Indescribable (Closed)

Ruvik locked his own fingers together as he listened, soon nodding as that smirk never left the male's face. His single eye's attention following Adam as he watched him head out.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki blinked, looking up as he snickered from Masaru's comment. Smirk on his face as he'd then nod to Mia. "Alright."

Malvo held a smirk, as well. Her pointed ears remaining perked after realising both her and Dei-Loki would have the same reaction. Attention shifting to Mia, she'd nod, as well.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Mia turned to Masaru and glared at him, her eyes turning the dark black color. She didn't know her eyes did that, but when she realized that her own mind was trying to search through his, she quickly stopped it and turned around, her eyes turning back to their brown color. "Masaru stop that. These kids don't have anything to fear right now, I rather not have them fear you." She told him over her shoulder, walking towards the spiral stairs that led to the topper levels of the tree. "This bottom level is served as the living area, kitchen, and dining. There is no table, but we have clay bowls that we eat out of and on the grass cushions. Most of the time, everyone is in their animal forms, but other times we're in our human forms. Up the stairs is the rooms. Each room is the same size, each room has a balcony that over looks a different view of the forest. Each room as a grass bed for animal form, and a hammock like bed for the human form. Each room has a extra different thing to them." She told them all, heading up the stairs to the first room. @JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Masaru an eyebrow at her eyes. "Cool." Nicholas said in awe. He never met a world where they accepted animal form more than human form. Masaru looked to somewhere far and pointed at a flower. "Brother, come pick these flowers with me so that way we can take them home for decoration. Don't worry Mia, we won't take a lot." He grabbed Nicholas's hand and took him to the small patch of flowers. "Your mate is in danger. She seems to have less control of herself now that she has half of Ash's powers." Nicholas rolled his eyes. "Are upset that she told you to stop being mean to ki-." Masaru lifted his hand to Nicholas's mouth. "Listen to me, Nickel. Please listen to me." Nicholas's looked at him confused. "You haven't called me Nickel in centuries. The last time you called me that was when we were teenagers." Masaru grabbed tightly to Nicholas's hand. "Listen, Mia is still Mia, but Ash's personality is tainting her innocent soul and i don't think it helps that she's with us. I mean, we are demonic spirits after all, but that's not the point. If Ash dies, then Mia isn't going to be Mia anymore. She'll still look like Mia, but she'll be as twisted as Ash."

Nicholas looked down at the flowers and plucked it. "Are you sure?" Masaru rubbed Nicholas's back, "of course i'm sure. A body can't handle to different spirits, unless you can keep them equal, but Mia can barely handle half of Ash's spirit. Imagine when Ash's spirit is full, his can easily take over hers. She won't be exactly like Ash, but she'll be twisted enough. I could try and find a cure for this spell and kill off Ash before he could do anything else." Nicholas nodded as he rolled the steam between his thumb and pointer finger. He stood up and walked over to group, Masaru following behind him. "Here angel, i got you a flower." Masaru's words still played in his mind.

@xXLittleLokiXx   @Heir of Dalania @Comet
Mia smiled when he brought a flower to her. "Awe, thank you." She got on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek and added the flower to her flower crown. "Let's go." First room they came too had a balcony that over-looked a open sunflower field, the hammock bed handing almost in the middle and a soft grass bedding closer to the balcony. A few vines hung down from the cieling, and a elephant tusk chandelier handing from the cieling, each one holding fire. "This room has a secret hole that opens up under the grass bed, turning it know a hole like bed big enough for two." 
Elizabeth awed. "Secrets? I love secrets." She then ran around the room trying to find how to see the bed. "Ah, Teddy-bear, doesn't it look beautiful?" Ellena squealed as she looked out towards the sunflower field. "Absolutely stunning." He smiled, staring right at Ellena. She turned and the blushed, "oh quit that, silly. The kids are right here in front us." Thomas looked to his children. "May i have this room, Mia?" Masaru nodded, "let them have it before i throw up from the amount of lust that fills this room." Ellena pinched his cheek and Masaru laughed, "Mom no, i'm sorry! I'll be a good Kit!." She then giggled, hugging Masaru tightly to her. 

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Dei-Loki watched the group, a small smirk on his face before blinking and looking to Alec as he crawled onto his shoulder. Grinning, he gently patted the dragon before looking to Malvo. "I think I'm going t' go and explore a bit. Feel free to come along." As he said that, he turned and made his way back out.

Malvo's brow quirked as she watched him, soon nodding before following. "I'll come along. We may be able t' find Neil and Alec something t' eat, in the process."

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia would turn and follow the twins, cape fluttering behind her as she walked keeping pace with the similarly 'vertically challenged' pair. "Have you guys ever seen something like this before? Its a whole nother world..." she would say looking around in awe at their surroundings.

Malvo blinked as she glanced to Nia, shaking her head as she, too, took a look around at the memorising scenery. "Nothing like this, no."

"You'd think we would've, considering the places we came from." Little Loki would chime into the conversation. His hands sliding into his pockets. "Have you?"

@Heir of Dalania
"Nope" she would answer simply "where are you from anyway? If you dont mind my asking" Nia would say before beginning to walk like a penguin with a waddle and arms out at her side as she made penguin noises as she had done so.

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Malvo's gaze traveled to Dei-Loki as the question was asked, wondering if they'd been able to answer truthfully. She would then blink as she, once more, shifted her gaze to Nia. Her head tilting slightly as she observed her walk.

Dei-Loki returned Malvo's glance before flicking his ear and looking to the sky. "Do you believe in alternate dimensions, Nia?" He'd start off.

@Heir of Dalania
"Alternate who what now?" She answered continuing her goofy walk. "Like this place?" She added on after looking to the pair, continuing her walk, but toned down a considerable amount.

"Well, that answers that question." Malvo blinked with a small smile.

Dei-Loki blinked from Malvo's words before he then nodded to Nia, glancing to her before having then glanced around. "In a way, yes. Although... Were we come from, it's, well... Not in this realm, at all." He'd try to find words to explain. His gloved fingers gently scratching his chin.

@Heir of Dalania
Malvo crossed her arms, her brows lifting as she'd been interested in just how he'd explain it. Secretly, she'd also wondered if he'd bring up the Nightmare Realm at all. Though, she had a pretty good feeling that he would leave that out for the sake of them both.

"Well... in a world far from this one, there is another world known as Engranussia. We both hail from Falador, Fórrelden. The capital city within one of the four countries of said world." The prince would then rub the back of his head. "That world is the home of many different creatures, of all sorts." In his explanation, he made sure to make it sound as if Malvo was also from there. And technically, she was. Just from a different reality. A more... malevolent reality.

@Heir of Dalania
"Like what kind of creatures?" She said latching on the the last bit of what he had said. She would glance about, taking in the scenery. She loved to learn and see new things.

"Well, we've got dragons, gryphons, elves, dire wolves, ogres, giants..." he'd begun to list off the many creatures, a smile forming on his face from her curiosity. "Pretty much anything you could find here. But the wildlife look a bit different back home."

@Heir of Dalania
Mia nodded. "You can have this room." She told the two. She took the others out and finished showing them the rest of the house, each of them having their own level. She took them all back downstairs, sitting on the ground on a grass Cushion and smiles at them "so, welcome to my ho-" Mia's dad ran in and shifted quickly, pushing his daughter over and putting his ear to her stomach excitedly. When he didn't hear anything, he growled and sat up. "Why you no give poopies? I want poopies." He then turns around and faces Nicholas, pointing a finger in the boy's face. "Dog supposed to make poopies! Why you no do job? Give poopies! Or boobies." He said, Mia blushing and rolling her eyes. "Father no. It's babies." He then looked at her confused. "Boobies." 

"No, dad. Baaabieesss." 


mia shook her head and looked at Nicholas. "No, spell it out. Bay-bees." 

He then made a face and pursed his lips. "Bebes." She threw her hands up, groaning. "Close enough!" He then turned to Nicholas's parents. "Don't you want bebes? Make them give bebes. I want to be grandpop-pop." @JayJin @Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
"Well, I would love some babies. They would be so cute and tiny! Nicholas, make some babies so that way your Mama can be  a Grandma." Ellena squealed as Nicholas stood there, locked in position. "You heard the man, Nickel. I mean, you've mated with her before. Now, it's time to make some pups. Come on, Nicky boy. Fuc-." Nicholas leaped onto Masaru and began to choke him. "Shut the hell up!" 

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Mia giggled and blushed looking down at the ground while listening to their conservation. She didn't know what to make of it... making her blush more. Why does everyone want them?!? She then looked up when Nicholas jumped on Masaru and started choking him. She jumped up and pulled Nicholas off, huffing. Her dad gave her a excited look and she blushed, looking at Nicholas. She shrugged, looking at her dad. "Father..." He started but then started jumping with glee. "Good good! Up you go! Make poopies and bebes." he grabbed Nicholas and pushed the two upstairs a big smile on his face. @JayJin
"I didn't come here to make babies. Mia has to tell you something, I need. . .I need peace." Nicholas looked back to Mia, remembering how the past week he had been downing bottles after bottles, just to forget. "I need serenity and you can give that to me, can you? Please, tell me that you can. I. . .need it badly." Masaru looked to Nicholas, a frown appeared on his face. Nicholas hated keeping the secret of his drinking problem to Mia, but she didn't need to know the ghosts that held him in the dark and drowned him in the night. "Jacob, our brother, past a week ago. We need to speak him, please." 

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His face fell. "Oh, family die. I bring spirit and peace. Okey, I give peace. Come come." He told them, walking outside to a open field. Mia took Nicholas's hand and pulled him out to the field. It was a beautiful field, a few trees around them. A arch grew before a certain tree, one a little smaller than the others. "Mia, here. Help." Mia went to his side and both of them crouched to the ground, they're hands on the ground as a small wisp came up. The wisp was a reddish color, that quickly took the form of Jacob. Mia looked at him, tears falling down her face. "Jacob..." She breathed, looking back at his family.
"Jacob?" The form turned to his brother and gave a big smile as if he was still Jacob, but he was more than that. He was a memory, a sweet-bitter memory that made Nicholas feel like he should've jumped off that building and never looked up. "Hey family, hey mama, hey Dad." His mother's put her hand to her mouth, a small painful squeak passed her lips as tears fill her eyes once more. Even the father lost it, a ghostly smile on a tired face with a mix of wet tears. It wasn't right for the Grants. They were always cheerful and happy even in the worse possibilities.

"Hey, don't cry. Please don't cry. It's nice up here anyways. I get to see Gram-Gram again. She's says that she misses you all deeply and looks down at you from time to time. It didn't hurt. It never hurt because i knew i was protecting my family." He smiled and it was full and bright. Yet, it made Nicholas mad. Furious. He clenched his fist tightly until his nails began to grow and cut into his flesh, causing blood to slowly drip from his hands. "I was the one that was suppose to die. I was the one! How could take that away from me, you selfish bastard! I was the eldest! i was suppose to protect you! How could you do this to me! I love you! I love you, baby brother! I love you! You should've let me die! You should've let me go!"

Ellena choked up from this. Jacob stood there, watching his brother crumple to the ground in misery. "Because you have a destiny, Nicholas. Faith has put you, Masaru, Elizabeth and your group into destiny. I can't say much more, but the world needs you! We need you! There will be more deaths, but it'll be for a cause. Everything is for something, Nicholas and you just got to survive it. Fight, my brother! Fight for this world! Fight for your home and whatever you do! Whatever you do, don't lose sight of the objective! Promise me that you will not stop until this world is saved! Promise me! Fight for us, please." Nicholas looked up, his vision blurry from crying. "I promise, i'll fight for it all. I promise, baby brother." Jacob turned his head and a smile passed onto his lips. "And whatever you do, don't let go of Masaru. He's the key to it all. I love you all. Long days and pleasant nights." The family knelt in front of Jacob and bowed their heads, "may you have twice the number." And with, Jacob disappeared.
When he dissapeared, Mia's dad quickly took the small red soul into his hands, holding it gently. "Soul of Jacob go into small tree. Live on and be healthy." He walked towards the tree and gently put the soul into it. The tree lit up for a minute before the leaves took on a reddish green color, her father standing back to let the family look at it as Mia went to Nicholas's side and took his bleeding hand in hers. She knew he needed comfort. Her father said one last thing with a tear. "Young soul die too early. Live on longer in tree. Soul will forever be part of life and forest." 
"Thank you, it's what we needed." Thomas said and the siblings bowed to the man, even Masaru. Yet, he was far away from where he stood. He was in his own mind, thoughts swirling in his head like an f-5 tornado. 

Fate? Not even Gods can control it. 

Nicholas laid his forehead to Mia's. "Thanks angel, i really needed that." He gave a squeeze to her hand to calm his fragile heart. 
Mia's father nodded. He seemed calm with the whole thing, but really his mind was rattling. He never saw someone dead so young... "Be back." He walked away, going to go clear his mind. 

Mia gently smiled at Nicholas when he put his forehead against hers. "We all needed it... Let's all head back and get some rest. My dad has a lot planned for us tomorrow." She told him, touching her nose to his before looking at the others. "If you guys want, the guards brought back some food for you guys. It's meat, even though we don't eat meat here, we didn't want to change ya'lls diet. If you guys are willing to eat, it'll be in the kitchen. Help yourselves to whatever is in there." She then started to walk back to the tree. Her emotions were rattled also, her powers fighting Ash's for control over her mind. Her eyes went in and out of the black color, Mia holding her was down. She knew she couldn't control it much, but she tried her hardest, scared she was going to hurt the ones she cared about. Her eyes continued to falter from brown to dark black, and due to her tired body from using powers to bring Jacob's soul back, it was harder to fight back. She didn't want to bring it to Nicholas's attention that the powers were fighting each other, scared that he'll freak out and just.. Leave her. 

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