Indescribable (Closed)

Ash just chuckled in his head before disappearing. Then, Mia walked out of the room and to the kitchen, seeing him cook made her smile as she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist as she laid her face against his back. "That smells good, I know what a grill cheese is, I just never had one of them. I'll get the drinks." She smiled up at him before letting go and walking over to get some cups out of the cabinet. Of course, she couldn't reach it. She whined before trying to climb up on the counter, reaching for the cups. The nightgown rose a little bit, her healing stitches easily seen through the fabric as she got the cups and turned towards Nicholas. She grinned, saying, "I'm your same height now!!" @JayJin
"We can . . .go ride our horses, we can go to the library. We can go to the sweet room. I turned that room to all you can eat sweets. It's next to my room." She turned and headed out of the weaponry room. @Heir of Dalania

"What are you doing!?" He lifted her into his arms gently, carrying her bridal style and took her back to their room. He  laid her down in their bed. "Stay here. Don't get out of this bed until you are fully healthy, understand?" He was clearly somber.

Kirara simply nuzzle Masaru instead of responding right away. His hand on her stomach making her body warm up. "Yeah but it feels like I've only added to your list of problems"



Kuro faced back forward as the town came into view. A big smile plastered over her face. The reason for the smile was hugging her around the waist.



Rei Gabe a look at Xrostina's silence and wondered if she'd said something wrong. Then Rei looked at the nearing town. "Yep, we're almost home

@Heir of Dalania
Mia growled and grabbed him, pulling him down to her. "I am getting healed, I was fine. Since I can't leave, you can't either." She pulled him down more onto the bed and pinned him down, giggling. She knew he could easily break it, but him telling her that he loved her made her feel giddy and playful. Her stitches were healed, but showed a little red puffiness around it. She smiled down at him, wiggling her body as she kept him pinned down. Ash popped into his head again, we both know what you're thinking. Well, she has the power to know what you're thinking, she just doesn't know how to use it.. Anyways.. Look at her! She's playing with you, she's on you and you're pinned down, your chance buddy, don't lose it. His voice faded away and into Mia's. You have part of my mind. You know very well what you're doing, keep it up. He the laughed, Mia making a face as she looked down at him. @JayJin
Mia growled and grabbed him, pulling him down to her. "I am getting healed, I was fine. Since I can't leave, you can't either." She pulled him down more onto the bed and pinned him down, giggling. She knew he could easily break it, but him telling her that he loved her made her feel giddy and playful. Her stitches were healed, but showed a little red puffiness around it. She smiled down at him, wiggling her body as she kept him pinned down. Ash popped into his head again, we both know what you're thinking. Well, she has the power to know what you're thinking, she just doesn't know how to use it.. Anyways.. Look at her! She's playing with you, she's on you and you're pinned down, your chance buddy, don't lose it. His voice faded away and into Mia's. You have part of my mind. You know very well what you're doing, keep it up. He the laughed, Mia making a face as she looked down at him. @JayJin
Meara looked ahead towards the town, nodding to both Cristina and Rei as she kept the embrace loose, yet somehow firm. Her gaze focused on the town as she kept a warm smile of her own.

@Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane


"Why the hell are you here?" Dei-Loki gave off an angry, menacing growl. Though, he still seemed to tense as the male approached. "My father killed you, how the hell are ya--"

"Oh, let's not dig around in the details just yet..." Tomas's grin became all the more heinous before he quickly charged at Dei-Loki. Dei-Loki quickly getting ready to engage as he swiftly removed his blades.
Cristina rode, looking over to Kuro and Meara "guess their a thing now too" 

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx


Nia smiled and followed Elizabeth "it's completely up to you what you want to do. I'll do anything with ya"

"Nonsense. You help me with my problems." He grumbled, wrapping his arm around her waist and closed his eyes. "You're not a problem." @Shiro kurogane


Elizabeth giggled, "thanks, Cookie. To the sweets!" She began to march. @Heir of Dalania


Nicholas looked up to Mia, his eyelids half closed. No, Nicholas!  It's Mia. Mia. She's my Mia, but she knows. She knows what she's doing. Does she?  Nicholas growled, his vision blurred. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. He leaned down to Mia's ear. "Mia, tell me stop. Do you really know what you are getting into?" 'Beast. You're a monster! Come here, children. Don't mess with the Grants. They're monsters. I heard that they're devil worshippers. I heard that they are demons. Burn them. Burn them. Burn the Gran-.' I didn't want to kill them, but they threw stones at my family. Maybe they're right. Maybe, we are monsters. Nicholas nipped Mia ear. @Comet
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Mia listened to his words and nodded. "Strangely I know what I'm doing. Why do you want me to tell you stop?" She got a little glimpse into his thoughts. She shivered lightly as he nipped at her ear and pulled up a little bit to look at him. "I know what I'm getting into, yes. You're not a beast or a monster Nicholas. Beast and monsters don't protect the ones they love. They protect themselves. You're not like a monster. You're Nicholas Grant, the first man I have ever felt love for. If you were a monster, you wouldn't have taken me in when you did. You wouldn't be feeling what you are now. You're not, you're my Nicholas." She smiled down at him, gently pressing her lips to his. She could hear ash chuckled in her head as she growled and the boy quickly left her head to go do his own thing, his job is done. @JayJin

(and my ship is sailed.(: -sits back happily-)
Nicholas sighed, "you make me a wreck, and I love that." He kissed her back, feeling Ash leave and his self control being lost in the haze of lust and ecstasy.

(And this is where we fade to black and not get too graphic and weird people out.) @Comet
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Kirara smiled now at Masaru's comment. She eagerly scooted closer and pressed into him at feeling his arm around her waist. "That's good, it means I'm doing my job as a good mate."



Kuro looked over at Cristina's comment. "Looks like you and rei are a thing also." 

"So what happens when we go back to town? Are we staying a group or Kuro and Meara going somewhere?" Rei asked curious.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
(Lol, I was about to say the same thing.xD)

Mia laid in the bed, the blanket up to her chest as she pressed her back against Nicholas, a small smile on her face. Thoughts raced through her head. I did that.. Oh my god I did that.. That was.. She couldn't think of a word to describe it, but she didn't move, for once her body ached as she laid against him in his arms happy and content. Wait... "Nicholas, what will your parents think about me now? They just met me and now we're..." @JayJin
Meara listened, glancing to Rei and Cristina as she blushed faintly from the comment. Ears twitching, she slightly tilted her head. "I wouldn't mind sticking around the group. I've got nowhere else to go, otherwise."

@Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane


Dei-Loki quickly sidestepped and pivoted, bringing the sword in his right hand around in an attempt to strike him. However, his attempt was then halted as a force quickly propelled him into a tree. As his back made contact, the tree cracked and slowly fell over.

Tomas snickered widely as he heard Dei-Loki groan in pain. He was grazed by the blade, but he acted like it had not seemed to effect him. His snicker soon turned to a dark chuckle as he approached. Slowly lifting Dei-Loki by the front of his shirt. "Just as helpless as yer mam was..." Tomas taunted before vanishing with little Loki.
Masaru chuckled, "yeah, you are definitely doing a good job." He kept his eyes closed as he pulled her into his arms even tighter. Soon, he was asleep. His chest rising and falling in rhythmical matter. @Shiro kurogane












Nicholas laid his hand on Mia's bare flesh. "Are you kidding me? They'll be ecstatic. They've been asking for me to settle down and find a mate for centuries. Especially how polite and cute you are, they love you dearly." He raised his hand to her arm and lightly rubbed her skin. "Don't worry, my angel." Nicholas kissed the back of Mia's neck. @Comet

"I guess were a group now..." she said bashfuly looking at Rei with a blush.

@xXLittleLokiXx@Shiro kurogane


"To the sweets!" Nia declared joining Elizabeth in marching to the sweets.


(Sorry im my replies are short, I dont know what else to add)
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Meara gave a smile towards the idea, as she was obviously happy to be in good company once more, and even more so with Kuro around. A happy exhale escaping her lungs, she turned her attention from the to to the afternoon sky. Quietly letting a yawn escape her.

@Heir of Dalania@Shiro kurogane


Malvo soon slowed to a stop when she saw the previous damage done in the forest. Her gaze set on the fallen tree, mainly focusing on the divot in the base of said oak tree. "What the hell happened--..." her eyes would then widen as she picked up Tomas's and Dei-Loki's scent. "No..." She turned her body away from the tree, eyes wincing shut as she shouted to the heavens. Her voice echoing throughout the land. "TOMAS!"

@ anyone that can hear her
Kiara smiled lovingly at the sleeping Masaru. She kissed his cheek and nuzzle her head into his neck, falling asleep.



Kuro nodded at Meara. "Like Meara said. Im in the same boat." Kuro answered with a shrug. "Plus wherever Meara is, I am too."

Rei smiled at Cristina's bashful look. Her own cheeks turning pink.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Elizabeth went into the sweet room and opened the fridge and freezer. Sweets filled each row and door. She grabbed and put the ice-cream cake down on a table, grabbing two spoons and gave one to Nia before digging in. @Heir of Dalania
[SIZE=inherit]Nicholas laid his hand on Mia's bare flesh. [/SIZE][SIZE=inherit]"Are you kidding me? They'll be ecstatic. They've been asking for me to settle down and find a mate for centuries. Especially how polite and cute you are, they love you dearly."[/SIZE][SIZE=inherit] He raised his hand to her arm and lightly rubbed her skin. [/SIZE][SIZE=inherit]"Don't worry, my angel." [/SIZE][SIZE=inherit]Nicholas kissed the back of Mia's neck. [/SIZE]


Mia smiled, leaning back into his kiss on her neck as she rolled over to him to face him. "You're right. When you meet my dad, hopefully he'll be the same way." She smiled up at him, kissing his jawline before snuggling back against him and yawning, her body still aching. 

(Quick break, be on later.)
"I suppose so." Meara agreed with Cristina as they entered the village. Her ear lowering a bit. "I don't suppose we could rest first?"

@Heir of Dalania@Shiro kurogane


Malvo, infuriated, paced back and forth as she tried to calm herself enough to find the correct scent to follow. "Dammit, dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!KEEP A LEVEL HEAD! You won't find them, otherwise. Maybe you should go get help? 'Help? HELP!? From who!? Everyone's busy!' Malvo forced a sigh, growling before beginning to head back to the house. As she traveled, she winced her eyes shut. "The Maker only knows what the hell that old creep has in store for him. Gods, WHY DID I LET HIM RUN OFF!?"

@ anyone around
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Jacob was gathering some berries when he spotted Malvo yelling. He came up to her and looked around. "What's wrong?"


Nicholas snorted, "I highly doubt that. Especially since I let his daughter get hurt." He ran his finger gently over the scaring tissue. @Comet

Elizabeth licked her lips as she ate. "So do you have any siblings, any likes, dislikes? Favorite animals? Art? Country? What's you life back at home? Is your family mean to you? Sorry, if I talk a lot. I'm know as a hyperactive pit. I can satisfy my stomach because i'm always so hungry and I talk a loooooooooooooot." Her tail thumped wagged behind her. @Heir of Dalania
Cristina nodded in agreement with Meara "yes, lets rest first" she dismounted and tied up mouse, offering Rei a hand down.

@Shiro kurogane



Nia looked at her confused, her spoon falling out of her hand at the barrage of questions.

"Uhmm" she looked around hoping to find the answers somewhere in the room.

(I miss my green text. ;-; )

Malvo stopped when she saw Jacob, her ears lowering as she forcefully expelled her anger through a sigh. She didn't want to point her anger at him, so her forceful exhale was the best option to calm her down to a reasonable level for a small span of time. "Dei-Loki's been taken."



Meara gave a nod to that before stretching and waiting for the horse she'd been riding on with Kuro to come to a stop. Dismounting, she offered the cat demon a hand to do the same before looking around with a stretch and yet another yawn.

@Heir of Dalania@Shiro kurogane
Masaru smirked as he sat in Kirara's dream. "Weird place for a dream, don'tcha think?" He stared at Kirara's dream form. @Shiro kurogane

"Shit, really? Do you see who or where they went?" Jacob asked. @xXLittleLokiXx

"I understand if you don't want to talk about. I just wanted to get to know you better. I have to get to know strangers better if I kiss their lips so frequently. Don't you agree?" Elizabeth bit her bottom lip and giggled. @Heir of Dalania

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