Indescribable (Closed)

Nia remained silent for a time before speaking. "That was fun" she said referring to the argument between her and Masaru 
Ravens hand glew orange, after mumbling something, he then planted his fist into the ground as a shrine erupted from the ground. "Eh...why not ask a favor?" He sat at the shrine, closing his eyes, he kept silent, as he kept sitting and waiting.
Nia stood and stretched. "I'm going to talk a walk, you two have fun" she said with a wink as she exited the dining hall.
Raven opened one eye slightly irritated. "Of course...IDIOT!" He flicked the shrine, but it seemed nothing had happened. He growled a bit in annoyance. 
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"Bastards never stop, do they?" A dark red/brown haired wolf child sounded from the treetops - quite a ways away from everyone else. His purple irises studied a few Blighter scouts with a bored expression on his face. That look, however, was soon replaced with a small smirk that would curve his mouth's features. The scar on his mouth seeming to move with it slightly. Clearing his throat, he leapt from the tree as he landed in front of the two scouts. "You know, it's a bit rude t' spy. I'm assuming it's a fight ya want. And, well... if it's a fight ya want..."


"Then so be it." The wolf-like male would then grin as the two glared and charged at him, only to instantly sound their shrieks as the male spun and allowed his blade to cut through them like a warm knife to butter. The two dropping to the ground before seeming to sizzle and decay. The male would then scoff, adjusting his glasses before wiping the poisonous blood from his blade. "And the General deems these bastards worthy adversaries against humanity? Tch." He'd then look ahead, starting in the direction where Dei-Loki and the others had been staying.

Dei-Loki would continue to eat his berries before then pausing and widening his eyes upon catching a familiar presence. Instantly looking in said direction, he kept his brows perked. He then stood and spoke without looking in the kogitsune's direction. "Masaru. Carry me outside."
"Is that an order . . .my lord?" Masaru smirked, bowed as he kept one gloved hand over his heart. 
Dei-Loki would then sharply look in Masaru's direction. A very slight and barely noticeable nod to follow as he repeated. "That's an order."

The male would then lift his blade and set it on his shoulder. That very same smirk upon his face as he looked the place over. "A bit of an interesting place..." he quietly commented to himself.
"As you wish, my lord." Masaru lifted the runt onto his back and quickly began to move. Unfortunately, he couldn't teleport because he was carrying a passenger. So he was slower than what he liked. Soon, he made it until he was only a few feet Akuma. "Shall i draw my sword?"
Nia saw the newcomer and soon giving herself a speed boost, appearing in front of Akuma in a blur. Her red cloak sent whipping around as a result. As she waved happily and quickly at him she said/singed happily to him. "HELLOOOOOOOOOO~ my name is Nia, its a pleasure to meet you!" she held out a hand to him.
As Masaru lifted Dei-Loki, he rested his hands on his shoulders before then looking to Akumu with only a small bit of surprise. "Hold yer attack." He would instruct before then looking to Akumu. "Akumu, what are y--" he then paused and blinked before turning his attention to Nia.

Akumu blinked and smiled a bit as he saw his brother before then looking to Nia with a perked brow from her cheery disposition. His attention soon traveling to her hand as he shook it before introducing himself. His purple irises soon closing. "Akumu Elliott Alaois."
Masaru nodded and released the kid from his back before stepping back so that they he wasn't blocking their way.
Nia would turn into a chibi version of herself and sit on Akumu's head. Pointing forward triumphantly, puffing out her chest. "Onwards my trusty steed!"
Raven, starting to get extremely annoyed, yelled. "HURRY IT UP!" He punched the shrine so hard a bit of it cracked. "Wait...I thought he said." The, a cloudy figure sprang from the crack. "Hello...Oh it's you again, greetings Raven Daniel." Raven sighed. "Don't use my last name, I don't need everyone knowing it." The shadow shifted a bit. "Would you rather me call you by your nickname the elder gave you, Treefrog?" Raven looked taken aback for a moment, before his became red. "NO, J-JUST RAVEN, NO ONE NEEDS TO KNOW THAT EITHER!" The Shadow figure, seemed to dance around him. "Ok, then what do you need Raven?"
Dei-Loki blinked a few times as he watched, his ear slowly lowering as he was set back on his feet. "Akumu. Why. Are. You. Here?"

Akumu, distracted, blinked before turning his attention up at the chibi Nia. Smiling and quickly wagging his tail. "Awwwwww! Where shall we go?"

Dei-Loki growled and closed his eyes. "DAMMIT, I'M NOT FINISHED TALKING T' YA YET!"

Akumu then paused and shifted his attention to his younger brother. A smile still on his face. "Calm yerself, ya mischievous hothead." He'd then slowly close his eyes as he returned his blade to it's scabbard. His tone, in an instant, becoming more serious. "I wanted t' ensure the Blighters hadn't gotten t' ya all, yet."
Nia smiled, then turning into a small chibi Dei-Loki "BlightersBlightersBlightersBlightersBlighters!" She said doing her best crazy Dei-Loki impression. She turned back into her own chibi again, no larger than a basketball as she floated, small traces of gold dust following her as she extended her stubby arm out and touched Dei-loki's nose with her equally small finger. "thats you" she said with a higher pitch than usual as she then returned back to Akumu's head.
Dei-Loki had just gone to speak before he was then stopped by Nia's impression. Flicking an ear in annoyance as he puffed his cheeks upon the poke. "I don't sound like that!"

"It sounded pretty spot-on to me." Akumu managed to smile once again, laughing softly as he crossed his arms. Watching as Nia landed on his head once more. "Especially when it comes to those poor blight-ridden bastards."
Dei-Loki then grumbled, his eyes having been shut as he tried to change the subject. "I caught the scent of a couple of BLI--" he coughed to hide his growl, almost as I'd he tried to stop himself from something. Soon, he started again growling out the term 'Blighters'. "A couple of Bliiiighterrrrs before picking up your presence... y' killed them, I trust?" 

"I wouldn't have called it fair. It was a quick death to them both... pitiful." 
Nia tugged on Akumu's hair. "wets goh owhn an advwentwre!" she said pointing forward triumphantly again. "make sure mr.grumpytails doesn't be a meanie"
"That idea sounds good t' me!" He replied to chibi Nia before then looking to Masaru after hearing the nickname 'Mr. Grumpytails'. Assuming she meant the kogitsune. His brows lifting as he then glanced to Dei-Loki. "By the Maker, I leave ya on Midgard fer a few months and ya have gained a butler!"
Masaru nodded to Akumu. "Aye, i hurt your brother deeply, so in favor, i wish to serve by his side until i have fixed my wrongs."
"Y' hurt him?" Akumu's energy suddenly darkened, gaze narrowing as he angrily adjusted his glasses. His ears being pinned back upon hearing Nia's words.

Dei-Loki flattened his ears as he watched Akumu take a few steps closer. Dei-Loki managing to stand inbetween the two as he sighed. "We've moved past the anger. Drop it."

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