Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru ran and put Dei into the clinic and came back. Starting to beat up and kill a lot of the army members.
Nia remained motionless the poison Adam put on his blade already having one visible effect. Nia's hair slowly turned black. Its other effects remain unknown for now, but it had already set in and wont be realized until Nia awakens.


Adam was surprised to find his blade wiffing through air. Looking up at the girl, and just scoffing at her threat. "the damage has already been done" he'd say to himself as he walked out of the building with a sinister grin.
Akumu had been doing the same, holding an angrily determined look as he continued to engage in combat. Wearing the blood of the enemies and growling as he spoke. "Gonna need a good shower after this."
"Why are there so damn many?" Raven asked, as daggers of darkness came from the forest, and cut through multiple enemies. "Oh well....I guess it IS more practice."


Naomi, nearly missing what Adam had said, started to grumble to herself, as she had tried to heal Nias ailments. "No one dies under my care..." She decided to stop trying to cure Nia, and just keep her alive until she could figure out how to heal the injured elf before her. 
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Ruvik growled as he saw his men get torn to shreds, taking a quick glance around in an effort to find the others. "Shit... FALL BACK!" He would shout, lifting his hand and gesturing for his men to do so. Soon looking over to where the twin's battle had taken place before vanishing on the spot.

He then appeared farther into the territory. His gaze shifting around to the broken and burning trees. "That was some force he had there." He commented, heading over to the unconscious Malvo before slinging her over his shoulder - being careful not to impale her. "Ah, Malvo, y' certainly did yer father proud." As he spoke, his eye would briefly turn crimson - his tone, just for that last sentence, sounding just as her father's would. In an instant, he'd then vanish to rejoin Adam and the others.
Masaru woke up to the feeling of an old friend. His body was trembling at the sound. "No. Not you too." He walked out, his body sweating and shivering. He got to the living room to see him. Adarian and his crew. Elizabeth and Nicholas rushed out when they felt that presence. Staying behind Masaru. "You killed them. You killed my parents." Adarian scoffed under his mask. "Your parents? Psh, those weren't your parents. And besides i didn't kill them." Adarian snapped his fingers and Seylos dragged Zakar out from the shadows. "Zakar?" Nicholas looked at his old friend, but Zakar looked straight through him. As if he was already dead under those eyes. "But, i think i will kindly take the blame for their parents." Adarian smiled, snapping his fingers again. Seylos nodded, hovering over Zakar. "Nooo! Zakar!" Seylos reached into Zakar's chest and took out his heart. They watched the God of dreams fall as blood spluttered from the wound. Masaru stared at the boy that he knew well. "That's the third. Who is going next?"
"You. .  . you bastards!" Nicholas rushed at Adarian, whom let go of his handle on his sword. Watching the mercury-covered blade heading for Nicholas, Masaru felt his feet hitting the ground and jumped with arms out, pushing Nicholas out the way and feeling a rupture in his side. Masaru landed on stomach, his trembling fingers touching where the sword stuck in his upper corner. He rose his fingers to his face, his blood covering his fingertips whole. He stood up, the pain increasing as he felt the need to throw up. He looked down at the sword, watching the blood rushing out. "My spleen? Nice aim." Masaru looked to Adarian, silver leaking out of his nose, ears and mouth. "Shit. I forgot how fast Mercury works." Adarian nodded, "it works well, doesn't it. . . big brother?" Masaru smirked, the silver leaking out quickly. "M-Masaru?" Nicholas stared as Masaru took the sword from his side and held it tightly in his hand. "I haven't heard that from you for sooooo long, little brother." Masaru smirked, tears leaking out of his eyes. Elizabeth stood there, frozen to the ground. "Tch, you always were weak. You cried so easily. It made me sick how Father loved you so much. You are nothing." Masaru nodded, "maybe. So let's see this to an end, little brother. The last fight between the eldest and the youngest of the brothers." Masaru screamed as he begun to run at Adarian with the sword high and mighty. Time slowed down as he flew. His life flashing in his mind. 

"His fur is so soft. Ayamu! Come! Fill your son's soft fur." "No. He is not my son. He'll never be my son. He is a monster, just like me and i shall forever stay away from his disgusting form." 

"Happy birthday, Massy!" "What are you going to wish for, big brother?" "Mommy, is it okay if i wish for happiness to our family?" "What a dumb fucking wish!" "Ayamu! Let him go! No! Don't put him outside! Leave my baby alone! Massy!" COLD! IT'S SOO COLD! WHERE IS MY MOMMY!? I WANT MY MOMMY! 

Cold again. . . . but where is she? She said she'll be back. She said. . .they killed. . . her. M-Mommy? Come back. Tell me you love me. Tuck me. DON'T LEAVE ME! MOMMY, I'M SCARED! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! DON'T LEAVE ME! I'll be a good boy. I'll be good. I'll be good. I don't want to be alone.

They're leaving me too. My siblings. They always leave. So. . . let them. They all hate me for letting Mother die. So . . . let them. Hate me, my family. 

"Don't worry, i don't bite." Nicholas smiles at me. He smiles as if he keeps hearing the greatest news possible. How can one be so . . . happy in this world? HOW!? WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT!?

"Blood Brothers till the end?" Nicholas brought his palm towards me and i shook it. A smile on my tired face. "Blood Brothers till the very end." We charged into the no-man's land and fought like warriors. 

"Welcome the new edition, Elizabeth." I stared down at the baby and smiled, tears spilling down my cheeks as i held something so innocent and warm to my own heart. 

"Good morning, Massy." Ellenor gave me her famous smile and put a pancake with a smile made out of whip cream on the plate. "Get to eating, boy. Mama needs to see you strong and healthy, okay?" I smiled and nodded. This was MY family. This was MINE. THEY took me in. 

They. . . they made me smile when i had a boo-boo. They made me smile when everything seemed deadly and toxic. THEY MADE ME HAPPY. Masaru realized that he was slowly going through the air. His little brother already opening his portal and stepping in. "THEY MADE ME HAPPY! Thank you. So much. For everything. For putting a smile on my face when no one. NO ONE. else could. THANK YOU! THANK YOU THAAAAAAAANK YOU!" Masaru landed on his brother and felt the portal close behind him. "Masaru!" 

I AM HAPPY! I AM! I AM! THANK YOU! I AM HAPPY! I AM SO HAPPY! I am so happy. Thank you for making me happy. i love you all so very very much. I love you all. Thank you for the laughter, for the love, for every single thing that made me call you a family. I love you all no matter what happens to me in the end. I LOVE YOU ALL!
Season two.

Nia would lay in bed, unconscious and unmoving for a day and a half.

Finally, her eyes would slowly flutter open. 

She looked around the room she was in, she recognized the style. They were back at the Grant's house. She closed her eyes with a groan and moved to rub her face in tiredness, only, she didn't feel anything touch her face. She re-opened her eyes and looked down at herself. A gasp escaping her as she covered her mouth, tears began to fall from her eyes. "no... no no no nononono this can't be real, it's just a dream!" she knew that it wasn't.

She stared at the bandaged stump that was what was the top half of her right arm, horror, shock, sadness and regret plastered on her face as her mind began racing. How, when, who?Adam, during the fight, Adam. She mentally answered. She shook her head, refusing to accept this new reality. She closed her eyes, hoping when she opened she would wake up somewhere else. Nia stared in shock, emotionless, at the mirror that hung on the wall, her hair was now black, but thats the least of her concerns right now.
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Dei-Loki winced in his unconscious state, stirring very slightly as he'd experienced that of a flashback-type dream.


"Ya didn't have t' do that, ya know..." a child Malvo would say as she followed after the child version of Dei-Loki.


"N-Nonsense." Dei-Loki smiled as he turned to look at her. The look in his eyes showing no remorse for the man he'd mercilessly stabbed to death, and yet his smile had been so innocent. "Yer my sister. It's what I do, and I know you'd d-do the same."


Malvo held a bit of a surprised look at that before she then looked down with sad, half lidded eyes. "I wish you wouldn't call me that... ya don't know what yer gettin' int'..."


"Ya aren't like them, Malvo. Sure, yer a bit mischievous time to time. But I am, too. It doesn't make ya a bad person." Dei-Loki looked to the sky, an 'innocent' looking smile still shaping his face. "It's like both you and Cian told me, ya gotta release that mischief at some point, or you'll end up doing it on the ones you love."


Malvo kept her gaze down, her ears having been lowered as she rubbed her arms gently. "... Dei-Loki... There's something I gotta suggest t' ya..."


"I-Is it t' stop bein' so nice t' ya? Because that isn't gonna happen." He snickered, only to stop and blink when she grabbed his arm.


"Listen t' me. My father, once he finds out yer here... he's gonna try t'..." Malvo winced her eyes shut. "I need t' form a pain bond with you!"


Dei-Loki blinked a few more times, cocking his head. "A pain bond?"


Malvo nodded, looking to him with pleading eyes. "It's the only way I can ensure yer safety... He won't hurt ya if he knows it will hurt me, too..."


Dei-Loki watched her, his ears slowly lowering before he would then wear a serious face - nodding softly to her. "... Alright."


And just like that, he snapped awake. His eyes widening as he sat up before releasing a painful gasp - wincing and laying back once more. "SHIT!" he growled, tearing up a bit before then looking to Nia after hearing her. His ears lowering a bit.
Nicholas stared at the clouds that flew in the sky as he sat inside his living room, empty and hollow. Elizabeth and the two sets of twins looked to their eldest brother. Watching him stiff and tensed. He didn't cry. He didn't wail. He didn't scream at the sky. He just became . . . empty. Days passed, but for the family, it felt like years. He knew that he couldn't fall to the predator known as depression. He had younger siblings to take care of. A knock came at the door. He walked towards it, but to him it felt like gravity was pushing him in the sky and him wrestling to get a hold of himself. He opened the door to find her. "No!" Nicholas closed the door on Masaru's sister, Yuki's face. "Nicholas! Nicholas!" Nicholas growled and turned around, but was stopped by Elizabeth. "Let her in." Nicholas growled, puffing his chest and lifting his neck. "I know you that you loved him, but you need to let her in." Nicholas shooked his head, "not a gods damn chance. She left him to rot in a forest by himself!" Elizabeth stood her ground and stared directly into his eyes until he huffed and turned around, opening the door once again. "What!?" Nicholas barked, his eyes glowing a brighter gold. "Masaru? Is it true about what i feel?" Yuki's tears slipped down her cheeks as she stared right into those eyes. "Why do you care? You left him." Yuki's face shifted into disgust. "I left him because i knew i couldn't take care of him! I didn't know how to care of a nogitsune! That doesn't even matter! He's still . . . he was my little brother, Nicholas. He was my best friend and i let him go. . . . .All i ask is that you let me see his grave." Nicholas shooked his head, "I can't do that." Yuki growled, pulling Nicholas down to her height by his collar. "Why not!?" Nicholas shoved her off and fixed himself. "Because Adarian got to him first." Yuki stumbled back at the words, she felt shattered. As if she was a mirror and got hit with a baseball bat. Watching the glass fly and cut her into a million pieces. "Fuck. . . .FUCK!" Yuki stomped once at the ground and fire roared around her in a circle. "Come on, Yuki. Come inside." Elizabeth said and Yuki listened. 

Masaru stared up at the bright blue sky. Owwwwww~. My body. It hurts. Where am i? Masaru slowly sat up and saw a clear lake, his throat instantly becoming parched. He crawled to it and drank greedily. Once he was done, he stared at the watered version of him that rippled. "Who am i?" He spoke in his old Latin tongue.
Naomi was walking down to Nia and Lokis room, going to do her normal check up on them. She thought to herself, that they were probably still in good condition, but she was too worried to skip a day. "Okay so first we-" She froze, her mouth agape, as she saw both Nia and Loki awake. Didn't expect this... She stood there, trying to understand, she had though it'd take longer for the two to wake up. 


Raven was out training like always, as if he wasn't strong enough. He sighed, after finishing his tenth spell, still feeling filled with energy. "Hmm...what next..." He looked through page after page, looking.

Nia's face would remain blank, however tears came down her face.

She would remain like this until
she looked down at the bed, eyes wide in shock as she stared at what remained of her arm. Tears kept coming down as she spoke quietly. "why. Why. Why. Why! No. no. No no no please!" she tightly gripped her bed sheet, with her good hand. Her whole body shaking.
Mia would sit in the living room, curled up in a ball and rocked back and forth as she waited to hear the news about her friends. She didn't know what to do, and it was killing her. Izzy was going rounds around the building, looking for any more danger, but that even terrified Mia. The fact that her friend had to act like a guard dog to them all scared her. 
"N-Nia? What happened? What's--" Dei-Loki paused, tensing as he took notice to the half-missing limb. "How--!?" he'd grimace in pain before glancing to Naomi, blinking.
"Some guy with a sword got to her...lucky, before he took her head, I got her." She said truthfully. "I didn't expect either of you to wake up this quickly..." She said once again truthfully. She thenn looked at Nia, sighing. "I know this may be quite a bit too ask, but Nia, try to calm down..." She said, she was trying to find a way to help Nia with her missing arm.
"Th-That's horrible..." Dei-Loki would mutter before widening his eyes and looking to Naomi once more. "Wh-What about the others!? Is everyone else okay?"
Naomi sighed. "Everyone is fine except..." Her eyes glew a saddening purple. "Masaru...he's gone..." She hated when comrades had died, it was something Raven and her actually had in common. She then closed the door behind her, hoping Loki wouldn't try to make a run for it or something. 
on izzy's round around the house, a smell hit her nose. It wasnt a pleasant smell, but of course, the smell of death wasn't pleasant anyways. She quickly went towards  the source of it, seeing Masaru. "Fuck, Loki is going to flip." She shifted into her human form and picked up the fox man carefully yet easily, and carried him back to the house.
Dei-Loki nodded, instantly halting all movements the moment 'except' had been heard. His heart instantly sinking before a small bit of rage began to build within him. "No... No, that can't be... he was just..." He'd hunch forward, not caring about the pain it had caused. "He... He... I..." With a loud growl, he erupted with rage. So much so that a wave of energy pulsed through the room - knocking objects over and shattering the windows and anything else breakable in the room. "YOU'RE LYING TO ME! DON'T LIE TO ME ABOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS! HE'S NOT DEAD! HE CAN'T BE! This pain... HE ISN'T! NO!"
"I'll make some cookies." The room sat in silent and Nicholas sat down next to Mia and cradled her to his chest.


"Let me go!" Masaru said in his old Latin tongue. Not knowing that Izzy couldn't understand him.
Nia remained motionless through the chaos, she continued to look down at herself as she raised her left hand, "ill try to calm him down" She intended to used her magic to do just that, with a motion, she casted the spell. She got the spell build. Only... it didn't work. She was perplexed why didn't it work?

She tried to move somthing off the floor. Again, it failed. She felt it work, but... it didn't, there was some kind of block, preventing her from touching the outside world with her magic. "my magic..." she looked up at Naomi then to Loki "I can't use it..." she said in shock, her voice cracking. 
Masaru groaned as he made it into the clinic. Where am i? Who are these people? WHO AM I?  Masaru squirmed in Izzy's arms, but he was so weak, tired and broken. Cuts, bruises, gashes, all on his body. It looked as if he was tossed in the meat grinder for how bad he looked. 
Dei-Loki glanced to Nia, his eyes widening a small bit as the voice crack temporarily snapped him out of his anger. "None of it?.." He'd quietly question before then pausing as Masaru was brought into the room - his eyes widening a bit more after noticing his condition. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW Y' COULDN'T HAVE DIED SO EASILY!" As he'd shout, he'd eagerly get out of bed - only to tumble to the floor from the pain. "Faaaaaaaaack!"
"great job loki, glad your crush is alive" Nia sunck into her blanket "im just going to lay here" she said sounding extremely depressed.
Masaru looked around at the room around him. Both seemed to be in distressed. And yet he couldn't understand neither of them. He was laid down in the bed and put a blanket over him. "Help. Me. Thirsty." But nothing came out except old Latin.

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