You can't stress out. Stress is bad for the baby. Oh, i need to think of the toys that i need to buy. I'll make a room for the kid or two. I DON'T CARE! I LOVE BABIES!" Nicholas laughed as he only seen this side of Masaru once when Elizabeth was born.
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Dei-Loki laughed gently, nodding soon after. "You're welcome." And, with that, he cooled off the rest of them before sliding them over to Mia - being sure to take one for himself. His brows soon perking when he both heard and felt Masaru's excitement towards the idea. Smiling brighter, he wagged his tail. "That's wonderful! I'm sure ya both will make amazing parents once the time comes!"

Malvo widened her eyes at his tone before soon managing to loosen her chin from his hold and look away. "Not like it matters if I do, anyway..."
Oliver blinked "izzy, what are you doing?" He'd ask, confused 


Nia litteraly jumped for joy "LIKE IT?! I LOVE IT!" 
"Thanks Dei-loki and as for you, calm down and just breathe." Masaru nodded and began to exhale and inhale.
Dei-Loki nodded to Nicholas before eating the muffin he had in his gloved hand - dusting his hands off once finished. Seems he's got a weakness fer cute things. Duly. Noted. 'What? What are y' plotting?' Shhhhhhhh, you'll know soon enough. 'Ya know, I hate it when ya don't tell me things.' Dei-Loki mentally twitched a brow, curling his tail around himself as he glanced about.

Akumu would turn to watch Izzy once more, lifting his brow a small bit in the process of this.

Continuing to chuckle, Reaver would soon pick up his satchel before slinging it over his shoulder once more. "I'm glad ya like it. T' be honest, I was a bit worried ya wouldn't."
"Remember the rules that our parents taught us when we learn that Elizabeth was coming?" Nicholas quirked an eyebrow. Masaru nodded enthusiastically. "Of course, i remember. Number one, remain calm and protect mama. Number two, don't stress mama. Number three, keep things that the doctor said out of reach from mama. Number four, calm her hormones and number five, the biggest one of them all. Prepare the bag." Nicholas nodded, "don't prepare the bag yet. We don't even know if she's pregnant or not." Masaru frowned, "fiiiiiiiiiine. I'll wait. If she doesn't get pregnant, you have to continue what you're doing then." Nicholas chuckled. "Of course, i will."
Mia listened to them both and giggled, eyeing the biscuits again. "Can I have them nowwwww?!?!?!" She whined, looking at him.

Izzy huffed, "Jusssttt circling my prey." She said sarcastically. "Nah, I'm just bored."

Ash chuckled and shook his head. "Cute~"
Dei-Loki listened to them both, as well. Keeping his ears perked. "They should be cooled off enough, now." Dei-Loki checked a few of them, smirking as he'd then nod to Mia. "Yep, they're good. Go ahead."

Akumu huffed softly with a smirk - shifting. "Well, Izzy, what about you? Where are you from?"

Blushing, Malvo shifted as she continued to look away.
Mia squealed with delight and grabbed three at a time, trying to shove them all in her mouth at the same time.

Izzy's ears perked when she saw him shift, her left ear twitching. "of you know Mia, same place as her. well, I originally came out of the ground from hell, but I ended up in mia's home and yeah." She chuckled, padding towards him and sniffing him. 
Dei-Loki lifted his brows, lowering an ear. "Mia! One at a time. Ya don't wanna choke, do ya?"

Akumu blinked, but nodded as he watched her. Gently flicking his ear in the process. "From Hell, eh?"
Oliver blinked again "your from hell? " he paused, collecting his thoughts "you won't, like, eat my soul in my sleep right?" 


"I'm just glad I have use of my arm again"
Izzy huffed and nodded."well duh, I'm a hellwolf. Like a hellhound, but more.. scary." She let the glow of the fire go up into her mouth, some of the lave dripping out the sides as Shen licked her lips, splattering it everywhere. "if I get hungry enough, I can." She winked at Oliver before chuckling, letting the glow of fire go back down to her chest and stomach, the ground burning underneath her paws."so you're shadow right? I'm part, along with my hellwolf side. I can become one with the darkness, but I can also control fire and make lava. The problem is, the glow of the fire within me gives me away if I'm trying to do a sneak attack from the darkness." She huffed, walking over to Oliver and rubbed her side against his leg, her body warm on his skin, almost close to burning.
Akumu watched as his ears flicked, a smirk sliding up his face as he made sure he'd been protected from the splatter. "Sounds like a bit of a burden that your powers work against y' in such a way. Is there any way to cloak the flame long enough to hide?"

"I can imagine." he then huffed. "What I can't imagine is working with only one arm. The work on my inventions would falter, then." He would then straighten himself. "Well, anyhow, I'm glad I could assist."
"I would have to cool down. Put my body in a dangerous low temperature. I'm natrually hot, since, ya know, hell is hot, haha." She moved away from Oliver's leg and up to Akuma. "my bod also can't stay cold for too long. I could die from the cold if it's over 10 minutes."
With a nod of agreement, Akumu pocketed his hands as he watched Izzy. Soon looking to Oliver after hearing his comment. A smirk on his face that could only be read as 'I told you you couldn't hide it.'

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