Indescribable (Closed)

"yeah, well. Not much can be done in terms of treatment now." Nia shook her head "why are you training so vigorously?  Do you blame yourself for failing to protect us in some way. Failing to protect me?" Nia took a step back, disappearing into shadow, then reappearing behind Raven, completely visible. She moved what remained of her arm just a bit to gesture with it. "because I brought this upon myself, there's nothing can be done about it." she teleported herself onto a tree branch, with her feet dangling down. Her face and voice still void of any semblance of emotion.
Eyes having been slightly winced shut, he'd flick his ear after he'd been tugged before watching Masaru then do it to his own. Once he'd been pushed back to the bed, he released a gentle whine yet again from his lack of understanding. "I-I don't understand... I can't... what are you, hungry? Confused? I..." Through his speaking, he continued to wince. This was because, due to all the excessive movement, a bit of his blood seemed to bleed through following the consequences of a few broken stitches.
After hearing Nia say 'Failing to protect' his eyes shown obvious hurt, as they dimly glew. "I train so much, just so I can watch my friends live their lives happily. He said, hearing and seeing the void of emotions of Nia, showing that he had failed. "and yes I do blame myself. Any other acolyte could have protected you from losing your arm..." He watched as she made her way up the tree. "I'm just...too weak to protect anyone." Raven sighed. "But, whining about it will get me no where, and that is why, I train for as long as I can everyday..." As he said that he flicked his hand, which sent another barrage of spikes at the trees.
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Masaru's eyes widen at the blood. He unwrapped the bandages and watched as the blood slowly leaked out. His ears twitched as he looked to the small demigod. He then looked at the wound and lowered his head to Dei's stomach. He laid his tongue flat on the wound and licked up the blood. He then sharpened his nails and cut his palm. The blood trickled onto Dei's wound and it slowly began to heal. "There! You're almost better." He rubbed Dei's belly and smiled. 
A blush had, almost instantly, heated and painted Dei-Loki's cheeks before it had then slowly done the same to his face upon feeling the contact. Shivering, he flattened his ears once more with a silent whimper before then glancing to his slowly recovering wound. That... Was intense.
Nia remained silent, a sly, wicked grin then appearing on her. She lept down from the tree, and began to circle Raven, like a cat playing with it's prey. "tell me, does it hurt to train as vigorously as you do?"
The Grants' eyes widen at the action. "Uhh. We should probably give you some time alone." Elizabeth said as she pulled the shocked Nicholas and Yuki out the door. Shutting behind them quickly. Masaru tilted his head, hearing a silent whimper coming from the demigod. "Are you hurt somewhere else?" He started to tug at Dei's shirt to see if there was any more wounds. His hands going towards Dei's pants. "What about under here?"
Raven watched Nia circle him, everytime she came into vision. "It can..." He decided to answer truthfully, because lying right now seemed somewhat risky.
Nia continued to circle "does it hurt to know you failed?.... I bet it does, I bet the pain is unbearable." Nia stopped in front of Raven, her eyes turned from green to black. "only the insane equate pain to success" after this, she started to laugh. Her mischievous grin reappearing on her lips as she walked back into the shadows, the last thing Raven saw, was her wicked smile before it became enclosed in shadow as Nia then turned invisible and teleported away.
Dei-Loki whined softly yet again. His gaze shifting over to see the others exit the room before the wolfish male gripped his shirt and pants - turning onto his side as he stared at the wall with wide eyes, a dark blush and clenched teeth. "Th-Th-Thank y' fer healing me. I'm fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine."
Masaru pouted and leaned over Dei's body. Hovering just slightly. "What are you saying, dei?" He gripped his chin and titled his head to look directly into his eyes. 
Dei-Loki's blush would amplify as he'd been hovered over. His emerald eyes staring into the kogitsune's for a moment before then looking away as he tried to turn his chin loose. Droplets of tears in the corners of his eyes before he'd then close them tightly with a heavy, heart-pained huff. "I can't understand..."
"Hmmm?" Masaru leaped off the bed, not okay with having this fluffy pup hybrid cry. He looked around the room, but found nothing to use. He then turned back. A weird sensation of knowing what to do, coursing through his entire mental thoughts and nerves. He grabbed Dei's cheeks with his hands. He stared directly into his eyes, holding tightly to his cheeks. He started to search in Dei's spirit. Finding words spilling free with much force. Blood trickled out of his nose as he tried to get as much English words in his own mind.
That miserable look the pup gave off soon mixed with surprise as he'd felt the memory-less kogitsune take hold of his face. Dei-Loki's ears instantly flattening as he'd felt his soul being searched through. Still, he had not moved. He'd figured whatever he was doing would help in this situation and, since he was out of ideas, this had been the best option to consider.
"Good evenin' to ya, lad. Well ain't ya a sad lil' pups. Why are ya sad, lil' pups?" He stared into Dei's eyes and gave an innocent smile.
Raven felt as if Nia had literally drained every ounce of energy from him. Did I just turn Nia evil...with my incompetence? Raven sighed. " we need to find a rouge elf..."


Naomi had finally found Raven, but she was too late to see Nia mess with Raven. "Hey, have you seen Nia? I found her awake with Loki, but she soon ran away..." She watched as Raven turned to face her. "She's gone somewhere...out there...after making me feel horrible." She heard Raven respond. "Ah great...frist we lose Masaru, who's back now by the way, now we have lost Nia." Naomi had also sighed. Lets just hope she'll come back too...
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Dei-Loki paused upon hearing words he could finally understand. Staring at Masaru as he'd listen to the accent he'd obtained before even more tears escaped him. Moving forward and clinging to his torso. "F-Finally! I was worried we'd never understand each other again!"
"Of course, when there is a will, there is a way." Masaru said, the accent was still there, but much lighter. "Now. . . yer name is  . . . Dei-loki and my name is . . . Masaru. Boom! So why are ya sad, Dei?"
Izzy came back to the house in her animal form, smoke pillowing around her body. She looked at everyone in the room and growled Lowly, seeing Masaru all nice and shit. Mia just shook her head, telling Izzy don't say anything as she walked towards the others, looking over Masaru. "why is he being nice?" She asked, Izzy scoffing.

Ash landed back at the camp, looking around at everyone. "Maya,   It's time for you to do your job." He said, looking at Ruvik. He was waiting for the male to say no, do anything. He knew how attached he got to Maya, no matter how many times he told him not to. Maya gave Ruvik a smile, not knowing at all of what is about to happen. She hugged him and kissed his cheek, saying, "I'll be back when I'm done." beforewalking towards ash.
With flattened ears, Dei-Loki continued to hug Masaru's torso. Tears still fleeing his eyes as they raced down his cheeks. "I was worried about you... I-I still am..." He'd whine out his words, not bothering to look up in this process.

Ruvik looked to Ash and narrowed his gaze a bit. Quickly reaching out and grasping Maya's wrist in a gentle fashion before she could go too far. "This doesn't have to be. We did our damage."
"Amnesia. He has amnesia." Nicholas crossed his arms. "Come on, let's leave those two alone and go eat some delicious cookies. Yuki, come on, you can visit your brother once he's calm. I just hope that Dei nor him do anything full of action and they both rest." With that Elizabeth and the rest went to go eat.

"Worried about me? Was i anything important to you?" Masaru pulled Dei into his lap and held him closely. He laid his chin on Dei's head and huffed.
Dei-Loki had instantly felt his heart slowly sink even more, drowning in the negative feeling the demigod had. It sat like a rock in his stomach. Slowly,his embrace would tighten as he felt himself being moved onto Masaru's lap. "You were... You were very important to me... A-And y' still are. We'll fix this. I promise..."
Ash looked at Ruvik and narrowed his eyes. "Ruvik, let go. I told you about this. It's my turn to do my damage." He pulled Maya out of Ruvik's grasp and held her to him. Maya just smiled at Ruvik and said, "don't worry, I'll be back!"

Mia looked Nicholas and went towards him and nodded, "Alright, let them heal. Izzy, go see if the others are okay." She shifted back  Into her human form, flipping her black hair over her shoulder with a huff. 
"What was- i mean, am. What am i to you?" Masaru pouted, wishing he knew just a lick of who and what he was? What was my passions? Who are these people? What are my goals, my dreams, my fantasies? Where do i come from? Where am i? Are these people lying? No, no, they aren't lying. That is one thing that i know of. I can trust these people with my whole entire being.
Dei-Loki sniffled, his eyes opening to a half lidded state. "Y' are a lot of things... Yer my companion, my friend... No, m-more than that... yer much more t' me... Yer... Yer my Mr. Grumpytails, my everything... Even if it was just recently discovered..."

Ruvik growled softly as Maya was pulled away from him. His gaze only softening when he watched Maya. It was like a one-eyed puppy being abandoned in a storm as he felt, what could only be believed to be his heart, slowly becoming empty and hollow. Managing a painful, ghostly smile, he thought to himself. 'No... No you won't...'

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