Indescribable (Closed)

Mia shifted into her deer form and ran after them all. She could smell the blood and she shot past the group and up the tower.(super speed) once she got there, she looked around and saw Dei-Loki. She shifted back into her human form and walked over to him. Her gaze shifted to Ash as he smirked at her and said, "a newly mated Mia. Ya look different sweetheart." He powered up and energy ball and shot it at her, but with her matter powers, she deflected it and glared at him. "Go back to your sluts Ash. They don't need you here." He just chuckled, walking towards the little doe as she started to Heal Loki. He put his hand on the back of her throat and gripped it, picking her up and dragged her across the room. "Ignoring me is a no-no sweetheart." @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx@Heir of Dalania
Tomas's brow would perk from the sudden intrusion of several others. However, he'd then grin. This would mean more possible sacrifices. Keeping vigilant, he quickly leapt back to try and avoid Nia's constant attack. Brows raising as his shirt was slightly torn.

Malvo grimaced at seeing the state Dei-Loki was in, quickly checking her wrists before widening her eyes. Normally, she would've been injured, as well. Why wasn't she, this time..? Shaking her head, she growled and rushed to his side. "Gods... Yer such a dumb arse..." she muttered in a concerned tone to her twin, looking up to see Mia deflect the blast. She gained a bit of relief after seeing her start to heal Dei-Loki, only to widen her eyes when Ash started to drag her away. Eyes flashing, she quickly shifted into her shadow/nightmare wolf form before biting onto Ash's arm. Anything to distract him from Mia so Mia could heal little Loki.

(Looks like this, but pitch black and with green eyes.)


@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
The siblings and Masaru made it quickly up the stairs. They registered what they were seeing, but as for Nicholas he was dead-set on Ash. Masaru looked over to Ash and grinned. "Your soul smells soooooo good~. Forgive me for being blunt, but may I have a taste?" His eyes turned to the merciless black and he leaped in the air and teleported through the shadows and onto Ash's back. He pushed Mia out of his arms and Ash close to the edge. He landed between the two. "Y'know, you're pretty good in combat, if I say so. Unfortunately, we can't fight together, since you are trying to end my family's happiness. So. . .you simply cannot exist anymore." His eyes seemed to swirl of different shades of darkness. He gave a sad smile, showing his sharp, white teeth. Black wisps of smoke seemed to come off Masaru's frame and clothes.

Forgive me, Mother. For I am about to sin heavily.

@Comet@Heir of Dalania@xXLittleLokiXx
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Through clenched teeth, Tomas growled and gripped the hilt of his own blade. With one quick movement, he moved the thin blade vertical to his torso, and then diagonal in an effort to block the storm of attacks heading in his direction. His expression slowly becoming even more wolf-like, he forced himself to jump out of the current line of attack before charging and attempting to land a blow of his own. His chest having been grazed and bleeding from the previous attacks.

Dei-Loki watched the multiple battles going on in front of him, managing to push himself to his feet as he panted. Soon flinching again as he heard the familiar laughter from the circle once more.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia would lock blades with the taller man attaching wilt to bloom allowing her to use both hands, as she was not very strong. Sparks flying off the two blades as she stared him down through the X their blades formed.

 "Why?! Why are you doing this?!"



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The sound of the blades colliding seemed to add to the excitement seen in his eyes. Pushing his blade against hers as he spoke in a dark tone. "From day one, I've despised this so-called existence others had come to know and 'love'. I tried to enjoy it, but I've had it tainted far too many times by the bastards I thought I could call family."

@Comet  @Heir of Dalania  @JayJin
Tomas's eyes would then widen as his attention would then shift down to his shoes the moment Nia had pushed away. Distracted by the action of trying to remove the shoes from his feet - he growled in pain as the attack made contact.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia would smile at the result of her attack, using Wilt and its ribbon to wrap around his dominant hand, rushing at him with Bloom, attempting a stab to the stomach.

Thomas's gaze quickly darted to his indisposed sword hand in annoyance as he tried to tolerate the current pain he'd been in. However, he was still able to bring his other hand around to grab Bloom. The obvious struggle from the lack of practice with said hand seeming to clearly be present. Through his struggle, he spoke. "You won't be able to stop what is to come, you know..."

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia struggled against the man. "And you cant stop me from TRYING" with that Nia used her magic to move a large rock and send it flying at Tomas's head.

Tomas's brows lifted and, before he could act, a large yelp was heard coming from his direction - taking the full brunt of the hit.

Following the yelp had been a thick laughter coming from the beam of light. The light soon fading as a male set foot out of the circle. "Oh, you old fool." He remarked as the sky kept its menacing red colour. "Your sacrifice will do just fine."

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Tomas's brow would perk from the sudden intrusion of several others. However, he'd then grin. This would mean more possible sacrifices. Keeping vigilant, he quickly leapt back to try and avoid Nia's constant attack. Brows raising as his shirt was slightly torn.

Malvo grimaced at seeing the state Dei-Loki was in, quickly checking her wrists before widening her eyes. Normally, she would've been injured, as well. Why wasn't she, this time..? Shaking her head, she growled and rushed to his side. "Gods... Yer such a dumb arse..." she muttered in a concerned tone to her twin, looking up to see Mia deflect the blast. She gained a bit of relief after seeing her start to heal Dei-Loki, only to widen her eyes when Ash started to drag her away. Eyes flashing, she quickly shifted into her shadow/nightmare wolf form before biting onto Ash's arm. Anything to distract him from Mia so Mia could heal little Loki.

(Looks like this, but pitch black and with green eyes.)

View attachment 151485

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin

The siblings and Masaru made it quickly up the stairs. They registered what they were seeing, but as for Nicholas he was dead-set on Ash. Masaru looked over to Ash and grinned. "Your soul smells soooooo good~. Forgive me for being blunt, but may I have a taste?" His eyes turned to the merciless black and he leaped in the air and teleported through the shadows and onto Ash's back. He pushed Mia out of his arms and Ash close to the edge. He landed between the two. "Y'know, you're pretty good in combat, if I say so. Unfortunately, we can't fight together, since you are trying to end my family's happiness. So. . .you simply cannot exist anymore." His eyes seemed to swirl of different shades of darkness. He gave a sad smile, showing his sharp, white teeth. Black wisps of smoke seemed to come off Masaru's frame and clothes.

Forgive me, Mother. For I am about to sin heavily.

@Comet@Heir of Dalania@xXLittleLokiXx

Ash yelled as Malvo but his arm and let go of Mia's neck. He growled when Masaru jumped on his back, turning his head to the side to smirk at him. "I'm flattered, but I don't like bottom." He clenched his fist and vines came up to wrap around Masaru and dragged him down to the ground. He shook his wings, giving a sigh of relief as he faced the boy and squated down to his level. "Sad, your family put up a better fight than that." He then turned and spread his wings, smirking at mia. "You know I would love to take you, show you the world, show you what I'm doing, but your puppy boy wouldn't like that. I would love to chat, but I'm not fully ready for all of you. Tomas, if you survive this herd, call for me." And with that, Ash was gone into the sky, his laugh ringing.(honestly, by now, he has ran from every fight so far. #Coward)

mia groaned and slowly sat up from the ground. She looked towards Dei-Loki and walked towards him, healing him again. With Ash gone, it made things better. She got close to finishing healing him before looking towards Masaru and removing the vines from around him. "If Tomas is like Ash, attack him from all Angles. He wouldn't be able to have his attention on everyone at the same time." @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
"Gotta say, I like this new image of you, Mia." He finished the rest of the vines by touching his palm to it. They withered and crumbled immediately as he stood up. "Man, I haven't had a good rival in centuries. Too bad that he couldn't stay and play. Oh well. . .maybe next time." His tails and ears were becoming black. "Now as for you, Tom-as. I see that you brought a friend along. That wasn't in the party invitation, silly goose." He threw his katana at Tomas's direction. The angle was able to slice the back of his legs deeply. Nicholas kept his hand on Mia just to make sure she didn't fall. As for the siblings, they all shifted and began to fight Tomas except for one. Jacob stood a few feet away, he was mumbling old Latin words and a purplish dot was appearing behind Ruvik. It was beginning to grow bigger and bigger. Once Nicholas knew that Mia was okay, he brought out an old sword that he stole from an old God. Then stood in a fighting stance and waited for what Tomas and the new guy was about to do.@Comet@xXLittleLokiXx@Heir of Dalania
Malvo watched as Ash took off, teeth clenched before she then looked to the others. Her eyes having been wide as she observed Ruvik from afar. A chill running down her spine.

Tomas now lay on the ground in a puddle of his own red, bodily fluid. Not a sound having escaped the old, confused male.

Dei-Loki flattened his ears, looking to Mia after being healed to the point that his bleeding stopped. "Thank you..." he'd lightly speak to her before looking to Ruvik. His body now tense.

Ruvik casually observed them all, the ominous aura that surrounded him seeming to have spiked at a frightening rate. "What a warm welcome, this is. And here I thought you'd all be nothing but splatters on the wall!" The First would exclaim as he took a step towards the group. He acted as if he hadn't noticed the growing, purple dot behind him.

@ everyone there. (Won't let me tag anyone.)
Mia looked up at him and growled, her eyes darkened, a part of Ash escaping into the rest of her body as her brown eyes turned a black color as she entered his mind, searching for his fears. Of course, she didn't know how much energy this power would take of her, but she spoke, "you strike fear into my friends. I shall do the same." Her eyes darkened more as she made an orb in her hands. Her body started shaking as her energy was depleting, but she tried her best to keep it up. @xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin @Heir of Dalania
Nia would rush Ruvik with a battle cry, using Wilt as a ranged attack once more releasing a flury of attacks as she closed the distance, returning the weapon to her off hand as she lept high into the air, using her sword in a heavy downward strike, using her momentum to add power to the blow.



Jacob the portal open just in case. Masaru snapped his fingers and the katana went flying back into his grip. Nicholas looked to Mia with worry. The siblings shifted and stood away from Ruvik's. "Who are you and what do you want?" Masaru asked as he gripped his katana tightly by the handle. His body was still tense, but his ears and tails began to grow their normal faded pink. He then turn his head to the flying Nia. He sighed and covered his face with his hand. "Amateurs, i swear to the Heavens." 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet
Mia's demenor fell as she couldn't find anything in his head and she almost fell to the ground. Her eyes went back to their normal color, but she kept the orb between her hands, glaring at him. Her legs were wobbling as she made it bigger. She was about to shoot it until Nia came into the shot. "Nia!" She yelled, shooting the energy ball off into a different direction when she lost control of it. She fell to her knees, looking up at them as the brown in her eyes lightened then darkened, repeating that process. 
Little to everyone's surprise, this Blighter General hadn't held any fears. His conscience was bare, with only one motive. In an instant, Ruvik forcefully expelled Mia from his mind. At the same time, he lifted his hand and tore off a chunk of roof; using it to deflect Nia's attacks before he forcefully launched the materials in her direction.

"Ruvik." Ruvik would answer Masaru, locking his attention onto him as he spoke his cryptic message. "This reality has run its course. I'm here to cleanse it."

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia would see the roof flying at her, she didn't have time to react as she went careening off the roof, she would hurl wilt into the side of the building, the tether having sent her through a window, gaining various cuts from the glass as she rolled to a stop, laying on on the floor. 



Masaru watched as Nia flew away. He clenched his fist, his whitish pink falling into his eyes as he chuckled. "Y'know, i hate your type of people. 'i'm here to cleanse, your kin don't belong here, you are all sinners!'" Masaru mocked and then looked up to Ruvik's. "Your so so stupid to believe that cleansing is an actual word with actual meaning. We all are dirty. lying. no-good. sinners. No matter how hard you try to hide that fact. You are as bad as the rest of the world. Humans and non-humans. But please, try your best to 'cleanse' the world that you lay your feet on. It won't matter in another century from now when the purification is ruined and all that hard work is down the drain." 
@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Ruvik's eyes would then flash as he grinned from under his hood. This wasn't the first time he'd heard those words. Being as old as he was, how could it have been? With no hesitation, he took another step forward. "I beg to differ." He'd voice. "Once I'm finished here, there will be nothing left to repopulate the other impurities of this world." As Ruvik said that, the trees and plants outside would begin to wither and die. The thick rumbles of the thunder rattling the house.

"E-Everywhere this bastard goes, things die..." Dei-Loki spoke up, his ears having flattened as he glared to Ruvik. "He's the reason we still have places back home that are still tainted by his army..."

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
"And that's where you are wrong, my good sir. As i said, things always circle in a continuous loop. You can try and kill this world, but there is always adaption that plays a key role. As long as there is adaption, there will be life. Even if that life is even sicker than ours." Masaru disappeared into the shadow and the siblings rushed at Ruvik whilst Nicholas and Masaru came from behind and aimed their blades at his vulnerable flesh. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Comet

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