Indescribable (Closed)

Mia groaned, gripping her heart as she felt everything die around her. "The forest, the trees... They're screams.." She brought her hands up to her ears to block out the sounds as her eyes shut tight, the screams only getting louder in her head. "Nicholas..." She breathed, the screams getting too loud for her to bear. She blacked out as everyone attacked him, her body falling to the ground along with Nia's. (Too lazy to tag.)
Ruvik's expression remained the same as he watched Masaru vanish within the shadows. With a twisted, sadistic cackle, Ruvik lifted his hand and swung it to the side - which caused more of the house to bend to his desire. The floorboards from down below soon flinging up as they aimed for the siblings. Soon, he'd then glance to the blade that was heading for the more vulnerable part of his armour. This had not changed his outlook, as he quickly grabbed the katana. Gripping it as his eyes became more intense. The forest dying faster. 

(This isn't too OP, is it?)

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nicholas heard Mia's cry and instantly went to her side, but as for Masaru he just laughed, his eyes turning back into the deadly black. He raised his hand and gouged out the purple orb known as his eye. He then tossed the freed eye in the air and ate it like it was nothing but dessert. He smiled and then bit into Ruvik's bottom lip, pulling it fast and tasting the fresh metallic taste on his tongue as he ripped at the man's face. 

(i don't feel like it is. Especially after destroying Ruvik's face.)

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet
Nia pushed herself to her feet an pulled a shard of glass out of her arm, wincing in pain as she limped back up the stairs slowly. "Little. Shit. Throw me off a roof with a roof. Who does he think he is...." she would grumble to herself as she climbedback up to the battle.
Ruvik unleashed a yell of pain that was soon overrun by loud, maniacal laughter. Blood draining from his socket and torn bottom lip, he would then swivel and forcefully deliver a kick to Masaru's abdomen. Quickly having unsheathed his sword as he tried to impale him with his blade.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Masaru  grabbed the blade, his blood began to spill from the sharp blade. Jacob watched as his siblings and friends laid on the ground, injured and bleeding. The portal opened completely behind Ruvik. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he looked to his siblings. He then looked up at the red sky, a ghostly smile appearing on his lips. "I'm coming to clearing, Grandma." His hands glowed the darkish purple of the portal. 

Do this for your family. Save them. Be the silent hero even if the peace will only last for awhile. 

He then took off. To him it was as if he was in slow motion. He wanted to say his goodbyes. Yet, he didn't want them at all. He didn't want to hear them in fear that he wouldn't go through with this stupid plan. "I love you all!" He wrapped his arms around Ruvik's waist and carried him, jumping into the portal. Nicholas and the injured siblings looked to their brother. "Jacob no!" Nicholas ran after Jacob and jumped, his hand reaching for Jacob's foot. Then the portal shut and shattered at Nicholas's waist. He rolled, the crunch of glass making him feel sick as he stopped at the edge of the ruined roof. "Jacob!" Elizabeth screamed, her body in complete shock at the action. The rest stared at the shattered pieces of the portal. 

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
Nia had just cleared the stairs when Jacob did what he did. She felt... stunned, shocked, a gut wrenching, sick feeling in her heart and stomach, like she was going to vomit. Her weapons clanging to the ground as the fell out of her grasp. Rushing to Elizabeth's side, taking the girl into her arms as she hugged her tight. She didn't know what to say. She just continued to hold her, hoping to help her through this in any way possible.



Ruvik's eye widened as he was brought through the portal. Yanking his blade from Masaru's torso, he had preemptively pointed it forward so it would be driven through Jacob as a consequence of the action he took. With Ruvik's removal from the area, the forest was safe from death... for now. Though, you couldn't say the same for the male that forcefully brought him through the portal.

Dei-Loki and Malvo were stunned by the action, their eyes trembling as they watched Jacob go.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Jacob felt his lung being pierced by the blade. Blood rushed up and out of his mouth, covering Ruvik's body in splatters. He smiled, blood oozing heavily out the corner of his mouth. He began to pull the dagger more into his lung, trying his best to escape the miserable pain. He stopped as he put his lips next to Ruvik's ears. "It was worth it. It was so fucking worth it. I'll see ya later in Hell's Fire." He whispered into his ear and closed his eyes. He released his last breath with a smile. 

Masaru stared at where Jacob disappeared. Then they all felt it. It felt as if a mirror was shattered, as if part of themselves became numb and heavy. As if someone took out their heart and squashed the beating life right before their very own eyes. Like icy knives pricking at their skins, cutting them open and making them nothing, but death's song.  It wasn't hard mistaking Jacob's death. It wasn't hard at all. Elizabeth screamed and clutched Nia tighter her. "No! No! No! Give him back! Give him back! Give me him! You can't take him! You can't! You. . .you can't have him." Her shoulders rocked back and forth as she begged for the Gods to give him back. The boys cried and the girls screamed.

As for Nicholas, he sat on his knees, staring at the town in front of him. My baby brother. . .is dead. Dead. It's my fault. I gave my word to protect you. Why couldn't you let me go instead!? I would've taken your place in a heartbeat! Why!? Why!? You should've let me die! I. . . I would take your place in a heartbeat, my baby brother. In a fucking heartbeat. He clenched his fist and let the tears fall over the edge of the building. He heard the splatter of the tears hitting the concrete sidewalk. He began to push himself over the edge, wanting to be like the tears. Splat.

 Masaru lifted him from his arms and hoisted him away from the edge and into his arms. "I got you. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." He repeated the sentence over and over again, not knowing who he was saying that for, all the while tears blurred his vision and ran down his bloodied cheeks. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet
Ruvik merely scoffed at Jacob's comment, pushing Jacob off of his blade. "My men will enjoy turning you, dog." He would remark. A hand soon being brought to his face as he touched his fingers to the missing part of his lip. The skin instantly seeming to harden into a callas. "I can't say this isn't what I expected, though... Now, where am I?.." Ruvik took a look around to take in the scenery.


Dei-Loki listened to them all, wracked with guilt. On top of that, he was battling for the ability to block out the voices of the past Wardens. Eyes closing, he clenched his hands.

Malvo also listened, her ears having been low. Gaze shifting to Dei-Loki as she whispered to him. "It's not yer fault, Dei-Loki..."

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
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Mia watched as Masaru comforted Nicholas. She felt it too, being attached to Nicholas, she felt the pain of Jacob's death. It was a heavy painful feeling on her heart. Tears sprung to her eyes as she looked at all the others. She walked over to Masaru and Nicholas, looking at them with a sad look. She wanted to comfort him, you could clearly see it in her eyes, but she didn't know if he wanted her warmth just then. It wasn't his time, it was far from his time to leave. I... I could have done something to prevent it... Gave him a chance to finish his long life.. We all failed in protecting each other.. She wiped the tears off her face as she patiently waited for Nicholas to accept her comfort, if he needed it. @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane
Ruvik continued to survey the area, returning his blade to it's scabbard as he began to walk. Though he'd been bloodied, he still seemed to hold his head high. 'This vision impairment is going to be a problem....' He thought to himself, his gloved hand having then removed from the hilt of his blade as his attention soon turned in the direction of a camp in the distance. With no exposed uncertainty, he would approach.

@Heir of Dalania
Seven border watchmen would notice Ruviks approach, soon encircling him. They had crossbows, guns, and swords pointed toward him. All of them wearing masks similar to adams, exept without the red on it. 

"This is Broken fang territory, state your name and business"

one of them would speak to Ruvik. They had very strict entrance policys. Even for the wounded.

One of the watchmen would then jog back to camp to inform Adam of the rare intrusion.

Ruvik shifted his attention over the men, his brow cocking from the mention of their group name. His posture showed that he didn't feel threatened, as he felt he could easily take them out. But, by the looks of the encampment size, it was easy to tell that he could be outnumbered. And, being a bit tired, he knew pissing off an army wasn't in his best interest. Clearing his throat, he'd introduce himself. "The name is Ruvik. And I..." He began as a grin slid up his face. His finger soon gesturing to the fading red in the sky. "Am the one who broke the sky."

@Heir of Dalania
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Elizabeth kept sobbing against Nia, she was tired and wanted him back so badly that it felt like her heart was dying. 

Nicholas stood up, wiping his tears away and pulled Mia into a hug, his pain staying, but gently fading just a bit. 

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet
One of the men would gasp and point at Ruvik, in an almost fan-girl type fashion "that was you!" 

Adam would then emerge from around the corner of a tent, sword sheathed in his left hand. (He doesn't attach it to his body, he just carries it around)

"What is the meaning of this!?"

"sir he's the one that broke the sky!" 

"well that's interesting" he said looking him up and down through his mask. "how'd you get so bloodied?" he asked noting the wounds covering his body.

Ruvik blinked from the action as his grin had remained. He seemed to take the soldier's reaction as a compliment, something he didn't get too often. With his attention soon traveling to Adam, he spoke once more. "Upon my arrival, I had a bit of a brawl with several supernatural individuals. I was interrupted in my actions by one of them being foolish enough to sacrifice his life for theirs."

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki shook his head to Malvo's words, speaking his own. "It was... I should've killed Tomas before he was able to--"

"Don't blame yourself fer this." Malvo growled quietly, fighting the urge to smack him in the head as she glanced to the others.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Ruvik would chuckle to that, though he kept sincerity in his tone as he ended up going for the second question, first. "Ah, no need to worry about me divulging Intel on your current location. I barely know where I am, as it is." Ruvik would then shift in place. "And, the male I told you about earlier forced me through a portal with him. That's how I ended up here."

@Heir of Dalania
Elizabeth kept sobbing against Nia, she was tired and wanted him back so badly that it felt like her heart was dying. 

Nicholas stood up, wiping his tears away and pulled Mia into a hug, his pain staying, but gently fading just a bit. 

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet

Mia hugged him back, staying quiet. She could have said something, but she didn't know what. All the knew was that her comfort was enough for now. Maybe I can put their nerves at ease with this... But we have to go to my home... @JayJin

(What's happening? I'm lost)

(Jacob is dead, the Legion of Doom is beginning.)
"normally, whenever someone finds us, I would cut you down where you stand" he would say placIng a hand on the hilt of his sword "BUT because you dont actually know where we are, I can overlook that." he went into a tent and retrieved a standard issue Broken Fang mask. (Look at CS for an idea of what it looks like.) handing it to Ruvik as he spoke "here, cover up that ugly mug of yours"

Ruvik blinked, taking the mask in his grasp before briefly removing his hood. His ears revealing him to be an elf. (I couldn't find a picture. ;-; ) Once the mask was on, he pulled his hood back over his head. Arms slowly lowering.

@Heir of Dalania

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