Indescribable (Closed)

Ash listened to Adam speak before nodding. "Yeah, nice plans, yet I know where they are. I'm connected to one of them through powers. Anyways. To get to them, we would have to break a barrier. That's where miss goat comes. She's strong enough to just shatter the whole thing and we get the whole group." He explained, making explosion hands and smacking a stray guard in the face in the process.

maya looked up when she saw someone enter and narrowed her eyes. "I don't know who the fuck you are, but if you're like that cock sucker, I don't want anything to do with you."
"No need to worry." Ruvik assured, slowly entering the tent as he glanced to her through his mask. A slight smile on his face as he lifted a plate of food. "Just figured you could use something to eat."
Adam grinned "why not just ambush them when they come back to the house, destroy the house and nearby town while we are at it?" He would question ash

Maya looked at the food then at his face. She cautiously took the plate from him and sat down, smelling it before taking a bite out of it. She looked up at him, squinting while she asked, "why are you being nice to me?"


Ash nodded, listening to Adam speak before saying. "We could, but what would be the fun in that? Burn a city and house, or a whole forest AND the lord of the forest?" He asked, smirking as he sat back and letting the man process it.
Ruvik watched Maya carefully remove the plate from his grasp and, when she'd done so, he slowly lowered his hands to his sides. His posture remaining non-hostile. "Perhaps it's because I couldn't stand seeing you treated that way?" He would suggest with a small shrug to follow his words.
(Going to add a Dei-Loki and Malvo post because... Reasons.)

Malvo grimaced as she seemed to listen to her thoughts. Arms slowly wrapping around herself as she sat in silence. With a sigh, she soon stood. "I'm not feeling too good. I think I'm gonna go and lay down..." she quietly muttered before turning and walking off. Gaze on the floor.

Dei-Loki paused from his eating as he then looked to Malvo. His ears lowering as he nodded to his twin. Swallowing his food before heading to her side. "I'll make sure you get there safely."

"No!" Malvo watched him as she snapped at him, her eyes flashing as her darker side had briefly shown through her glowing irises. Silently panting in an exhausted tone, she quickly winced her eyes shut and shook her head before heading to her room. "I'll be fine on my own..."

Dei-Loki, pausing as he noticed the threatening look and tone, clenched his teeth and stayed put. 'What the hell was that about?..'
Ash chuckled. "You'll get her buddy. She's with them. And it's a long story." He said, waving his hand as he looked towards where Ruvik and Maya were. He narrowed his eyes as he said, "he's paying way more attention to her then he should.."


Maya looked up at from eating the food and gave him a questioning look. "If you couldn't stand it, why didn't you say anything in the first place? I could have been out of those chains earlier! I wouldn't have cuts on my wrists!" She held her arms, showing the marks where the chains dug into her skin and huffed, looking away from him.
Masaru looked down, but immediately looked back up. He may be a bastard's son, but he had a good Mother to teach him how to treat a lady. "It's just that you're dressed in something that's so . . .risky. What abouts if someone began to pull on this material. It would just fall right off." Masaru gave a little tug to the sheet and how it moved slightly. 

Kirara looked down at Masaru's hand. She saw him grab what she was now just realizing was not clothes. Her eyes widened in time with her color changing face. Without thinking about her action, she grabbed Masaru and yanked him somewhat roughly back into the room and slammed the door shut. "how long were you planning to not tell me i was wearing a bed sheet!!!?" She smacked him hard as she yelled her question. Kirara's face was blood red as he attempted to cover herself better with the sheet.

Cristina flopped onto one of two beds, causing the frame to break and fall to the floor.

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Great..."

"you okay?" Rei asked, trying to hide her soft chuckle. She hadn't expected the bed to break but to her it was slightly funny to her. Mostly because last time she'd seen a bed break was when she was little and was always jumping in them. She moved to sit beside Cristina.

Meara seemed to blush at the sound of those words, but she shook off the feeling before smiling a bit more and nodding to the cat demon. "Whenever you are."

Kuro grinned,"lets go then." She answered with a slight pep in her step. She had nothing on her to carry so she instead looked at Meara. "got anything you need carried?" Kuro asked with one of her twin tails once again resting on Meara's arm. The movement was becoming an unconscious habit.
With a light exhale through his nose, Ruvik slowly approached Maya before lightly touching her bloodied wrists. His touch having sealed the wounds. "I didn't want to risk anything. I apologise for not speaking sooner..."


Meara followed after Kuro, her brow lifting as she softly placed a hand on the satchel at her side. "Nothing but my satchel." While she spoke, she glanced to Kuro's tail, keeping her smile. It didn't bother her, nothing the slightest. "But, I've got it, though."
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Cristina lightly chuckled "unless we want to share a bed, one of us has to sleep on a broken bed because of me" she said lightheartedly

@Shiro kurogane


Adam turned around to see Ruvik getting close to Maya. He shrugged "im sure he has his reasons, I would have done the same. Albeit for the reason that I want my soldiers in tip top shape and alive. Whats the point of my men and women fighting for a  better future if  they'll never see it?"

Maya jumped when she felt him gently pressed his fingers against her cuts, sealing them up. She looked down at them then up at him and blushed lightly. "T-th-thank you.." She stuttered, pulling her wrists away slowly and looked down. "You're not like them.. Why?"


Ash shrugged. "True enough. But we can't let her go. She has to break the barrier. She's the only one that can."
His head would nod from the thank you before Ruvik then looked around once his healing was complete. This action was then followed by a sigh as he slowly sat in a nearby chair. "I'm a very... intricate creature." He'd admit with a smirk. Gaze set on his gauntlets as he'd continue to speak. "There are times that even I can't really explain where my actions come from." It was easy to tell from his words that he'd, normally, never been the generous type. But, by the feel of his actions, it seemed to open up the door to a softer side no one even thought a demon like this could have.

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"im fine with sharing a bed if your okay with it." Rei answered, sounding a bit shy. "and its not your fault the bed broke."

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro nodded moved as if to take Meara's hand but paused, lowering her hand. Instead she merely turned and lead the way upstairs to their room and unlocked the door. Kuro held the door for Meara and gestured for the kitsune girl to go in first.

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Masaru winced as she hit him and then chuckled at her fiery temper. "Until you realized it, sweetheart." He looked at the mirror, admiring the swelling, red mark on his cheek until he felt a mental dagger dig into his heart as a pungent scent of death filled his nose. He kept the smile on his lips, trying to hide the fact that he was scared of what was to come. "Sorry Kirara. I would love to stay and chat, but i forgot to feed the horses before we left. Ellie loves her horses and i don't want her to get mad at me." He kept his eyes on his reflection as he let the lie pass between his teeth. He knew that his Father was coming to take him out of this world that he brought him into. 

Sorry Mom, I can't keep my promise on not killing my Father. For i am a monster just like him. I must be disappointing you right now, huh? Will you love me still if painted the forest with his blood? Nay. In your eyes, i am his son, and only his son. So, let's keep it that way. 

Masaru gave a beaming smile. "Enjoy their food. It's delicious." With that he was out the door, black swirled markings beginning to grow as his eyes turned the icy black that only demons could hold. 

Nicholas heard cries as he slept, he gave a gentle turned and laid his arm around Mia's waist. 

Ayamu finally made it to an opening, his grey smoke appeared into his hands as he laid his palm onto the barricaded opening. It being to melt under his touch. He stepped through, smelling the delicious scent of forest spirits. "My son, you are so easy to smell. You're so disgusting and devilish. Your spirit is so strong compared to the innocent, delectable creatures that live in this forest. So what, my child? Are you finally going to kill your daddy? After so long, you can't run this time. It's either a fight to the death or you can watch all these sweet little things burn. So what's it going to be. . .Massy?"  
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Meara had not caught the movement to take her hand until Kuro moved hers away. With lifted brows, she followed her up to the room before stepping in and looking around. "Not as small as I believed it to be." She would state with a smile, heading to one of the beds as she removed her satchel and placed it at the end of the mattress.

@Shiro kurogane


Malvo rested on the hammock in the other room. Her eyes half-lidded as she rocked from side to side. "What is this?.." she silently asked herself. "Where is all of this pent up rage coming from?.. Could it be--? No... No, it can't..." "Oh, I believe it can." A masculine voice would ring in her head. A voice far different to the Corruption. Quickly, she sat up and let her eyes scan the room. "Dad!? Where are--?" The voice softly chuckled. "I am just speaking via mental connection, Malvo. I'm still in the Nightmare realm. I have to say... I never expected to see you fight on... this side of things."

@ anyone
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Maya watched him as he sat down on a chair and looked at the floor that seemed oh so interesting at that moment. "Well.. Thank you for being nice to meet and healing my cuts." She told him.


Mia gasped as she woke up, sitting up quickly and out of Nicholas's arms. She felt a evil presence that wasn't supposed to be there in her home. She quietly and softly got out of the bed and his arms and walked down the stairs. When she reached outside, her eyes turned black as she shifted into her deer form and raced through the forest. She could smell Masaru somewhere heading towards the evil aura, but she reached there first, rearing in her back legs and huffing in front of the man. She glared at him with her black and blue eyes from her deer form and huffed. Her thoughts could be heard in his head as she spoke. "You shouldn't be here. Leave now." 
"Oh sorry, i didn't realize where i was. I'm getting so old now that it is hard for me to even remember what i did yesterday. Relax. . .Meeeeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaa." He drew out her name and laid his smoky hand on her fur. It began to change as did Mia. "Mia!" Masaru yelled as he began to run. "Go on ahead, Deary. Leave me and my boy, go and taste flesh for the first time. And as for you, Massy. . . we have one last battle to fight."
Mia made noises of pain as her fur started turning black and her eyes a full black color. When it was done, she stood up tall and looked at Masaru with a hungry look. She was going to pounce on him, sharp teeth hanging out the sides of her mouth. She obeyed him when he said for her to go off and do her own thing. As she walked, she attacked a guard, the scream being heard throughout the forest as blood got all over the ground and her fur. Soon, three screams can be heard in a row as the same fate happened to the three other guards she got a hold of.
He'd shift ever so slightly in his seat as he cleared his throat. "No trouble..." he would ensure before soon taking his sight off of his gauntlets as he glanced around the tent. "You seem pretty powerful. How'd you manage to get into this mess?" He was generally curious, especially after seeing her launch Ash into the tree a short while ago.



"Yes, well... it's safe to say that they need me here. They're friends to me, and we all trust each other." Malvo huffed at the voice, closing her eyes. She'd been so tied up in this, she hadn't currently heard anything else.

"I don't understand why you would trust them all. Especially Dei-Loki after--" The male's voice then stopped, causing Malvo to pause.

"... After what?" She questioned, tensing as she awaited an answer.

@ anyone
Maya sighed. "I don't know. I was minding my own business when that fucker came up and grabbed me, chaining me up. That chain restrained me from attacking who was holding it and who owned it. He said I would be very useful soon.. I don't know his exact plans."

Cristina smiled "I'll think about it." She then pulled out a journal and began writing things into it, making sure Rei couldn't see it.

@Shiro kurogane


Adam looked at Ash questioningly leaning forward slightly

"what makes her so special?"



Nia would walk into a room and see Malvo there, talking to herself? "Hey, M'! Whats up!?" She said trying to stay positive at all times.

"Um, she's strong? That barrier won't let any of us in without breaking it. With her strength, she can shatter the barrier, but... Once she hits it, the whole thing will collapse on her and crush her, but we'll be in and we can get who we need to get." Ash explained, huffing at Adam. He was asking way too many questions....

@Heir of Dalania
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Unaware of what was to come, Ruvik placed his hands on his lap and looked to Maya with a small smile. "Well, you're safe here, anyway. We won't let anything devastating happen on your end."

(Oh, you poor unsuspecting character...)



Malvo growled to the voice in her head for leaving his words at such a cliffhanger before pausing and looking to Nia as she entered. Flattening her ears, she managed to mask her struggle with a small smile. "Nothing really... What are you up to?" 

@Heir of Dalania
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(Yep, Ruvik gets to see her get crushed.)

Maya returned the smile as her horns started steaming with heat. She blushed, noticing it and looked down. "I can't really control these strange powers.. I Don't know them, but this is all that happens with them so far.." She watched him as he placed his hands on his lap, flinching a little at the movement. When she was with Ash. Each time Ash moved, it was to smack her. She wasn't able to do anything back, the chain restraining any attack towards him from her.


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