Indescribable (Closed)

Mia smiled at him, seeing his ears transform. "They're cute!" She said, smiling more as she reached to rub him behind the ears. She had a look of glee in her eyes as she looked into his, rubbing gently so she didn't freak him out. @JayJin
(just a fair warning to you all.... i have a tendency to spontaneously message people on skype. sometimes its just random nonsense. i do it to everyone xD )
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](just a fair warning to you all.... i have a tendency to spontaneously message people on skype. sometimes its just random nonsense. i do it to everyone xD )

(I do that to cuppy all the time.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](idk who that is... a friend of yours?)

(Look up CupandCough on here.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](a hype cookie, a like and a spook.... someone here thinks thats creepy. ;- ;)

(correction, two people think its creepy. ;- ;)
Naomi made her way in. "Do you have the lantern?" She asked.


"Hmm...I swear if I become hardened slime again." His look soon turned into a scowl.
Elizabeth gave four cookies to Nia and four cookies for herself. Now on the pan was four more cookies. "Four more cookies left for anyone that wants them." She began to munch down the cookies.

Nicholas leaned more into the touch, his eyes closed. His tail began to thump against the cushion of the seat repeatedly. He huffed as he leaned more into the touch. "Nicky?" Nicholas's mother and father walked into the room. He froze, his wide open and bugging out of his head. He shifted and got onto Mia's lap. "Nicholas, don't act shy in front of your Mother." His smile bright and full of teeth. It was anything, but intimidating. Nicholas thumped his tail on the cushioned arms and barked. His tongue lolling out to one side.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel @Comet @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](a hype cookie, a like and a spook.... someone here thinks thats creepy. ;- ;)

(It's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spooks! XPC:
Mia smiled, seeing how Nicholas's attitude instantly changed... Then his parents came in. She looked over and blushed, removing her hand. She was going to quietly sit there until Nicholas decided to shift and get in her lap. Mia being so small, he instantly smothered her. She wheezed, "Nicholas, get off." She tried to push his large body off of her but with no avail. She looked up at his parents with a look of help, then remembered what she was going to him when they came in and blushed, looking back down. They probably think different of me now.. They probably think I'm like that.. They probably won't like me now.. Her smile dropped for a minute before she looked down at Nicholas with his tongue out the side of his mouth and giggled. "Nicholas, I can't breath. I'm smaller than you, get offfff." @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Rei looked at Cristina, flushing a light strawberry pink. "....r-really? cause honestly... that was my first kiss too..." She replied shyly.

Kuro's face was the picture of red. Her heart was getting a bit fast. She said nothing though as they rode onwards... but her soft smile still showed on her face.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx


Kirara groaned as she pulled the six embedded needles in her arm out. She still waited for Masaru to return...

(I just thought about this. We need some rules for the skype rp.

1. No repetitive rping. You reply once, then wait until everyone else has a chance to reply.(exception is when one of the people are offline. Then when they get back, someone catches them up.

2. We can't tag anyone, so if someone is offline, copy the message and send it to them privately so they can know what happened.

3. Any suggestions? )
Elizabeth waved to her parents as she finished the last cookie. Nicholas jumped off and turned back into his normal self. "Hey mom, hey dad. I would like you to meet my. . .girlfriend. I would like you to meet my girlfriend." He said with confidence. "Aww, she's tiny and cute. I just wanna hug you and squeeze you." Nicholas's mother, Ellena. She grabbed Mia into her arms and hugged her tightly. One of Nicholas's smile appeared on Ellena's face. The owner of such a bright, mood-lighting smile. "Thomas, look how small she is, and her antlers. Aww, she's so cute." She swung around to show her husband. Thomas laughed and then turned to the boy, "Nicholas, you better be careful with such a thing." Nicholas nodded at his Father's words.

Masaru came back to Kirara with enough medical supplies. He began to bandage and clean her wounds. "Don't worry, this won't hurt too much." His face full of concern and worry.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania @Raven Daniel @Comet @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
(I just thought about this. We need some rules for the skype rp.
1. No repetitive rping. You reply once, then wait until everyone else has a chance to reply.(exception is when one of the people are offline. Then when they get back, someone catches them up.

2. We can't tag anyone, so if someone is offline, copy the message and send it to them privately so they can know what happened.

3. Any suggestions? )
Mia didn't have time to register what he called her, she was swept into a hug and squeezed by his mom, making her laugh and hug the woman back. "Nice to meet you." She said softly. She was then turned towards the father and she gave him a bright smile. She frowned a little bit when he told him to be careful with her. She finally spoke up. "Nicholas, why does everyone tell you to be careful with me? I'm not breakable. Well, I am... But you know what I mean." @JayJin

(And I am off to bed. I am actually on all day and night tomorrow, mama Jin, please be up before you leave tomorrow until 10 pm.;3;

Goodnight y'all!!)
Comet said:
Mia didn't have time to register what he called her, she was swept into a hug and squeezed by his mom, making her laugh and hug the woman back. "Nice to meet you." She said softly. She was then turned towards the father and she gave him a bright smile. She frowned a little bit when he told him to be careful with her. She finally spoke up. "Nicholas, why does everyone tell you to be careful with me? I'm not breakable. Well, I am... But you know what I mean." @JayJin
(And I am off to bed. I am actually on all day and night tomorrow, mama Jin, please be up before you leave tomorrow until 10 pm.;3;

Goodnight y'all!!)
(I will, i'm waking up at 6 a.m. I hate my life ;-;.)
@Comet[/URL], @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin

Being able to hear Kuro's heart race, she brought a couple of tails around the cat demon in hopes to calm her heart a small bit. This was followed by a happy sigh, and not much else as she, too, was mostly silent on the trip back.

@Heir of Dalania, @Shiro kurogane
Comet said:
Mia didn't have time to register what he called her, she was swept into a hug and squeezed by his mom, making her laugh and hug the woman back. "Nice to meet you." She said softly. She was then turned towards the father and she gave him a bright smile. She frowned a little bit when he told him to be careful with her. She finally spoke up. "Nicholas, why does everyone tell you to be careful with me? I'm not breakable. Well, I am... But you know what I mean." @JayJin
(And I am off to bed. I am actually on all day and night tomorrow, mama Jin, please be up before you leave tomorrow until 10 pm.;3;

Goodnight y'all!!)

JayJin said:
(I will, i'm waking up at 6 a.m. I hate my life ;-;.)
(At least there will be food. o: )
JayJin said:
(I will, i'm waking up at 6 a.m. I hate my life ;-;.)
(Oh... xD I dunno our time differences(you can match it up. I'm 11:03) but I'll most likely be up before you go!!! Night!! I'll reply in the morning if there is something to reply to!(: )
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Cristina looked behind herself, half turning her body. "Really? Oh... uh glad I could gelp with that" after looking for a minute, she returned her focus forward.

@Shiro kurogane


Nia walked up to the parents
"hellooooo" she said with a wave "I live in your house now! My name is Nia! Its a pleasure to meet you!"she said cheerfully, her ears perking


Comet said:
(Oh... xD I dunno our time differences(you can match it up. I'm 11:03) but I'll most likely be up before you go!!! Night!! I'll reply in the morning if there is something to reply to!(: )

(Central time ftw)


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