Indescribable (Closed)

Izzy looked up at Oliver and her throat glowed a bright red."hot enough to melt your face off." She retorted, shifting into her human form and throwing her hair over her shoulder. "god, I feel like Akumu when he was with Elizabeth and Nia."
"Hey! That was a onetime thing." Akumu huffed, rubbing the back of his head as he blushed and grimaced. Shifting from the joke as he'd look away.
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"you sure about that?" Izzy asked, chuckling and winking at him. She laughed, joking as she started walking towards the house."too lame to stay out here."
Oliver followed Izzy " you certainly get bored fast. What do we have to do to keep you entertained?" he said the second part rhetorically. 
Akumu huffed and followed them both as he listened. His brows having perked in the process as he pocketed his hands. 
Nicholas and Masaru rushed to Mia. "Only one, Mia. Don't choke on the muffin. Slow bites." Nicholas took the two and set them down. 
Mia whined, looking at them."wuf I wonf owe." She said around a mouthful of the biscuit.

Izzy looked back at them and huffed, nodding. "of course I get bored easily. Unless I don't see anything I like, I'm bored." She then shrugged her shoulders, walking into the door of the house.

Ash picked up Malvo in his arms and just carried her with a little chuckle, bridle style.
Oliver sighed "what do you want to do then?"


Nia walked off "okay, I'm going to go tell everyone and see how it works!"
Dei-Loki watched, soon huffing as he flicked an ear.

"Ya sound like my brother." Akumu snickered to Izzy's comment, placing his hands behind his head as he continued to follow.

Reaver nodded and watched her go, grinning still. "Hope you find good use fer it!"

Malvo widened her eyes at that, squirming before pouting. "I don't need t' be carried!"
Nicholas laid his finger over his mouth as he snickered. "Angel, you can only have one. Once you are done with that one, you can have another. Not two. Not three. Another one, only. I don't want you to choke, okay?" Masaru went back to Dei's side and wrapped his arm over the smaller guy's back.
Mia grumbled and quickly swallowed that one whole, before grabbing another one and shoving it in her mouth. She grinned at him, trying her hardest to chew it.

Izzy shrugged. "let's see how much trouble Mia is giving Nicholas. More people for you to meet, Oliver, and, I can shame Akumu in front of everyone about being so easily persuaded."

Ash stayed silent and continued to carry her. He went to a opened up part of a river, where there was a waterfall and plopped her in the water."Malvy needs a bathy. TO bathe all that salty and pettyness."
[SIZE= 22px]Season 2, Episode 2[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 22px][/SIZE]Dei-Loki softly exhaled as he roamed about outside, gaze in the direction of the sunset before he then looked to his gloves. "Quiet few days we've had. It's... pretty off-putting."

"Y' should be happy it's been quiet for you, and that ya haven't been teased every day." Akumu grimaced.

Dei-Loki then grinned, snickering. "Not my fault yer so easily enticed into sleeping with people."

"Shaddap." Akumu bumped him, soon looking to the house.
Nia was sat on the roof of the building, red cloak drifting in the breeze as she watched the sunset. 

She'd use the function in her right arm to call out a single shuriken. Which she'd toss up and down before throwing it into a tree.


Oliver was taking a nap
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Masaru leaned against his mother's favorite tree, the cherry blossom tree. The petals flew around Masaru's body as he sat on the bright, green grass. His eyes stayed closed as he played a slow and beautiful tune on his guitar. "Hey, i finally found someone i love. Crazy, huh? For me, i thought i would die alone. Yet, you always said that there will be happiness in my life. Hmm, i guess you're right. But Mom, what happens if something bad happens? What happens? Tell me. I don't like surprises. Tell me what it feels to have your heart broken with your true love. Hell, i'm so scared of him. It's not nice. To love. It's a drug. It's such a bad drug, Mama. I know it. The pain. It'll come and it'll hurt, but gods damn it, love is a very addicting drug. And i hate it. And yet. . . . i'm hooked and i never want to get off of it because. . . .because it feels nice. It feels. . . warm. Yeah, a tingling, warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest. Is this what you felt when you fell in love with Ayamu? Because it feels good and scary and so very confusing." Masaru sighed, resting his head on the tree. "I hope. . . No. I don't hope. I know. I know that i'll never lose this. I'll do my best to not lose them. None of them." Masaru smiled, his hands shook as he brought the pace on the strings. "Gods no. I'll never lose this. You must be crazy if you think that you all can take this away from me."
Mia laid there on the bed, stomach up and groaned, a whine mixed in it. "Do I havveeee toooo agaaainnnnn?" She asked Nicholas, looking at him. Everyday, Nicholas's makes her pee on that small dreadful stick, and every day so far, it comes out negative. Everyday, he keeps trying, and every day, he gets moody when it's not positive. "Nicholas, it's not going to change in a day." She tells him.(oh, but it'll change today.)  Mia sat up on the bed and looked at him, her body the same small size as it has always been. She wanted the same thing that he wanted, for it to work, but holy shit did she hate that stick!

Ash laid flat on his bed in his tent, his wings spread out behind him. Well, a wing and a half. For once, no girl was in bed with him, but that was because every time he tried, Malvo would chew the girls head off, metaphorically. ANYWAYS, Ash was asleep, dreaming about tits and asses on The foreign girls he dearly misses.

Izzy climbed on top of oliver's sleeping form and whispered into his ear, "you know, it's pretty hard to take A nap arounnd me sweetheart, so I wouldn't even try~"She giggled softly, leaning up a bit to look at him.
Dei-Loki continued to walk, soon stopping as he glanced to the cherry blossom tree. His ears perking once he saw Masaru.

Akumu would blink as he noticed Dei-Loki come to a stop. Gently poking the top of his little brother's head. A smirk on his face. "Go on. I'll just keep walking." And, with that, he gently nudged Dei-Loki in Masaru's direction before looking up at Nia.

Malvo roamed about the camp, having been wide awake as she watched the sky. Flicking an ear in the process.
Nia would continue to sit, and watch the sunset.


Oliver grumbled in his sleep, shifting a bit and not being awakened as he then turned onto is side.
"Cast away your worries, my dear. For tomorrow comes a new day. Hold to me, you've nothing to fear. For your dreams are not far away. As you lay your head and you rest. May your dreams take over my love. Listen close, my son of the west. For your destiny lies above. Though the world is cruel. There's a light that still shines. In the darkest days of our lives. When all hope seems lost. And you can't find your way. Think of me as you look to the sky. Child mine, your future is bright. For your father's blood's in your veins. In dark times, I pray you will fight. For the world will soon know your name~." Masaru closed his eyes once more as he sung his Mother's lullaby. All the fears, regret, hesitation and pain seemed to fly with the falling petals. 

Nicholas gave his best puppy dog eyes and hugged Mia tightly. "Pweaaaase! Pwwwwwwweaaaaaaase. Just one more time and i won't ever ask again."
Ash felt a body climb on him and he grumbled. "where is your guard now bird boy~" a sweet voice giggled. "why must you ask? You know she's close." He grumbled, putting his hands on the visitors waist.

Izzy chuckled and bit his exposed cheek."that's my warning. Wake up."

Mia sighed and stood up, taking it from him. "fine." She disappeared for a little bit with it, then called, "Nicholas!" A slight excitement in her voice as she held it in her hands, the big pink plus sign right in the middle.
Dei-Loki listened to Masaru sing, curling his tail as he pocketed his hands. Waiting for him to finish before speaking. "I didn't know you sang."

Flicking his ear, Akumu made his way over to Nia, looking up to the roof. "Hello, Nia."

Malvo stretched a bit, soon turning her attention back to Ash's tent before deciding to make her way back over.

Ruvik watched from a chair, softly sighing as he leaned back.
Masaru turned his head to his lover's voice. "Not as amazing as my Mother, but yes, i sing whenever i feel like it. But not in front of people. Hell, you're the only one that has ever heard me sing or play guitar, for that matter. So, feel flattered Sunshine that i'm not killing you for hearing me." He strummed a few chords on his acoustic guitar. 

"W-What!?" Excitement raised in his voice. "Oh my Gods! This is. . .This is amazing! I'm so happy!" He picked up Mia gently and twirled her around. "Gods, i love you. We're going to be parents! Woohoo!" Nicholas gave a hearty laughed that was filled with love and happiness.
Nia looked down "sup" she jumped to a tree and climbed down. "what's up with you?"


Oliver jumped awake "IM UP" he looked around  "izzy?" he blinked. "why are you in my bed... on top of me?"
Mia laughed, hugging Nicholas back."yes Nicholas, we're going to be parents!" her face had a happy look to it, then a look of horror. "what if they grow up to not like me?!? What if they like their inugami dad better than their deer goddess mother?!" Her eyes grew small tears as she looked at him, not wanting her own kid, or kids, to hate her.

izzy made a sexual face(me gusta.), beforing saying, "I'm here to fuck you." She then laughed, her face showing that she's kidding then said, "nah, I'm bored."

Ash heard Malvo coming and threw the girl off of him. "the warden is coming, good knowing you." He said to the girl, moving his hands behind his head to show off his toned bare chest.
Dei-Loki smiled, tail wagging a bit. "Well, y' certainly sing beautifully." He complimented, glancing to the guitar. "I can't sing, but I can play the violin pretty well. Somethin' my mam taught me growin' up."

"Nothin', really." Akumu gestured to the wolf and fox by the cherry blossom tree. "Just givin' the couple some alone time. How's the arm?"

Malvo huffed, glaring at the woman as she left before then looking to Ash. "Good to see you up."

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