Indescribable (Closed)

Raven look to the Dragon. "Hmm..." His eyes glew purple, before Naomi appeared beside the two. He spoke to her in mind link.


Naomi look at the dragon, then back to Loki. "Geridia Nestoria." Dei-Loki glew green for a moment, before his wound seemed to heal a bit, and the pain became more bearable. "Sorry I couldn't do more, the energy is still trying to return."
Dei-Loki had then straightened his posture after some of the pain was removed. His attention soon shifting to Naomi as he nodded. "That'll do... Thank you. Now, come on." Dei-Loki insisted as he pressed onward.

Alec clicked, emerald gaze ahead as he led them all to the clearing Malvo had been in. The clearly distinguishable scent of blood lingering around the area.


"You'd be much safer just listening t' my words."  Her father persisted. "This land is going t' be nothing but ash and bloodshed come the next day. Personally, I'd think a Nightmare would love to aid in this endeavour, rather than fight it."

Malvo clenched her hands and teeth, hunching forward to ease up on the pain she felt. Growling, she glared to the ground. Not having said a thing.
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"Shall we be stealthy and find her or shout?" Nicholas asked under his breath so that only the group around him could hear. "She's close. Whatever is happening, her spirit is shifting. What i can do is that i can feel colors of people's spirits. Her's is turning inky black. Someone's making her seem to have a likely to switching sides. We need to be stealthy that's for sure. She might become startled and have her whole spirit turn into that black darkness that's called evil. Treat her as if she's a butterfly. Sudden moves and shouts will scare her off."


Elizabeth began to walk towards Mia's house. She drew her hidden dagger from her boots and sighed. "Please, let me be wrong." She hid the blade inside her boot again and walked inside the house.
"All seeing eye..." Raven muttered, before his left eye glew orange. He then looked around. "There's nothing else I believe..." He didn't see anything that could be dangerous. 


The smell of blood made Naomi fan the air a bit. Hmm... She look around, even though Raven had already checked the area.
Still, Dei-Loki clenched his teeth. Hearing Masaru's input seemed to spark instant worry in him. 'Gods, I... I knew she was acting strange, but... I thought the evil side of her was gone...' Evil doesn't ever truly go away, Mischief Bastard. You should know this. "I just hope she's okay..." he finally spoke aloud, yet in a quiet fashion as he continued to walk with the group.


Malvo would eventually look over to the dead Blighter beside her. Speaking quietly in the process. "Bastards are crafty, I'll give 'em that. Dimwitted, yet somehow crafty..."

"Just imagine the distraction thousands of these could cause..."

Malvo paused from his words, soon shaking her head and huffing. She'd slowly push herself to her feet by sliding her back against the base of the tree. "You and yer goddamned thirst fer power..."

"Something that we both share."
Masaru kept walking with Dei-loki, watching whatever the shadows touched. Nicholas felt his heart leap into his throat again, the feeling that he had so long ago when Masaru and him fought in the old Magus war. "Keep your eyes wide, you four." Nicholas whispered back to his sibling and they nodded. Masaru pulled Nicholas and Dei-loki down behind a tree. "I see your sister and she seems to not look to good. This is your choice, your sister. Tell us what to do."

Elizabeth seemed to hold her breath as she found her parent's room and knocked on the door.
Dei-Loki nodded to Nicholas before lifting his brows as Masaru brought them behind the tree - soon looking around the corner of said tree to glance at his twin. Alec landing on his shoulder soon after. "I'd say treating her wounds is the most important thing..." he quietly told them, his eyes narrowing a bit when he spotted the dead Blighter beside her.

Malvo huffed, soon pausing and looking in the direction the group had been in after sensing Dei-Loki nearby. "What, here t' play me a sad song on yer violin as a result of me not avoiding injury?" She teased, though her tone seemed a bit angry. A bit of a growl in her voice.
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(Mr.Krabs can, on his tiny violin XD)

Naomi and Raven both looked at Malvo, a bit worried. But, after hearing her tease, they're worries seem to lift up a bit.

(I don't really know what to write, sooooooo ._.)
Dei-Loki slightly perked his ears from the teasing, but he still held a slight frown upon hearing the growl. Hesitating, he soon stood and stepped into view. 'Well, no use in staying hidden if she can sense me...' He then sighed softly before slowly approaching, a faint smile forming on his face. "You know I didn't bring my violin with me..." he would softly remark, pausing and widening his eyes slightly upon noticing just how off Malvo's aura had been.

Malvo watched him approach, holding her wound as her eyes would glow a bit. obvious tension seeming to form between the two siblings. "That's too bad..." she remarked before glancing to the body beside her. "Playin' this beast off would've been a great way t' repay me for leaving me t' deal with this alone." Her last words struck Dei-Loki like a dagger as she glared to him.

"I didn't--" Dei-Loki went to reply, stopping himself as his hands clenched a small bit.
"Relax," Nicholas laid his hand on Dei-loki's shoulder. Masaru laid Kirara into Willow's hands. "So, you have a nasty little thought your head, huh? What's his name?" Masaru grinned, putting his hands into his pockets as he came to Nicholas's side. "Malvo, Sweetie, y'know we care about you. We don't want for you to get hurt or angry if we did something wrong, okay? You can always tell us what's up." The fox nodded, walking a little further up. "But of course, you probably won't listen since your daddy likes to talk into your ear, right? I just hope you do because you got a family that cares for you deeply. Hell, i guess. . . even i care for you. Pfft, that's such a weird thing to say. Love. I still can't wrap my mind around the complexity of that word. But, i guess it feels right to say that word, huh?" He crouched so that he looked eye-to-eye with her. "Do you love us? Hell. . .do you even love your brother? Or are you going to let daddy talk you into joining the dark side? I can't control you, i can't tell you what's right or wrong.  All i can say is. . .does it feel good to watch innocent people bleed? To hear their screams? To taste their salty tears as they beg for you to keep your hands off their children? Does it feel good to be a monster? A demon? A murder? A psychopath? Does it feel good?" Masaru leaned on his foot and whispered the sentences into her ear. "Or does it feel good to wake up and hear laughter from the people you care for and to be brought into a room where they smile at you and hug you and wish you never would leave their lives? Tell me, Malvo. Tell me where your heart is at, so that if you wish to be a demon, i can tell your brother and you can watch him lose it to the monster in his head. Tell me that you are demon so that way we can watch your brother cry together. Your choice, sweetie." Masaru stood up and walked back so that Kirara was in his arms.
Dei-Loki paused and glanced to Nicholas upon feeling his hand. Sighing, he then shifted his attention back to Malvo. His hands remaining clenched as he listened to Masaru's harsh but to the point words.

Malvo would just stare, her eyes seeming to tremble from the cold hand of reality brutally backhanding her across the face. From the looks of it, it would seem she was at a loss for words. That was, until, one of her eyes seemed to turn into a deep crimson colour. "Listen to this. This attempt is funny, isn't it?" Her father muttered in her mind. "Foolish attempts to dissuade y' from your true passion. Though, seeing that the Kogitsune's words seemed to hit you hard, seems I'll need to aid y' in making this decision." Following his mind-spoken words, a grin seemed to crack up Malvo's face. Glaring up at Masaru as she began to speak through a light chuckle. Her voice seeming to double with her father's.

"Y' really think I care?" She'd begin as her energy seemed to darken even more than before. "I've spent most of my existence living in nothing but darkness and despair trying my damnedest to restrain myself from acting on the most heinous of thoughts, and for what?" Her chuckling became a small bit more maniacal, arms slightly being tossed to the side as she tried to ignore the pain in her chest. Still, her voice doubled with her father. "For what? For a group destined to join the rest of the dead bastards? For a bunch of strangers that just decided to pair together, just so they can all leave this world 'holding hands'."
"I see. I thought you would be better than that, but you gave into your father so easily. How pathetic, really." Masaru barked out a laugh, he then mocked Malvo as he smirked. "You don't understand my pain. I lived in Hell's flame for my whole life. So, i get to be the villain. Right, Sweetheart? You want to be the big, bad wolf that everyone hatesssss. I really thought more of you, but  I guess that i'm wrong. So, if you want to be the monster, then go ahead." Masaru shoved Dei-loki farther out, next to Malvo. "You want to be bad? Then kill him. Only demons can kill their family members without even blinking. So do it, Sweetie. Kill him. Kill your brother. Kill him!" Masaru yelled, making the birds of the forest flutter away as the world seem to shake. He laid Kirara in his brother's arms and teleported behind Malvo. He drew his katana and laid in Malvo's palm, keeping the weapon directed at Malvo's brother. "Kill him. Kill him. You want to be the big, bad wolf? Then let's watch the world buuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnn~. You can't be evil if you care for the people that have accepted you with arms wide open. Oh gods, look at those eyes. The eyes that love you dearly. Go ahead, Sweetie. Snuff the life right out of him. Kill him. Shove this right through his heart because that's what you are doing if you agree to this. Let's watch him cry~. Go ahead, Sweetie. Go right on ahead and kill your brother. Go ahead, let's end that last bit of humanity in you, right? Let's rip him to shreeeeeds~." Masaru smiled as he whispered closely into her ears. "Make you sure you watch the life go from his eyes. It's the best part of the show. Sweeeeeeeeetheeeeeeart.

"I. . .i think i know the answer already. I. . .can't hear their breathing anymore, but i can smell rotting bodies." Elizabeth laid her head on the door, tears stinging her eyes.
She'd use her magic to sense into the room. They were gone. She'd put a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder, pulling her into a hug away from the door. "Elizabeth, I'm... so sorry." She said as she hugged her tight.
Dei-Loki paused, tensing as he was pushed forward. Glancing to Malvo once more with pain in his eyes. "Malvo, you don't have to do this..." he pleaded, his ears having flattened. "Don't let Nightmare Adrian get t' you...You're safe here... Please..."

Malvo watched Dei-Loki as she was handed the katana. Clear pain seen on her face, despite the way she was acting.

"You're only going t' hurt yerself in this..." Dei-Loki continued as he watched her, listening to Masaru in the process.

Malvo then looked down, her eyes closing as she'd lower her ears. "I'm sorry..." she'd whisper in her normal voice before quickly jamming the blade into Dei-Loki's stomach - purposely avoiding any vital organs yet still managing to impale him. However, she instantly winced as she felt what she'd just done.

Dei-Loki's eyes instantly widened from the feeling of the blade. Blood trickling down the sides of his mouth with flattened ears.

"Pity to hurt a fellow member of the Alaois family..." Malvo muttered as she shared a voice with her dad yet again. Wincing as blood draining from the sides of her mouth, as well. "Just be glad it was by a sibling..." Malvo left the blade in, stumbling back as she looked to him. "Toodles." And, following her goodbye, she moved back into the shadows and vanished.
"Wow, well i guess we can't have an evil villain, now. Can we?" Masaru turned to smile at Dei-loki. "Sorry, little boy, but i can't have your sissy hurting my family. As they say, 'once a demon, always a demon'." Masaru began to twist the handle, moving the sword in Dei-loki's body. "I'm a baaaaaaad little boy." He laughed. Nicholas looked to his brother. "Masaru, no! We already finish this a hour ago!" Masaru looked up to the twisting. "Don't worry, little brother. I just need to add so much pain that it becomes unbearable for the both of them. You go find Malvo, knock her out and take her home to the basement. Remember the cage where they put me? It's time for Malvo to taste what real torture is like. Don't worry, little man. I'll put on a temporary spell so that you won't feel your sister's pain, but i'm going to need you to comply with me. I'm doing this for her own good. It's either this or she dies from a bigger villain that plays with cards up their sleeves."

Elizabeth cried into Nia's shoulders. "First Jacob and now our parents. Why? Why does the gods hate us? Why!?"
Dei-Loki cringed and brought his hands to the blade in an effort to tear it out. "Dammit..." being the only thing he'd been able to say. It was not a result of the twisting of the blade, but more towards everything that had just occurred. Tears of disappointment, anger and pain fleeing his eyes as he forced out a growl.
"I dont know... sometimes bad things just happen, Liz." She said as she held the girl close, closing her eyes as she answered honestly to the question Liz had asked. 
"Gods damn it, Masaru." Nicholas looked around and then spotted a decent-sized rock. He picked it up and tossed a few times in the air before wounding up and throwing it at Masaru's face. Masaru instantly stopped what he was doing and looked up. "Calm down, killer. Don't make me get the leash again." Masaru looked down, his eyes widen. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. i just thought that your sister would come back if you were in pain. I guess i read her wrong. Here, let me carry you and then fix you up, since apparently i fucked up again like i usually do."

"Yeah." Elizabeth breathed out for once in a short while. "I just don't know how to say it to them. I just. . .fuck."
Nia pulled away, leaving her hands on Elizabeth's shoulders, looking sympathetically into to her eyes "you want me to do it?"
Dei-Loki continued to grimace, ears flat against his head as he glared to the blade. "We all did..." he weakly stated. Panting through the pain as he soon tightly winced his eyes shut.

Alec watched, clicking as he watched with a concerned look. Neil right beside him - glancing in the direction Malvo had gone.
"I'm sorry, kid." Masaru wrapped his arms under the boy's body, took out the sword, applying pressure to the wound and began to walk back home. The siblings and Nicholas walked with them.

"No, it's just weird. I can't smell anyone's scent. So that would mean it was a natural cause. That they died in their sleep, but that's is the weird part. Inugami's are spirits. They're immortal, unless their heads are chopped off. I can't smell spilled blood. i can't smell a scent of an enemy. I don't understand." Elizabeth looked back at the door, clenching her fist.
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