Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki winced a bit more from the movement and pressure. He hadn't said anything, but he could... somewhat understand where he was coming from.

Alec quickly followed after them before stopping and looking over to Neil. Clicking as he tried to get him to come along.

Neil kept his attention in the direction Malvo disappeared in, clicking back to Alec.

Alec would then tilt his head, growling a small bit as he continued to click. Neil growling in response before rushing to find Malvo. Alec watched him go, eyes widening as he tried to roar at him before shutting his eyes and rushing after Masaru and the others.
Masaru opened Mia's door to her home and went inside with the rest. "Hey, we need some medical help."

"I know it's confusing." Elizabeth then heard the door opening and Masaru yelling. "What?"
Raven And Naomi both were a little confused. Raven was first to mumble something, right as the group left. "Because being stabbed wasn't enough..." He sighed. "Twist it, why don't we?" Raven shook his head a bit. "I guess we all can go moronic at times." He watched as Naomi just ran to the group, yelling. "WAIT FOR ME!" He just started to walk to the group that had left at a leisurely pace. Contemplating the semi-stupid idea of Masarus.
Dei-Loki would cough gently as he struggled to hang onto consciousness. In his mind, he'd been angrily replaying that whole seen in his head as if he'd almost been torturing himself as a form of scolding. His blood dripping down to the floor as they made their way to Mia's room.

Alec followed after them still, his head low as he glanced around quietly.
Nia sighed and looked to Elizabeth with a worried expression. "We... have some bad news, you might want to take a seat for this..."
"I don't know if you realize this, but we have a bleeding Dei-loki in Masaru's arms. I think whatever you think is important ca-." Elizabeth clenched her fist tighter. "They're dead. Our parents are dead. I don't know what or how or who, but they're dead." Nicholas rushed past Elizabeth and into the parents bedroom. "No. Gods damn it! No! No! No!" A crash and few items dropping to the floor could be heard with Nicholas's voice. Masaru stared past Elizabeth's shoulder. "Raven, take Dei-loki." His tone was dead as he put Dei-loki into his arms. "Get him to a medical room and stitched." He kept his eyes on the walls. It was best for him to not look into their eyes and lose it. For him, he was building those walls around his heart once more and god, did it feel good. He gave an emotionless stare. "You four, get your brother out of the room. I need to clean up." Willow looked up with her tear stained eyes at her brother. "Masaru?" He growled when he turned his attention to her. "Don't. I don't want to hear it. Get him and keep him out." The boys nodded, going in and pulling out the crying Nicholas from the room. 

Masaru immediately went in and shut the door behind him. He walked to the foot of the bed and stared. He didn't cry. He didn't scream. Hell, he didn't even move. He wanted to be strong for his family. To be the strong one, and yet he wanted to crawl into bed with his parents and die and cry and beg and scream for the world to take him. "Is that bedtime story still too late? Can i sleep with you guys, the storms scare me. Please. Please, can you call me you baby boy one more time? Please. I need you to tuck me and kiss my head because i'm pretty sure the boogieman is still in my closet. Gods. . . wake up. Wake up. Please. . . please. I did something stupid to my friend. I need your help. I need you to tell me everything is okay. Gods, wake up." Tears plopped on the white sheets as he clutched it in his fist. "Mama. . .papa? Why. . .it's not fair. It's not fair. Please. Wake up." His words becoming even more shakier as he fell to his knees. "You two were the first to call me yours. To give me home. You two were the first to not hate me. To love me. Why? Why? Wake up and tell me! Tell me why you loved me. Give me a bedtime story. Kiss my forehead. Please, tell me where i went wrong. Scream at me. Hug me. Tell me that you're making my birthday cake even though you know i hate my birthday. Tell me that we're going on a trip. Tell me your stories. I don't care anymore if you say them one hundred times over. Just let me hear your voices again. Please, please say that you love me again. I need it. I need it. I need you. Please, i can't. I'm so scared. Please, wake up. Please. . . wake up. Why won't you wake up?"
Raven watched as Loki was placed in his arms. "Yes sir..." He then started to fast walk to the medical room. Naomi you literally trained for this, I suppose you should patch him up. He placed Loki down, and Naomi immediately went to work. (Scree professional's, Naomis got this XD) She used some energy, to numb Dei-Lokis pain a bit.
Dei-Loki widened his eyes as his heart seemed to drop from the news. His attention on the room as he was handed over to Raven. This hell never stops, does it? The corruption would comment in his mind. He then winced as he was put down, relaxing as some of his pain was numbed. His mind jumping back to the whole scene with his twin. "I don't believe this..." he'd growl to himself as he stared at the ceiling whilst allowing Naomi do what she needed to do. "I never thought she'd switch back to... Not again, anyway..."
Nia put her back against the wall and slid down so that she was sitting, where she then pulled her knees up to her chest and put her arms around them. 

"Today fucking sucks" she say matter-of-factly.
Masaru began to clean and prepare the bodies. 

"Do. . .do we have any coffins here?" Nicholas asked.
"Hey Loki, could you take a deep breath please." Naomi asked, trying to make sure of something. She looked to Raven, who started to numb Lokis pain farther. 
Dei-Loki paused and nodded to that before taking in a large amount of air - as instructed. Still seeming to grimace despite most of the pain being numbed. As he'd done so, he watched the ceiling as his eyes have off a slight glow.
"Perfect...." Naomi stated. She then started to stitch Loki up again. She looked like she was in complete concentration. The sword went through his back to... She then mimiced Masarys voice in her head. 'WHY DON'T WE TWIST THE DAMN SWORD?!'
He'd then forcefully exhale, eyes still on the ceiling as he silently muttered to himself. 's yer fault, isn't it? The corruption would blame. Causing Dei-Loki to softly growl. Couldn't go and help her so she ran off to join the Blighters! Of all things! You angry-eyed disappointment. 'Shut up...' Dei-Loki would reply to himself in his mind.
Nia let out a shaky breath. "I don't know how much more of this I can take" She said before standing. "Masaru, I think they would want to be buried at the house. Not this realm." 

(I remembered to do it. X D )

Malvo winced as she stumbled out of the shadows. "Maker's breath, you'd swear the blade was twisted!" She growled out of pain, one of her eyes still that same crimson colour.

"Oh, you'll live." Nightmare Adrian, still in her mind, had stated.

Malvo snarled a bit at his words, glancing around before pausing once she spotted the encampment in the distance. Her eyes soon widening a bit. "Where the hell am I?.."


Ruvik would pause and shift his attention towards the entrance of the camp, a blink to follow his actions upon him picking up a familiar presence. "What the..?"
Naomi stood up, stretching a bit. "Raven can you flip Loki?" Raven tilted his head first, before understanding. "Yes ma'am." Raven gently picked Loki up, before rolling him onto his stomach. "Thank you Raven..." She began disinfecting the area, before stitching his back up.
Mia looked around at everyone. She didn't know what to say. She was in shock like the rest of them. She stood there, rigid, watching her mate cry before looking down at the ground, her own tears falling. She was no help now... If we were all there.. it wouldn't have happened. Before anyone else could see her cry, not wanting to stress Nicholas out even more, she turned around and ran off towards her father. When she saw him, she quickly got in his arms and sobbed. He didn't know why it was about, but she didn't have to explain. He just held her. 

Mia's heart felt constricted, his family becoming like her own. The loss of the two parents affecting her as much as the rest of them. She sobbed into his chest, her body shaking as he petted her hair, trying to soothe her.

Maya chuckled and got off the bed and walked to the entrance of the tent, looking out of it as she saw Malvo walk up. She cocked an eyebrow as she looked a the injured girl before rushing out and running over to her. "What happened to you?" She asked, checking over the girls wounds.
Masaru heard Nia through the wall and sighed. "Yeah. . .yeah, they would." Masaru wiped his tears with his thumb and stood up. He felt shaky as if his world was crashing around him. As if it wasn't no longer on his shoulders and he was watching fall to the floor, making that crunch with the impact. Inhaling was easy as it turned him back into the emotionless monster that he remembered long ago. He walked over to his father's side and began to wrap the bodies separately in different sheets. "It's okay. I'll make a coffin to fit both of you together." He grabbed his mother carefully first. An image ripped into his mind, violating his cold-heart exterior.

"It's okay, we won't bite. Come here, my little fox. I bet your hungry. And look at that crazy hair of yours, i'll have to give you a nice bath. Don't worry, i'll read you Nicky's bedtime story to make up for it, okay?" She smiled beamed as she hugged teenager Masaru to her chest.

"You were so stupid. To love me. To. . .care. How could you? Get out. Get out of my head." His arms shook as he tried to reel back his merciless stare. He walked over to his father and used his tails to put him gently behind him. 

"Come on, Masaru. Stop being grumpy. Y'know, you'll never get anywhere if you don't let people in. At least. . . at least let my wife see a smile. It breaks her heart when she can't make people happy. Go ahead and stare at me as if you're about to kill me. But, you better give my wife as big of a smile as that frown you're having on your face. She love you, Masaru. As if you're her own. Even i'm takin' a likin' to you. Weird feeling, huh?" He gave as big of a smile as the mother did and ruffled Masaru's hair. 

"How could you. . .bastards. All of you are bastards. I can't. I won't. I don't like it. I don't want to care. I don't want it. I want to leave and tear out this gods forsaken heart! Stop it. Stop beating. Stop crying. Monster. Demon. Killer. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve to love. They don't love me. They don't. They lie. Lie. Lies!" Masaru slammed his fist into the wall and shuddered. "I don't want it. I don't want this feeling. Get it out. Get it out." Masaru trembled, feeling his rough exterior falling with his world.
Nia jumped when she head Masaru punch a wall. "I'm just... gunna go" she said with a sniffle. "You guys probably need some space" she said as she started to  slowly shuffle away.


Adam poked his head out of his tent. He saw that yet another person had stumbled upon his camp, he would then facepalm, er, face-mask in his case. He casually walked out and saw that this person was another hybrid. "Are you here to join?" He would question them, completely used to people finding him by now.
Dei-Loki flinched as he was rolled over, a soft sigh escaping him as he continued listening to the voice in his head - angrily arguing in return as his energy seemed to darken a bit.

Alec watched, lowering his head as he felt the slowly darkening aura.


Malvo lifted her brows, hand still applying pressure to the front part of her wound as she watched Maya approach first. Grimacing, she looked down to her wound. "I, uh... met up with the wrong end of a blade... sort of..."

Ruvik slowly exited the tent soon after Maya, looking to Malvo. Had it not been for his mask, his surprised expression would be visible. A dark smirk sliding up his face as he crossed his arms. 'Well, what do we have here..?'

Malvo then winced a small bit as she looked up and over to Adam - watching him approach. Eyes soon closing, she nodded. "I am..."
Naomi, knowing something was up, asked the following question. "Something wrong, Dei-Loki?" She kept working, trying to make sure she wasn't going to make a mistake.
Nia left and went to where Dei-Loki was. "What happened to you?" She asked, the looking to Naomi "want some help?" She would offer.


Adam would tilt his head "where did you come from?" He asked curious, leaning on his sheathed sword like a cane.
Masaru held his mother in his arms and walked. "I'll go clean them at home and make their coffin. Stay here, go and see if Dei's alright. Go and look around. I need to be alone for this. I just want to be left alone." Nicholas wiped his tears away and saw the walls slowly close around Masaru. "Masaru? You kn-" Masaru shook his head. "I want to be left alone." Masaru walked out of the house and back home. "He's going to hurt for holding it in." Elizabeth said as she sniffed. "Yeah, i know. We just gotta pick him up when he does shatter. As a family." 

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