Indescribable (Closed)

(Tis fine Brudder Loki :3)

Raven then got an idea. "Hey Loki, get the Latern! We can keep from squishing everyone if she keeps trying." Masarus doing fine from keeping us from being flattened for now though...


Naomi was watching, preparing her own spell, to aid Nias, if needed. "Circe gen do Gwa!" Her eyes glew a sharp purple before everyone could feel their movement was quicker. "Just in case if the three can't hold her forever
The titan-like twelve-tails looked around, seeming confused by the sudden appearance of ice and earth ensnaring it. After finding that movement was restricted, the beast turned its solidified smoke body back into its normally gas-based form. The monster easily slipped free and re-formed, looking down at the one who had cast the magic. The titanic twelve-tails was clearly unimpressed. A moment later and all twelve tails trained onto the group like missiles. Each tail breaking the sound barrier at they fired one-by-one at the group.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven13233

"y-yeah we should..." Kuro replied, but her body apparently refused to let her release Meara just yet.

Raven watched, as the titans tails started to strike at everyone quite fast. "Glimmering wall!" Out of no where, a few glimmers littered in from of the group. As Kiraras tail started to to go down, the wall held them back, but only barely, the wall was cracking very badly. "Wasn't my best spell...i'll admit that, it was rushed a bit."


Naomi started to chant silently, as she started to run circles around the titan, quick as ever. A trail of purple followed her as she continued to speak words of power.
"Masaru, get naked! Kirara will instantly come back!" Nicholas grabbed onto one of the tails as it came for him, he held tightly and tried his best to push it away since it was merely an inch away from Nicholas's stomach. "I'm not getting naked to bring Kirara out! Find another way!" Masaru pulled his tails closer together, keeping at least two of the tails from hitting the group and cutting into his tail. The pain seared its way into his body as drops of blood began to drip from the cut. "Gods damn it! Nia, please tell you had something to stop her?"
Nia saw the beast escape her spells and swipe at her, only to be blocked by Ravens spell. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!" she used her newfound speed boost thanks to Naomi and had ran back a considerable distance. Then hearing Masaru speak "Im working on it!" She took a deep breath in and closed her eyes allowing her magic to flow around her, "forgive me for this Kiara" then she would point to the beast with two fingers with one hand and with the other she would quickly clench a fist. The resulting combination resulted in the beat being struck with a bolt of green lighting which coursed through the beast before trapping it in a large green bubble, which would painfully shock anything that touched it, with the same force as a bolt of lighting. Nia then sat down cross legged and began to get a feel for the beast's magical property's so she could unravel it, but it would take time...
Dei-Loki would nod, going to grab the lantern before widening his eyes and narrowly jumping out of the way of the bullet-fast tail aimed in his direction. The tail narrowly missing his torso.

His attention soon traveled back to the beast, which now was trapped in the green barrier Nia had cast around it. His ears would then lower, glancing up to spot Alec flying overhead.

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233 @Shiro kurogane
The beast stood rigid at Nia's counter attack and entrapment. The hulking thing gathered its previously unused white flames towards its core. Then released the violent energy burst of the white flames. The flames ate through and completely nullified all magic in the area. The magic essences in the area or possessed by the group was unlikely to recover as the white flames blocked magic at its very source. Meaning with the source of all magics blocked, spells could not be used for next few minutes. Letting loose a primal, inhuman sound that gave the same chill as hearing a person's final screams before death. The white flames that apparently had the ability to void all magics at their source for a short time, changed. The color changing until it was a pure black flame. 

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Raven13233
"What are you guys doing? Isn't obvious? The beast is acting to close movement. If you all would just move back from the beast, then it would stop reacting and fighting back. It's like a cornered dog. They'll snap because you're getting too close to their space." Elizabeth started back away slowly. The brothers followed Elizabeth. "How do you know this?" Masaru asked and then Elizabeth responded with, "because i have read enough mangas." Nicholas looked to his sister, "and that's it!?" Elizabeth nodded.
Nia watched the beast release a white flame. then she felt... nothing for the first time she was disconnected form her magic. Ever since she was born she had a natural gift for her magic, she was always in touch with the world in some other way, but now that was gone, it was like a part of her very soul had been ripped away from her. she stood stunned making various gasping noises as she felt...empty.  She heard masaru's words and stumbled her way away from the beast, her mind having just taken an unexpected psychological hit. Once far enough away she sat against a tree looking blankly out into the distance, waiting for her magic to return,
Dei-Loki quickly backed away from the beast, listening to Alec's clicks and soft roars from overhead before he then landed on Dei-Loki's shoulder. Seeming to feel a bit panicked.

Little Loki had not noticed Alec's panic as he, too, had felt torn once he was stripped of every ounce of magic in his body. Such a trauma seemed to cause him to stumble in his attempt to back up. Still, though, he remained standing. "Dammit..." he growled as he awaited for the feeling to be vanquished by the return his abilities. It was almost as if his corruption had been struck and stripped from his veins, even if it was only temporary. The very thing that was keeping him alive was knocked from him like a heart attack claiming the life of its victim. Not only that, but he seemed to have a bit of blood staining the front of his clothing, as well. Slightly trembling, he fell to his knees and panted - watching the beast as he hoped he'd been far enough away.

(Stupid tags are broken.)
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Raven and Naomi both immediately fell to the ground. Both of them struggling, since they were made of mostly magic. They both somehoe managed to get up, helping each other walk away from the beast.


Raven was the first to collapse, though they had not got far. "I t-thought...even the air would fuel us." Acolytes could eat almost anything, and gain magical energy from it.


Naomi had to start dragging Raven, as he tried to continue. "W-we....are not dieing....t-this way!" Her eyes glew bright, before she managed to lurch forward enough to throw the both of them, near Loki.
Dei-Loki would glance to both Raven and Naomi, Alec still anxiously clicking as he softly headbutted Dei-Loki's ear. It was almost as if he'd been trying to get him to both encourage him to hang on, and to desperately attempt to grab his attention. Neil having rushed over and jumped onto Dei-Loki's other shoulder. Frightened and slightly injured.

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233@Shiro kurogane
Instinctively feeling the lifeforms backing off. The massive beast's flames changed back to white and slowly seemed to die out. Without the flames, the ccolossal smoke-body of the twelve tails looked nearly like a rock... if rocking had twelve tails that occasionally swung to one side. It was the only sign that the monster was still alive.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven13233
"Kirara, if you're in there, i just want you to come back to me, okay? Please come back for me." Masaru yelled to the beast, hoping to see a glimmer of hope.
Raven and Naomis eyes both slowly lost their purple glow, fading quickly. Both of them struggling just to breathe.


"S-someone...get her t-to stop..." The duo laid there, trying to save some energy. 
Mia watched, standing back. She would have jumped in but... She didn't know what to do... She felt so hopeless. She felt too scared of Kiara's form, and no one would be able to put the sleeping plant inside her mouth. In fact, no one would be able to get close to her! She watched as everyone struggled, her heart wrenching when she watch Nicholas try his hardest. 


Maya looked up at Ruvik and smiled. "No. You don't 'revolt' me." She said, sitting up beside him and looked at the entrance to the tent. "I'm surprised, you fell for a goat." She said, looking over at him, her face right beside his. @xXLittleLokiXx
That made Maya go into snorts of laughter as a huge smile enturrupted her face. "A pretty goat? Best thing I have ever heard." She said, smiling at him as she continued to look at him. 

Ruvik chuckled as a wide grin stretched his face. His arm still around her. "Glad you found it amusing." He would remark, rubbing her shoulder gently as he watched her.

"S-so, how in the first place...were we going to calm her down." Raven inquired, getting up very weakly. Despite that Naomi was trying to get him to rest.
Nia felt her magic to return to her, it was like a sense had been taken from her, it felt... wrong. nonetheless she stood up, feeling much more like herself, and used what limited magic was left to cast what was essentially a "throw voice spell" allowing for her, and the group to speak as if they stood next to kiara. "Okay, say something and she will be able to hear what you say." she would inform the group.
Naomi and Raven felt some energy being replaced. Naomi wanted to speaj to Kirara, but she nor Raven was good at helping people so she just thought this somewhat violent thought. CHAAA! YOU KEEP UP THIS MAGIC DRAINING EFFECT AND I'LL PERSONALLY KICK YOUR ASS! She had a sorta glare, she always kept her rude thoughts to her self, instead of angering other people.


Raven could tell Naomi was kinda mad, but he kept silent aswell. I don't see what talking to her will do...Masaru already poured out his feeling for Kirara...what more can we do?
Kirara's new massive beast of a form had still not moved. Except its tails that still occasionally swung side to side. Kirara from inside the beast stared at Masaru, both longingly and ashamed. Ashamed because she couldn't even control herself anymore and because she couldn't answer to his feelings he'd admitted for her. While nothing showed outside... inside she was crying, gearful that she would not be able to return to her normal self again.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Raven13233
Feeling his powers return, Dei-Loki soon managed to stand. Blood still seeming to come from his chest. Clearing his throat, he took the time to speak. Wincing a bit in the process. "Kirara, yer strong-willed! You can pull yerself out of it!" He would try his hand at encouragement, continuing his words. "Ya got a Kogitsune here that would do ANYTHING for you! And, hell, you've got family here - as far as I'm concerned! We all believe in you enough to know that you're still you inside of that giant rock! Show the beast who's boss!" Little Loki's words sounded like he's needed to use them many times before, and yet he still held large amounts of sincerity in his Irish/Scottish tone.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233 @Shiro kurogane

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