Indescribable (Closed)

A need t' keep the adrenaline up, eyy? 'Don't y' start again!' Dei-Loki would mentally growl before huffing. Blinking as he flicked his ear. "Well, uhm... Go ahead. Ask me anythin'." Why don't y' two just do the do? 'I don't believe I asked you...'

Akumu would then lift his brows as Nia was then teleported to the floor. A smile forming from the smirk on his face as he saw the sudden burst of happiness. "Really. Our uncle is an inventor of sorts, and I'm almost certain that he'd be willing t' help."

Ruvik stared as he took the horn. Looking it over as his fingers would lightly run over the creases - only to turn his hand over so he could look over the blood.

He was empty, his heart was empty, his 'SOUL' was... empty. Every emotion he'd ever felt slowly becoming just... horrible agony enriched anger. He'd then softly set the horn down before stepping closer to Ash. "Y' know, it means a lot when a Blighter calls someone heartless..." he'd quietly speak before forcefully turning Ash around. His hand violently gripped the back of his head before he'd then violently jerk the male's head forward and into the closest tree. "You see this right here? You feel that? Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't use this tree t' ruin yer face even more so women will shriek in fear upon seeing you!"
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Nia, again said "REALLY?!"


Oliver appeared worried "great..." he said sarcastically 


Adam grabbed popcorn with the rest of his troops and watched.
Ash chuckled, wincing as the tree dug into his face. "I told you not to get attached to her, I told you of her fate. I did what needed to be done. It costed her life, but we're breaking them all down piece by piece. Soon, we can strike them and tear them all down." He then spread his wings wide, knocking Ruvik off of him as he looked at the blighter. "I told you to not get attached to her. You should have seen her face before she was crushed. The poor girls look of terror as she reached for me for help... it was her duty, she didn't know, but she died for our cause to make the world better. You can find another like her, chill out.

Izzy looked at him and chuckled. "a family of inugami's, what do you expect?"
Nicholas laid down by her and pulled her to his chest. He just hummed and let her cry into his body, not caring if she soaked his whole t-shirt. 

Masaru pondered on questions. "I don't know. Just something. Mayyyyyybe. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Why do you like me? What made me . . . .likable?"
Dei-Loki blinked from that. His ears perking a small bit as he looked to Masaru's chest - gently tracing the fabric on his shirt with a finger. "Y' just grew on me, I guess. We seem to share... Well, not the same pain, but a pain. A pain that keeps us going. Not t' mention, I've always been a fan of tall guys~" Sooooo... All guys? 'I hate you.'

Akumu nodded and chuckled and nodded. His tail wagging. "Yes, really."

"Chill out?" Ruvik's eye would flash angrily - staring at him as he turned Ash around once more and jacked him up against the dented tree. Being sure to shove his face into the broken bark. "Tell me, Ash, have you ever had something torn away from you? Something you cared deeply for by someone that you work with?" He'd lean forward slightly with a growl. "Clearly you must love something. Something that you enjoy doing..." He'd then lift a hand before slowly gripping one of his wings. "Maybe it's these? I see you seem to enjoy flying everywhere. Makes life easier to bare - much. Like. Having. A. Lover." A nasty grin spread across the Blighter General's face as he gave one of the wings a small tug. "What if I were to, oh, I don't know... TEAR one of these things off?"
Mia cried into his shirt, burying her face into It as words finally poured out. "my father is dead.. I can feel it.. my heart is tearing.."

Ash's eyes widened instantly with fear as he felt the tug on his wing. "okay Ruvik, let's not get hasty here.." He tried to think of something else to get Ruvik'a mind off his wings. His eyes landed on Malvo as he said, "I love her, take her and not my wings."
Malvo tensed at that, narrowing her gaze as she growled. "Clearly."

Ruvik kept his horrifying smile as he gripped the wing tighter. "No, no... To me, it sounds as if you love these far more..." He let loose a guttural laugh before quickly jerking his hand upward and tearing Ash's wing in two. His laughter soon becoming louder as he listened to the sickening noise that accompanied such an action.
Nicholas patted Mia's hair down. "I know, doe-eyes. I know." 

Masaru listened completely. "Tall guys, huh? What else?"
"Well, I also love yer eyes." Dei-Loki shifted a small bit and twitched his ears. "And, believe it or not, yer grumpy personality that ya used t' have."
Masaru smiled and then put on a scowling face, his eyebrows furrowing. "Is this grumpy enough? Grrrrrrrrrrrr." He then laughed, not being able to keep hold of it. 
Dei-Loki watched as Masaru made the attempt at a grumpy face, only to loose it half way through. He smiled a bit from hearing his laughter, but... it didn't feel the same. Shifting, he kept his smile as he slightly giggled. "Well... It was close, anyway."
Nia continued to smile. Her eyes would very, veeery beifly flash black. "okay, can you call him? I got to go check on something" She gave him a quick hug, er, half a hug. "thanks! Your the best!" Nia said as she ran out the room. 


Oliver raised an eyebrow "origamis?"


Adam and the group would let out a collective "OHHHHHHHH" 
Masaru frowned, pushing Dei off him and on the side of the bed. He then shifted until his face only looked at the white walls. "I'm sorry that i can't be him. Your actual Masaru. I just seem to be a poorly made copy that you once loved." It made seemed childish, but it broke his heart when he couldn't make Dei-loki laugh. 
Dei-Loki blinked as he was pushed off, his ears instantly flattening as he softly whined and moved closer to him -attempting to hug him in the process. "Please don't be upset, I... I'm sorry. I love you - even like this. You're still Masaru, even if you don't act it."

Akumu paused when he caught the brief change, blinking a few times. 'I... Did her eyes just..? No, I must be imagining it.' He would then smile and nod to her - watching as she left. "Will do." 
Masaru turned his head and laid his own by Dei's. "I just wish to make you happy. But only true Masaru seems to do that."
"I know y' want t' make me happy..." Dei-Loki gently whined before softly nuzzling his head. "Just knowing yer alive makes me the happiest demigod on earth..."
Masaru smiled and turned, bringing Dei back into his arms to cuddle and hold. "You're so cute! I could just kiss you all over." Masaru rubbed his cheek and nose over Dei's face and neck. He was truly wasn't Masaru at all.
Ears lowering, Dei-Loki cuddled into Masaru as he let him do so. He knew this wasn't him. And it was off-putting. But, at the same token, he didn't want him upset. It hurt to see him so upset. So, he'd slowly curl his tail over him as he allowed another small smile to appear on his face.
Masaru frowned, still being able to see that Dei wasn't exactly happy. "We'll find him some way. I look for him, i swear to the Gods i will. Even if it means going back into the dark crevices of my mind and dig. I'll find him just to make you happy and to make everyone happy. It's kinda scary to be so lost in the dark with no light to shine through. But . . . i'll try. I'll try my damn hardest." Masaru leaned in and touched his nose with the demigod pup. "Boop." A ghostly smile slipped onto his lips.
Listening to the words of the memory-lacking kogitsune, Dei-Loki would lower his ears a bit more before looking up at him yet again. "I appreciate it..." he softly spoke, blinking soon after the boop as he'd been able to smile a bit wider. It was a painful smile, but somehow still managed to also express love.
"Ok. I think. . .i think i'm not so afraid of falling asleep now. Just. . . .don't leave me when i sleep. If you're getting up, wake me up. Please." Masaru closed his eyes, yawning as he got closer to the only rock that kept him anchored over the ocean of the unknown. 
"Of course..." Dei-Loki would keep his smile as he gently kissed Masaru's cheek. His tail remaining curled over him as he kept close, yet he remained awake for now as he quietly roamed through his own thoughts.
Cheshire, in control once more, as Nia's eyes were now black. Snuck into her room and retrieved het alternative outfit, and her two sai.

She made her way into town, taking precaution not to be seen. 

She walked into the store where she ordered her mask. The shopkeeper smiled at the familiar face. "Is it done?" she asked, changing her voice so that is was a slightly lower pitch, and a different accent. "yes it's right in the back, I just finished it." the shopkeeper turned and walked to go get it. While his back was turned Cheshire closed the blinds to the shop. The shopping returned, placing the mask on the counter. "you know why masks are made yes?" he nodded "well, you've seen my face, and I can't have any loose ends" with a twirl she drew her sai. The shopkeep ran for the door, but Cheshire teleported in his path and threw her sai, pinning the shopkeep to the wall through his hand. He went to scream but his mouth was covered by her hand as she traced along his cheek with her sai. "shhhhhhh. Im not going to kill you." she bit her lip seductively, removing her hand from his mouth as she went in for a kiss, but just as her lips brushed his own her second sai found its way into his heart. Cheshire brought back her face and covered her mouth with her hand "oops, how silly of me" she retrieved both of her sai and returned them to their sheaths on her hips. She looked at the mask that sat on the counter 

She smiled similarly to its design and put it on. As she made her way home, unseen by anyone.
Masaru fell asleep and soon after he was gasping for air. He jumped out of bed and began to dry heave until his blood left his mouth in huge amounts. He wiped his mouth and backed away until his back hit the bed. "Well . . . shit." He said, panting between the two words.
Ash screamed As he felt his wing torn in half, blood spurting everywhere. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain as his body shook. "Fuck you Ruvik!" he yelled, his body shaking more from the pain.

mia buried her face in his chest, crying more. "my heart, it hurts..."

Izzy chuckled, looking at Oliver. "don't worry, they don't bite. Except Elizabeth. Watch out for her."

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