Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki widened his eyes soon after feeling Masaru leap out of bed. Ears flattening from the sound of the dry heaving, soon accompanied by a large outpouring of blood, Dei-Loki whined and stood up on the bed before gently rubbing his back in an effort to soothe. 'D-Dammit, where's Naomi when y' need her!?' "Y-Y' alright, now? "Y' need me t' go get somebody..? It seems like ya do..." The wolfish demigod held back his panicked tone the best he could as he spoke. His ears remaining flat.

Ruvik would soon cease his laughter as he held the broken off piece of wing in his hand. Soon allowing his touch to taint it so it could never be reattached - just on the off chance that Ash would try and do that. In a cold tone, he then tossed the half of the wing at the one screaming in agony before mimicking those previous, heartless words. "Here's your piece." turning, he'd then walk away from him.

Malvo watched, quickly heading over to help before having been tugged along by Ruvik. Ruvik not having said a word.
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Cheshire hid her things well before Nia returned. 

Nia returned to the living room and laid on the couch.


Oliver just nodded "oh, names Oliver by the way. Pleasure to meet you." 
Nicholas tipped her chin, kissing her softly. "If there anything you wish, i will give you it and more. Tell me what you want. I am your trustful dog after all. If you command me to attack the bastard who did this, then i shall rip his jugular without hesitation. Tell me what can bring a smile to that beautiful face of yours. Anything, and i shall do it."

Elizabeth ears flickered as her name was called. She grabbed her hot soft, chocolate-chip cookies and come over to the door. She showed the cookies in front of Izzy and the new guy. "Cookie?" She gave innocent giggle, tilting her head with a sweet smile to top of it.

Masaru shook his head, "no. I need. . . i need food. I need. . . souls." His eyes turned completely black once more as he stared at Dei. "I don't want _them_ to know. My body seems to only heal with souls, blood, organs and such."
Dei-Loki blinked, tensing once he noticed Masaru's eyes. With his ears lowering a bit more, he'd close his own eyes before getting off the bed. "I'll... I'll take ya somewhere were y' can recover then..."
"Please." Masaru stood up, towering over the demigod and exhaled, his eyes turning back to normal. "Quickly. I think something is punctured so i need a lot of souls and bodies."
Dei-Loki nodded as he'd then swiftly lead the way out of the clinic. His emerald gaze traveling about in his travels - briefly glancing back to Masaru every now and again to ensure he'd still been there. Exactly how are we planning on going about doing this? I highly doubt it's a good idea to have him take out a bunch of people from the village here. 'We don't need t' go into the village. We've got quite a few people back home that I could bring here that no one would miss.' He replied mentally to the corruption before they made it outside. "I hope y' can wait just a moment so I can bring them here... How many do ya think you'll need?"
Raven then sighed. "I'm not calm..." With that, he had dashed into the forest readying more attacks.


Naomi shook her head. "Just don't do anything stupid..." She then left, trying to find something to do. Hmm...
Masaru clutched at his growling stomach. "I'll be good for about fifteen minutes before i lose myself to the hunger. I'll need at three. From then on, animals will do just fine." He grabbed Dei's hand, pulled him and kissed him until Dei hit a tree with his back. He pulled back and smirked, "thanks."
With wide eyes once more, Dei-Loki kept them open for a brief time before then returning the kiss. A dark blush heating up his face as he'd temporarily entered a state of bliss moments before his back make contact with the tree. A current feeling that kept him speechless for a few moments before being able to shake it off with a smirk. "N-N... No problem." He would answer before then lifting his hand and opening a small tear in the atmosphere before it then opened into a warp - three men in chains seeming to fall out of it. "These three are murderers and rapists, a few people that won't be missed."

One of the men's eyes widened as he looked around. "What is this!? Where--" He'd then glanced over to the kogitsune and the demigod - narrowing his eyes on the shorter one. "You! Why are we here!?"
"Thank you, again, but now. You need to leave. Go back and rest, i'll be there soon to greet you in slumber." The smoke began to wisp around his body, the beast almost released on these bastardly souls. "Shut your mouth, bitch. Hold your cowardly tongue when you are greeted by the boogieman." Masaru grabbed the one and gave a sinister grinned. 
Nia continued to lay on the couch, looking blankly at the ceiling "IM BORED!" She said loudly to herself before standing and peering out the window, where she watching Dei-loki and Masaru. She seemed to understand what was about to happen. She looked on horrified, shocked, and disgusted.

Cheshire on the other hand was loving every second of it.
"Just hope yer able t' snap out of it better than I normally am..." Dei-Loki softly muttered as he watched before soon turning and beginning to head back. He didn't want to leave, but he knew there was a reason not to be around. Nevertheless, he walked slowly in the direction of the house.

The male widened his eyes, vigorously squirming in his grip as his chains would jingle.
The forest would periodically erupt with explosions, sometimes ear rupturing ones if you were close enough.


Naomi sighed, Raven needed to learn how to chill the one time he needs to be. "Oh the poor kid is gonna tire himself out..." She kept trudging around, soon making it into the medical center.
Masaru watched Dei leave and turned his around to see Nia in the corner. A sickening grin spread on his pale, bruised face. "Bon appetit to me." He lowered himself to the ground and let the black smoke cover him and the men as they screamed and as the blood painted the green grass. The smoke disappeared slowly as he stood up. The only thing left was their torn, bloodied clothes. He picked up the clothes and instantly dropped them as goosebumps covered his arms and neck. The old Masaru leaned against the tree, chains wrapped around his neck and wrists. "I knew that there would always be a monster. Even if i lost all my memories. I guess Father was right. Demons don't really die. No, even if you drench yourself in holy water, you can never run from your demons, for even they will drown with you." The old Masaru turned. "Wait! Tell me who i a-," he reached for the old Masaru, but watched in horror as he washed away from the touch like chalk in rain. After a few minutes of staring at the tree, Masaru cleaned up and walked back the clinic. His body perfectly healthy and tan once more. "Much better." He said as he walked into the clinic.
Dei-Loki would continue to wander back - coming to a halt as he heard the explosions in the distance. "What the..." He'd then pivot, heading in said direction before wincing and covering his ears from the next explosion. That was far louder than I thought it would be! Still, Dei-Loki continued to advance until he saw Raven - hoping the explosion wouldn't occur again since he'd been so close. "Raven!"
Nia covered her mouth at the sight "woah" Nia said quietly to herself. Cheshire would look at the scene through Nia's eyes and smile her distinct grin, though not physically. Then they (i guess in this case) heard explosions. Nia was confused, but cheshire was laughing. It's so easy to mess with Raven. She'll have to do it again sometime.
Masaru turned towards the sound of explosions. "What could that be? Ehhhhh, whatever. Dei? Where are you?" He asked as he looked around. "Dei?" He sighed, knowing where he went. He decided to run towards the sound of explosions, hoping to keep Dei safe from whatever it is.
Raven, hunched over a bit, only turned slight so that when he looked at Loki, all Loki could see was one dangerously glowing eye, paired with the heavy breathing. "What?" He asked trying to have a friendly tone, not working out so well. His hands seemed have been holding another spell to use.
Dei-Loki would seem to flinch from the tone, slowly taking a few steps forward - even after noticing his eye and hands. Though, due to the temporary ringing in his ears, he had not heard Masaru approaching. "What happened... What has you so upset?.."
Raven paused, letting out a huff. "It's...nothing." He threw the symbol into the air, which soon exploded in the sky. Raven couldn't really speak correctly, his mind was only focused on the flash backs of his village. "It doesn't concern you..." He said coldly, taking a few steps away. It's funny how I think people are in complete control of their behavior, and they're only a nuisance if they can't figure out how to keep calm...and here I am, unable to stop freaking out.
Masaru stood behind Raven and Dei, towering over the two just slightly. "I hope there is no issue here. You are disturbing the peace of this forest. Kindly take your anger out on something less beautiful than this, please." A smile came upon his lips as he gestured about the enchanting, emerald forest.
Dei-Loki flinched from the sound of another explosion. Briefly checking his ear for bleeding before then looking to Raven once more. "It is something." Dei-Loki argued as he took a few more steps to follow him. "And, as long as yer blowin' the forest ta pieces, I think it does concern at least some of us." He'd then pause and look up at Masaru, shifting a bit and blinking. His eyes a bit wide when he saw his wounds had been healed. Perking a brow, he thought; 'Worked faster than I thought it would.'
He looked at the two, and huffed again. He was about to say something, but stopped himself, and teleported away. "Ok..." He landed in a desert-like area. "This has less things to destroy..." He then tried to calm down, without the use of magic.
Nia came through the trees to see Raven teleport away. "hey guys, I'm here. What did I miss? What has Raven so mixed up?" She asked, concerned for her friend. 

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