Indescribable (Closed)

He followed after Adam, glancing around as a hand casually rested on the pommel of his blade. In his travels, he glanced about. Speaking up curiously while he watched the sky continue to return normal. "What does this group fight for?"

@Heir of Dalania
"we fight, to deliver mankind to justice. Elves, hybrids, all sorts of minorities treated like dirt by humanityThey want it to stop, they come here. So they can fight." Adam would explain as he continued to walk towards his own large tent.

His attention would pique as he listened, looking to him once more as a dark grin slid up his face. "Seems I've ended up in the right place, then." He'd remark, fingers lightly drumming on his hilt.

@Heir of Dalania
"so it would seem..." Adam would say returning into his tent, propping his sword against the table. "Tell me, this group of supernaturals, who all was there?" He would ask looking at a map of future targets, one of which was the town on the island.

"And where were they? They may cause... problems in the future. The name is Adam, and I have a feeling we may be able to assist one another." 

He said with a grin.

Ruvik would slow to a stop once setting foot in the tent, his grin growing at the mention of a possible alliance. His attention soon setting on the map as he brought his finger to the island in which he'd been summoned from. "A family of Inugamis, a kogitsune, a deer deity, an elven girl and two demigods." (Think that's everyone there.) He'd scowl at the mention all of them, but more specifically the two at the end, shaking his head as he'd then lower his hand. Folding his arms behind his back as he continued to speak. His grin soon returning. "I've come with big plans in mind. Perhaps this alliance would be good."

(Aaaaaand, time skip time.)

@Heir of Dalania
Masaru stood next to Nicholas, letting the crook of his finger touch the portal, watching it ripple as if it was water. "Are you sure that he's going to like me? I mean, i think he would prefer someone much more . . .safer than me." Nicholas asked, looking over to Mia. Masaru kept playing with the ripples in the portal.
Mia chuckled and smiled up at him, nodding. "Yes Nicholas, he will like you. I mean, I can't determine what he'll act like exactly, but he will like you." She looked towards Masaru. "Everyone here? I'm not having anyone left behind." She told him, looking around to see if everyone is here. She groaned, "Nicholas, your parents. Where are they?" She asked, a small frustrated look on her face. Keeping up with everyone of them was hard, when her attention was brought to one, another would run off. Like a bunch of puppies. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki and Malvo stuck close to the group. Their hands in their pockets as they watched the portal.

'Gods, ever since that whole incident, it feels like I haven't slept at all...' Dei-Loki said in Malvo's mind, ears low. 'The nightmares of Blighters are no help, either...'

'I know the feeling...' Malvo sighed with a huff, looking around before then looking to the portal. Her attention soon traveling to Nicholas's parents.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Mia sighed happily, seeing they were all there. "Alright, let's go." She walked into the portal, a excited smile on her face as she reached the other end to see her home. Then, a giant white stag deer came out. "Mia! Daughter!" He cried, running towards her. He shifted in the process and was going to hug her, but stopped. He held her at an arms length, looking her up and down. "Something different." He said, his rich Russian accent can be clearly heard. He blinked his eyes to a different color, the aura seeing eyes. He saw Mia's was connected to someone else.. He followed it to nicholas(assuming he was though now.) when he saw the Inugami, His eyes widened. "Daughter mated to Inugami?" He walked around the tall boy, poking him every now and then. "Strong. Powerful. Mia, he safe? Where ceremony tags?" He then asked, lifting up his arm to look for the marks. His nose wrinkled, catching the smell of dog as he set his arm down. "Dog need bath." He said as he walked towards his daughter. "Daughter I love, if you love dog, I love dog." He then walked towards Nicholas and brought him in a huge hug, picking the boy up off the ground. "My daughter has mate! Little poopies or deerlings soon!" He laughed a big booming laugh as Mia blushed. "Father..." She giggled, smiling at Nicholas and the others.  @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
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"Uhhhh-" Masaru doubled over in laughter as the siblings snickered. "He said that you stink like dog! You need a bath, Fido." Masaru snickered. The Mom smiled and held out the pie to the man. "We wanted to give you a gift." Her eyes seem sunken after all the pain that went through. All of them did, yet they smiled and hoped for Jacob to be happy. 
"Uhhhh-" Masaru doubled over in laughter as the siblings snickered. "He said that you stink like dog! You need a bath, Fido." Masaru snickered. The Mom smiled and held out the pie to the man. "We wanted to give you a gift." Her eyes seem sunken after all the pain that went through. All of them did, yet they smiled and hoped for Jacob to be happy. 
Her father laughed as he pulled Nicholas with him. "Come come, I show you home." Mia followed them, calling back to the others. "You guys can either follow or go do your own thing. This is my home and you are welcomed wherever here." She was then pulled forward by her dad as he laughed and pulled Nicholas by his head, his arm around it. @JayJin(@others im too lazy to tag. I'll be on later. Quick break.)
The family followed after Nicholas, Mia and Mia's Father. Masaru put his hands into his pockets and began to walk to wherever the Father was taking them. "Why do i feel like i'm being stared at?" Masaru grumbled. "I think it's in your mind, brother." Masaru looked to the father, "am i being stared at?" 

(Tags broken)
Ruvik had been making his way back to Adam's tent after gaining contact with his own troops. Hands behind his back, his attention remained forward as not a single word had escaped his mouth.

@Heir of Dalania
Adam would remain seated in his tent, sharpening his sword, looking out the flap at Ruvik.

"So, is everything set to go?" He would ask "we're attacking that town on the island soon? We get to deliver them justice, and you can get payback on the dogs . . . One more time, run over the list of people and their skills so we know what we're dealing with. We have to play this right..."

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Ruvik delivered a single nod to Adam, his hands remaining behind his back as a smirk slid up his face. "I've rallied my men, they're prepared to set sail." In the process of assuring him, he stepped into the tent. "From what I've witnessed; There's the elven girl, whom seems to have her focus on rapid ranged and close combat, the deity knows some powerful magic, the Kogitsune who's pretty quick on his feet and with a blade, and the family of Inugami seem to also be pretty quick on their feet. The two Shadow Wardens - the demigods - share the ability to work with shadows, and looking into their pasts, they are also fairly quick with their blades." In his process of giving a description, he took a seat. "There are most likely more of them, as well. I felt the presence of at least one kitsune and two acolytes that live in the same area."

@Heir of Dalania
"You needn't worry about them, whatever then deal, I can surely return in full, now then. . .This girl, the elf... how tall was she, and what color was her hair?" He then asked him. 



Nia would then cautiously follow the group in, using her magic to sense the world on the other side. It felt peaceful, calm. Everything felt different to her. It was weird, alien, but also beautiful....



"About 5', red hair..." Ruvik perked a bit as he leaned back in his chair. A smirk present on his face. "By the sound of your interest, you seem like you know her."

@Heir of Dalania


Malvo decided to tag along, her emerald irises slowly scanning the world around them in awe. Dei-Loki following close behind her as he traveled in silence.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin 
Mia's father replied, " Creatures like you never seen. New to them." He said, shooing away few of the locals. A few of them gave mia polite nods. Baby bunny children giving her a flower crown and putting it on her head. She smiled at them, kissing their heads as she stood up and put her small hand in Nicholas's. "I show home first. Then rest." Her father said, walking into a giant tree home. "Each level living space. Mia and dog, get own room. Others choose where. Except top. Top mine. I got business." He shifted into his giant deer form, touching his nose to Mia's forehead before walking out to do business. "I can show you guys all the rooms in the house." She told everyone, smiling at them. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Nicholas nodded, "sounds good." Masaru looked down to a bunny child tugging his jacket. "Hey misteh, what awe you?" Masaru bended down to the bunny child's level. "I am the big, bad boogeyman who eats bad children souls. So you better be good for you Mom or i'll come for you." Masaru gave an evil smirk and the child ran screaming. "Masaru, quit that!" Nicholas pinched Masaru's cheek. "Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm sorry."

(Tags broken) 
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"Yes... that her alright. Yes I know her, and she must pay for her betrayal" he said with a sharp sound of hatred in his voice he would sheath his blade and steped outside looking to where the island was speaking to himself then, "You can't run forever my love" he said with the same tone of voice. "Make ready to attack, we leave in two days, under cover of night" he told his lieutenant.



Nia would look around, pulling out a cookie from her basket, and handing it to one of the kids before patting him on the head and sending him on his way. Then turning to follow the rest of the group.




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