Indescribable (Closed)

Nia walked down the hallway, emotions clouding her. As she walked, lightbulbs would shatter with a loud pop slowly incasing the hallway in darkness as Nia walked past, enveloped in shadow. She would eventually stop and collapse to her knees, then going to all fours as she slammed a fist onto the ground, a couple tears hitting the ground aswell. "I couldn't save him" she said, voice wavering. "Adam..." she said quietly, though a breath.
Dei-Loki tensed when he heard Naomi's tone before inching back onto the bed, looking to her. "But--... You can't expect me not t' go after her after all of that!" After he spoke with a guilty tone, he quickly looked to the door as he heard the repeated popping of bulbs. Another heavy sigh seeming to escape him.
I guess I can understand that... "Fine...but, please be careful...I do not wish to redo your stitches." She sighed quietly. "Better hurry, before she rids the place of all light..." Ya know, if you would have told her...we could've avoided this.
Nia remained on all fours, shaking her head. "Im so sorry... I left when you needed me... but I was so scared of what you were becoming" 

She reached into a pouch on her belt and retrieved a photo of Adam, he was smiling, without the mask on, and had his arms around Nia as they posed for a photo at one of the old protests. She lightly rubbed the photograph in-between her fingers. A sad smile soon appearing on her face. It would remain for a time then vanish as she ripped the photo in half, separating herself and Adam as it would drop to the floor. "That isn't you anymore..." she'd say quietly as tears welled in her eyes again.
Little Loki had then nodded to Naomi's words, ignoring his pain as he slid off the bed once more. He carefully sidestepped the multiple bits of wood that were scattered across the floor before then exiting the room. His eyes gave off their typical emerald glow the moment he entered the dark hallway. 'Gods, why the hell couldn't I have just told her!? Why do I feel so reluctant?'

With a huff, he began to follow the trail of blown light bulbs. His body seeming to blend with the shadows around him. Following a sigh, he'd speak. "Nia!" He would call out. "Nia, I'm--" and just like that, he would fall silent. His eyes having been widened once he spotted her. With a guilty look on his face, he would approach the elf. His footsteps barely heard as he listened to her. "Nia..?"
Raven and Naomi remained in the room, not wanting to bother with anyone else. Instead, they just waiting until Loki came back, Raven would know what would happen if he didn't come back. Naomi becomes like a scientist, she'll make regular check-ups which take a while, and it gets worse by the day. The check-ups become studies, she gets more reading, and may even implant a crystal into the person.
Nia lowered her head upon hearing Dei-Loki "I-" She wanted to run away. Run away like she always had. Run away and not let her past find her. However, after she told Dei-Loki not to keep secrets and let people in... her own words were weighing on her thoughts. "I- I- I. I've just seen a situation similar to yours before... I don't want to talk about it..." she picked up the picture with Adam on it and stared at it blankly, hugging her knees as she had done so.
Dei-Loki watched as she lifted the torn half of the photo from the ground, his hands remaining at his sides. His brow furrowed with concern as he spoke once more. "Can't offer much help, if y' don't fill me in." He then huffed and closed his eyes. "But, if ya aren't ready, I won't force y'... Just know that I, well... I'm sorry. I don't mean t' be so stubborn, I've... Just been through a lot. Enough to the point where I've just decided to box up my problems and keep them to myself. I'll do my best t' open up about this whole thing... And maybe, when I do, you'll be ready t' share what's eliciting such a sad mood on yer end..." looking to her once more, he'd offer a slight smile before having offered her a hand to help her stand. The sight of a friend in such a state causing his own eyes to water. "After all... Ya said no secrets, right?.."
"I guess we have that in common, you box yourself in, I run from my problems..." she sighed and picked up the other half of the photo, placing the two together, and used her magic to fuse them back together, where she would then put it back in her pouch on her belt. She looked up and accepted his hand up. "I just hope what we've been running and hiding from doesn't come back soon..." she looked down the hall at all the broken lightbulbs, then down at her hands "did I do that?" She asked, astonished.
He kept his smile as he helped her to her feet, nodding in agreement before blinking and looking down the hall. His gaze on the many broken lights. Rubbing the back of his head as he chuckled gently. "You did."
Mia went back to the group, sniffling softly as she looked at them all. "Anything I can do to help..?" She asked, looking at Nicholas. She knew he needed comfort, she could feel it, yet.. the since of the fear of him pushing her away was also in her heart. She looked down at the ground, waiting for them all to say no as she twisted her foot into the dirt. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven13233

Maya huffed, seeing her lift up her shirt as Adam interrogated her. She rolled her eyes, clearly not listening to the conversation as she turned her back and started walking around the camp, wanting to check it out. She didn't know if Ruvik would follow or not, but as soon as she walked, she heard Ash take a liking to Malvo. "Holy shit Adam. She's hot. I call dibs."

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Nicholas shifted around in his bed, insatiable by comfortable. His body felt weak, tired and useless. The aftermath of death's touch still lingering tightly against the family's skin, smothering them from happiness. He quietly stood, making sure to be careful not to wake up Mia. He walked out the room and out the house, seeing the early sets of light coming from the horizon. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked, staring at his brother's back. Masaru flicked the ashes from his cigarette and took another long drag until it to the end. He exhaled, releasing the toxic fumes from his lungs. He stared at the bud and crushed it. "What do you think?" His voice was icy, far-away and sickening. A new demon was forming in Masaru's head. "They. They took them. The Gods took our parents. What do you expect? I hate them, Nicholas. I HATE THEM! Of course, they hate me. Why not!? They want to bring me pain to make me beg for their grace and kiss their shoes! I HATE YOU! YOU HEAR ME! I HATE YOU ALL!" Nicholas pulled Masaru into his chest and hug him. "Don't. Please don't go. Please, please, please. We can get through this together." Masaru pushed away from his brother. "Keep your dirty hands off me! You love them! FOR WHAT! THEY DON'T DESERVE NOTHING! They tore this family apart, and for what? FOR WHAT!? A fate!? Ha! Like they could trust me. You must be losing your mind, Nicholas. You are losing it to the fake prayers from the preacher. You are listening to the words of lying creatures. There is no good from this world. There is nothing but death, blood, tears, and the shimmer of hope that will soon shatter in front of your eyes. I just hope you don't get cut from it, dear Nicholas. I just hope that you can live a good life and run." "Masaru!" Nicholas yelled as his brother turned and dissappeared into the air. 

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Dei-Loki would release an over-exaggerated huff. Or, was it not enough? All of the death, the loss of members, it was truly enough to tear anyone apart. Having heard the yelling, the shouting... Dei-Loki still continued to roam. To try and make an effort to find some shred of light in this everlasting darkness one may call current existence. Nothing... no luck... The look for the bright side was all just a fruitless endeavour.

"There's no life here anymore... Everyone's in their own state of mourning..." Dei-Loki would quietly mutter as he shut his eyes. A knot in his stomach as he thought about all that had happened thus far. "And I can't help but feel like it's goin' to get worse before it has a chance to get better..."
"How are your wounds healing, Dei-loki? Is there a scar?" Masaru asked once he teleported behind the wandering demigod.
Dei-Loki's movements soon slowed to a stop the moment his ears picked up the voice of the kogitsune. Blinking, he'd turned his head to face him before then turning around to face him fully. Gaze soon traveling to the ground. "Yeah, there's a scar... My wounds are healing quicker than I anticipated, though."
Nia got out of bed and wandered outside, sitting in the grass under a tree as she took in every sense around her. She crossed her legs and entered a state of absolute tranquility. Breathing slowly as she thought on the events of past, present and future.
Masaru looked at the demigod. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you and thinking that your sister would go the opposite way. I'm sorry that i was wrong and gotten you hurt. I'm sorry that i hurt you. And for hurting you, i owe my life. I shall become your servant until the day that i die or that i repay for what i caused you. It's only fair in my culture."
Blinking, Dei-Loki brought a hand to the back of his head and rubbed it. His gaze traveling to Masaru once more before shifting in place. Alec having climbed up onto the demigod's shoulder. "Y' don't have to, ya know..."
"I don't have to. I want to. I have done many wrongs. No rights. My parents are dead, i couldn't save them. I need to fix at least one thing. Just one. Please. Let me do this." Masaru bowed and looked at the ground. "Let me fix this at least. I need this."
Through his nose, Dei-Loki softly exhaled. A nod to follow as his emerald eyes would soon shut and his hands would enter his pockets. "Well, if it makes ya feel better... I suppose I shouldn't say no... Very well."
"Thank you. Now, are you hungry, master?" Masaru stood up. The tall man straightening himself and looked down at the demigod.
Brows perking from that, Dei-Loki shifted slightly. "Please don't call me that. Just using my name is fine." He'd then take a moment to think as he kept his hands in his pockets. "Now that y' mention it, I could go for something t' eat."
"As you wish. Now, let's go." Masaru walked all the way until he reached the dining room/ kitchen.

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