Indescribable (Closed)

(Im now in same boat as mama Jin. Family stuff i don't want to do for a while)
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"Sorry seems you only have increased...everything..." But, she then got an idea. She ran towards Loki, and rammed her fist into his gut. Dei-Loki hadn't felt anything, but the slime wrapped around Naomis arm, and threw her back. "Well...seems you have a defense mechanism." She said, glad that the slime didn't use her as a rag doll.

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Meara smiled as she felt Kuro nuzzle her tail, and then opened her eyes slightly at the sound of the purring. Blinking, her smile grew as she nuzzled into her back a small bit. 'That was so cute...' She thought as she blushed a bit.
Kuro forced her eyes to stay to the front. But she really wanted to hid her face for purring. It didn't help that Meara nuzzled more into her back and made her heart kick back up again.

[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania]Cristina froze in place. There it was, the dreaded question. "I" she struggled to spit out the words. "m-maybe... oh, who am I kidding! Yes... we are, it would seem for the time being. We both have an interest in eachother. So why not? Let's see where this goes" She said happily with her heart pounding in her chest.

Rei stared at Cristina with wide shiny tear-filled eyes. After a moment she suddenly moved forward and kissed The other girl's lips again. She was extremely happy at Cristina's words and her racing heart showed it. Not to mention her cute pink blush.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei stared at Cristina with wide shiny tear-filled eyes. After a moment she suddenly moved forward and kissed The other girl's lips again. She was extremely happy at Cristina's words and her racing heart showed it. Not to mention her cute pink blush

(Caught breif break) Cristina smiled at that. "What was that for?" She asked Rei. She had all these wonderful feelings as this was her first real romance, and so far, it felt great.
Dei-Loki watched as Naomi was knocked back, his tail curling as his arms had lowered to his sides.

"Are they always going to be covered in slime now, or..?" Malvo had decided to ask, looking to her brother and Raven before then looking to Naomi.

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Kuro forced her eyes to stay to the front. But she really wanted to hid her face for purring. It didn't help that Meara nuzzled more into her back and made her heart kick back up again.


Hearing Kuro's heart pick up the pace caused Meara to shift. She'd then soon glance up at her and lower an ear. "S-Sorry..."
[QUOTE="Heir of Dalania](Caught breif break) Cristina smiled at that. "What was that for?" She asked Rei. She had all these wonderful feelings as this was her first real romance, and so far, it felt great.

"i dunno.... i just felt really happy at what you said... and i uh just... had to?" Rei mumbled, still fluxhing a strawberry pink color.

xXLittleLokiXx said:
Hearing Kuro's heart pick up the pace caused Meara to shift. She'd then soon glance up at her and lower an ear. "S-Sorry..."
Kuro looked back at Meara and gave a soft smile. "you don't need to apologize. my heart isn't racing in a bad way.."
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Kuro looked back at Meara and gave a soft smile. "you don't need to apologize. my heart isn't racing in a bad way.."

Meara would then huff in relief, her eyes closing as she nodded. Stifling a yawn as she'd spoken. "Okay, good... I was afraid I was making you feel uncomfortable."
Comet said:
(You know what I noticed? NO ONE NOTICES MIA DYING IN THE FOREST.)
(Kirara is injured and in no shape to move around rn. and my other two chars aren't even nearby.)
As Malvo awaited an answer from Naomi, she'd then pause and tense as she felt Ash's presence. The smell of doe blood seeming to fill the air.

Growling a bit, she quickly took off in said direction. Lunging into a shadow before jumping back out a short ways away from Mia. As she removed herself from the shadows, she shifted into her nightmare shadow wolf form - accept the extra shadow power seemed to make it look like she was fully grown. (She's like this, but completely pitch black and her eyes are still green.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/cc915dde18207759163f2c520a661f5e.jpg.ded9db4861abff02a60610770908d96b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/cc915dde18207759163f2c520a661f5e.jpg.ded9db4861abff02a60610770908d96b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She took on her true form as an attempt to scare away the threat. Though, seeing as it was just Mia, her energy sunk back to a more friendly nature - remaining in the same form. Quickly approaching, her ears lowered. "Mia? What happened!?"

@Comet, @Raven Daniel



  • cc915dde18207759163f2c520a661f5e.jpg
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Mia looked over at Malvo and sighed, tears staining her face. She was losing it, her mind going in and out from the loss of blood, but she had enough mind to say, "Ash, made the power trade deal... Stabbed me after cause he wants full Cintrol of the powers.. Did it to protect you all... My antlers.. Gone." @xXLittleLokiXx
Malvo listened, her eyes widening before she growled again. Instantly biting down on the vines to break them before removing the blade in the least painful way possible. Solidifying her body in the form she was in, she crouched and nudged Mia gently in an effort to get her onto her back. "C'mon. We need t' get ya back before y' loose too much blood..."

She had then stood, quickly trotting back to the house. "Well, it's safe to say that this mistake won't be made again..." as she spoke, she trotted into a nearby shadow before stepping out just inside Mia and Nicholas's room. Hopping on the bed, he set her down before shifting back. "Alright. Just hold on a bit longer while I see if I can find the medical supplies."

After being healed by Malvo, Mia laid there in the bed curled up in a ball. She was stitched up and okay, but seeing the look on Nicholas's face told her something else. Just let him get his anger out... That would be best for him. @JayJin
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Masaru disappeared at Nicholas's command. "Why Mia? Why!? Gods, I want to rip that fucker's head off!" He paced back and forth in their room. "And now you're here, having to be stitched up. Why do you trust him!? Why not me!? Can't you just think for once your god damn life not to trust the bad guy!" Nicholas covered his face with his hands and sighed. He sat down in a chair and kept quiet whilst he looked at the black ceiling. He finally looked towards Mia, his eyes glazed as if he is about to cry. "I can't lose you. I just can't. If I did I would lose my mind. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just. . . I just want you to be happy and safe. Not being stitched up because of him. For the love of all the Gods, I don't care if i'm going too fast. I have to tell you something, I can't wait anymore." He stood up from the chair and walked towards Mia. He kissed her head gently and looked into her eyes. "I love you. For everything that i am, i am not human without you. You make me happy, and emotional and all the shit in between. Gods, i love you, Mia. I can't say it enough. I love you. I love you. I love you." @Comet 

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