Indescribable (Closed)

Mia blushed, looking at her father then at the others, laughing as she watched them argue. "Nicholas look! He's so cute now!" 
Nia closed her eyes and tilted her chin, looking away. "Not until I get a apology and a VOW never to hurt me, make fun of my or Dei-Loki and malvo's fun size. Ever. Again."
Masaru snorted, "I would never apologize to elves. They're rodents waiting behind the orges so that the orges can take the damage and fight until their enemies are weak. Then the elves come in and acted like they did the work. Pathetic kin, aren't cha, sweetie?" Masaru pushed off the Elizabeth and looked to Nia. "Don't worry, love. There's plenty of witches here that can't revert the spell and turn me back into myself and once they do. . .i'll be coming for you." He then walked off.
Nia followed him, using her magic to replace his clothes with a white dress. "Good luck finding someone up here who can undo my magic." She would use he magic again to make bells apear, which were tied to his wrist with red ribbon. "Apologize. Or it'll just get worse... Toodles!" She said with a salute and smile as she vanished into a cloud of rose petals.
Ash sent the letter to the other two guys already, but with his impatient ass, he was getting grouchy with it. He stood up from where he was sitting, looking down at the ram girl he had chained to a tree with a very strong chain that was unbreakable. She glared at him, only making him smirk as he walked a little ways away. "You know sweetheart, you're only here cause you're strong and just for fun. If you would give me that fun that is.." He shook his head as he stayed silent, walking back to her. He roughly grabbed her horns and pulled her head up to him, the girl wincing as she glared at him. He smirked and said. "When I'm done with you, you'll be very fun to kill." He dropped her head as he walked away again with a laugh, the girl scowling. "Little fucker.. Boy if only I could break loose and throw him up to the moon." 

Mia yawned and leaned back agianst Nicholas, paying no heed to the others as she snuggled agianst him and closed her eyes, a small smile on her lips.
Nicholas looked down, smiling at his tired mate. "Shall i take you to bed, angel?" 

Masaru looked around, trying to find Nia's spirit and instantly locking onto it. "If you think this is going to make me say sorry, then you're highly mistaken. I have lived in worse conditions far longer than you have been born." 
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Ruvik sighed as he skimmed over the note sent their way one last time before tucking it away and looking ahead. "That's not too far." He remarked. Luckily, being here seemed to give him a better grasp of his whereabouts. Though, he'd still never give them away. His attention soon traveled to Adam as a couple of his men entered the tent. "I shouldn't be gone too long." He'd grin, soon heading out of the tent to go and meet with the willing creature taking the opportunity to join the cause.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania
Masaru then ran in his tiny body with his white dress and then pulled on a female's sleeve. "Up, please." His tails floated behind him as his ears twitched. He raised his tiny arms up and the woman eagerly took him in. Hugging him tightly to her chest as he then began to pickpocket from her purse.
Nia would watch the scene from afar in disgust. Soon deciding this wasn't enough. She would use her magic to turn Masaru into a green toad on the spot.

Masaru eyes widen as he was dropped and heard a woman's scream. He then looked at himself and saw the slimy, green skin. He grunted and rolled his eyes. "Fine! You win! I'm s-s.  . . i'm sor-. . .i am . . .i am ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssorry. There! Now, turn me back."
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Nia bent down to look at him "what about the second part. Vow to never hurt me, hire someone to hurt me, or get me hurt in anyway shap or form that you cause. Also vow to never make fun of me, Mia, Dei-Loki and Malvo's fun size ever again" 
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Masaru croaked and looked up to Nia. "Fine. I vow not to do hurt you or you friends feelings or allow you to get hurt by me. I'll just think of it in my mind and hope on a falling star that it strikes you from where you stand. A demon can wish, can't they?"
"Glad we have an understanding" she said as she turned him back to normal, he was however, one inch shorter. She would smile gleefully at him for a time before froliking back into the kitchen with the rest "i took care of him guys. He wont make fun of our fun size anymore" she would say to the twins, smile still present."


Dei-Loki watched Nia enter, smile on his face as he brought his hands behind his head. "Good!"

"Serves him right." Malvo added whilst perking a brow, having watched the whole thing as she held a smile of her own.

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Masaru began to walk and then noticed that he felt. . .off. "Nee-ya~, i like to keep my word, but apparently you don't. Give me my full height, or the deal is off and i'll have my way." He placed a hand onto Nia's shoulder and leaned close to her ear. "And don't try anything, sweetie because i'm ready for it and if you miss, i attack. I haven't had Elven blood before, will you be my first?" Masaru growled lowly and a smirk appeared onto his lips. 
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Masaru nodded with his smirk growing. "Yes, we are. Don't try anything like that again though. Because. . .who knows. You could be on my menu next, sweetheart." He then ruffled her hair and walked away to go eat with the rest.
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Mia giggled and shook her head no, her eyes still closed. "I'm good right here." She said softly, curling up more in his lap.

Maya sighed deeply as Ash failed to get a bunny girl, the girl running past her with a annoyed look. "Come on baby!! Why must you walk away from me?" He yelled after her, his shirt off and his pants halfway done. He huffed as Maya giggled, getting a scowl from him. She flipped him off, making Ash smirk as he said, "I would love to, but you'll break me." 
Taking their seats, as well, a huff escaped them both.

"No idea..." Malvo huffed.

"He should consider himself lucky, though... I-If he weren't the species he is, that would've killed him..." Dei-Loki added. His ears low.

(Tags broken)


It didn't take Ruvik long at all to locate Ash's whereabouts. His gaze shifting about as two Blighters followed behind him. However, he soon found himself landing his gaze on the ram chained to a tree. A foreign feeling seeming to stir within him. His teeth would briefly clench as he soon turned his attention to the barely clothed male. "Are you Ash?" He'd call out.

(Tags broken.)
Kirara opened her eyes to the sounds of people talking. The voices seemed to come from another room and she faintly recognized Masaru's voice. Blindly grasping about revealed nothing about where her clothes were. Then she felt something on her.... like a sheet. But as far as she cold remember, she'd never fallen asleep. So she sleepily got up and pulled whatever the sheet-like thing was around her body. 

Her walk was a bit like a drunken man's in the way that she was stumbling side to side often. When Kirara managed to to get to the doorway without falling she instinctively reeled back at the sudden light, The bed sheet she unknowingly thought were clothes did little to cover her legs. Her womanhood and her chest however miraculously managed to stay safely covered. "Masaru?..." She half-called, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Kuro looked to Meara's outstretched hand and gave a faint blush as she took it and dismounted the horse.

Rei took Cristina's hand and dismounted while avoiding Cristina's eyes. It was the only way for her to not blush like kuro was.

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Ash clapped his hands together as he walked towards Ruvik, buttoning up his pants. "Yes I am. Pay no heed to her. She'll be useful later on. But I warn you, don't get near her. That little girl can send you straight to the moon with just one hit with her head." He chuckled as the girl scowled and turned her back to the two, sighing deeply. "I could have sworn there were two of you. I see the guards, but not the other guy." He questioned Ruvik, holding his giant black wings mid-way open. He turned his head lightly to see Maya turning back around to listen more closely to their conversation.
Nicholas chuckled and pulled her even closer. "Fine. We're going to bed." He said to the group and lifted Mia up in the bridal style. He then walked to their room. He then stopped seeing Kirara wearing only a sheet. "Masaru, don't do anything around here please, children are around here." He looked to his brother. 

Masaru watched in awe at the simple sheet that seem to gingerly lay on Kirara's body. His fox seemed to become untamed. "Kirara? Why are you wearing . . .that?" He growled, feeling the urge to sink his teeth into her body. 

"I'm starving." Ayamu said as he held on his growling stomach and walked down a path. He began to hear a subtle heartbeat. He groaned as his teeth his sharpened at the smell of spirits. He then stalked his prey until it was the perfect time and struck. Eating him greedily and fast. From the armor, he seemed to be a solider, but now he was just an unidentified meat rag. He then rapidly sucked up the spirit from the boy's form. "Ahhhh, finally. Thanks love, i needed that."

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