Indescribable (Closed)

Raven, feeling no need to stick around with Naomi, who was feeling 'scientist like', soon left, to make his was to his room. "What to do..." He looked around, hoping that Naomi wouldn't reactivate his crystal, it had hurt quite a bit when she does.


Naomi sighed, hoping the gloom of the group would soon fade away. Jeez, they make Raven seem fun.
"I don't suppose there's any steak, here, is there?" Dei-Loki would ask as his eyes would turn his curiosity to Masaru. Hands still quietly tucked away in his pockets.
Nia remained motionless for a time, before standing up and heading inside. She wandered for a time, before she would make her way to the dining hall, taking a seat as she waited for something to happen. 
"I don't think so. Mia's place seems. . . friendly and innocent unlike ours. I don't think they would kill their neighbor who is a chicken, just to eat chicken. And the way that the children stare at us makes me think that they don't have predators here. So, do you want something else? Maybe a salad, or something sweet?" Masaru entered the dining room/kitchen fully and saw Nia alone. "What are you doing, Nia?"
Raven sighed, picking up his spell book. Hey Toma, want to train? YES ANYTHING TO PASS THE TIME! Ok, calm down. "Well..." Raven then made his way outside, preparing his spell book. The books pages, He started to chant, as waves of power pulsed around him.
"Guess I'll go with something sweet... Maybe some berries or somethin'..." Dei-Loki would huff with a shrug, indecisive at this point. Blinking, he'd then glance to Nia as he perked a brow.
Nia sat up "waiting for someone to talk to. I feel like I just went on a vacation and returned just now. Everything feels off, I'm not sure what to do." Nia said, crossing her legs and arms, as she leaned backwards on the chairs back lags as her feet rested on the table.
"I see. I'll go make something for us to eat. Sit here and rest." Masaru lead Dei to the table with Nia and sat him down. He then seemed to disappear again in the shadows, making breakfast.
Dei-Loki nodded, wincing a bit as he slowly sat down at the table before hesitantly leaning back against his chair with a small wince.
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Nia looked at Dei-Loki re-setting back to her all four legs of her chair as she turned to face Dei-Loki completely. "Hey, I uh- I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out last night..." she said poking her two index fingers together repeatedly.
Raven finished the chant, his eyes glowing a dark mysterious purple, seeming to be alluring to anything that looks at him. "Alluring trap." A purple field surrounded Raven, as every insect that looked at him, walked into it. All of the bugs died in all sorts of ways, from air deprivation to death by flames.
Blinking, he then looked to Nia and smiled to her. "It's no trouble." He would reply, removing his hands from his pockets - bringing one to the back of his head. "To tell y' the truth, I still feel bad that I was the one that probably sparked some bad memories, in the first place... But, I'm glad I was able to help y' back to yer feet. Physically and figuratively."
Nia sighed "I'm ready to talk about it now if you are" She said then looking around the room to see if anyone was there.
Dei-Loki would then nod as he watched her. His arms soon resting on the table as he pulled a smile. "Alright. I'm ready."
Nia opened her mouth to speak but said nothing, remaining quiet for a time before speaking "so who talks first? I talk first? You talk first?"
The demigod would then slowly perk his brows as he shifted in his seat. "Whichever feels more comfortable. I'll go first, if ya want me too."
Dei-Loki let out a snicker before having nodded. A soft huff soon escaping him as he closed his eyes. Gloved fingers and claws gently drumming on the table's surface. "Ah, were t' begin..." Softly clearing his throat, he would continue to speak. "Well, I told you what I was yelling at, but I left out the description as to why I have this. So, get ready fer an earful. . ."

He took a cautious look around to ensure no one else had entered before speaking once more upon realising they were alone. Soon exposing the mark on his chest. "This is the mark of the Corruption, and I got it the moment I absorbed the Shadow Octahedron - which is an object of great power, and I'll get into it either later or some other time... Anyway, the reason I have this was t' save my life when I was born, as my bitch of a mother nearly tore my throat out the moment I took my first breath. As her attempts to strip me of life slowly got worse overtime, the Corruption had spread through my veins - so much so that my biological father showed up and took me and my older brother to the family that we instantly got adopted into. This was all in an act to save the poor bastards that I was livin' with... Those 'Phantomfangs' that I'm ashamed t' call any sort of family." He'd ruffle his own hair at the thought. A growl escaping him. "Those bastards didn't last long, though... I ended up taking almost every Phantomfang's life at merely the age of six - YES, six - two years after my older brother and I moved in with the King and Queen. I'm thankful that our adopted parents still loved me after that... although, I can't understand how they could love such a monster... And, let me tell ya... I... I don't regret it. I'm glad those bastards are rotting in hell. Just wish it didn't take me so many years after to track down my biological mother to take her out, as well... She was the whole reason this happened, in the first place..."

His smirk disappeared as he'd then soon cross his arms and close his eyes. "Anyway, even after all of that, the Corruption is still spreading. It's even made the top part of the palms of my hands pitch black, and it did the same t' the area where my fingerprints should be at the ends of each finger... It's spread so much that it's actually opened another door where it can speak t' me. I've learned t' control it a lot better, but, there is still the risk of it fully breaking my sanity to the point of no return... So... maybe it is a threat..."
Nia squinted, attempting to absorb the information "gee Dei-Loki I dont know, is going insane a threat?" She asked sarcastically. She put a hand on his shoulder, as her face grew 100% serious. "loki, you know I've got elven magic. Experienced users can do... astonishing things, things that shouldn't be possible, what I'm getting at is that. If you give me some time, and maybe some of your blood, rich with corruption to test with. I might be able to make it. Not. Kill you. Now, I am still just a novice, and I dont know if it's possible but maybe in time I could do it."
Dei-Loki would then grimace at the sarcasm before then heavily exhaling. His gaze traveling in Nia's direction once more as he listened to her serious tone. A hesitant nod soon occurring as he shifted a bit yet again. "... If y' think ya can, I guess it's worth a shot..."
"Ehhh..." Raven paused for a moment. "THAT WAS THE SPELL?" Raven sighed, what was with all these magic spells, that mainly dealt with vanity? "What? You asked to train, why not make people believe you're very attractive?" Raven then responded with "Oh please, I have a better chance with a rock than any living organism." He sighed. "How about something more...dark!" He said cheered up a bit. The spell book flipped to a page, before Raven began to charge his energy.
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"Okay, my turn to spill" Nia said taking a breath "I was in a terrorist organization" she said bluntly again

She paused, allowing Loki to respond "have you ever heard of the Black Fang?"
Dei-Loki paused at the confession, his eyes widening slightly. "You... You were a what, now?" following those words with the action of blinking several times, he leaned against the table slightly. "I don't think I have..."
"thats surprising, more people know about it than dont." she let out a shaky breath before continuing.

"the black fang have done terrible things, people slaughtered like wheat to a scythe, tortured, entire towns, looted and burned to the ground."

Nia paused, letting it sink in before continuing, lowering her head as she spoke "it wasn't always like that, originally we were a group of protesters, fighting for equality for any Elf, hybrid, any other kind of minority. I was basically born into this, I went to every rally, every protest, every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference...

But then, our leader stepped down. A new one took his place, a new leader, with a new approach. Peaceful protest were turned into violent uprisings and riots, but the thing is, it worked, we were being treated equally, but not out of respect... out of fear." she looked back up "and so I ran, and never looked back, but I know they are looking for me. Thats why I never have time to develop relationships with anyone. My past really wants to find me."

"The leader that took over, and changed the way we did things" she pulled out the picture of Adam and herself, pointing to Adam. "thats him. We were... close. He was a happy once but, somthing started to change in him. It wasnt overnight, it was gradual. First it was self defense, then it was an accident, then it was reflex he told me. I saw this and tried to talk him out of what he was doing. He became volatile, hostile," she put her hand to her cheek as she said the last word "abusive..." a tear came down her face  

"so I ran, and he wants me and humanity to suffer for our betrayal. Thats why I... thats why I dont want to stay with this group for long. I dont want them to be hurt because of me" she said the last part as tears dripped down onto her legs.
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Dei-Loki absorbed the information like a sponge as he listened, his ears slowly lowering as he'd then reach over and place a hand on Nia's shoulder. A serious and firm look seeming to mix with both sympathy and a small bit of empathy that had shown in his eyes. "You don't have t' run anymore, Nia. We've got so many people that are willing to protect one and other here, I'm sure they'd do it out of just plain instinct at this point without an ounce of regret or anger towards their need t' do so. I've heard a couple people here claim that we're all like a family, now. And sticking together is just what family is supposed t' do..."

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