Indescribable (Closed)

"Mr. Grumpytails, huh?" Masaru snickered as he laid down, drawing circles on Dei's arm. 
Dei-Loki nodded, his head resting on Masaru's chest. "Ya got the nickname after ya and Nia were arguin' with one and other." Dei-Loki then gave a very small smile. "Just sorta stuck after that..."
"Arguing? About what?" Masaru mumbled, his eyes slowly becoming heavy. He continued to draw patterns on Dei's arm. 
Softly flicking an ear, Dei-Loki turned his head so he could look to his arm and watch. "About height, mostly. Y' commented on her height, she used her magic to make her yer height, then y' lifted yerself with yer tails t' get even taller..." A small smile formed on his face at the memory, back before all Hell broke loose. Back before everyone became so... empty. He'd then sniffle once more with a heavy-hearted huff. "Gods, I... I wish I could've prevented all of this turmoil. I know I couldn't have, but still.. I..."
Masaru chuckled before realizing how hurt Dei-loki was, emotionally. He pulled him closer to his chest. "Once, i find my memories. We'll fix this. We'll fix it all and be happy again. I promise." Masaru leaned down and kissed his lips. 
Nia, or more specifically the newly released Cheshire started putting her plan together, ordering several items at the store and then hiding them under floorboards of Nia's room. Now she just needed the mask. She made sure the items were VERY well hidden before Nia regained control.

Nia stepped out of her room, eyes now back to green, her memories being filled with somthing else, instead of a gap. She walked down the hall and knocked on the door to the clinic before poking her head in the room, her eyes landing on Dei and massy  "I see I'm interrupting somthing... just uhhhh pretend I wasn't here" Nia closed the door.
"I hope so..." Dei-Loki's eyes would widen a small bit before then softening as he gently returned the kiss - only to halt is actions and briefly glanced to the door once he heard Nia.
Masaru turned his head to see Nia come in and come out. "Such a strange being." Masaru burst into laughter, "says the man with no memory of himself." He laid back down on the pillow, a smile firmly placed on his lips. 
Naomi looked at Raven, noticing the look on his face. "You didn't say you...nevermind..." What she didn't notice was Ravens aura steadily getting stronger, and more violent, somehow.


The thought of not being able to save friends, and how Nia teased Raven, seemed to severely piss him off. Soon, purple energy was bounding off of him. He started to collect the energy that kept flying around, charging his attack.
"We'll recover it..." Dei-Loki promised after looking from the door to Masaru. Gently pecking his cheek before laying his head down once more. "That I can promise, as well." It wasn't a sure thing, but... he was determined. More determined than most would manage to realise.
Masaru tensed up as he began to fall to sleep. He opened his eyes, his heart hammering out of his chest. He didn't want to sleep. "Tell me about yourself. Talk to me, please. I don't want to go to sleep just yet."
Nia teleported into the rafters of the living room, assuming it to be empty. Left hand rubbing her right, what was left of it anyway. She sighed "I wish I could get a new arm." she said slouching down onto one of the crossbeams.


Oliver walked up the steps to the grant house as he'd then knock on the door, setting his bow up against the wall as he waited for an answer. 

"i hope someone actually answers this time" He'd say to himself. 
The instant Ash got Maya, he took off into the air. He took her to the barrier around the seperate world. He stepped back and looked at Maya. "alright sweetheart, turn into your goat form and slam into that barrier as hard as you can." she nodded and backed up a small far as she could, turning into her animal form before runnning into the barrier as fast as she could, slamming into it. 

The barrier shattered and cracked.. the whole barrier turning into glass. In a instant, a giant shard slammed into Maya as she looked at Ash, reaching out for him to help her and fear in her Eyes. Blood trickled out the sides of the glass as Maya's body could be seen clear under it, smashed. Ash didn't care though, he just walked right over it, a smirk on his face.

it didn't take him long to find Mia's dad, the giant Russian doof came running towards him."what..? Ash?" He asked, but couldn't say anything else, a dagger being slammed into the side of his throat. The man fell, choking and blood spluttered out the side of his neck. "I rule now." he said, slamming the dagger into the mans chest, ending his life instantly.

Mia fell to the ground, her heart feeling heavy and broken as she screamed and cried. She felt the loss of her dad, the blow hitting her hard. Her heart felt tight as she screamed more, tears streaming down her face as she laid there curled up in a ball on the ground. She didn't say a word, just screamed and cried, the heaviness on her heart felt too much for the little doe.
Izzy opened the door, leaning against the frame as she looked at Oliver up and down. "can I help you?" She asked, twirling her black hair over her finger as she continued to look at him.
Dei-Loki would slowly perk a brow as he listened to his heart - gently nuzzling into his chest before then choosing to speak. "What would ya like ta know?" he asked as his head would slightly tilt - following a few blinks. "Guess I could start with the basics... My full name is Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois. My last name used t' be..." He seemed to sneer at what he was about to say next, but he quickly changed his words to something more pleasant to the mind for himself before continuing with his words. "... Laufeyson. My true last name is Laufeyson. I am the youngest Prince of Fórrelden, which is where I'm from. I'm the youngest biological child of the God of Mischief Loki, which makes me a demigod. A shadow wolf demigod... bit of a mouthful really. I like sword fights, I love caramel candies and such, uh... I hate water, and I despise mannequins..."

Akumu looked up from his boots at the sound of Nia's voice, soon glancing in her direction as his ears perked a bit. Slowly heading in her direction, he pocketed his hands. "It seems so off-putting t' see somone that was once full of sunlight now darker than the dimness tha night brings..."
"its difficult, to be happy after what occurred, but I'll be back to my self soon enough. I just want my arm back, and my full magic." she said, not moving from her position. 


Oliver looked up at the girl in front of him "I uhhhh" he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm going to be real here. I dont have anywhere to stay, I'm out of money and everyone in town said no. So I came up here..."
Raven, now full on pissed, hand glew a frightening purple. "Pyzri SENZA!" The angered acolyte shouted, as a massive energy pulsed, and more than ¾ of the trees in the forest were in half. Yet, Raven seemed to still be boiling with anger. All he let out was a very angry 'grrrrrrrrrr.' 


Naomi, very surprised looked at the forest. "You going to fix that?" She sighed, she didn't like it when Raven became agitated. Well....I hope no one gets Raven any angrier. 
Nicholas ran to his mate and held her to him. "What's wrong? Come on, talk to me. Please, my angel. Speak." The Grants circled Mia, giving her space to breathe.

Masaru snickered, "despise mannequins? Tell me about that, please."

"Y-You. You can't protect him forever. What are you getting out of this? He'll hate you! He'll hate you when he realizes your lies."  The cloak stared down at Adarian. "As long as i try my hardest. He is growing strong. So is his family. Soon, they'll be ready for their fate and they will win, no matter how hard you try to stop it." Adarian stood up, bloodied and hurt just like his brother, but yet he lunged at the cloaked figure, but fell back as a bullet rung in the air. He laid on the forest floor with a bullet planted between his skull. The cloak figure gave a deep sighed as the gun was dropped. "I won't let you stop the world from ending nor your Hell buddies."
Mia kept screaming as Nicholas held her, more tears falling down her face. She couldn't get a word out between her sobs, the pain too much. Plants started to grow around her and Nicholas, Mia's heart started to feel tighter. The only words she got out was, "dad...gone.."

Izzy looked him up and down and chuckled. "not my house, but he others will understand. Come on in."
Dei-Loki blinked at the snicker, softly flicking his own ear as his tail lazily swayed. "There's not much to it, really. I just find them really creepy." he would then snicker, as well. "In fact, it's so bad, I had t' have my adopted parents remove every wooden mannequin from the palace. According t' my brother, all they did was put them up into the attic with the rest of the creepy stuff."

Akumu softly sighed as he watched her. Having still been shaken up by the whole thing, himself. Who wouldn't be? "I can understand that." He would sympathise before then glancing around. "And while I'm not sure just how t' get yer magic back..." He'd then smirk. "I think I know someone that can restore yer arm. Or, make something t' take it's place, anyhow."
Nicholas tighten his fist, knowing exactly who did it. "Boys, find her Father and prep him." The boys nodded and left quickly. "Come on, doe-eyes. Let's go lay down." He picked her up and took her to their room where he set her down in bed. "Whatever you want from me, i'll make it happen. If you're hungry, i'll make your favorite whatever and put as much love in it as i have for you. I'll do anything, doe-eyes."

Masaru nodded, understanding the basics of fear. "Is there anything else that you want to tell me? I need to do something. I don't wanna go to sleep. Anything to keep my adrenaline pumping." 
Raven snapped at Naomi. "OF COURSE I WILL!" The energy around him collected up again.


Naomi sighed. "Alright, alright!" She watched as Raven started to collect energy.
Nia gasped and teleported down, and for the first time in a while she smiled a real smile. And she had hope. "really!?!?"


Oliver followed the girl, grabbing his bow from where he took it. "so how many people live here?"
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Mia felt him pick her up, but she didn't say a word, just continued to heave and cry. (Didn't know what all to say with her now..xD)

Ash went back to Ruvik and them, throwing the bloodied antler from mia'a dad on the ground. "I love breaking them down little by little." he breathed happily, also handing Ruvik one of Maya's bloodied ram horn. "here is your part of her." He said, chuckling heartlessly aa he smirked. 

Izzy shrugged and said, "a lot? More just keeps coming in, so I stopped counting." 
"Sentiel...Nestry!" He aimed his hand at the forest, as more and more trees sprouted from the ground, each maung their own pulse of magic. "Ok...I'm calm..." He sighed, his aura calming down as well.

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