Indescribable (Closed)

"Kirara! You are not weak! I know you! You wouldn't give up that easily! That's not the Kirara that i know!" Masaru yelled out. He could feel Kirara's spirit shift underneath the boulder-like titan.
"I could put her to sleep until we could solve how to save her." He tried to ask, but kept silent, so Kirara couldn't hear. May end up killing me though...
Kirara eyed Masaru, having heard his words. She wanted to return to normal again, to be able to be near him again. She remembered somthing... a chant. But she couldn't cjant it herself in such a state. How would she be able to tell the group...  Kirara used the little strength her has to force her consciousness to override the beast's for a mere second befor the beast took over again. In that second, Kirara had sent a mental thought into Masaru's mind. She knew he would know the chant, as all Kitsune/Nogitsune were taught the chant via an only story told to children about the last Twelve-tailed kitsune to have existed four centuries ago.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven13233
Masaru sighed once he got a flash of the old latin chant into his mind. "I hope you know what you're doing." He mumbled to himself. Placing his hand over his heart and calming his breathing, he nodded. He turned his hand into a fist and began to pound his chest in a steady beat. "Regna terrae, cantata Deo, psallite Cernunnos, Regna terrae, cantata Dea psallite Aradia. caeli Deus, Deus terrae, Humiliter majestati gloriae tuae supplicamus Ut ab omni infernalium spirituum potestate, Laqueo, and deceptione nequitia, Omnis fallaciae, libera nos, dominates. Exorcizamus you omnis immundus spiritus Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio, Infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, Omnis and congregatio secta diabolica. Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, dominates, Ut coven tuam secura tibi libertate servire facias, Te rogamus, audi nos!" 
Nia continued to watch, and listen. Normally, she would say somthing, but she didn't really know Kiara too well, so she let the others do the majority of the talking. "Come on! Come back to us!" Nia said simply to the beast.
Upon chanting, Words formed in the air and made their way over to the beast. The words glowed red as they seeped into the beast's body. he body of which started to glow bright white. A sudden flash of blinding light pulsed out, leaving nothing. The beast was no longer there and the surrounding forestry was leveled. A small remaining speck of white light floated over to Masaru. Slowly, the mass of light grew and faded until an unconscious Kirara was laying on the ground at his feet.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven13233
Masaru looked down at the sleeping form of Kirara. A smile appeared on his face as he realized that she was okay. He immediately bent down, wrapping his arms around her form and clutching her to his chest. "I'm sorry. I'm a stupid idiot, i know that. I know. Gods, forgive me. I'm so fucking stupid. I don't think. I don't think of anyone else, but myself. Please forgive me, Kirara. Please." Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes as he held her even closer. He inhaled deeply, keeping his attention on the feeling of being whole again. "Masaru, your squeezing Kirara to tightly. You're going to suffocate her before she has a chance to tell you how much she loves you too." Masaru looked to Nicholas, a worried look appeared on his face that Nicholas thought he would never see.

"Why does love hurt? My chest feels tight. I think i want to throw up. Is that normal?" Nicholas threw his head back and laughed. "Yeah, Masaru. That's how love usually feels like. Especially when you want to protect them with all your being. Love is a crazy drug. It's going to rip you apart, make you beg the gods for hope and throw you on rock bottom over and over again. But. . .it's worth it. To the very end. Even if something bad happens, even if you lose your mind to this drug. It's always worth it." Nicholas looked to Mia and then looked to the sky. "The pain is always going to be there. Nothing is perfect and full of joy. But, i promise you that love is going to make you feel. . .indescribable. Absolutely indescribable." Nicholas smiled, watching a butterfly flutter in the gentles winds of summer. "I knew it. Nicholas is off his rockers." Elizabeth said, the siblings and Masaru nodded in agreement. 
A sigh escaped Dei-Loki upon realising Kirara finally returned to normal. Slowly pushing himself to his feet before wincing and clutching the wound on his chest. With lowered ears, he moved the collar of his shirt to take a peak at what had been causing such a painful experience. His eyes instantly widening once he noticed a gash on his chest.

"When..?" He'd then pause, his eyes widening even more as he looked to Alec and Neil. "Did y' find Malvo!? Where is she!? What--" Dei-Loki winced from the pain his panic had caused, Alec quickly taking to the skies as he flew around little Loki. Traveling to the north soon after. Dei-Loki having stumbled as he followed after him. Hand still on his wound.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233 @Shiro kurogane
Nia watched as Kiraia returned to normal and threw her hand in the air " FINALLY" she put her hands down and laid down in the grass, sighing heavily. "well that was a thing" she said as she stared up at the clouds. " I am to tired of shit going crazy all the time, like can we have a day that's just normal for once?"  she said as she put her hands behind her head as she began to relax once again, smile soon appearing back on her lips.
Naomi got up, as the magic around the area was aloud to move freely again. She didn't really listen to anything, she just stood there. least that is over.


Raven sighed, right as he saw that Kirara was ok. "Hmm..." He looked at Loki, who was acting like he was having a heart attack. "Something wrong Loki?" He then tried to get Naomis attention. "Naomi...?? Naomi!!" Seeing as she was completely spaced out, he tried to follow Loki.
Dei-Loki, occasionally stumbling, kept his eyes locked on Alec whilst following him as quick as he could - not having noticed Raven had been following, as well. As he persisted to tail the small dragon, a bit of blood seemed to stain the grass behind him. 'Dammit. Malvo, you better not have--...' 
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The brothers looked to Dei-Loki. Masaru turned his head to the tired Nia. "We're supernaturals. We're filled with drama." Elizabeth nodded, "speaking of drama, i got that feeling that something had happen to our pack, but i don't know what it was or who for that matter."
Nia groaned as she sat up "why do I have a feeling things will just get worse?" She said as she stretched out her limbs. "Well... what are we waiting for? lets get this over with, and find out whats wrong." She said in a bored tone.
Raven, quickly gaining his energy back, caught up with Loki quickly. "Hey!" He hoped nothing really bad happened, but judging by his look, something had gone horribly wrong. "Hey, what's wrong?"


Naomi had finally snapped out of it, and looked around. She noticed both Raven and Dei-Loki missing. "Hmm..."
Nose turned to the sky, Dei-Loki sniffed the air in search of Malvo's scent before shifting his attention to Raven. His hand still over the injury under his shirt. "Malvo's hurt somewhere out here." He'd skip to the point. Keeping up the pace until the moment his foot got caught under an exposed root protruding through the ground, landing on his face in the grass. 

"DAMMIT!" He shouted through a yelp before mumbling several curses under his breath as he tried to push himself to his feet once more. However, he stopped and cringed. The corruption barking at him in his mind. No time for pain, Mischief Bastard. Get up. Get up!


Malvo panted heavily, grimacing as she propped her back up against a nearby tree. Sitting on the ground at the end of a blood trail in the grass. "Damn it... How the hell was I supposed t' know a Blighter had been in my shadow this whole damn time?.." 

"Why not just take this as a sign, Malvo?" Her father spoke in her mind, Malvo angrily spitting a bit of blood at the Blighter beside her.

"I told you already, I trust everyone here. It'll be a cold day in Helheim before I end up switching sides..." Malvo argued through a growl. Though she had a feeling of doubt in the back of her mind.

(Sorry that it's a bit long. >-< )
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"I feel like it's time that we go be father figures to Malvo." Masaru said as he walked by Dei-loki. "Do you know why?" Masaru shook his head, "all i know is that something is happening to her mind and her spirit is shifting slowly. We need to find her before we lose her completely. That is for certain."
(I'm assuming Dei-Lokis still on the ground. _/(°-°)\_)

Raven shook his head a bit. "Alright, calm down a bit." He started to help Loki up. "Do you know where Malvo is?"  Then he mentally facepalmed. He said 'somewhere.' He sighed. "I mean....a clue to where he is?"
Nia nodded to Masaru and Nicolas "in the mean time why dont me and Elizabeth go see if we can find the source of that feeling she had? You said "something is wrong with the pack" right?" She asked Elizabeth.
Dei-Loki's eyes widened upon hearing Masaru's words before slowly standing once Raven had helped him up. His breathing a bit heavy due to the pain in his chest. "A-Alec found her..." He'd manage to say. A weak finger gesturing to the small black and green dragon circling the group.

Alec watched them, continuing to circle overhead before beginning to move in the direction he'd been leading them once more.


"Why trust someone who didn't come to aid you when this Blighter made itself known?" Malvo's father, in her mind, would continue.

"He was aiding the others with another problem." Malvo growled, wincing in pain as she shifted against the tree. Eyes wincing shut.
"Then let's go." The siblings followed the dragon. Elizabeth looked back to Nia, "yeah, the boys and my sisters are with us. So that only leaves Momma and Pops. I hope everything is okay. You wanna come with me?"

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