Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki was silent at first, eyes still shut. Then again... The corruption would then make its self visible to Dei-Loki - propped up against a wall as the Dei-Loki Look-alike would grin. The eyes of the corruption pitch black. All accept the irises, which remained emerald. This figure only seen by Dei-Loki. I'm not entirely sure why y' thought embracing the Nightmare version of us was a good idea, in the first place. All Nightmares are exactly as we call them - Nightmares. Not much can change that.

'Shut up.' Dei-Loki repeated in his mind, growling softly.

And now the enemy has another person that knows exactly where everyone is in this damned place. Tossed every last one of them to the Blighters and whomever else Ruvik chose to pair up with. The corruption crossed its arms, closing it's eyes. Well done, I'm starting to think that you're the real traitor here. Then again, if not for your dragon-bonded, Shadow Warden blood, The First wouldn't be here in the first place.

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Dei-Loki shouted aloud, sitting up quickly and glaring at the wall the Corruption had been leaning against. The wall that, to everyone else, would lack the presence of anything. Nothing was there. He'd then wince instantly afterward. Growling angrily. "Nobody is doomed here! I'll bring Malvo back, and I'll kill EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE BASTARDS THAT THOUGHT THEY COULD TAKE HER FROM ME!"


"I think I know." Ruvik spoke up, slowly approaching the group as he kept his smirk. "She's the sister of the one that summoned me. Chances are, she came from exactly where we need to go. Isn't that right, Shadow Warden?"

Malvo paused, glancing to Ruvik soon after hearing him speak. With a slight glare, she tried to straighten herself as best as she could before wincing when she'd gone too far. "It's true... But I've left the group..."
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Naomi looked to Nia. "No, I'm almost done." Then, she watched as Loki rose, and yelled at the wall. She looked to where he was yelling, but nothing was there. She remained somewhat creepily calm. "Or, you could help me calm Loki down..." She hoped Dei-Loki would comply, instead of having Raven and Nia knocking him out, via spells.
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Nia rounded the table so she was in front of Dei-Loki and slapped him, HARD "NO" she said sternly "No crazy! Stop it!"


Adam kept a neutral face. "You may have left the group." He said placing his hand on the hilt of his sword. "But where does your allegiance lie hmm? How do we know they cant use you to find us? Or worse, if your a double agent?"
Dei-Loki yelped in sync with the sound of the slap. Looking off to the side for a moment before glancing to Nia. "B-But I-..." he'd then glance to the wall again. The Corruption no longer there.


Malvo then gave Adam a blank look, her eyes cold and one of her eyes, still, having been that deep crimson colour. "I stabbed my brother and nearly killed him." She would say bluntly before slightly narrowing her gaze. "I think it's clear where my allegiance stands..."

Ruvik paused at that, watching Malvo as he had listened to her.
Naomi looked blankly, at the two. (Sorta like this (  ._.) ) "Well, that's one way to handle it..." Well, I guess I would've slapped him too... She waited until Loki would lay down again, or until Raven forced hin back down, so she could finish.
Nia put a hand on Dei-Loki's shoulder and slowly pushed him back down.


Adam's face remained blank, as he walked closer to Malvo, glaring into her eyes through his mask. "Prove it"
Dei-Loki winced a bit as he was forced to lay back down on the table. A gentle sigh slipping through his clenched teeth. "I'll kill them all..." he pledged quietly.


Teeth clenching a bit, she lifted her shirt just enough to expose the blade wound on her stomach/side. "See this? My brother and I are linked when it comes to pain. The fresh wound is an example what I did to that insufferable little runt as a parting gift of mine. That damned Kogitsune didn't think I could do it, but I did it the minute I was handed the blade."

She'd then lower her shirt, closing her eyes. "I take it you all are planning some sort of attack, yes? Well... I know EXACTLY where they are all staying. Destroy the barrier, and I can take you all there before they even know what's goin' on..." Her tone was dark and sincere, though it was almost as if a bit of her broke deep within her mind.
Naomi continued stitching until she was done, she looked to Raven, speaking to him through mind link. Could you try to heal him a bit? He nodded, walking over to Loki. He placed his paln over the wound before muttering something. His hand glew green, before Dei-Lokis stab wound felt less painfilled, and much more better.
Nia then took a step back, and it looked like she was suddenly wearing a nurse outfit. She reached out into the air and pulled out a lollipop, putting it into Dei-Loki's mouth. She would then do the same motion and pull out a stuffed koala, putting it next to Dei-Loki "there you go buddy! The boo-boo is better now!"


Adam huffed, "fine, but dont try anything" he said turning on his heal, as hed walk back to his tent. He would then sit down and unsheath his unique crimson red blade and began sharpening it.
Dei-Loki paused from the flavoured, foreign object placed into his mouth. Gaze briefly shifting to the koala before then turning his attention to Nia. Brows instantly lifting from her appearance change.


Malvo gave a single nod to that, grimacing from the pain in her torso as she watched him go.

"Welcome aboard, Shadow Warden." Ruvik spoke with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah." Malvo growled. "Now, before I become physically impaired like the one-eyed Blighter General over here..." she glanced about for a place to get patched up.

Ruvik twitched slightly before heavily sighing and managing an annoyed grin before gesturing for her to follow. "Right this way..."
Raven watched as Nia changed in like a split second. He immediately started to leave the room. "I'll be outside if you need me..." Right as he left, Naomi laughed a bit. "The same old Raven...Hehe." Naomi looked around the room, glad that she was able to stitch Loki up, before anything worse could happen to the poor guy.
Dei-Loki watched as Raven took his rather anxious leave, his brows remaining raised. However, he then sighed and glanced to his hands as soon as he sat up. "... Thank you guys..." he quietly spoke, lollipop still in his mouth. Slowly clenching his hands as he thought to himself.
Nia then changed clothes in the blink of an eye. She sat down in a nearby chair and crossed her legs. Pressing her hand together in front of her chest. "So loki... why, exactly, were you yelling at that poor innocent wall?" She questioned him.
Naomi looked at the wall. "Yeah...what was with that anyways?" She was curious, it was really random. Hope he's not going insane... She'd state half-jokingly.
Dei-Loki blinked in result of the questioning. An ear lowering as he glanced to the wall once more. "I wasn't. There was--" he'd then halt his words, softly exhaling through his nose. Go ahead. Tell 'em. See what good it'll do ya.
Nia would lean forward a bit, un-crossing her legs as she put her elbows on her kness and hands out in front of her legs, fingers interlocked. "Loki, please... Tell me." She said concerned.
Naomi was thinking for a moment, before she had an idea. Maybe he could see something we couldn't, sorta like with the stalker... But, Naomi kept quiet, hoping Loki would give in to Nia.
Dei-Loki grimaced, shifting on the bed as he closed his eyes. "Look, it..." he huffed, rubbing his forehead with a gloved hand. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is Malvo is out there working with the enemy, when she should be here." And, here we go again. The Corruption commented, Dei-Loki having growled in response he spoke under his breath. "Shut it!"
"No, it does matter. Malvo, I could couldn't give a damn about, she's on the enemies side now. Thats it. End of discussion. I know from personal experience that you can't run from things forever. I want you to tell me what you saw, what's going on in your head. You. have. to. get. over. it, so we can be prepared for the next shitstorm that hits us. Because either you tell me, or I find out my own way" she would stand and pace around the room. "Look, in this group, after everything we've been through. We can't keep secrets, secrets get people hurt. No matter how well kept that secret is, it always come back and... it is always better to know something and not need it than to need it and be not know it. Tell me anything that can come back to bite us in the ass in your life, and I'll do the same."
Nicholas sighed and went to Dei-loki, Elizabeth following. The others went opposite ways to deal with the pain their own way.  "How you feelin', bud?" 
Dei-Loki's teeth instantly clenched, speaking through a growl. "Malvo isn't gone. She's just--" He stopped himself. No use feeding into his rage for the subject... Not yet, anyway. Inhaling deeply, he held the air in for a moment before switching his mindset over to answer the request. Exhaling, he began to explain. "It's my 'Corruption'. What I saw... was the Corruption. Nothing to consider a threat that will turn and bite us all in the arse, unlike the name it holds. In fact, it may even come in handy." Unless, of course, your craving for Blighter blood on your blade isn't enough. 'It will be. Now, y' aren't helping me by instigating. So, cut it out.' Little Loki would then pause, glancing over to Nicholas and Elizabeth as they made their way in. "About as good as anyone could be in this situation." On the brink of insanity? 'Shut. UP.'
Nia sighed "i think it is a threat, your on the verge of going crazy. You litteraly said "Shut up. I'll kill them all!" To a wall, half the enemies we've fought have some form of psychological attack. I'm trying to cover up a weak spot, plus, loki... I hate seeing you like this. I'm only trying to get it under control." She started to walk out of the room. "Whats the point? Your too damn stubborn to let other people in. Fine... deal with it yourself, it wont fucking work" Nia said with a sharp edge to her voice as she had had a very similar conversation with Adam, this conversation with dei-loki triggered repressed memories that she would much rather forget. She would fuel up with rage and clench a fist, shattering a chair into splinters as she walked out of the room.
Naomi watched as Nia shattered a chair with relative ease. Hmm... She then listened in to Nicholas, as he asked Loki if he was alright. Raven walked back into the room. He looked to Naomi, as she told him everything that had happened through mind link. she broke chair? Are we now being mean to inanimate objects? 
Nia's all too familiar words seemed to pierce Dei-Loki like a knife. As he watched the chair become piles of splinters on the floor upon Nia's exit, his ears instantly flattening. Sighing heavily, he brought his fingers to the bridge of his nose - pinching it as his eyes shut in somewhat of a wince. "Ah, damn it all..." he huffed before slowly sliding to his feet.
Naomi became very serious as Loki tried to get up. She cut her eyes to his direction before speaking, somewhat sharply. "Dei-Loki lay back down..." The last thing he needed, was to get up. He needed to rest, or i'd take much longer before he could get back into action.

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