Indescribable (Closed)

Adam would then straighten out. "Alright, if that's what it takes" he said bluntly.


Nia smiled "just having a look around ... who were you talking to?" She questioned 
Ruvik watched as she blushed, his smile remaining. "You've still got time to figure out just what they are. Who knows? Maybe they'll turn out to be interesting." He'd then pause as he caught a glimpse at her flinching. Softly exhaling, he watched her. "I'm not going to hurt you." He would promise with the aid of the small yet sincere smile on his face.



'She heard that!?' she panicked, hearing the Corruption speak up. Well, you weren't exactly being too quiet about it. Bringing a hand to the back of her head, she'd keep her ears low. "I'm just... talking to myself."

@Heir of Dalania
"Sorry, I'm just... So used to Ash raising a hand and hitting me. It's a instinct to flinch." She sighed and lowered her head to the ground, closing her eyes. "Why aren't you going to hurt me? Or Atleast do something that is like the others? You're in this evil group, why aren't you doing evilv It's unlike a demon like you. Yes, I know what you are, I can smell it. You should be pure evil, yet you're showing a soft spot towards me."

Ruvik would shift a small bit in his seat once more in the process of listening to her explanation, as well as all of the questions that levitated in his direction. Soon leaning back as his arms slowly crossed. "Because, there's something about you that compels me to do otherwise." Soon, he shifted even more as he looked off to the side. "Something I've never felt before."

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Maya got up and stood in front of him and bent down in front of him, giving him a hard look as her brown eyes looked into his. "Feelings like what?" She asked, narrowing her eyes more as she moved her face closer, seeing if she can be intimidating.

From under his mask, Ruvik cocked a brow at how up close the ram girl had gotten. Watching her brown irises with his single purple, luminous iris; only one of his eyes had been seen. He'd found sidestepping the question to be easier, so he grinned and spoke as he'd ignored that returning feeling in his chest. "You're going to need to strengthen your intimidation tactics, my dear. They're good, but you'll need to try a lot harder to get it to work on me."

"Why why didn't you say so! If you want someone to talk to I'm right here!" She put an arm around her shoulders. "Cmon then lets talk" she said walking the girl down the hall.

(Dont know how to reply from adam)

Masaru watched the new Mia go off and then turned his full attention to his father. "No. . .no." Ayamu gave a maniacal laugh at Masaru's attempt to plea. "Fight me, my child. Show the world who the true monster is. Unless. . .you wish for their deaths." Ayamu lips curled in satisfaction. Masaru looked to the ground, hoping that it would submerge him in like quicksand. "As you wish." Ayamu jumped, but it was immediately stopped by Masaru's hand. He gripped his father's ankle tightly, flinging back onto the ground. Dust picking up from where his body made impact as a decent dent was made in earth's surface. The dark smoke becoming to cover Masaru's body. "Forgive me. Forgive me for my wrongs. Forgive me for my sins. Forgive me for losing control. Forgive me and call me a monster if ya like. Watched the venomous truth lay in fat, acidic drops as it rolls off the Devil's tongue. Beg the skies to make the Devil's children scream before they tear the seams of reality. For I am thee Devil, for i am thee sinner." Ayamu stood up, watching in awe as Masaru began to recite the first Oshiro's quotes.

"I will not let you hurt them. I will die before you lay a damn hand on them, Father." A white kitsune mask appeared into Masaru's fingertips. Red markings swirled around the mask. "You wouldn't do that! You wouldn't. . .what happens if you lose your mind. You can never come back from turning fully!" Masaru laughed as Ayamu seemed to be the jittery one. "Then i'll let Nicholas do what i told him long ago. If i don't comeback. . .well," He put his fingers to his head, making a gun with them and moving his hand upwards. "I mean, i am you son. We both deserve to burn in Hell's fire together, right? So. . .come on, Dad. Let's go on a eternal vacation, just you and me. Wouldn't that be swell? Father, why do you look so scared? Am I worse than you could imagine? Am I your demon? You seem so scared, don't worry, i'll make it clean and quick. Since. . .you are my father after all." Masaru tied the strings behind his head and put the mask on. Soon, it was melting into his skin until he was fully transformed. Thunder rolled, lighting clashed and the black smoke became even more noticeable. 


http://data/jpeg;base64,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(Masaru in his full form. Sorry if this is a corny, lengthy post.)
Malvo's brows lifted and, before she could protest, she'd been brought out of the room by Nia. Hands at her sides, she perked her brow. "It wasn't anything interesting." She would admit, hoping to sound truthful in her attempt to lie. Her brow perking from the sound of the thunder. She would've gone to speak about the possibility of a storm, but she tensed when she heard the screams of several guards.

Dei-Loki quickly sat up at the sounds of the guard's shrieks. Getting to his feet, he rushed to the window to see if he could see anything.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania
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She smirked, glancing across his face as she brought her hand up to his cheek and gently grazed her fingers over it. "Alright, I have a pretty good idea what they are. I can smell them, but I like a challenge on getting you to tell me." She then stepped off, looking around the tent.


Mia continued to attack guards, her whole chest and face covered in blood. She wasn't in her right mind, but she couldn't stop, the taste being so good... She attacked one more, the sound of the screams ringing through the forest once more.

@xXLittleLokiXx @Shiro kurogane @Heir of Dalania @JayJin 
He blinked as he felt the soft connection of her fingers, a grin still present on his face as he watched her move away. Forcing air through his nose gently, he sat up once more and watched her as her eyes traveled through the interior of the tent.


Dei-Loki flinched from the sound of the screams that echoed the land, his ears flattening as he watched Mia with wide eyes. "That... That can't be..." tense, he quickly turned and ran out of the room - bumping into Malvo on his way out.

Malvo would also tense from the screams, looking to Dei-Loki. "What the hell is that?"

"It's Mia!" Dei-Loki exclaimed in a panicked fashion. 

"What!?" Malvo's eyes widened, watching her twin.

"You heard me! She's... she's not herself. You and Nia need to go wake up Nicholas, I'll go and see if I can calm her down a bit." And with that, Dei-Loki quickly vanished before appearing out inside forest - watching Mia with widened eyes.

Malvo watched him go, looking to Nia again before quickly leading the way to Nicholas's room. It wasn't the most ideal way of distracting her from why Malvo had been talking to herself, but... it will do. At least until she was asked again. 

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin
Nia would realize that now more than ever, time was of the essence. She summoned her magic alowing herself to move at inhuman speeds as she raced down the hall. Kicking open the door with her added momentum  "NICHOLAS. Mia's in trouble! We need you!"


Maya sighed and brought her fingers to the temples. "God, I miss my mountain. I don't like being here." She said, scrunching up her face as she walked towards the opening and looked out. "But after all this is over, I can go home and never look back."


Mia turned her head when she saw Dei-Loki come towards her. In the back of her mind she knew what he was and was telling her no, but the rest of her mind was driven by hunger. She laughed herself at him, her mouth open to show the rows of her new sharp teeth
"Bet it must've been nice." Ruvik would speak up as he continued to watch her. His back having remained back against the chair.


Dei-Loki seemed to tense more at the scene, jumping into a tree as he figured it was the safest place to be. "This isn't you, Mia!"

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Maya glanced back at him before looking over at Adam and Ash, narrowing her eyes at them. "I wish I knew what they were talking about. What I'm being used for..." She ran her hand through her hair and looked at him. "What is your name again?" She asked.


Mia snapped up at Dei-Loki up in the tree, circling the tree and looking up at him. She growled up at him, her long black rail lashing behind her. 
Ruvik stood and followed her gaze with his own, glancing to both Adam and Ash. "I'm sure they'll fill you in." His attention then traveled back to Maya. "The name's Ruvik."


Dei-Loki watched as Mia circled the tree. His ears being pinned back as he spoke once more. "Come on, Mia! Fight it!" He'd try to get through to the currently menacing-looking doe.

Rei smiled then cocked her head to the side. She stared at Cristina who was writing in a notebook but Rei couldn't see what was being written. "whats with the notebook?" She asked, wondering if Cristina would show it to her.

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro closed the door behind Meara and herself once they were in the room. "its been awhile since i've slept in a bed." She commented, giving a tired sounding yawn. 

She had only just written the date on the page as she looked up at Rei following her question "This? Oh, it's just a journal I keep, a diary of sorts." She flipped through the pages. "I write a couple songs in here aswell" she then quickly closed the book with a satisfying slam before tucking it into her bag at the side of her now broken bed. She lied down on the bed with a long sigh, putting her hands behind her head closing her eyes as she then spoke with a smile. "Heh, I almost died today" she said jokingly.

@Shiro kurogane
Meara soon sat down on the bed, leaning back as she'd yawned soon after Kuro did. "Same here. The closest thing to a bed that I've slept on lately has been on a bed of hay." A snicker followed her words as she brought her hands behind her head. "The farmer wasn't too happy about it, though."

@Shiro kurogane
"oh" Was all Rei said in response. She herself never really took to writing much of anything down. It was one of the perks of having long-term memory.... it was also a curse too. While she could remember every good moment to the finest detail... the same could be said for every horrible thing she'd ever seen. Her momentary darkened thoughts weren't made better by Cristina's 'joke'. "that's not funny."

@Heir of Dalania

Kuro laughed partially from Meara's remark and from her own memories involving farmers. "yeah... farmers aren't too happy to find strangers sleeping in their barns" She agreed with a chuckle.

Nicholas hurried after the Dei-lok, spotting Mia on the tree. "Mia?" He whispered as he spotted a dark-furred deer. It wasn't the Mia he knew, so he hesitated, reaching his hand to her. It stayed there for a few seconds that felt like hours to Nicholas. "Doe-eyes. . .where are you? What happened to you? Where. . .where is my angel?" He reached up and grazed his fingertips to her fur, finally noticing the bizarre storm. "No. . .please Gods, tell me that it's not. Mia, please comeback to me, please. I need you. I need so badly right now. I can't. . .please, Mia. Please for the love of all the Gods, I need you to hold me after i pull the trigger. I can't do this. I can't." He pulled Mia into his arms, not afraid to get hurt as his voice rattled in emotions. Tears started to glaze over his eyes, making his vision blurry as he heard the lighting strike and the thunder roar. 

"Who do you think are!? You are pathetic! You think just because you are in this form that you can stop me, my child!? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!" Ayamu looked at the boy that clearly wasn't his son anymore. "Demons are such scary things. Why do you think they're scared of us, Father? Is it because of our eyes?" The full Nogitsune teleported behind Ayamu, grabbed him and threw him into the air. "Is it because of our teeth?" He teleported in front of Ayamu, bringing his fist down into the male's stomach and watched as Ayamu plummeted to the ground, making a crater from the fallen fox. The Nogitsune landed by his side, leaning down and smiled. "Is it because of our smiles that hide our true identities? It is because we hide from the surface and groan at the taste of sins? Tell me, Father. Tell me what makes a demon."

The Nogitsune drew his sword and laid the tip to his throat and smiled. "You are sooooooooooo old. You can't even change forms. You are not a demon. . .not anymore, anyways. You have empathy. A dangerous trait that makes you weak. Why did you leave? Mom loved you. Is it because of me? Is it because that i scare you like i scared her? What made you two hate me so so much? What did i do wrong, Father? You loved Mom and Mom loved you. I don't understand. I don't. . .why? Why did you hate me!?" The Nogitsune drew his blade across Ayamu's neck, watching as the blood spilled out of the neck and onto the ground. "All i did was love you two. And you know what i got. . .fear. You pretended to love me. You lied to me! You two said. . .you two said that you loved me. What a bunch of bullshit!" The smoke exploded, making itself bigger. The Nogitsune touched a tree for leverage as he got out of the crater. The tree instantly began to rot under his touch and fell into mush as The Nogitsune looked up at the sky. 
"I know, its just... it's just a very humbling experience, makes you re-re-evaluate your whole life. What you've done, what you have yet to do..." she said quietly, sitting up and looking blankly at the wall on the other side of the room, then turning to Rei, tilting her head a bit. "Does that make sense?"


Nia followed and watched the scene from a distance, absolutely stunned. "H-how?" She stood there, motionless, as emotions coursed through her. "Eh-wha-I" she was at a loss for words and had no idea how to react.
Mia was about to rip a chunk out of Nicholas's throat until she heard him cry. That cry brought her out of her senses... She shifted back into her human form, her eyes going back to normal as she brought her arms around him and held him tight. "I... I'm sorry.." She looked up at the storm, blood covering her mouth as her eyes showed fear. "Wha..?" She then remembered what she was doing before and her eyes turned black again. "They're ruining my home.  We have to go." She stood up and took his hand, pulling him towards it while he was babbling. She didn't know what he was talking about, his emotions blocking the actual English words. She ran past her dad taking the animals that lived there to a safer place, nodding to his daughter as she continued to pull him to the commotion. When she reached it.. Her eyes widened when she saw Masaru. "Mas..." She breathed, seeing his dead father. 


maya nodded at him, smiling slightly. She frowned when Ash walked over with a smug look. "I need Ruvik real quick. Then he can go back to you." He blew her a kiss as he stepped back for Ruvik to walk out. She looked at Ruvik and said quietly. "Don't trust him.." It was quiet enough that Ash didn't hear it.
Meara gently flicked her own ear as she grinned and nodded. Her attention on the ceiling as she relaxed with a gentle sigh. "Busy day. My brother would've loved to see that creature we fought, though..."

@Shiro kurogane


Malvo quickly ran after Nia and Nicholas, her eyes trembling as she watched Mia circle the tree Dei-Loki was in, before then looking to Nicholas. No words escaping her, as she had none.

Dei-Loki remained in the tree, watching Mia calm and take off before sitting down in the tree. His teeth clenched.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania @JayJin


Ruvik smiled in return, only to pause and glance over to Ash. Sighing, he nodded to him. "Alright." He'd reply before looking to Maya - smirking slightly as he quietly spoke to her in return. "Don't worry, I'll be careful..." the demonic elven male would assure before looking to Ash and stepping out of the tent. "What is it?"


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