Indescribable (Closed)

"Yes, a leprechaun. Unless you have another nickname in mind for me to call you?" Masaru asked.

Elizabeth stood up, eyeing Nia. Something felt off about her and should would question it later, but for now, she was hungry to taste. She put the cookies on the nightstand, stripped and got into bed, giggling like a school girl. "Come on, Akumu~. Let's have some fuuuuuuuuuun~."
With a flick of his ear, Dei-Loki blinked before huffing once more. A small smile on his face as he shrugged. "Well. Mr. Grumpytails, if yer okay with lovin' a 'leprechaun', I suppose ya can call me that." Soon leaning against him once more, he paused and blinked after realising the both of them were still soaked.

Akumu widened his eyes as he kept his back against the wall. Watching as Elizabeth also stripped. His glasses completely fogging up to the point that he couldn't see, his thoughts racing. 'Holy Maker, hooooooooooooooly Maker! I didn't come here for-- it looks fun though. Holy Hell...' Pushing himself off the wall, he cleared his throat. Closing his eyes as he took his glasses off and cleaned them off. Doing his best to speak. "I-I-I... Originally... came here ta let ya know y've got a robotic arm in tha works..."
Masaru looked down to what Dei was staring at and then looked back up. "Hey~. Look, you kinda faced your fears. Although, i think that friend in you really pushed you, but still. You did it." Masaru flipped around so that Dei's back was on the grass. Masaru leaned and pecked his lips. "I love you too, my little pot of gold." He snickered and laid down by Dei, curling his arms around the smaller man's frame.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and got until she was right in front of Akumu. "Stop lollygagging, sweetheart." She took his glasses and placed them on the drawer. She leaned in and kissed him as she closed the door from behind. She then grabbed his hand and pulled him until she sat down at the foot of the bed. "Go ahead, sweetheart. Take it off."
"yeah yeah thats great. Does it come with a vibrate setting? I could use that right about now" She paused "wait a minute... you said you originally came here to tell me that, whatcha going to do now hot stuff?" she said, caressing Elizabeth's body, kiss, then lightly bite her neck. "here's a hint on what to doshe gestured to the two of them 


Oliver nodded, "sure, I'd like to meet everyone" he said with a slight small 
Mia laid her head on Nicholas's chest, a small smile on her face as she panted softly. "now it's just the waiting game to see if it actually happens. That was.. different than before. Felt different."

Ash looked at Malvo before looking away, huffing and standing up. He went to go wrap his wing up.

Izzy led him into Nia's room, wanting him to meet the sweetest girl there.. but her eyes widened at the sight in front of her and quickly closed the door. She had a scarred face, a face that looked like it had seen some horrible shit, before saying, "okayyyyyyy, lets go see the Aruu couple instead."
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Dei-Loki's tail curled against the grass, pecking Masaru's lips in return as he looked up at him. His arms slowly snaking around his neck with a small smile. "Not too sure I had a choice in the matter, really. It was tha love of my life drownin', we're talkin' about."

Akumu stared at the sight before him the moment he could see once more. His heart pounding as a bit more blood escaped his nose. 'Ah, Gods. Ah, hell. I--' He paused, watching the door open before quickly shutting. Blinking a few times to follow before then closing his eyes and undoing his shirt. "Well, if this is whatchya want..." 

Malvo watched Ash before then looking down. A gentle sigh escaping her before she decided to quietly follow after him. "Ash, wait. Let me help y' with that."
Nia smirked, ignoring the door entirely  "come on. You can do it" she said to Akumu like a child who wanted their parents attention. Nia reached up and started to rub Elizabeth's wolf ears. Leaning close to her as she whispered to her "I know you love this"


Oliver quickly followed Izzy "yeah, lets just pretend we didn't see that" he then listen and raise a brow "aruuuu?" He'd ask
Nicholas smiled. "Yeah. . . different. A good different though. One that i know for sure will make us both happy. We'll be great. I can feel it." He traced over Mia's naked side, feeling how soft and warm she felt in his arms. "Yeah. I can definitely feel it."

Elizabeth began to quicken her breath at the touch. Her eyes becoming a luminous gold as she groaned. "i do~. I really fucking do." She seemed to melt in Nia's arm at the feeling of her ears being touched.

"You better wash your tongue. You're getting too mushy on me." Masaru teased, his lips curling as his forehead touched his. "Although. . . i still don't like your nickname. I don't know what to call you. Dei is fine and dandy, but i want something that only i and i alone can call you."
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Mia smiled at nicholas, shivering at his touch on her skin and pressed her lips to his quickly before sitting up and stretching her body, making a loud groaning sound. "You want to stay here for a little while or go see how the others are?"

Ash glared at Malvo for a split second before looking down, holding his torn wing out. "Go for it."

Izzy shrugged, chuckling as she led him around the house, looking for the two. "Where the fuck are they?"
Dei-Loki playfully stuck his tongue out before releasing a gentle huff. Blinking a few times as he looked around. "I'm sure it will come t' ya just as Mr. Grumpytails came t' me."

Akumu watched as he lowered an ear with a very slight smirk. Each article of clothing soon taking its place on the floor. All accept for his boxers, anyhow.

Malvo flinched a bit from the glare, but soon looked to the injured wing - grabbing some supplies before gently beginning to tend to it.
Raven sighed, getting bored. Getting an idea, he looked around to make sure he was alone. "Alright..." He started to hum softly, remembering a lullaby he heard from the elder. He started to move his arms and hands, purple lines, that soon faded, following his hands. "Searza Gent Kante~ Jesk Sentai parue." He continued to sing, softly for guy like him, who you'd think would never sing.
Yuhao walked looking like a pissed off dad. His ears flickered with the emotion every so often and his tail swayed angrily to the side. Behind him, Ashe and Kai were arguing over food... Well Ashe was. Kai just continued to eat and shake his head no. Kai almost never spoke and the kid's face was always like a blank slate. The only way to tell what the kid was feeling was through his eyes if the emotion was strong enough. Ashe having had been a killer at one point didn't like kai's blankness. 

"would you SHUT UP, ASHE?! you already know Kai rarely talks." Yuhao exploded.

"watch who yer yelling at you wanna-be furry!" Ashe yelled back pulling out her favorite gun and pointing it at Yu. "don't think i won't give you a free ear removal."

".... *crunch* ...." Kai only stared blankly as he bit into another chip.
"Nia" smiled and laid down on her back. "who's first?" 

Fade to black


Oliver follow Izzy " hey, your the tour guide. Isn't it your job to know where everything is?" he said, leaning up against a tree with a smirk.
"I think we should go out and see how everyone is doing. Besides, i'm hungry. Are you hungry? I can make us some muffins with jam on the side. Any kind you want." Nicholas said as he leaned little amount of weight on her by laying his head on her shoulder. 

Masaru shrug his shoulders, "i guess. Hmmmmmm. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Sunshine. Yeah. I like that, Sunshine. Something cute that could fit on someone like you. A mushy, crying, oversensitive baby." He stuck his tongue out, mocking Dei's actions.

(Faaaaaaaade to black.)
Dei-Loki quirked a brow in response as he watched Masaru. "Sunshine?" he tilted his head before then pouting with a heavy huff. His eyes closing. "I'm not mushy, crying, or oversensitive!"

Akumu quietly huffed as it was all finished, lying across the length of the bed as he stared at the ceiling while he contemplated on what had just occurred. Slight remaining bloodstains under his nose as he blinked - screaming in his mind in the process. 'DAMMIT! Why does this happen!? Why am I this easily influenced!? EEEEHHHHH!'
Elizabeth smiled and kissed Akumu's cheek. "Relax, sugar. You are lucky to be even here. Most men would kill to have two fine girls in the same bed with them." Her ears twitched and then perked as she slowly made a circle with her finger on his naked chest.

"Whatever you say, Sunshine." His smirk instantly changed into a growl as he stood up, hearing people from a far walking into his direction.
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Mia nodded, smiling at him as he laid his shoulder on her. She gently crawled out of the bed and put some clothes on, ready to go check on the others.

Izzy looked at him. "well I'm not no damn keeper that's for sure! They're probably off fucking." She shrugged and led him outside. (Now is your chance @Shiro kurogane)

Ash didn't look at her while she healed his wing, growling softly at the thought of never flying again.
Nia groaned and rubbed her face. "what the hell just happened?" she looked at the two people in her bed "oh yeah.... that happen" Nia also stared up at the ceiling "it's like I wasn't in control, my body moved on its own... guess thats what happens when you dont do it for 3 years"


Oliver simply shook his head, and followed Izzy.
Dei-Loki huffed before also hearing the group approaching. Narrowing his gaze, he'd soon also stand as he turned his gaze in said direction. "whaddya think? An enemy?"

Akumu kept his gaze on the ceiling, his cheeks tinted dark pink as he felt Elizabeth's finger. Lowering an ear, he spoke. "Well, it was certainly... enterta--- interesting..." 'I should be put outside for being easy to influence. Ehhhhhh.'

Malvo lowered her ears quietly, gently finishing her wrapping as she'd then sigh. "Ya know, that whole thing could've been avoided..."
"do it. shoot me and see if you don't end up dead." Yuhao tossed back half-heartedly. Arguing with Ashe when she was drunk was like trying to talk to a brick wall.

A shot rang out. Ashe had pulled the trigger and made the bullet purposefully miss. In the instant it took for her to fire, Ashe's eyes had cleared and focused in with deadly clarity. Her years of killing rushing back in that instant. She wasn't their friend, she was number 2 again of the organization. And just as quickly afterwards her normal drunk self was bad. "holy shit... you nearly just died!" She laughed like it had a great joke.

kai just crunched down on another chip and saw two people farther behind where Yu and Ashe were. He pointed at then.

@Comet @Heir of Dalania
Nicholas quickly got dressed and headed towards the kitchen, beginning to make muffins and jam.

Elizabeth smiled as she curled up on one side of Akumu.

Masaru saw a stranger and Izzy, walking towards them completely. "You hea-," a shot rung out in the forest which made Masaru growl and stand in front of the three.
Raven continued to sing softly, still drawing with his hands.


Naomi, after she was done with her patients, walked outside. "Hmmm...what now." She wandered around, trying to find someone to talk to.
izzy whipped around at the sound of the shot after looking at Masaru, growling as smoke came out of her nose. "what the hell was that?" she asked, her vision taking the eyes of the shadows. They neared on a group of people and she narrowed her eyes. She grabbed Oliver's hand and teleported to the group, a growl low in her throat. "don't you know it's dangerous to wave a gun about?" she asked, her ears taking on a smokey look as her eyes darkened.

Ash looked at her and grumbled. "yeah, it could've, if he would have left his hands to himself. I told him at the very beginning, do not fall for her, she's going to die."

Mia climbed up on the counter and watched him cook, eyeing the muffins with hungry eyes. "god I love muffins soooooooooo much."
Nia cuddled up around Elizabeth, lifting her head as she looked at Akumu. "sorry Akumu, Elizabeth has a better bod than you. And she preformed better in bed anyway" she said teasing as she snuggled into Elizabeth's back. 


Oliver jumped at the gunshot and sudden position change looking over to Izzy "is this normal, around here?" He stayed back and let Izzy take the lead.
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Dei-Loki tensed at the gunshot, flinching a bit before having followed Masaru over. Looking to Izzy and the other stranger before his emerald gaze locked on and glared at the three newcomers.

"... Thank you for the honesty." Akumu grimaced at her words before softly groaning as he sat up - soon grabbing his glasses and returning them to his face.

"I was thinking more along the lines of not heartlessly giving him Maya's horn..." Malvo softly exhaled while standing beside Ash. "It was one thing to bring her off t' do what she was brought here for, but it was another t' come back and brandish it the way ya did, ya know?.."

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