Indescribable (Closed)

Adam stepped onto the battlefield, looking around at his troops. "Bring them to their knees..." he said gesturing with his sword held in his left hand. The troops obeyed rushing into the fray with swords and submachine guns.


Nia saw the incoming threat as was about to leap into the fray, then she saw the uniforms of the Black Fang. "no..." she said at whisper volume. She turned and ran from the fighting, into the village to attempt to save as many lives as possible from the slaughter.
"If it is a war that you want, then you shall get a war. But, don't count on a bloodshed, because i'll make sure to 'cleanse' people just like you. Remember, Cleansing? What a stupid word, for a stupid man. Cleansing!? Ha! It still makes me laugh like a madman just to hear that stupid word." Masaru teleported after each sentence. Keeping a few inches away from him and Ruvik. "Well then, friend! Let's cleanse this world, if that is what you wish. YES! Let's cleanse it from people like us!"
Ruvik's teeth would grit as his gaze tried to keep up with Masaru. His ears working in his favour as he'd mentally follow the male that disappeared and reappeared from place to place - soon grinning widely when he felt he'd caught a pattern before forcefully swinging his sword to the left. No words escaping his mouth until Masaru's last sentence. "Gladly."

Dei-Loki growled, not noticing the sudden barrier as he'd been viciously slicing through every Blighter one by one as if he were Levi attacking Titans, but with a bit of a psychotic twist that was... quite terrifying. However, he would then stop as he caught something out of the corner of his eye. It was... Malvo?

Malvo's eyes would flash as she leapt into the air before bringing her blades forward and coming down at him hard. Dei-Loki widened his eyes, quickly moving out of the way as he glared to her. His eyes temporarily flashing in such a way that made them dragon-like before returning to the way they had been seconds ago. "Yer on the wrong side, Malvo!"

Malvo didn't listen to him as she quickly charged at him once more - bringing her blades back before slashing at him with a blank expression on her face. Dei-Loki continued to dodge, his eyes trembling as he glared - not wanting to hurt her.
Masaru turned his head as the blade made impact on the corner of his mouth. A decent sized gash laid there. His black blood slowly flowing out of the cut and down his cheek. He spit the blood onto the ground, turned and smiled. His teeth covered in the black liquid, making him seem more crazy and sinister than before. "Ouuuuchhie~. You gave me a boo-boo." Masaru sliced at Ruvik's face.
Ruvik eye would continue to glow, grinning as he watched his blade slice through Masaru's cheek. The sight of blood causing his grin to curl before he'd stifle a yelp as his cheek was soon sliced through. Following with a growl, he'd lift his foot and forcefully attempt to land a blow on Masaru's stomach to kick him away.

"Malvo! I know you're in there!" Dei-Loki continued, soon yelping as she appeared behind him - sweeping his feet out from under him. Malvo's blade instantly pointing to Dei-Loki's neck.

"Slow..." Malvo numbly spoke, staring at her twin as her voice doubled with her father's. "Y' were always so slow..."
Masaru flew and his back against the tree. "Much respect. You maybe half blind, but you have good strength. But really, who needs strength when you need to be agile, quick and intelligent." He teleported around Ruvik, kicking him at every word until he was high in the air and then let him fall.
Ruvik would keep a cold glare locked in Masaru's direction, his eye soon wincing shut as he'd taken the blow of every kick in the storm. Soon falling onto his back with an audible groan. However, still, he was able to push himself to his feet - though he'd slightly slumped over from the current multiple-placed pain. "Oh, of all the times I've been used as a punching bag..."

"Y' don't have t' do this..." Dei-Loki pleaded, glaring up at her as his eyes housed the pain of a broken child - stripped of the ones he loved while being forced to watch. Tears welling in the corners of his eyes. "Y' can still come back to us... please..."

"You truly believe that I cared?" Her stare remained blank, leaning forward to stare deeper into his gaze. "All of the days that I tried t' bend ya into corruption, all the trouble I've caused ya..." A sadistic grin then creeped up her face. "I could take this blade and cut you down the middle and literally not feel a single thing." Her eyes held pain as that same grin remained. "I loathe you, little Loki. I always have. Every little thing you've stood for. Friendship. Aiding ones that will turn on a dime and twist their blade into you. And don't even get us started on the lack of a better use fer that Corruption of yers. It's SICKENING. So much that, from day one, I wished I could fucking slit yer throat and bleed the 'niceness' from yer body... I would have loved t' take yer head and allow my horse t' crush it under his hoof. Or t' strip the skin from yer body and sell it on the black market. Yer ears and tail could've made a lovely prize. But, thanks t' that pain bond, ya stripped us of that ability... until now."
Ruvik would return the attacks, gaining a few cuts and bruises as blood would fly.

Dei-Loki would stare before slowly sinking into a shadow on the ground and appearing behind Malvo - forcefully kicking her in the back, causing her to yelp and stumble forward. "Ya were never truly evil, Malvo. You aren't like the other Nightmares." 

"Y' claim t' know me so well... Just because I'm yer 'twin', ya believe we're one and the same." Malvo would sneer before quickly pivoting and charging for an attack - Dei-Loki having dodged only to yelp once she appeared behind him and struck his side which sent him flying a few feet. "But yer wrong..."
Mia was going to say more until she saw all the fighting going on. She glared at Ash before running off to go help and make sure everyone was okay.

Izzy popped in on the other side of Ruvik in her shadow hellwolf form, snapping her jaws around his leg before disappearing again and reappearing a distance away before the man could attack. Black smoke pillowed out her nose as her coal black eyes looked at Masaru without a word or anything. Her tail flicked as she growled lowly at Ruvik, more smoke coming out her nose


After Mia was gone, Ash chuckled and took off on his own business 
Nia, in an attempt to save lives in the chaos. Went to a partially collapsed building, thr dining hall, the door was blocked so Nia went around and found a broken window to enter through, then she heard a scream. Nia would then back away from the shattered window, staring in horror at her old partner.Adam would smirk "running away again my love? Is that what you've become, a coward!?"  Nia looked at the chaos that surrounded them "why are you doing this?!""Don't you remember? You and I were destined to light the fires of revolution!" Adam put his boot on the mans stomach and draws his sword and prepares to stab the man in the chest " consider this... a spark"Nia then charges into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as she pushes him away from the man and they stand with their blades locked, sparks coming off of the point "I'm. Not... running" Nia said with determination in her voiceAdam used his height and pressed Nia's sword back some "You... will" Adam would kick Nia in the stomach, sending her back a distance. Nia fell onto her back and looked up in horror as Adam walked towards her "but not before you suffer for your betrayal." Nia quickly stood to her feet and threw wilt at Adam. Adam moved his torso and sidestepped the attack as he drew his sword, cutting the black ribbon attached to the blade, sending the blade into the wall behind him. Nia prepared a spell to attack him. Adam spoke then, sheathing his sword again, "I would save that if I were you." Nia felt something wrong, her magic was somehow weaked drastically. She had to use her spells wisely...

(Part one of two)
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Ruvik yelled out a growl of pain. His eyes narrowing as he nearly lost his balance. Attention - briefly - shifting in Izzy's direction before watching her vanish. "Another challenger!?" He snorted and glared. "So be it..."

"I'm not wrong!" Dei-Loki firmly stated, their blades clashing as they pushed against each other. "I look at y' as though yer my sister. Ya know why!?" He snarled. "Because, ever since the day we've met, I've felt a sibling connection! And even more-so when I saved you!" 

There was a flash before a flashback occurred - taking place in a heavily wooded area. A burly looking thug barking out a laugh as he stood up. "I 'ave t' admit. Ye weren't as much of a squirmer that I thought ye'd be." As the male spoke, he hovered over a tied up, younger Malvo. Not a word escaping her as she trembled - bloody on the forest floor. The loud, painful yell of the burly thug was what caused Malvo to look up. Her eyes having widened a small bit as she watched a younger version of Dei-Loki repeatedly plunge a dagger in and out of the thug - even after he was on the ground.

"YER A SICK FOCK! A SICK SOD THAT DESERVES NOTHIN' BUT THA WORST TORTURE THA DEVIL AND SHADOW FATHER HAVE TA OFFER!" The younger Dei-Loki shouted angrily as he continued to stab the thug.

Malvo kept her eyes a bit wide, Dei-Loki heading over as he cut her free from the ropes - offering her a hand. "C'mon... let's get ya home..."

The memory faded back to present day the moment Malvo took his hand. Dei-Loki and Malvo still pressing against each other's dual blades. Both glaring to each other.
Raven, feeling multiple entities, but, soon feeling some of them fade, or being killed. "Hmmm...nevermind, you can leave." The shadow spirit, not caring for what was happening, dispersed without a sound. Raven then dashed his way over, quick enough to witness Izzy helping Masaru. Without hesitation, Raven dissolved into the shadows only being briefly seen by other, when he had assassinated man after man, before dissapesring again. "Heru Kilc Gurzxy." As he finished his incantation, multiple roots came from the ground, wrapping around the enemies, and squeezing the life out of them.
Akumu laughed as he sliced through one blighter at a time, quickly spinning to clear out any that surrounded him. As he'd done so, his blade had been giving off a dark purple glow. "Barely even a challenge!" He barked out.

"Y' still have time to prove yer not like them..." Dei-Loki spoke as his ears flattened. A growl escaping him as he then shouted. "DO IT NOW BEFORE ALL IS LOST!"

Malvo hesitated before then pushing him back with her blades - quickly charging him once more before ramming her shoulder into his stomach - running him into the barrier which caused a loud electrical surge - followed by an explosion that sent them the opposite direction. Both of them yelping in the process. Dei-Loki remaining on the ground the longest, which allowed Malvo to get up and step on Dei-Loki's chest.
Adam nonchalantly walked forward. Nia ran at him, jumping into the air as she tried to cut him with bloom. Adam again sidestepped the attack, landing a punch with his right hand on Nia mid-air. Nia tumbled to the floor. Adam knelt besides her. "This could have been our day can't you see that?" "that was your dream, not mine! I never wanted this!" Nia raised her hand as a narrow stream of fire shot out at Adam. Adam halfway unsheathed his blade, blocking the attack with his sword, as it glew red, absorbing the attack. 

"what you want, is impossible!" Adam sheathed his sword then backhanding Nia across the face, knocking her to the ground. "but understand that as I set out upon the world to deliver the justice mankind deserves, I will make my mission to destroy everything you love" Nia used her limited magic to teleport herself away from him. Adam retrieved a strange black dust from his pocket and coated his sword in it. Then re-sheathing it. 

Nia screamed in rage and launched herself at Adam, swinging her sword downward at him. Adam swiftly unsheathed his sword, activating his his ultimate. The blade hummed to life, become unimaginably hot, the black dust becoming black lightning coursing around his blade. 

Adam's blade cut through Nia's sword, severing it in two, with it burned red hot at the point it was cut. His blade continued past the blade and hit Nia.

As Nia flies through the air, the lower half of her right arm separates from her. Beginning to loose consciousness as the black dust seeped into the wound, cauterizing it, as it coursed through her veins, having unseen effects. She lands on the floor and lays on her side, completely still.

Adam flicks the blood of his blade and walks forward, raising his sword for the final strike...
"Malvo... please..." Dei-Loki whined, wincing as he pleaded with her. "This isn't you..."

Malvo's eyes flashed as she quickly plunged her blade into Dei-Loki's stomach, causing him to loudly release a heart-wrenching yelp - one which echoed throughout the entire territory.

Upon hearing the heart wrenching cry, Akumu widened his eyes and looked in the direction of the two. His heart instantly sinking. "DEI-LOKIIII!"

Giving the blade a violent twist, Malvo then leaned forward. Tears in her cold eyes. Tears that could obviously tell that this whole thing emotionally and physically took a toll on her. But, at the same time, she almost seemed happy that it hurt so much. "Ya shouldn't have aided me on that day... ya shouldn't have helped... As the creator of the Nightmare Realm, y' should already know not t' trust a Nightmare..."
Masaru turned around, hearing the terrible pain ripped from Dei's voice. "No. No. No, I refuse. You take my brother. You take my parents. I won't let you. I WON'T LET ANY OF YOU TAKE THE REST! I WON'T LET YOU!" Masaru rushed at the barrier and began to push. The electricity sparking blue lights around his black smoke. His hands began to slowly burn as he kept pushing. "I WON'T! NO MORE! I WILL FIGHT TO MY FUCKING GRAVE! YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM! NO! NO! NO MORE! NO MORE! I refuse. I REFUSE! YOU HEAR ME! DEI FIGHT! GODS DAMN IT, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!" Masaru back from the barrier and began to ram against it with his shoulder, not caring of the burning flesh. "FIGHT! FIGHT FOR THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE! GODS, YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE!" Tears spilled down his cheeks as he pushed. "YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME! Please. I don't want to hurt. i am so scared. P-Please. FIGHT! I CAN'T PROMISE YOU THAT I WON'T DIE! I CAN'T PROMISE YOU HAPPINESS! I'LL STAY ALIVE. I WON'T EVEN THINK OF ENDING MY LIFE, BUT YOU HAVE TO BE THERE WHEN I FALL. AND I'LL BE THERE FOR YOU! GODS DAMN IT! FIGHT!" Masaru felt as if he was drowning once again, just like when he was a child. When he heard his mother death. When he saw his family disappear. Being torn by the demons that chained them to ground. "I need you. I need you all. YOU ARE MY FAMILY! SO YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME AGAIN! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!" 
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The barrier would buzz with every hit - every push - the constant contact. Like if you were to place a strong bug zapper into a nest of large flies. The sound being rather loud.

Hearing Masaru's shouting, Dei-Loki looked in his direction through slightly winced-shut eyes. Blood tricking down the corners of his mouth as he winced and growled. Quite the pickle this is. 'I...' Listen to him and fight it, Dei-Loki. WE. ARE NOT. DYING. HERE. Dei-Loki would then growl a bit darker, wincing his eyes shut as he'd then expelled an unseen dark force that propelled Malvo off of him - sending her spiralling into the barrier. The force being enough to break through and drop it completely.

Upon the launch, Malvo loudly let loose a yelp. Wincing from the burning before wincing even more as she knocked down several trees in her path.
Masaru raced towards Dei and held him close. "I need to take you to the to the nurses here."
Dei-Loki winced the moment he'd been pulled close. His breathing a bit shallow as a few tears succeed in running away from the prison known as his eyes. Reaching over, he gripped the front of Masaru's shirt - going to speak but then wincing again soon after.
Masaru carefully lifted Dei from the ground. Not caring about the people around them. He will kill them all if they lay a damn hand on his family.
The demigod kept his weight against the kogitsune's torso as he continued to loosely grip his shirt. Trembling a small bit as he tried to suppress his pain. 'Sh-She did it... again...' He'd think before then quietly speaking aloud. "I couldn't..."
Nia was running building to building, trying to teleport everyone away from the catastrophy. That is when she heard Nia yell obviously angry. She had witnessed her flying away from a man, seeming to walk to her to finish the deed. She immediately dashed, picking up Nia, right before Adams blade crashed through the floor, where Nias head were to be. (Or neck) Her eyes glew the same, dangerous and sharp, purple she gave Loki. "You're lucky I don't have the chance to pummel your damned face into the ground." She paused ready to teleport away with Nia. "Don't let me catch you near Nia again..." Naomis voice seemed to quadruple over, obviously getting mad. She was then gone in an instant with Nia, already preparing her nullify magic.
Akumu watched Masaru, nodding to him as he kicked a soldier away. "I'll handle this for as long as I can. Now go!"

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