Indescribable (Closed)

Maya chuckled, "not at all." She looked down at him holding her hand then up at him. "To be honest, I'm surprised you fell for that."


"Nicholas!" Mia called out as Masaru landed on him. Mia then shifted. Growling lowly as her eyes turned a black color. She made a shield around Nicholas, gently pushing Masaru off of him as she charged, her blue and gold orbs flying around her. She was using her own powers more than Ash's, knowing that her own was more powerful. She threw three of them at Masaru, getting the attention off of Nicholas. "kirara! Do what you need to do now!" 
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"Good." Ruvik chuckled once more, soon sighing as he observed their hands. The contact caused yet another stir in his chest, but this.... this was something he'd been okay with. Even with what was to come, he couldn't help but acknowledge the connection. Needless to say, despite previous instruction, he was becoming attached. "In all honesty, so am I. Normally I'm eerily stone-cold. These feelings are shocking to me." 'Stop it, Ruvik! You're setting yourself up for this. You're supposed to be the destroyer of worlds, not soft!'

"no, you sleep with me in this bed. anything but a yes or okay will be ignored." Rei responded, her pushy mothering side rearing its head. "sorry... i mean, you can share with me if you'd like." She corrected her tone shyly. Rei wondered what Cristina would think of the momentary pushiness.

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro pulled Meara into a hug before really thinking. She was holding back tears for the kitsune and her own remembered past. "u-uh, sorry...  i couldn't help it...  your forced smile kinda made me react before my mind could." She blushed softly and moved to release Meara.


Kirara tackled Masaru off of Nick just as pure white flames surrounded the three of them. Escaping from the flames wouldn't work as The flames extended infinitely into the sky and the ground below. Energy in its purest form started gathering towards Kirara's semi form, forming a ball around her.


When the Ball of energy dispersed, a massive, hulking thing that one could only call a monster stood. It towered above even the biggest of giants and was about the same size as a true titan. Its body of solidified smoke was covered in white flames around the hands in the form of claws. Its upper body was cloaked in the white flames and it's body seemed that it could unsolidify and resolidify effortlessly as evidenced by the hand passing through a treetop. The monster's twelve tails each were the same size as Masaru's full form and glowed faintly with the light only energy in its purest form could give. The colossal thing seemed to look down at Masaru and made a sound. The sound was it's distorted voice chucking down at Masaru. The thing's voice was like everything in existence was talking at once.

A small blush heated up Meara's cheeks as she felt the cat demon's embrace. At first, she was a bit tense. But that feeling seemed to quickly disappear as the kitsune would soon relax. Before Kuro was able to completely pull away, she would return the hug. Struggling to keep her tears at bay as she shakily sighed.

@Shiro kurogane
"Finally, i was wondering when i would see your true form. Although, i was aiming for Nicholas to see if you would shoot me." The beast smirked and teleported out of the Kirara's way and by Nicholas. He raised his palm and broke the illusion spells on the fallen trees, turning back to to normal. He then shifted back into his normal form, a bright smile on his face. "What!?" Nicholas yelled as he stood up, looking at his normal brother. He gave a glance at his palms to realize that they were normal. "You made a promise to me that you would put a bullet between my eyes if i lost it. I wanted to see if you would actually do it or just be a little bitch and get scared off again. My late Father was just a bonus to this act. Although, it truly was worth it to taste his heart. You see, i didn't actually changed. I just put an illusion over myself to turn me into the creature. I would never kill you, i love you too much to do so." Nicholas seemed to seethe with anger. "You are fucking crazy!" Masaru threw his back, laughing as if it was the funniest joke in the whole galaxy. "Of course i am, i wouldn't be a Oshiro if i wasn't. My family is filled with loonies." Masaru winked and immediately strucked down by Nicholas's weight as Nicholas wrapped his hands around Masaru's throat and began to choke him. "You piece of shit! What happens if i shot you!? I almost killed you, you son of a bastard!" 


Adarian looked to Seylos and nodded. "Zakar, you will finish off a few. I want to see Masaru and Nicholas's pain. I want to see their tears. Do you understand me, mutt? Kill the parents first. The two sets of twins can go next later on. I want to have a chat with my Elizabeth before i kill her. So.  . .you be a good boy and listen to your master, right?" Zakar nodded, his eyes were dull and robotic. "Do what you're good at and then come back through this portal." Seylos looked to his Lord and grinned like a manic. "Then once their entire family dies?" Adarian looked to Seylos and gave a smack to his cheek, sending Seylos flying into the dusty roads of Hell. "Then. . .we kill them without hesitation. Now, go!" He grabbed the back of Zakar's neck and sended him into Seylos's portal. 


Ellena looked up from the balcony to a familiar face. "Oh my, Zakar. Where did you come from, Sweetie? Are you hungry? I could make more cookies for you, if ya like. I know how much you love cookies." Thomas looked to his cheerful wife and then to Zakar, instantly feeling something off. He stood in front of his wife and growled. "Stay away from her." Zakar raised his hand and began to sing an old Enlil lullaby. They became lethargic and sluggish as Thomas tried to tackle the God of dreams. Soon, Zakar laid them down in bed and stopped their beating hearts. He put the cover over them, making them seem asleep and left through the opened portal. 
Rei copied Cristina and lay back on her bed. Her stare was blank at the ceiling, except a small smile on her lips at hearing Cristina hum a tune.

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro froze like a deer in the headlights. She hadn't expected the cute kitsune to return her hug... it was nice. Slowly, Kuro seemed to unfreeze and embrace Meara tightly.


The giant hulking monster that had previously been Kirara simply watched Masaru and Nick for a mere second. Then the thing raised its foot a moved, bring its foot down with the intention of killing the two.

Nicholas looked at the falling foot and prayed to the Heavens that they had a miracle to throw down at them. Masaru pushed Nicholas's off and stood up, holding the weight of the foot in his grasp as he began to slowly become crushed under the foot. "Kirara! Gods damn it! I'm sorry, okay!? I really don't want to die from a girl that likes me! For fuck's sake, i would rather die from my Father's hands! Kirara!" He yelled and felt a little bit of the pressure lift off his shoulders as Nicholas tried to push the foot off of them. "Do you know anyway to get her back!?" Nicholas felt his knees began to wobble at the weight. "Uhhhhhh. . .you look beautiful today, Kirara!" Nicholas gave a look of disappointment in his eyes to Masaru. "You can do whatever you want to me! I'll do whatever you want! I'll be your servant for a whole week if you don't fucking kill us!" Nicholas groaned and wanted to smack Masaru across the face. "We're doomed to die because of your fucking tricks!" 
Nia saw the struggle between the giant. .  . Thing about to crush Masaru and Nicolas, now was the time to act. She quickly ran to the two and raised up her hands to the giant's foot, a purple swirling bubble of energy formed around the three, protecting them from the giant's weight. She held her hands up and could be seen gritting her teeth in strain as she spoke through them "Masaru! Just say you love her you egotistical bastard!"

@Shiro kurogane



Cristina rolled onto her side and rested her hands undeath her pillow as she felt sleep encroaching on her, she closed her eyes and released a heavy breath as she laid. "Goodnight little bird" she said with a smile, her eyes remaining closed.

@Shiro kurogane
"Love her!? Love her!? I don't love her!" Masaru yelled back at Nia. "You're such an idiot! You do love her! Why are you so worried about her all the time!? The old Masaru that i knew would have slept with her and then leave! You love her, Masaru! Stop denying it!" Masaru shooked as his muscles began to cramp up from the weight. "Fine. . . I do love her." Nicholas growled, "louder, you selfish bastard! Preach it to the fucking sky and let the Gods hear your words!" Masaru looked to the ground, feeling as if he was going to throw up. "I love you, Kirara. Do you hear me!? I love you! You frustrating, diabolical vixen! I love you! I love the way you smile, laugh! I love you for the way fight and stand on your two gods damn feet! You make me feel sick whenever i worry about you! You make me feel like a wreck! You make me feel. . .loved! And i hate it! And i hate myself for allowing you to do so! How could you love a demon when you deserve so much better!? How can you love me when all i do is give you shit! Why. . . why do you care about me? I'm a killer, monster, psychopath. I am hated, i am unloved. I hate myself and yet. . .you love me and i just can't put my mind around it! Gods damn it, Kirara. I love you. I love you. I am so sorry. I don't want you to love me. I want you to hate me. I want you to loathe me. To spit on me. To call me a vile, disgusting creature because that's all that i can see in myself. I want you to hate me. . .because it's fucking terrifying to be in love. It's. . . scary to think that you can hurt me. That you hold my heart in your hands and you can squeeze the life out of me. I'm afraid. I'm so. . .so afraid." Tears splashed onto the grass and Masaru seem to tremble. 
Dei-Loki's eyes widened with Masaru's outpour of emotion, a bit surprised that he was even capable of feeling such a way. Looking in the direction Malvo had been, he spoke. "Malvo, we should really help--" he then paused, his eyes having been wide when he noticed Malvo had been absent from his side. "Malvo? Dammit, where did you go!?"

As little Loki shouted, Alec emerged from his pocket and climbed onto the runt's shoulder. Concern in his eyes.

Dei-Loki had then looked to his little dragon, ears flat. "Alec, take t' the skies and see if ya can find Malvo. I've got t' help the others get Kirara back to normal." He commanded the little winged creature, whom clicked with a nod before quickly leaping off of his shoulder and taking off. Dei-Loki watched him go, clenching his teeth and hands as he then ran to the others to aid them.

@Heir of Dalania


@Shiro kurogane
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Kuro's face wore a gentle smile at feeling Meara curl her tails around her. Part of Kuro wondered if this was a dream. If so, she didn't want to wake for a long time. The cat demon had long since forgotten what a true smile was... but with Meara. Kuro felt she might be able to relearn and not just smiles, but the other feelings she'd nearly forgotten. ".... the strange feeling...  i think its grown." She eventually said, still not sure as to what the feeling actually was.


Rei's cheeks turned noticeably pink as she smiled. She truly liked Cristina's nickname for her. "goodnight." She shyly replied, thinking that she wanted to give Cristina nickname too.

@Heir of Dalania

The massive monster looked down at the male kitsune, yelling about love and having an emotional moment. Somewhere in the farthest reached inside, Kirara could hear every word. She gave a smile that was a cross between pure love, apology and knowing. She'd known Masaru was the type to not openly express himself and while most girls would have given up... Kirara's feelings for the male could not be shaken by anything. The apology mixed into her smile that none could see was because it was too late for her. Unsealing and releasing her full form was like a dual-sided blade. She'd given up the rights to her body in order to save Masaru. Yeah she was a bit.... majorly pissed of he had tricked her... but it was too late, so she only clung to her feelings of love for Masaru. Those feelings were the only reason there was even still apart of her left in the hulking titan that was she was now. 

Externally, none of what was happening inside the monster's mind showed... except for the slight pause Kirara's remaining self caused. The massive titanic twelve-tailed beast lifted its foot from the gathering group, staring at them. The beast's eyes held no hate, blood-lust, nothing. It was just simply doing. So instead of reacting to Masaru's heart touching moment, The beast swiped one of its many tails at the group. It was clear from the force of the swing that the attack was meant to kill.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

(Hint: yes there is a way to turn her back to normal. just don't want it to end just yet)
"For you, as well?" Meara spoke up, a light smile on her face as her eyes remained shut. Flicking a lowered ear in the process.

@Shiro kurogane


Dei-Loki watched the beast, his eyes widening as he quickly jumped backward. Not having been as close up as the others, he had been able to dodge a bit easier than the rest. His ears being pinned back upon realising the words hadn't been enough.

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Shiro kurogane
Masaru wrapped his tails under everyone's legs and lifted them up from the ground. He leaned on the tail, holding as best as he could while his feet began to drag in the dirt. "Kirara, gods damn it, woman! What do you want!?" He began to climb the titan all the way up until he reached the wide shoulders. Masaru laid a hand on the gigantic cheek. "Kirara! If you can hear me, i'll. . .we'll mate. I will make you mine, if you allow me to make me yours. Please, Kirara. I need you more than anything. . .Mom said that i would find a girl that would make me into something that's not my father. You make me feel good. You make me feel. . .as if i'm not the bad guy, as if i could. . .that i could be a hero. A good man. I don't feel empty anymore when i'm with you. I feel. . .whole. Maybe, you truly are my soulmate. Do you remember that old saying? That the Gods made a human with two pairs of arms and two pairs of legs and two pairs of eyes and all of that in between? Remember how they said that the bodies separated, yet. . .kept the same souls? That old story that i never thought was true until now. With you. Come back to me Kirara, please. I want you to love me and grow old with me and have children with me and watch the world change. With me. I need you. I really really need you to stay."
(Hmm...let's see, where can one jump in...)

Raven and Naomi both made their way, to were massive energy was gathering to. They were welcomed to Masaru basically shouting his feelings to the gods. They seemed to watch for a moment, assesing the, situation. "Hm..." Raven could already tell that this wasn't going to be easy.


Raven looked around, seeing everyone. "So i'm guessing that thing is Kirara?" He knew he was most likely correct. It was giving off an energy that would seem to be hers.

(You guys are still near the house right? I got the summary from Loki, I just don't know if the location changed :T)
After dodging, Dei-Loki nodded to Nia and then quickly looked in Raven and Naomi's direction - nodding before speaking to catch them up. "We're trying to bring her out of this form, but nothing seems to be working."

(We're in the forest of Mia's home, at the moment. We went there so Jacob's soul could be put to rest. It's something that I forgot to add when filling you in. 

>-< Sorry.)

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233 @Shiro kurogane
Kuro at that moment could seem to form any words at Meara's comment. Instead she merely nodded, closing her eyes and finally letting her ears stand up as they normally did. Rather then having them flattened to blend in with her hair. 


Again the towering beast showed little more than a slightly longer pause then the first time at Masaru's words. This pause was of course caused by Kirara's remaining consciousness withing the beast. She again could hear every word... but her apologizing, yet tearfully happy smile persisted. Since she was unable to do anything. Here emotion was strong enough this time that it showed for a mere second in the beast's eyes. The titanic twelve-tails raised its foot and moved so that it was being brought down over top of Nia and the others since the foot alone spanned five football fields. As for dealing with Masaru, the monster unsolidified its body long enough for the Male kitsune to fall through back to the ground.

@JayJin @Heir of Dalania @Raven13233 @xXLittleLokiXx

(after this i'll let Kirara return to normal)
Nia knew she would be crushed in seconds, so she released her first spell. In a motion that looked like she was blowing a kiss, the beast would be coated in ice 10 ft thick.

Then Nia would raise a fist to the sky as massive rock pillars rocketed out of the ground, forming a sort of tent of rock, pinning the beast by the neck and body.


@Shiro kurogane

Masaru fell onto his tails. They gave a mighty bounced before gently letting him fall. "She seems to have little consciousness in the beast." He expanded his tails and made a bubble around the group after Nia's attack. "Shit. . .we don't hurt her then. But . . . what should we do? Wait . . . get naked, Masaru." Masaru snarled and snapped at Nicholas. "Do you really think this is the time to make a joke? I'm not getting naked. That's not how things work." Nicholas crossed his arms and smirked. "Come on, Mass~. Aren't all vixens more flirtatious than the male foxes? More . . . raunchy? And she apparently has the hots for you for a looooooooooooooong time. So . . . get naked." Masaru seemed to grow agitated the more Nicholas talked. "This is how you're getting back at me for putting you through the test?" Nicholas nodded and chuckled. "You make me sick. I'm not getting naked. We just need to protect Nia long enough to see if she can shift Kirara back." Nicholas snorted, "I still think you need to get naked. Maybe just for my eyes, if ya don't mind." Masaru kicked Nicholas in the stomach quickly and then got back to barricading the group. "Stop flirting with me. You have Mia now, put your words onto her and stop talking to me!" Masaru huffed as Nicholas got back up. "But it's fun to tease you, Mass~. Besides . . . it's fun to hide the fact that we might be crushed by your love." Nicholas gave a genuine, beaming smile. Masaru rolled his eyes, yet a glint of a smile appeared onto his face before being washed by a frown."You're such an idiot." 
Glancing up, Meara watched Kuro's ears with a smile before closing her eyes once again. A soft yawn escaping her whilst remaining still. "We should really get some sleep..."

@Shiro kurogane


Dei-Loki flinched from the incoming foot, waiting a moment before pausing after realising he hadn't been crushed. Lifting his head, he quickly looked around to Masaru's tails before giving a soft sigh of relief. He'd then glance to the others, teeth slightly clenched.

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233 @Shiro kurogane

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