Indescribable (Closed)

"Problem solved! Now, come on. Let's go do something fun. Whatever you have in mind, i'll be down for." Masaru said and then turned around when Nia came up. "Explosions. Wait! Are there ravens here? Where? I want to see them."
Dei-Loki softly huffed, going to speak before then looking to Nia. "We aren't sure. He wouldn't tell us." his gaze shifted up to Masaru once more. "Not the bird. Raven was the guy that just vanished from here."
"Oh. Niaaaaaaaa~." He turned and squished her cheeks together and chuckled. "You look so cute."
Raven sighed and sat down, purple energy surrounding him. You'll just have to ask Naomi how she does it.... He then vanished, appearing beside Naomi.


Naomi looked at Raven unsurprised. "You're going to ask me how to do it again huh?" She saw Raven nod, and sighed. "Nope, you have to figure it out on your own."
Dei-Loki gave her a bit of a pained 'I know what you mean' look before gently nudging Masaru. "Masaru, Nia doesn't like her cheeks squished..."
"But. . . But, i just wanted to be nice." Masaru withdrew and glared. "Fine. I can't apparently do nothing right anymore." He strutted off and growled when he felt 'him'. "Come back here. Come back in this body. Give me our memories back!" The old Masaru shook his head. "It's not time yet." Masaru stormed closer to where he woke up to. "Fuck your time. I don't belong here. So, you better come into this body right now before i drown both of us forever." Masaru found big rocks, putting them in his jacket pockets and jumped into the water. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" The old Masaru rippled underwater. "Gods damn it, you fool! ALWAYS GOING TO THE FUCKING EXTREME AREN'T YA!?"
Raven sighed, having no more anger left in him. "Alright..." He walked away, preparing to train, this time with less explosions. Ugggghhh I hate life and everything involved with it... He kept shuffling along, casting a spell here and there. 


Naomi, after Raven had left, went to check on her other patients.
Nia saw what Masaru was doing.

"NOPE NO DROWNING ON MY WATCH!" she kicked off her shoes and dove in after Masaru. Having trouble swimming with just one arm. Nia gave up on actually swimming down and just teleported underneath Masaru, and swam up against gravity with her legs, and using her good arm to try and empy his pockets. Cheshire thought, but nia couldn't hear it. "if he wants to die... let him. Wait... nia, nia no dont drown saving him I need your body to do things. YOU CAN DO IT NIA, JUST. DONT. DROWN!!"
'ehehheheeeeeehhhhh...' Dei-Loki would mentally cry, wincing his eyes shut. 'I should've seen that comiiiiinnnnggg...' He whined before quickly following after him. "Masaru, wai--" Dei-Loki then froze at the water's edge. His eyes wide and trembling. What? Oh, come on! JUST JUMP IN! 'But--' UGH. No matter. Fears or no, you're doin' this. Even if I have t'--... as the Corruption would answer, black veins would spread up the left side of Dei-Loki's neck and face. His eye quickly changing as his voice doubled. "-- make ya do it myself." in an instant, he leapt into the water and eventually swam under Masaru - helping Nia bring him back up to the surface.
Masaru felt himself being pushed up, although mostly out of it and felt dry land on his stomach. He coughed and sputtered out water. "Just. . . let me die. You are so fucking stupid to keep me alive." He said in his haze of who he was. A small spark of the old Masaru coming out. "So. . . .stupid. Idiots."
Nia smile, seeing the old Masaru in him. " you're the idiot. Always blaming himself. Wanting to die. Not thinking he deserves love its rediculas. Masaru, people care, and love you. You HAVE. TO ACCEPT IT!"  Nia paused "were here, and we care about you... you have to get over the how, and why"  turned and looked out to the water, hands at her side. Then turning back to Masaru and pointing at him "do not look too deep into this! I still dispise your attitude..." she said with a smile 
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Ash looked at his wing then glared at Ruvik's back. "you will fall in love again. Love is a petty over used word. A word that is thrown about. It means nothing in this world. You may have felt it in her, but watch, you meet another and you'll feel it again."

Mia sniffled and sat up in the bed, rocking her body back and forth, her face having a blank stare. "he didn't get to see us grow up, or get what he always yelled at us for.." a tear fell down her face, remembering the one thing her father wanted, then looked away from Nicholas. "if we were there.. if only we were there to stop it..."
'I can't believe you had us plunge into the water, but... Good thinkin'...' It's not a problem. The Corruption granted Dei-Loki control once more. Now, listen. Ya here that? Yer fox has muttered something mean. 'What--!?' The demigod then turned his attention to Masaru, his ears perking from the insult before smiling a small bit and crouching beside him whilst listening to Nia's words.

"That's mighty fine talk from a man that's never truly seen love true enough t' stop plowing every girl on the face of the earth." Ruvik would bluntly state before then ruffling Malvo's hair. Gently lifting Maya's horn once more before heading to his tent.

Malvo blinked a few times to having her hair ruffled. 'The fuck was that about?..'
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"Has the dwarf actually saved my life? Awwwww, is she going to cry now? I really thought you would be dancing and spitting on my grave, toots. I guess you got a soft heart in that cold exterior of yours." Masaru smirked. 

Nicholas turned and started to blush at a stupid idea. "S-S-Shall we make one? I mean! We don't have to! It is up to you! It's just. . . . i don't know."
Ash spat, [COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 0)]"have you ever loved some one so much like family and you do something, thinking it's a good thing to save them and they fucking banish you? Betray you by sending you away? I've loved before, then my love was betrayed by their fear of me. I will not go through it again, and I will not let others go through the pain of it either." [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(139, 69, 19)]"what...? You want to..?" [/COLOR]Mia asked with a curious tone, looking down at him.
"Masaru, I have a heart" I don't "I do actually care about you, fuckin somehow." Nia continued to smile.

"I do have a respect for you. I know you have some kind of positive feeling for me too. Or at least I hope so..." she sighed "dont ever bring this up you mangy fox." Nia began to walk off
Dei-Loki would sniffle and tremble as a smile spread across his face. His ears flat against his head as he vigorously wiped his tears away. His gaze on the kogitsune - listening to the insults fly. "YER BACK! Yer really back!" He'd eventually cry out as he trembled and whined. "I-I didn't know how t' help, and I felt at a loss... I... I... I... I-I love you, Masaru! I felt my heart torn in two hearing about the mere possibility that you died! I fell. I felt and watched as my whole WORLD began to fall apart at the seams, and then ya were brought here and... Ya really weren't. It wasn't you, that isn't the grumpy ol' kogitsune we've come t' know and love. It WASN'T you!" He would then toss his weight onto Masaru as tears would go from trickling to then pouring out of his eyes. "BUT THIS IS! This is the old you. The grumpy and able to remember everyone you. I..." he tightened his hold on his torso. "I stayed by yer side for this... I stayed here, and I waited, and I clang ta hope with every ounce of strength I had..." he buried his face into the kogitsune's wet shirt. Whining quietly with flattened ears. "P-Please... Please, Gods... Don't let me loose this again..."

Ruvik would pause for a moment before then continuing to walk back to his tent - not saying another word. 

Malvo watched Ruvik go, shifting a bit before then closing her eyes with a heavy sigh.
Nicholas looked down and kissed Mia between her eyebrows. "It is something your father wanted and i do desperately love you. So. . . let's make one. For him. For us. Start a good, happy family. Whatcha say, doe-eyes?"


Masaru pulled him into a hug and smirked into his hair. "I miss you too, Dei. I miss you too. So . . . speaking of other me. You seem to not have any problem with taking advantage of the memory-less kitsune. Didn't even try to stop from kissing, huh? Just accepted it and kissed back." His smirk turned into a smug smile as looked down at him.
Dei-Loki blinked his tears away, soon looking up at him again before blushing and closing his eyes - pointing his nose away. "I-I'd hardly call it taking advantage of y'. Fer all I know, ya could've been in on it in the very back of yer head!" know I certainly was~ Ignoring the Corruption, he playfully shoved Masaru as his blush remained. "Besides, I never asked ya t' kiss me, b-baka!"
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Nia smiled as she walked back to the house. "I wonder if my next love is already here." she said to herself as she walked into her room and changed out of her clothes, undressing on the spot. She failed to notice that her door never fully closed and soon swung itself open.
Mia looked at nicholas with a smile and nodded. "For my father, for us." She crawled on top of him, and pressed her lips against his, trying to forget all her previous worries.

Ash looked down at his wing that was on the ground and growled, walking a different way away.

Izzy looked at Oliver. "You want to meet them all?"
"Maybe, you're right. I mean, how could i not kiss you? You blush when i just kiss your lips. It's really adorable, especially on a leprechaun like you." Masaru teased.

Elizabeth huffed and remembered Nia going to her room. "Cookie, wanna a cookie?" She walked in and realized that Nia was butt naked. Blood sprayed out of her nose, not getting any on Nia, but on the floor as she fell and twitched from the sight. "Mother of god."

Nicholas smiled, leaning up to kiss her feverishly. His hands beginning to roam and before he knew it, he was naked and so was she and he wanted this. He felt it in his chest that once they did this, he'll be happy and filled with positivity. It felt good to know a future was there in the mist of future. (Fade to black.)
Dei-Loki blushed a bit darker following his words before huffing from the teasing at the end. "A leprechaun?" He'd question as the Corruption laughed in the back of his head - causing his ears to twitch.

Akumu softly huffed as he hummed, heading to the doorway around the same time as Elizabeth as he smiled. "Nia, I got a hold of my uncle. He said he'll have no problem--" he'd then come to a stop and widen his eyes a dark blush resulting in his rapidly heating his face from the scene. Within seconds, his glasses started to fog. Blood instantly escaping his nose as he stumbled back until his back hit the wall. 
Nia turned around, blushed deep red, she closed her eyes and looked away in embarrassment, while her eyes were closed cheshire took control, using her magic in herself to keep her eyes the same color, as to not tip anyone off. 

She laid down on her bed, making sure hey body was still in full veiw, curling her finger, beckoning them twards her. "when you go shopping for sweet, tasty, dessert. Why look," she bit her bottom lip "when you can taste~" she finished with lust, dripping off her voice.

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