Indescribable (Closed)

Naomi smiled. "Hey Malvo you come to!" She saw that she was worried about something. She smiled kindly, but in her head was. Both better come or i'm dragging both your asses! (She's sorta like Sakura xD ) She nodded whence she saw the Lantern. "Ok c'mon." She started to leave.
(@Raven Daniel
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Nicholas quirked his eyebrows, "compare to me, you are very fragile. I mean, you almost got crushed in my Inugami form." Ellena looked to Nia and smile, "hello darling, are you having a nice time at our home?" She giggled, her smile seeming to brighten as she held Mia tighter.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Naomi smiled. "Hey Malvo you come to!" She saw that she was worried about something. She smiled kindly, but in her head was. Both better come or i'm dragging both your asses! (She's sorta like Sakura xD ) She nodded whence she saw the Lantern. "Ok c'mon." She started to leave.

( xD )

Malvo blinked, smiling a small bit as she nodded to Naomi as she stood up to follow.

"Lead the way." Dei-Loki said to Naomi, gesturing to the door with his hand slightly as his ears remained perked. Following her out as soon as she began to walk. Malvo having followed.
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"Yes ma'am! Your family really showed me kindness and friendship I never thought I'd see again" Nia said happy as ever. She would then turn to Elizabeth "Lizz! Can we go get my weapons now? I need to personalize them." Of course, they couldn't beat the original. But she would try regardless. Perhaps they would be an improvement?

@JayJin @Comet
Naomi then lead them to where she brought Raven, he was standing their patiently. "Ok, I just want you to try once. Both of you, focus your energy on the lamp." She instructed almost instantly. Oohh...what if it's a transformation join?!


Raven nodded, as he had started to let his energy find its way to the lantern. trust Dei-Loki with your life...c'mon...
@JayJin[/URL] @Comet
"I'm so glad." Ellena held tighter to Mia. "Mom, don't kill my girlfriend." He began to pull Mia from her grasp. "But, she's so cute and adorable. She reminds me of when you were all babies. Remember when I changed your diaper?" Nicholas groaned. Elizabeth chuckled and then nodded to Nia. She grabbed Nia's hand and walked to the weaponry room.

(alright I'm going to bed. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodnight.)
JayJin said:
Masaru came back to Kirara with enough medical supplies. He began to bandage and clean her wounds. "Don't worry, this won't hurt too much." His face full of concern and worry.
@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel @Comet @Shiro kurogane
Kirara hissed as Masaru patched her up. "ouch... i forgot how much getting my ass kicked hurts." She tried to joke weakly.


xXLittleLokiXx said:
Being able to hear Kuro's heart race, she brought a couple of tails around the cat demon in hopes to calm her heart a small bit. This was followed by a happy sigh, and not much else as she, too, was mostly silent on the trip back.
@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Kuro gave a surprised look at Meara's tails as they surrounded her. She nuzzled the closest tail of Meara's and purred softly without meaning. Kuro quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

@Shiro kurogane[/URL]
Rei went silent for a moment... "w-what do we do now?... a-are we uh... a couple?"
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Naomi then lead them to where she brought Raven, he was standing their patiently. "Ok, I just want you to try once. Both of you, focus your energy on the lamp." She instructed almost instantly. Oohh...what if it's a transformation join?!

Raven nodded, as he had started to let his energy find its way to the lantern. trust Dei-Loki with your life...c'mon...

Dei-Loki nodded to that, biting his lip as he closed his eyes to do the same. His ear lowering in the process as he made sure the bit of energy he transferred had been a small portion of that last bit of him that wasn't already overrun with the Corruption.

Malvo watched intently, her brows lifting as she slowly crossed her arms. Her ears slowly perking in the process.

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Kuro gave a surprised look at Meara's tails as they surrounded her. She nuzzled the closest tail of Meara's and purred softly without meaning. Kuro quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

Meara smiled as she felt Kuro nuzzle her tail, and then opened her eyes slightly at the sound of the purring. Blinking, her smile grew as she nuzzled into her back a small bit. 'That was so cute...' She thought as she blushed a bit.
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JayJin said:
(alright I'm going to bed. Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodnight.)
(Goodnight! If I don't catch you before you're off for the day, I hope you have a good time at the picnic.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei went silent for a moment... "w-what do we do now?... a-are we uh... a couple?"

Cristina froze in place. There it was, the dreaded question. "I" she struggled to spit out the words. "m-maybe... oh, who am I kidding! Yes... we are, it would seem for the time being. We both have an interest in eachother. So why not? Let's see where this goes" She said happily with her heart pounding in her chest.
The lantern glew an odd green, as Raven was covered in slime again, just like in the battle, but he had puppets around him. (Sorta like The Screaming Mantis from MGS :3) "GOD!" He felt like screaming everything out, as if he was trying to command something, but his yelling was cut off, as he had punched the ground with amazing force, that sent chunks of rocks everywhere. Then, Loki felt something crawl up his leg, it was more slime. It covered him aswell, he had all of his normal powers, but his strength, dexterity, smarts, agility, and the rest was boosted up incredibly. Raven only got about half of that, as he had gotten telekinesis.
[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]The lantern glew an odd green, as Raven was covered in slime again, just like in the battle, but he had puppets around him. (Sorta like The Screaming Mantis from MGS :3) "GOD!" He felt like screaming everything out, as if he was trying to command something, but his yelling was cut off, as he had punched the ground with amazing force, that sent chunks of rocks everywhere. Then, Loki felt something crawl up his leg, it was more slime. It covered him aswell, he had all of his normal powers, but his strength, dexterity, smarts, agility, and the rest was boosted up incredibly. Raven only got about half of that, as he had gotten telekinesis.

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, glancing to the slime before wincing as he felt his stats rapidly spike. Though this feeling, he growled loudly with a wide grin. His hands balled tightly into fists.

Malvo continued to watch as she also seemed to grin, enjoying what she was witnessing. Quickly avoiding the bits of rock that were flung once Raven punched the ground.
Raven looked very surprised. "HEy IT wORKeD!" He was trying not to yell, because his voice was overlapped.


All Naomi saw, was two mannequin like figures, one with marionettes floating around it, and the other standing there. "Ohhh..." She was very happy, and surprised it worked on the first time. "This is...quite amazing..." She said, seeing as how Raven was looking himself over. "You guys could do serious damage..." She said it in the fighting way, not destroying towns and cities.
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[QUOTE="Raven Daniel]Raven looked very surprised. "HEy IT wORKeD!" He was trying not to yell, because his voice was overlapped.

All Naomi saw, was two mannequin like figures, one with marionettes floating around it, and the other standing there. "Ohhh..." She was very happy, and surprised it worked on the first time. "This is...quite amazing..." She said, seeing as how Raven was looking himself over. "You guys could do serious damage..." She said it in the fighting way, not destroying towns and cities.

Dei-Loki kept his grin, slowly lifting his hands to look at his palms as his tail curled. Soon, he clenched his fists. As he spoke, his voice seemed to also double with itself. Almost like when he allows his true power to be released. "This surge of power feels amazing." This was, without a doubt, all Dei-Loki hoped for out of this and yet so much more.
(Well apparently, i've slept to 8:58 a.m. So, i won't be able to talk to anyone until i get back at night. Anyone can take my characters if they're stuck in one place. Just tag me in if you do or tag me if you're talking to one of my characters. i really really don't want to go. I want to stay here and not have to see any of the drunken drama that i'm about to see. I feel overwhelmed. I feel as if i'm going to cry just from the thought of all those people. I really don't wanna fucking go. I don't want to. I hate them. I hate my family and this is going to make go into a panic attack just from thinking of it. I'm sorry that i'm rambling. It feels nice to relieve shit off your chest once in awhile. Well i'm going, see ya guys, laters.)
Mia wheezed lightly when his mom held onto her tighter. She laughed a little when Nicholas told him mom not to break her then pull her out of his moms arms. "I was okay Nicholas! She was just hugging me." She giggled, smiling.

Sweetheart, I'm waiting. Then, Mia's smile dropped a little. She looked at Nicholas and smiled, saying, "I'll be back okay? I'm going to go get me some berries." She hugged him and walked out the back door of the house. She looked behind her to see if anyone was following her before shifting and bounding into the forest.

She continued to run through the forest, loving the feeling of the wind through her fur until.. BAM. The laugh rang through her ears as Ash got off of her.
"Hey sweetheart!" He smirked, Mia jumping up and pointing her horns at him and pawing the ground with her front hoof.

Ash just chuckled and sat down on the ground.
"Chill out Mia, I just wanna talk. How you been? Why did you leave home?" Mia shifted and was about to answer but he put his hand up. "No, I don't really want to know, I just wang to get our deal over." Mia growled and faced him. "Say all the rules Ash." She told him.

He sighed, rolling his eyes and looked up at her from his sitting postition.
"Okay okay. I can't attack you with the powers, but you can, however, attack me. We have to agree on the certain kind of powers to trade. If one of us loses in whatever way, the original powers will return the their owner. If the person dies, the other will get full control over all the powers. Am I missing anything else?" Mia shook her head, looking down. "And the reason of the deal can't be broken or the all powers will leave the person who broke it."

Ash smirked and stood up, standing close to Mia. "So we have a deal?" He asked, Mia nodding. He smiled and took her hands, reciting something. They agreed on the terms in their minds, so no words were said out loud. During the reciting, Mia's head started burning. She tried to pull away, but Ash held her still, continuing the spell.

When he finished, he let go and Mia fell down to the ground. Ash looked down at her and his grin widened.
"Mia, your antlers." She moved her hand up to her head and tears started to fall down her face as she felt that her antlers were gone and all that was there was little stubs. She looked up at Ash to see that he had the rest of them, the guy laughing at her. He bent down to her height and smiled. "Don't worry Mia, you'll get them back.." Then he swiftly slammed and knife into her side. She cried out as he dug it deeper, a menacing smile on his face. "When you're dead." He made vines with his new powers to hold the knife in place before standing up. "Bye Mia. Thanks for the powers!" And with that, he was gone.

She struggled, putting her hands to the vines to get rid of them. Sadly, she was losing too much blood to think straight. She cried more, putting her hand on the hilt of the knife.
Of course he found a way around that rule, he can't attack me with the Powers, but with anything else.

@JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Shiro kurogane
JayJin said:
(Well apparently, i've slept to 8:58 a.m. So, i won't be able to talk to anyone until i get back at night. Anyone can take my characters if they're stuck in one place. Just tag me in if you do or tag me if you're talking to one of my characters. i really really don't want to go. I want to stay here and not have to see any of the drunken drama that i'm about to see. I feel overwhelmed. I feel as if i'm going to cry just from the thought of all those people. I really don't wanna fucking go. I don't want to. I hate them. I hate my family and this is going to make go into a panic attack just from thinking of it. I'm sorry that i'm rambling. It feels nice to relieve shit off your chest once in awhile. Well i'm going, see ya guys, laters.)
(Try to have fun mama Jin!;3; We'll be here when you get back!)

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