Indescribable (Closed)

Ruvik quirked his brow at the mention of such power as an intrigued smirk soon slid up his face. Briefly shifting his attention to Maya as she listened in. "There are two of us. Adam needed to watch over his troops. Dare I say... your energy feels a bit familiar." He would blink, arms casually at his sides as he watched Ash. "Were you at that battle on the rooftop?"

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Meara smiled, helping Kuro down before she stretched with a tired, yet happy sigh. "Alright, let's head in."

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Cristina  (FINALLY) took Rei'shand and led her inside, where she ordered two rooms for them to stay in for the week. (Timeskip set up)


Nia would sit quite and watch the group, munching on a cookie as she had done so.


Black Fang soliders would soon surround the new stranger as they parted to let adam pass. Unsheathing his sword an inch out of its sheath, staring down the man, as he spoke.

"If you've come here for a fight you just found one" he said as more and more soldiers came to join the potential fight. "Why. Are you here?" 
Mia made a noise when he picked her up and opened her eyes to look at him. She then looked at the fox girl then over to Masaru's lustful eyes. She rolled her own as she snuggled the side of her face into his shoulder and closed her eyes again, yawning.

ash chuckled. "Oh yes, I was there. Was a battle. Being thrown into a portal by a little boy. Fantasic." He walked over and took the chain off of the tree, holding it in his hand. "Now, I want to go meet the other one. He might have a cage for this little girl, chaining her up is too much trouble. Since she can tear the tree down if she pulled." He chuckled again as he grabbed his shirt and his weapons. "You keep looking at her... So her name is Maya. I got her cause I need her to break something later, but for now she was supposed to be for fun... She won't let me." He growled as she huffed and flipped him off again, her ram horns glowing a bright red and steaming. "Oh, by the way, she has other powers, but she doesn't know what they are, and I don't either. I'm guessing that's one of them."
Nicholas chuckled, "yeah, let's go to bed." He then walked to their room, careful not to drop her and opened the door. He pushed it shut with his foot and laid Mia down. 

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, princess. I was just walking into the direction that my bastardly son is at when i became hungry. Your solider seemed like a delicious snack so i decided eat and devour his soul. No biggie really." He smiled and stood up, blood dripping off his shirt and chin. 
"that? what do you mean?" Kirara questioned, looking behind her at seeing Masaru stare. She thought maybe there was someone behind her. Then she looked down at her sheet she still hadn't realized weren't clothes. "what? is something wrong with my clothes?" It was obvious that Kirara was still mostly asleep and not awake enough to think straight.

(dunno what to do with Kuro and Rei now)

@Heir of Dalania @JayJin @xXLittleLokiXx
Ruvik restrained his growl from the first comment. A forceful sigh being exiled from his lungs as he'd slowly cross his arms behind his back. "Break what, exactly?" He would curiously question, playing it off like the first comment he made had never happened. As he spoke, he found himself approaching the two as he continued to experience the foreign feeling within his core - nodding from the name as he took in the information. Spinning on his feet, he gestured for him to follow. "Well, come on, then."


(Not sure what to do with Meara, either.)
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Cristina would begin unpacking

"Each pair gets a their own room"

She said carrying her things up to her and Reis room.


Adam would keep a straight face. "I say again... Why. Are you. Here?"
"To eat. Calm down, kid. I'll leave now that i'm full, jeesh." Ayamu began to wipe the blood off. 

Masaru made no movement. He eyes kept going up and down her body. 
Mia grabbed Nicholas once he sat her down and pulled him down to her, wrapping her body around him as she hugged him. She giggled, smiling sleepily up at him as she kissed his nose. "I'm not tired...." She told him, yawning at the End.

ash saw the boy's attitude change with his comments, but he shrugged it off, handing the chain to him. "You can hold the chain. I'm tired of tugging her around everywhere." 
Unfolding his arms, he brought them forward before having then grasped the chain that Ash had handed to him. His sight briefly shifting to Maya, he then looked ahead before beginning to lead the way back.


Meara nodded to Cristina before then glancing to Kuro with a gentle smile. "Come on. Let's get our room situated."
"........  uh....  Masaru? helllllloo?" Kirara walked close to him, waving her hand in front of his eyes. "why are you acting like that?" She questioned again. The twelve-tailed kitune still hadn't realized her clothes was actually a bed sheet. One that was only managing to just hide her womanhood and her chest. Although with her standing so close to Masaru the whole top of her breasts were in open view for him. "are you gonna say something?"


Rei helped carry the other half of her and Cristina's stuff to their room. Her heart was beating quickly. She and Cristina would both be sharing a room.. together... and alone. The violet-eyed blond didn't know how to react. She was excited and nervous at once.

Kuro nodded, "sounds good." The cat demon replied and looked at Meara. "ready to go up to our room?" Kuro's tone quivered with a slight tone of nervousness. But by the end, her tone had been normal again.

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

The skull-wearing stranger watched the orbs that floated around him. Each orb showed what was happening in real time, all over the omniverse. Thousands of orbs floated by and the stranger needed only a mere glance at each passing orb to know what was happening where and what time, past present, nothing was missed by the orbs. Or the stranger viewing them whilst resting comfortable in a lone chair. The room, if you wanted to call it that. Had no walls, floors, roofs... nothing. Just the single chair and the infinite number of orbs that lazily traveled about. The stranger reached out and an orb traveled to a rest in his hand. 

This particular orb showed an interesting sight. One the stranger had seen play out in many other orbs before. Some he even participated in, either playing the role as one of the heroes or one of the villains. It really just depended on his mood really. The skull-wearing stranger tightened the scarf around his neck and pulled closed his over-sized jacket one would normally only see in the winter months.
Nicholas chuckled, "of course not, angel. You just merely yawn to yawn, huh?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter into his frame. 

Masaru looked down, but immediately looked back up. He may be a bastard's son, but he had a good Mother to teach him how to treat a lady. "It's just that you're dressed in something that's so . . .risky. What abouts if someone began to pull on this material. It would just fall right off." Masaru gave a little tug to the sheet and how it moved slightly. 

"Welp, i'm going. Toodles." Ayamu began to walk away.
Cristina flopped onto one of two beds, causing the frame to break and fall to the floor.

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Great..."


Adam would sheath his sword. 

"Lets plan the raid on that island now... without any interruptions" 

He said to his other strategists, walking back into camp.
Mia giggled and smiled more up at him when he pulled her closer to him. "Well, why else would I yawn?"  She asked him, giggling more as she squirmed her body in his arms. 


maya quietly followed the two, her head down as she chain pulled her forward by her wrists. She has never been captured and pulled along like this is ever in her whole lifetime. She looked at them both before sighing. She wasn't paying any attention when they walked into the camp, and Maya happens to walk into a taller man that was walking out. She yelped as she fell to the ground, the chains around her wrists pulling taunt and cutting into her skin. She was going to snap at him when she got a look at his face. Then... She was speechless. He had a intimating look to him, scaring her. She was snapped out of it when she hard Ash snort at her. She scowled at him then looked up at the male. "Excuse me? I dot know who the hell you are, but watch where you going. I would, but I'm chained." She showed her now bloody wrists, growling at him as her horns started glowing red and steaming.
Mia giggled and smiled more up at him when he pulled her closer to him. "Well, why else would I yawn?"  She asked him, giggling more as she squirmed her body in his arms. 


maya quietly followed the two, her head down as she chain pulled her forward by her wrists. She has never been captured and pulled along like this is ever in her whole lifetime. She looked at them both before sighing. She wasn't paying any attention when they walked into the camp, and Maya happens to walk into a taller man that was walking out. She yelped as she fell to the ground, the chains around her wrists pulling taunt and cutting into her skin. She was going to snap at him when she got a look at his face. Then... She was speechless. He had a intimating look to him, scaring her. She was snapped out of it when she hard Ash snort at her. She scowled at him then looked up at the male. "Excuse me? I don't know who the hell you are, but watch where you going. I would, but I'm chained." She showed her now bloody wrists, growling at him as her horns started glowing red and steaming.
Ruvik had continued to follow, keeping a firm grip on the chains before coming to a stop the moment Maya had bumped into the taller male. His brow soon cocking when he saw it had been Adam. He'd listened to her words as he looked to Adam before gesturing to Ash. "I brought the new recruit." For whatever reason, he hoped his words would take the focus off of Maya. He'd never felt the urge to defend anyone like this, and his attempt came forward before he had any other say in the matter.


Meara seemed to blush at the sound of those words, but she shook off the feeling before smiling a bit more and nodding to the cat demon. "Whenever you are."
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Adam would look down at the girl, then moving out of her way. He then turned to Ash. "So... your ash then" he asked looking him up and down. "I assume your here to help us then?"

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Ayamu kept walking towards Masaru's direction. He was far away from there, but he could smell his son's aroma from miles away. He after all, was the last nogitsune of this generation. Unless Ayamu made more, of course.

Nicholas's fingers gingerly went up and down Mia's spine. "I don't know, doe-eyes. Maybe you are becoming very very tired." He mumbled under his breath and closed his eyes.
Ash stretched, smirking as he replied. "Yeah, I'm Ash. And you're Adam. With the guards and whatnot." He flicked a guard in the forehead, before grabbing Maya by the horns and pulled her forward. Her horns weren't heated up then, so it made dragging her easier. She made yelps of pain when he pulled her, blood from her wrists going down the chains. "By the way, I brought help. She's supperrrrr strong and I'm hoping you have a cage to put her in that she can't break."


Mia shivered at his touch on her spine as she giggled again. "Nooooooooooo." She said, yawning again as she tugged on his shirt to pull him closer and softly kissed his nose. "Fine, go to sleep." She said, rolling her eyes as she turned around in his arms and put her body back against his. 
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Ruvik would shift in place as he listened to her yelps. Had he known what the feeling in his chest was, he would've jumped in and stopped it without a second thought. His eye closing from behind the mask, he awaited Adam's answer. A small hope in the back of his mind seeming to push him towards the idea of speaking with the ram after she were to be put away.
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"No." He answered sharply "the black fang is a a force. For equality! You will un-chain her, and she will fight as a free woman. I cannot allow a fellow hybrid to fight as a slave in this war."
Ash grumbled and took the chains off of her wrists, Maya sighing with relief as she rubbed her wrists and looked up at Adam. "Thank you." She breathed as she turned towards Ash with a glare. "I'll stay until i am done with what I'm here for." She huffed as she stood up and brushed dirt off herself and shoved past Ash, who made a whistling noise and smacked her butt. "Damn, she has some bite to her. First girl I met that fights back." She shifted into her ram form and rammed her head into him, sending the winged boy across the camp and into a tree. He groaned in pain but chuckled, pulling himself off the tree as he faced the girl who shifted back into her human form and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I'm uncultured." She growled as she picked a random tent, walking inside of it as a bunch of guards were rushed out of it. 


Mia felt Nicholas fall asleep and she smiled, closing her eyes as she fell asleep too. Her dreams were filled nightmares, whimpering in her sleep. Her nightmares were filled with black shadows digging their claws and teeth into her family and her friends, tearing them apart and burning down the forest. In the middle of it all, was a fully black version of her deer form, blood surrounding the figure and on its fur as the fire and bloodshed raged around it...
Ruvik opened his eyes in time to watch Ash be flung into the tree. Finding the show to be quite entertaining, he would shake his head with a slight smirk. "She really does hold some bite to her, it would seem. That's good. The stronger, the better." He would speak up finally. In his mind, he tossed the idea around of going to speak with her or staying put before choosing the option that would help him better understand the feeling he had. Looking to Adam, he'd keep his brow lifted. "Allow me to go and see if she's hungry, and that will give you the time to relay the information we know with Ash."
Adam would watch the scene and chuckle slightly. Before putting his sword on the ground, leaning on his sword as he filled Ash in on the details.

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