Indescribable (Closed)

Mia kept her head down as he yelled at her, not wanting to make any eye contact. She felt ashamed, she did trust Nicholas, she really did, she just wanted to keep him safe as much as he wanted to keep her safe. She continued to listen to him rant to her, then looked at him with surprise when he kissed her forehead. "I love you. For everything that I am, I am not human without you. You make me happy, and emotional and all the shit in between.Gods, I love you mia. I can't say it enough. I love you. I love you. I love you." 

The words kept ringing in her head as she looked up at him with surprise. Those feelings I get for being around him. It's the feelings of love! I now understand things! I know what things are now. I don't have to ask what it is anymore.. I know. She smiled at him that quickly grew as she tackled him into a hug, wincing very slightly as she felt the stitches tug on her side as she stretched to hug him. She giggling happily, hugging him tighter. "I love you too Nicholas. You taught me these feelings and I now know what they are. I love you too." @JayJin

 Like this

"why are you thanking me? all i did was fall for you." Rei giggled softly, tapping Cristina's cheek lightly. "i should be the one thanking you. you took me in went i first came to this world. And now your returning my feelings for you." 

Kuro looked at Meara the best she could and smiled warmly. "nothing you do could make me uncomfortable. or at least, thats the feeling i get." She answered, entwining one of her twin tails with one of Mear's six.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

Kirara growned, sitting up from having been asleep for gods know how long. Her vision was slow to unblure. "Masaru...?" 

Nicholas froze at those words and as she hugged him back. He stood up, letting her lay back down gently, so that the stitches didn't open. He went onto the otherside of the bed and got in, cuddling her side gently. "Stay by my side, Mia. . . please, stay by my side." @Comet


Masaru found no sight of Ash, so he teleported back to Kirara to check up on here. Black smoke licked at his frame as he stood in front of Kirara. "How are you feeling, Kirara?" @Shiro kurogane
Cristina smiled blushingly, "you got me out of my desk job and back into doing what I love. What was I supposed to do not fall in love with you too?"

@Shiro kurogane 


Nia grabbed her weapons. "Show me where to customize them." She said to Elizabeth in anticipation.

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Mia smiled and nodded. "I promise Nicholas, I won't leave you." She yawned, the drain of energy finally kicking in. She snuggled against him, a small smile on her lips as she looked up at him. "Thank you for being here for me." @JayJin
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"Where else would I be?" Nicholas kept his eyes open. He was afraid that if he fell asleep, that Mia would disappear. "Hey, at least the good thing about everything is that you won't poke my eyes out with your antlers." He cracked a smile, trying to lighten up himself and her. @Comet


Elizabeth grabbed Nia's hand and lead her to the customization area. "Go crazy." @Heir of Dalania
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Mia giggled, but you could clearly see in her eyes that she missed her antlers. That part of her. She smiled and brought her lips up to his in a sweet kiss, smiling against his. @JayJin
Nicholas frowned as he realized that he stepped on the wrong topic. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you more upset. You still look as cute as you were with full antlers. Think of it like this, now when you put on shirts, you don't have to worry about your antlers tearing your clothes or something, right?" He smiled even wider, trying to make her happy. @Comet
Mia laughed and giggled. "It won't be a struggle, yes. You're right about that." She giggled, seeing him try his hardest to cheer her up. "I'll get them back someday." She told him, hugging him and burying her face into his chest. @JayJin
Mia laughed and giggled. "It won't be a struggle, yes. You're right about that." She giggled, seeing him try his hardest to cheer her up. "I'll get them back someday." She told him, hugging him and burying her face into his chest. @JayJin

(The quote doesn't look to bad)

"Careful, you still have the stitches, i don't need you bleeding out." He pushed her back onto her back and curled up on her side. "What do you want to eat? I bet, you're hungry after the blood lost."

Mia chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I'm not gonna open them. A thing about my species. I am able to heal fast. Food does sound good right now." She told him, looking up at him then looked up at the ceiling. What is Ash going to do with half my powers now? He's more powerful now, but not fully. He needs more, and he knows how to get more.. We have to stop him soon... He could do to someone what he tried to do to me. She sighed, moving her hand up to the little stubs and her smile dropped a little. @JayJin
Nicholas froze at those words and as she hugged him back. He stood up, letting her lay back down gently, so that the stitches didn't open. He went onto the otherside of the bed and got in, cuddling her side gently. "Stay by my side, Mia. . . please, stay by my side." @Comet


Masaru found no sight of Ash, so he teleported back to Kirara to check up on here. Black smoke licked at his frame as he stood in front of Kirara. "How are you feeling, Kirara?" @Shiro kurogane

Kirara only needed a quick look at Masaru to know something had happened. She tried to sit up far too quickly and fell back on the bed. "what happened?" She asked, referring not to what had happened to herself. but what else had caused Masaru to be angry.

Cristina smiled blushingly, "you got me out of my desk job and back into doing what I love. What was I supposed to do not fall in love with you too?"

@Shiro kurogane 


Nia grabbed her weapons. "Show me where to customize them." She said to Elizabeth in anticipation.


Rei's smile quickly turned to a light pink blush. "i just wanted to see you happy and smiling."
Mia chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I'm not gonna open them. A thing about my species. I am able to heal fast. Food does sound good right now." She told him, looking up at him then looked up at the ceiling. What is Ash going to do with half my powers now? He's more powerful now, but not fully. He needs more, and he knows how to get more.. We have to stop him soon... He could do to someone what he tried to do to me. She sighed, moving her hand up to the little stubs and her smile dropped a little. @JayJin
Nicholas sighed, seeing how she was still upset with the antlers and worried about much more. "I'll go make you some grilled cheese, how does that sound?" He kissed her temple. @Comet


Masaru sat by Kirara's side and moved her hair out of her eyes. "Ash came back and stabbed Mia. Nicholas is pissed and so am i, but for a different reason. Do you know what attacked you?" @Shiro kurogane
Cristina continued to ride. "so tell me about yourself, favorite color? Favorite food? Likes, dislikes?"

@Shiro kurogane 


Nia smiled and got to work using her magic and manual labor to forge her weapons. Soon changing the both solid sleek black, and made them super lightweight, with a rose like pattern etched into the blade.

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Mia smiled and nodded, laying there comfortably on her back. She lifted up her clothes a little bit to look at the stitches, seeing that they were healing already, but needed a little more time. She grimaced at her blood stained clothes and saw the nightgown deom before hanging over a chair. Once Nicholas left, Mia crawled out of the bed and over to it, changing into it quickly and got back into the bed, waiting for him.

while, Nicholas was doing that, Ash decided to pop into the boys head to mess with him. How you feel about your little doe not being innocent anymore? I told you I would take it away. Now she knows things she didn't know before, she has half of my mind. He then switched voices over to sound like Nicholas and try to get the Inugami to give in once more. You can finally do what you wanted with her. She knows what to do now from my thoughts. She knows what it is. Why not try? @JayJin
Kirara blushed softly as she did whenever Masaru was near. The familiar soft pick coloring her cheeks. "ash? who is that? and no... i don't know who ambushed me. they never spoke... just attacked." She replied. "and Mia was stabbed? i certainly missed a lot while a was sleeping.."


"uh... well... my favorite color is blue. as for likes and dislikes.... i like seeing you happy, smile, laugh. and i hate seeing you sad, upset, and hurt. outside of those things... the dungeon just now was fun... aside from you getting hurt. thats about it so far." Rei responded, listing off the few things she'd experienced so far of this world.  "your turn, i wanna know about you more too."

@Heir of Dalania
(Not sure where to input my characters, so I'll just wing it.)

Malvo let loose another sigh as she tried to look around for Dei-Loki. Growling, her ears pinned back. 'I can't believe he ran off like that! Any sign of his presence?' Somewhere deep in the woods. 'Dammit... I hope that doesn't mean...' her thoughts trailed off, sniffing the air as she continued her search.


Dei-Loki growled softly as he searched the woods. "Alright, y' bastard, where the hell are y'?.." his words were angry and quiet as he pinned his ears back. The low hum seeming to continue to call to him, but from every direction, at this point.


Meara listened to Kuro's words, smile seeming to brighten her tired face a small bit as she'd then nod. "Good to hear." She'd say, watching the cat demon's tail intertwine with hers.

@Shiro kurogane
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Nicholas growled when heard Ash's voice as he made grilled cheese for Mia. Then his mind flickered at 'his' thought. He groaned, his teeth becoming sharper as his chest rumbled. Lust filling his eyes. He immediately shook his head at the thought. Nice try, Ash. I know your tricks. And, once I find you, i'm going to show you my own tricks. So, you're acting like a pissed off teenager beacause 'daddy' kicked you out?  Boo-hoo, i got kicked out my home because people thought i was a monster for killing the bad guys. Boo-hoo. Do you really think you're the only one with a sob story?  You know what doesn't make sense? The fact that instead of trying to explain yourself and go back home, you go deeper and deeper into hatred. That's what makes you hated. Hatred against hatred leans to more hatred. You're causing your own fire, Ashy. And no one, no one can control their own fires because soon, we all get burned, especially you. You're the one juggling the fire around you, thinking that you won't get caught by the burning flames. But, you will, and boy, will it buuuuurrrrrnnnn~. @Comet


Elizabeth awed and oohed as Nia customized her weapons. She watched Nia work from over her shoulders @Heir of Dalania


"Ash is Mia's friend slash foe. Ash hates her and her Father for being forced to kick him out of the town after Ash killed the monsters. Now, Ash is pissed for being kicked out and wants revenge. So, he made a deal with Mia to trade half of their powers to each other in order to keep us safe. Ash blindsided her by stabbing her. She's fine now and you are too. I just need to find the person that did this to you or people for that matter. I need to find Ash too and turn him into a bitch." Masaru huffed and crawled into bed with Kirara. Laying his head by her neck. @Shiro kurogane
(Not sure where to input my characters, so I'll just wing it.)

Malvo let loose another sigh as she tried to look around for Dei-Loki. Growling, her ears pinned back. 'I can't believe he ran off like that! Any sign of his presence?' Somewhere deep in the woods. 'Dammit... I hope that doesn't mean...' her thoughts trailed off, sniffing the air as she continued her search.


Dei-Loki growled softly as he searched the woods. "Alright, y' bastard, where the hell are y'?.." his words were angry and quiet as he pinned his ears back. The low hum seeming to continue to call to him, but from every direction, at this point.

(scroll up some. i posted for Kuro to Meara)
Cristina sniffed "I really am your world arnt I? Well, I like the ocean, sailing, adventure, singing, and uhm... I think thats it"

@Shiro kurogane 


Nia picked up her weapons puting the ninjatō and Kusarigama together , the Kusarigama having been modified to fit around the handle of the sword, the blade of it folding up for easy carry. The chain on the Kusarigama was replaced with a long elastic black ribbon. "there. I have Wilt and Bloom back now..."

Kirara listened to masaru's explanation of what had happened while she was sleeping. She felt bad see as Masaru now had taken it upon himself to deal with whoever had ambushed her. And Mia's problem too. Kirara's eyes widened a small bit at Masaru crawling into the bed with her. Her face heated to a deeper shade. But she hugged him anyways. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make more trouble for you."



One Kuro's tails intertwined with one of Meara's. It was like they were holding hands but Kuro's hands were busy with holding the reins on the horse. 



Rei smiled lovingly at Cristina. "isn't it normal for the one you love to be the center of your world?" She commented with a soft giggle. Then listened to the other girl's list of likes.

@Heir of Dalania.
"That looks beautiful." Elizabeth laid a finger on the ribbon. Her tail wagged again as her ears perked up, twitching and moving slightly in a different direction. She looked towards the door and then looked back, "whatya want to do now?" @Heir of Dalania


"What the Hell are you talking about? I choose to fight, you don't make me choose." He kissed her check and laid his hand on her belly. @Shiro kurogane
Still smiling, Meara shifted her gaze forward. Her ears having been perked as she began her humming. Her arms having been around Kuro's waist as she lazily took in the scenery.

@Shiro kurogane


"Dei-Loki!" Malvo called out, her hands cupped around the ends of her mouth to help her voice carry farther. "Come on, you promised!"


Dei-Loki's search continued as he ignored Malvo's distant calls, acting as if he hadn't even heard her. However, he then came to a stop as he tensed and clenched his hands.

"Ah, there's my youngest grandson!" A voice was heard from behind him. A male with an eerie aura slowly stepped out from the shadows.
Cristina would then ride silent for a time "we're almost back in town" she said, looking up to the encroaching town.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane 


Nia looked at Elizabeth and shrugged, "whatever you want to do" she said honestly, with a smile


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