Indescribable (Closed)

"I know who took him, but I have no idea where the hell they went." Malvo grimaced as she anxiously shifted in place. Soon beginning to pace a bit. "There was apparently some sort of fight before that bastard took him, though."

Nia blushed deeply "I-I think so. If you plan to do it more." She took a deep breath "Those questions arnt very important to finding out who I am though, I'm simple, but with a complex past..."

"Do you have anything that I can find him with?" He put his berries down, next to a tree. @xXLittleLokiXx (also, I forgot, is Dei still in the forest or is he somewhere else?)

"Fine, then. At least tell me something, pretty please?" She did her famous puppy dog eyes and lowered her ears to her head. @Heir of Dalania
"So... you want to know more about me?" Nia set down her spoon, and folded her arms in front of her on the table. "I was in a terrorist group..." she said bluntly.
(He's currently somewhere else. I'm thinking of having them in a building off I'm the distance.)

"I might..." she trailed off as she searched her person. Blinking when she'd felt Alec jump onto her back with a piece of torn cloth belonging to Dei-Loki and a panicked look. Taking the cloth from the little dragon, she then looked to Jacob and handed him the cloth. "This may do."

"What?" Elizabeth ate more of the melting ice-cream cake. @Heir of Dalania

Jacob gingerly grabbed the cloth and inhaled the scent. "Got it, hold this." He gave the cloth back and shifted into his Inugami form. He then dashed around Malvo and lifted her off her feet and onto his back. He then began to sprint in one direction. Following the boy's scent. @xXLittleLokiXx
Malvo took the cloth back, watching Jacob shift before her eyes soon widened following the action of being lifted. She'd then hold on as she looked forward. Alec clinging to her hood.

"You understand how elves and other races are treated like dirt yes? 

I was a member of  "The Broken Fang" fighting for equality... It wasnt always like it is now though we used to be peaceful... since I was five years old. I went to every protest, every rally. Then, about three years ago, our leader stepped down. A new one took his place, a new leader, with a new way of doing things. Peaceful protest, were turned into armed revolts, entire towns... destroyed, and it was working, we got treated equally, but not out of respect... out of fear..."

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Mia shivered at his touch when he ran his fingers down the scar tissue and looked at him again. "If anything, my father is like you in a way. Protects what he cares, will do anything for the people he cares about and respects decisions that they make. You'll be okay in his book if you're okay in mine." She snuggled her bare skin against his smiling up at him with a huge and giddy smile. @JayJin

(tbh, I'm imagining the reaction if one of his family members came in. First, aknowledge them naked, then either pick on him about it or freak out.)
Jacob continued to run, the building getting closer until he reached it and shifted. "They're on the roof. I can hear they're fighting from here." He pointed upwards to the top. @xXLittleLokiXx

"Hmm, I see. So, you left. Anyone would do that if they had their right minds. As long as you learned what was the right thing to do." Elizabeth continued to shove food in her mouth. @Heir of Dalania

(Just because you said it, i'm going to do it.)

"That's a relief. I would hate for your Father to start wailing on me with his fist." The door slammed opened to show Nicholas's two sisters and his two brothers. "Wow! Our brother's a stud! Got the cutie in bed already, wow!" Nicholas growled and launched a empty cup at Alexander's head. They all ducked and the boys chuckled. "Aww, she's so tiny when she's curled up with you." Eva said. "We wanted to know where the mail was." Nicholas sighed, "on the living room table. It's probably under cookbooks that I was looking at. Don't tell Mom or Dad this, sibling promise." They saluted back, "Sibling promise." Caden hit Alexander's head for not saying it. "Sibling promise." He groaned and they left, shutting the door behind them. @Comet
Mia squeaked and pulled the blanket up more to hide her body as his family came in. She blushed, giggling slightly as Nicholas talked to them. Once they left, she looked up at him and said, "Why can't they say anything? I mean, they're gonna know once they get a wiff of us. Back at home, when a couple is mated, they get a new aura to them, a new feeling and smell. They're gonna pick up on that. If you're trying to keep it from them for now, it's going to be hard." @JayJin
Mia squeaked and pulled the blanket up more to hide her body as his family came in. She blushed, giggling slightly as Nicholas talked to them. Once they left, she looked up at him and said, "Why can't they say anything? I mean, they're gonna know once they get a wiff of us. Back at home, when a couple is mated, they get a new aura to them, a new feeling and smell. They're gonna pick up on that. If you're trying to keep it from them for now, it's going to be hard." @JayJin

"I just want to tell them. Beside, if my siblings told my parents now. My parents would rush in here and began to cheer.  I don't know about you, but I rather have them not find us in such an intimate position." He lowered his head and kissed her collarbone before kissing her lips.
Malvo would give a brief nod as she glanced in the direction of the building. Squinting her eyes in an effort to see them on the roof.



Dei-Loki snarled, panting as he stumbled back. Glaring to Tomas in the process. "You're a madman! I'm not helping you!"

"I never gave you a choice." Tomas growled, yet still held a grin. Quickly kicking him over as he pinned him to the ground with his foot. As he'd done so, a small bowl was summoned into his grasp.
Nias eyes would suddenly widen. "I just remembered something " she said hurriedly running up to the top floor and looking out to the land on the other side, sighing heavily.

"DEI-LOKI!" Malvo called up to him after witnessing the scene, quickly hopping off of Jacob's back before trying to get to the roof of the building.

"The end is nigh, little Loki. Whether you're willing to witness it, or not." Thomas's eyes would continue to glow, leaning down as he slid his blade across Dei-Loki's wrist. Filling the bowl before violently kicking the injured prince aside. Turning, he made his way to the other side of the roof and placed the bowl in the center of it. As he'd done so, he would mutter an incantation under his breath. 

As the words slid out of his mouth, a dark red mist seemed to slowly cover the roof before several bolts of lightning crashed down into the circle. A pillar of blood red light shooting into the sky, turning the clouds that very same colour. The land darkening as a deep, spine-chilling laugh echoed every corner of the land.


(Closest thing I could find.)

"THE FIRST! COME TO US! COME WIPE THIS LAND OF ALL LIFE THAT DWELLS WITHIN IT!" Tomas chanted, his hands in the air as he watched the beam of light.

(Aaaaand, since the sky and such is darkening, I shall tag everyone living in the area.)

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Raven13233 @Shiro kurogane
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"I just want to tell them. Beside, if my siblings told my parents now. My parents would rush in here and began to cheer.  I don't know about you, but I rather have them not find us in such an intimate position." He lowered his head and kissed her collarbone before kissing her lips.

Mia listened to him and nodded, giggling softly as he kissed her collarbone then her lips. She stretched her body out and laid on her back as she smiled up at him. "That is true-" she looked outside and saw the blood red sky. She got a feeling of something wrong as fear shone in her eyes. "We gotta go." She told him and a quickly hopped out of the bed. She knew they were going to do something like this and her usual clothes weren't fit for "fighting" she quickly pulled out a black suit and pulled it on, fixing her hair and looked at Nicholas. She smiled at him before saying, "we have to go find what that is an stop it with the rest of the group. I have a feeling that something bad is coming from it." @JayJin


(what she's wearing but without the hood.)
Jacob followed her, he shifted back into his form and ran up the stairs at the same speed as Malvo. @xXLittleLokiXx

Elizabeth watched her go and finished off the ice-cream before looking to the window. "Shit. Someone is creating doomsday." She then followed the howl.@Heir of Dalania

Nicholas jumped out of bed, quickly put on his pants and his family's necklace before barging out the door. He looked around and then inhaled. He lifted his head and howled. It was loud and clear to the family. The siblings and the parents began to run and stopped right in front of him. "What's wrong, Nicky?" Nicholas walked over to covered window and pulled the curtains away to revel the sky. @Comet

Masaru heard the howl in in Kirara's dream. "I rather have you stay here and rest up, but knowing you, you'll probably follow me." He woke up and dashed out to the room, jumping off the stairs railing. He tucked his knees and landed perfectly in front of the Grants. "What's wrong?" Nicholas showed him the window. @Shiro kurogane
Mia stood to the side and let all them see the window. She made a face. I have half of Ash's powers... I can try to use them along with my own...  She listened to all of them. She walked up to stand by Nicholas as she listened to them talk, trying to learn how to use the new powers she got. @JayJin @Shiro kurogane

Ash was minding his own business when the sky started turning red. He cocked an eyebrow as he spread his wings and took off to the source of it. He landed in front of Loki and a new guy, cocking an eyebrow at him. "Damn bro, nice power." He walked around the bowl in the middle, looking inside of it before looking at Loki on the floor. "One down, a few more to go. The name is Ash. We need to work together." @xXLittleLokiXx @JayJin
Malvo continued to rush up the stairs, flinching a bit from the loud banging of thunder that tailed after the lightning. "I always knew he was a mad man. But THIS!?"



Dei-Loki winced with a grimace, turning on his side before looking up to the red sky and widening his eyes. His body tensing from the familiar laughter echoing the skies. Shifting his attention to Tomas and then Ash. Growling as he sat up slightly. "TOMAS, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?"

"Oh, indeed I have." Tomas grinned to Dei-Loki before turning his attention to Ash. "Tomas. And, if you like what I've done, you're going love who I'm summoning."

(I think I may just post the CS now. I've got a couple photos to sort of base his appearance off of until I actually draw him.)

Location: Broken fang HQ

Adam was looking over a mapx planning his next move carefully. Suddenly, his lieutenant came through the door. "Sir! Theres uhm. The sky is broken..." "what?" He said grabbing his sheathed blade as he went outside and looked up to the now red sky. "It would seem somthing big is going to go down..."


Nia watched the sky turn red in awe, then turning to follow Elizabeth. "Whats going on!?!"

(I'm waiting for Shiro, Heir and the rest . So, i'll bring Zakar into it.)

Zakar laid back on the bench, staring up at the reddening sky as the citizens screamed and ran opposite directions.

"You have one job, Zakar. Remember Nicholas and Masaru?  The boys that supposedly care for you? Wrong! They don't love you. You are a play toy to them. You are someone they pity. They do not love you. They are not capable of that feeling to a God."

He said in front of the brainwashed Zakar.  "Kill them! Burn them! Make them suffer, just. like. you. Do this for your master, alright?"

Zakar had no recollection of that event. Yet, it laid in the far back of his blacken mind. "Masaru? Nicholas? How do you wish to die?"
(Hey guys, for the next week or so, I can't reply. So just have Raven and Naomi doing whatever, if you want to make them do something take complete control over them until I come back. I just noticed i'm about to miss something big. ;~; Bai!)
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(Hey guys, for the next week or so, I can't reply. So just have Raven and Naomi doing whatever, if you want to make them do something take complete control over them until I come back. I just noticed i'm about to miss something big. ;~; Bai!)

(Alright, Raven. We'll fill you in when you're available. Hope everything's okay.)

Malvo forcefully pushed the doors open that led up to the roof, her eyes widening as she looked to the large pillar of light shooting into the sky, her attention soon shifting to both Ash and Tomas. 'Greaaat, he's here, too!?'

Dei-Loki winced as he managed to stand, stumbling a bit and wincing as he listened to the voices shouting in his head.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin @Shiro kurogane
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( @Shiro kurogane, Kirara can either be still in bed or have followed Masaru, up to you.)

Jacob ran up with Malvo to see Ash, a new stranger, and Dei-Loki. @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx

"It seems to be a summon. Someone is trying to get something powerful into our world." Her tail wagged and she began to run out of the house and two the direction of the summoner. The siblings followed. "Mom, Dad, stay here, please." Ellena looked to her son, "just be careful, Nicky and keep your siblings safe, okay?" Nicholas nodded, hugging them both before nodding to Masaru and running into the direction. Masaru drew his katana, his nogitsune flames covering the blade again. He then followed Nicholas. @Heir of Dalania@Comet@Shiro kurogane
Nia would see Dei-Loki bleeding, Ash and a new guy standing there.

"get away from him!"

Unsheathing wilt and bloom she swung the Kusarigama (wilt) rapidly in a circle attacking Tomas from a distance, using the elastic ribbon to return it to her grasp as she then swung with her Ninjatō (bloom) horizontally at his chest.

@JayJin @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx 

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