Indescribable (Closed)

Ash pulled him out of Maya's ear shot before saying quietly. "Alright look buddy, before you get all attached to her and shit. You should know why she's here. You know that group? They're in a dome type of barrier. She's here to smash it. Yet, when she smashes it, the whole thing will turn solid, like giant glass shards and smash her. She's gonna die. Don't tell her though. I don't want her to freak out. I mean, you can get some fun out of her, but don't get attached. And if you tell her and she runs off, you'll be the one being smashed under that barrier. Just.. Let her live happily until her time comes." He then smiled at him and walked off, Maya standing in the doorway of the tent, her arms wrapped around her own body as she gave them both a concerned look. 

Ruvik's mood seemed to instantly drop from the news, teeth having clenched. Yet, he had no words. At least, none that he'd be able to say quiet enough. His body boiled with resentment as he forced himself to nod to Ash. 'I don't b--' He couldn't finish the thought. This would just push his anger far enough to be physically felt by others. He'd then straighten his posture and hide his feelings behind a straight face - returning to Maya's side as he was able to muster enough effort to pull off a small smile when looking in her direction. Thinking to himself in the process. 'Come on, don't show you're upset, Ruvik. She looks concerned enough as it is.'

(Tags broken.)
He glanced to her hand before gently bringing his own over it. "Everything's fine, he just wanted to relay a few battle strategies. Nothing to worry about." 'What is this? Is it guilt? I've never...'

Maya looked at their hands before smiling slightly at him and pulling hers away. "Don't know what he would know about battle tactics, but alright." She then chuckled, walking away. At the feeling of his hand on hers gave her a strange feeling in her stomach, the same feeling that she smelled on him. She looked at him before saying, "you know, if you don't want to, you don't have to keep me company.. If you want, you can go do other things..." She sat down on a bed and brought her knees up to her chest, hugging them as she looked at him.

He watched her head to the bed, lowering his hand as he continued to smile in her direction. "I don't really have much else to do." He'd reply, following his words with a shrug. "Besides, I'd rather be in here with you." That last bit seemed to sneak it's way out of his mouth, which seemed to be enough to cause him to pause for a moment.

Then, all of a sudden, her attitude switched. She smirked at him after he said that and put her knees down. "You'd rather be with me? Why is that?" She asked, getting off the bed and walking towards him with a sway in her hips.

"Well..." Ruvik would blink, watching as Maya had wandered in his direction. Shifting on his feet as his smile had grown ever so slightly. "Seems you're nice to be around."

Maya continued to walk towards him then gently placed her hand on his chest, tapping he fingers on his chest and smirked up at him. "You sure it's my cause you're attracted to me? I can smell that you are." She was trying to seduce the answer out of him. And with her, it always worked. @xXLittleLokiXx
Briefly allowing his gaze to observe the hand at his chest, his heart could be felt racing at a very faint, yet quick, pace. His line of sight then traveling to briefly look into her eyes before closing his own. "Well, you are a very alluring creature." He would admit as his face heated up very slightly.

Maya chuckled and trailed her fingertips up higher, smiling as she brought them to the side of his neck and brought him closer to her. Her lips brushed his lightly, yet there was still a distance between the two's lips as she said very softly. "So that's why you stay in here? You're attached to a goat, a goat that can send you flying across the sky. A goat that can seduce you with the littlest touch. You're attracted to that?" She brought her other hand up to his chest and stepped closer to him, trying to get him to just admit it. (Tags broken)
Maya chuckled and trailed her fingertips up higher, smiling as she brought them to the side of his neck and brought him closer to her. Her lips brushed his lightly, yet there was still a distance between the two's lips as she said very softly. "So that's why you stay in here? You're attached to a goat, a goat that can send you flying across the sky. A goat that can seduce you with the littlest touch. You're attracted to that?" She brought her other hand up to his chest and stepped closer to him, trying to get him to just admit it. (Tags broken)
His eye would then open, quickly widening upon feeling his face heating up even more from the light graze of her lips against his. "It would seem that I am..." he spoke softly before making an attempt to lean forward to softly claim her lips with his own.

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She smiled, feeling him lean forward closer to her own lips. She pulled away out of his reach, giving him a pleased smile. "And that, is how I get answers out of you. If you really want to do that kiss, just ask and I'll give it, but that was cause I wanted a answer." She walked back to her bed and laid down, looking up at the top of the tent. "I got you there though didn't I?" She asked, still having that flirty smirk on her lip. @xXLittleLokiXx
He'd then halt his actions the moment she pulled away, blinking a few times as he watched her make her way back to her bed. Feeling the rapidly stirring emotions, he'd brought his hand to the top of his head - as if to try and get a grasp back onto himself. It took him a moment, but, he managed to answer with a grin as he walked to the edge of her bed. "You did. I'm impressed."



Meara took a momentary pause after hearing the question. Briefly glancing to Kuro, she then looked back to the ceiling. "I do. Well... I used to, anyhow..."

@Shiro kurogane
Cristina remained quiet. Preferring not to bring up unwanted memories with Rei. "Im going to bed" She would yawn and get pajamas out of her bag, going to a private area to change for the night.
Maya chuckled, glancing over at him when he walked towards her. She scooted over a little to give him room to sit as she continued to smile at him. "I could have used it on Ash to get out of the chains, but thinking about touching him made me cringe and throw up." She then gently placed her fingertips over the top of his hand, still smirking at him. @xXLittleLokiXx
"Masaru?" Nicholas whispered under his breath and watched the beast turn his head abruptly. Willow came to Nicholas's side as she watched the beast growled. "No. . .no." Nicholas stared at the beast, his words struggling to get out as he watched a man that he use to know. "Get the gun." Willow looked to her brother, shock clearly on her face. "No! He's Masaru still, we can find a way. We always find a way. He's your brother! Your best friend! We can save him." The Nogitsune gave a murderous smile and jumped back into the crater, eating the rest of his Father. "That's not Masaru anymore. Get me the gun, Willow. If you wish for these innocent creatures to live, you will go give me that gun." Nicholas rolled up his sleeves, he looked to the beast with no remorse. "The council has put in this world to protect this world. Not end it just because i grew a bond to an assignment. Besides, this is what he wanted. We made this pact years ago. So, give the man his dying wish." Willow stared at the Nogitsune before shifting and running back home. "I'm sorry. I don't want to do this, brother. But, you were so quick to aim with your claws. I promised you that I would stop you if this became reality and now. . .here we are, brother. It's the end of you and me." The Nogitsune got out of the crater, licking his bloodied fur.
Ruvik slowly sat on the bed, overturning his hand as he gently took Maya's hand in his. Grinning, he couldn't help but gently chuckle at the comment. After having caught a glimpse of Ash's personality, he could see why. As he spoke, his gaze traveled about the tent. His free hand slightly adjusting the mask over his eyes after realising his personality, when not with her, wasn't the best, either. "Well, I hope I don't sicken you any."

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Rei only nodded and turned to her bed. She used her psychic power to make the covers pull themselves back. She merely stripped off her clothes, leaving only her underwear on and climbed in.

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro was quiet. She could understand used to having a family.


Kirara was suddenly behind Nick with a glare in her eyes, aimed right at Nick. "we are not killing him. i will fight you if you wanna argue anymore." She growled at the Inugami for emphasis. Now she turned to Masaru's full Kogitsune form and walked towards him slowly. Kirara could tell with a single glance she'd have to at least be in her semi-released form to keep up with Masaru's current form's speed. Her flames enveloped her as she continued to walk. When they dispersed, there stood Kirara's semi-form.



Kirara's new self, faced Masaru and stopped as she neared the Full formed Kogitsune. "Masaru... this might hurt a little. but you'll be back to normal soon." Her semi-form's distorted voice spoke without emotion. So her emotion-filled words didn't sound right coming from her in this form. Kirara just hoped she wouldn't have to use her own full form. 

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Meara gently exhaled from the remembrance, her ears lowering a bit before she then winced her eyes shut from the painful memories that haunted her. Shaking them from her mind as she forced a smile. Her words holding a small bit of pain that she tried to hide. "Ah, but they wouldn't want me upset." She'd then turn her attention to Kuro, still holding her smile.

@Shiro kurogane


Dei-Loki and Malvo watched from afar, their eyes having been wide from the immense power violently surging through the area.

"Wow... You sure pick some powerful people to stick around with. But, you still could do so much better..." Malvo's adopted father's voice rang in her head once more with a low whistle. Wincing from his words, Malvo trembled a small bit. Her ears lowering as she leaned against a nearby tree.

Dei-Loki would bite his lip as he watched, his attention shifting to Malvo with a lifted brow. 'Something's off with her, I can feel it... I just hope she'll talk about it...' Her aura feels off, Mischief Bastard. That's for certain. Dei-Loki grimaced in agreement to the Corruption's words, looking away from Malvo so he could watch the others.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Shiro kurogane
The Nogitsune looked towards the vixen. "Pfffft, how sweet, the twelve-tailed kitsune wants to play with me. Well, i have to tell you something, Sweetie. I love to play rough." He disappeared into smoke. Then appeared behind her. Nicholas growled, grabbing the Nogitsune and sending him flying into the forest, the trees crumbling into mush once they were touched by the the Nogitsune's smoke. "Fine. You want to find away, then go ahead and do so. I can't hold him forever, it's best that you do whatever you're about to do now." Nicholas commanded. He glanced at his rotting his palms and growled. "Hurry, Kirara." He walked up in front of her and immediately dodged as the Nogitsune flung a black, smoking orb his way. "You're going to have to do better than that, brother! I've fought you at your worse!" The beast teleported at slashed his katana and Nicholas. Nicholas smiled and shifted. He then began to run around, watching as his brother fell for the trap. "You irritating brat!" The beast yelled as he chased after the dog. He grabbed the tail and landed on Nicholas. "Finally, i got you where you wanted."
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Ruvik slowly sat on the bed, overturning his hand as he gently took Maya's hand in his. Grinning, he couldn't help but gently chuckle at the comment. After having caught a glimpse of Ash's personality, he could see why. As he spoke, his gaze traveled about the tent. His free hand slightly adjusting the mask over his eyes after realising his personality, when not with her, wasn't the best, either. "Well, I hope I don't sicken you any."


(Just in case you missed it.)


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