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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Also: Thanks for the comment on size - good points there. I'll ponder whether those kind of restrictions take stuff away from my character - or add to it.

Same with the predator brain - think it adds aspects, but also has its troubles. At the moment, I like it - feels fitting to have it for my character concept. After all, I'm planning some struggle with her nature. No second rolls, though, at least not before it has played out as a disadvantage. Flaws ain't fun if they don't feel like flaws.

I also need a name. Thus far, that has proven difficult for this game... I'll get there!
I have a name for my tiger fellow. Haoyu. It means 'vast universe', and I'll have him with the skill Astronomy to reflect his celestial-aspected name.

And depending on what Bio-E I get from my Educational Background, I have the following purchases made:

Size Class 9

Biped - Full
Hands - Full
Speech - Partial
Looks - None

Extra PP - 5
Extra IQ - 5
Extraordinary Speed - 10
3d6 Damage Claws - 10
and I automatically get Advanced Vision for free

And the Carnivore flaw for +10 points
This is the description of the Flaw from the book:

Tail, Vestigial
Oh right! Now I remember this one. Thanks!

Yes, that tail is half the height of your character and it's going to seem like it has a mind of its own. It will be annoying from time to time, and occasionally, be troublesome.

The family would be able to understand him fine without any trouble, but outsiders will need to listen close to understand what he's saying.
That's a nice concept, but I think it's important that each character is able to react in a way that their player decides, if you follow my meaning? =)

Some outsiders might have speech problems themselves or have experience with others who do. They might understand your character instantly.

Other people with whom your character may have been around for a very long time, might have never understood more than 75% of what Moyo is/was saying.

That's because different brains work in different ways. I say this from happy experience. =)

One thing is for certain - I think all of you will be able to find out who cares and who doesn't just by how they react to Moyo's partial speech. That might work out to your advantage!
Oh right! Now I remember this one. Thanks!

Yes, that tail is half the height of your character and it's going to seem like it has a mind of its own. It will be annoying from time to time, and occasionally, be troublesome.
As I said, its either going to be either that or Color Blindness. Don't know yet. Depending on what Bio-E I get from the background I get, I may not need them.
So I think I'm good to go - also means that I'll have the weekend to make some of those decisions.
Sweet! Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon Gang? Dice will be rolling tonight! =)

No second rolls, though, at least not before it has played out as a disadvantage. Flaws ain't fun if they don't feel like flaws.
Oh, not a first, no. But as a person living with strong ADHD symptoms that affect my everyday living, I very much like the idea of offering options that allow your characters to adapt to flaws that will likely never go away!

And they're just that - options! Your characters can try to adapt or spend the time in other ways!

I just realized something concerning Reptile Brain: Predator. Your character can voluntarily forgo the saving throw and let the rage take over, in which case you're basically handing your character sheet to me for a limited time. Your character finds out what happens when they come out of the rage.

This is one way I used to handle Frenzies in Werewolf: the Apocalypse. =)

I have a name for my tiger fellow. Haoyu.
What a cool name! I'm glad we're not playing in New York or every other conversation might begin with, "'Eyyy, Haoyu doin'?" Hee hee!

Speech - Partial
Psychie? As with Sherwood, I ask you how do you want to handle this?

And the Carnivore flaw for +10 points
Careful! I'll hold you to it! =) While everyone else is enjoying veggie tacos and cheese pizza, Haoyu'll be "hating life." Same goes for Moyo the herbivore if you guys decide to throw a sausage party (and, boy, does that activity sound wrong!). Ha ha!

As I said, its either going to be either that or Color Blindness. Don't know yet. Depending on what Bio-E I get from the background I get, I may not need them.
Quite true!

I've got a buddy of mine who has color blindness. He says it can be a pain in the butt in the oddest of ways!

But yeah! Dice tonight! Thanks for your patience!
Regarding the Herbivore flaw, I just don't see Moyo chowing down on some steak; I'll leave that for Haoyu instead.

And there are benefits to the Color Blindness; it grants a +10% bonus to Detect Concealment because so many kinds of camouflage are based on color, I can see it easier.
Regarding the Herbivore flaw, I just don't see Moyo chowing down on some steak; I'll leave that for Haoyu instead.
Right? Just Heaven help the restaurant when Moyo walks up to the salad bar! Ha ha!

And there are benefits to the Color Blindness; it grants a +10% bonus to Detect Concealment because so many kinds of camouflage are based on color, I can see it easier.
Yes! That's one thing I like about After The Bomb; Disadvantages are not always 100% bad as they often are in other games!

If I can afford it, I'll go with Full Speech instead, but if I can't, he'll have a toothy, snarling voice.
That works! I can imagine Haoyu might come off like a natural intimidator with Partial Speech.

But you'll be able to afford Full Speech if you want it. Sorry, In the same spirit that I nerfed Mario's 5d6 (10d6!) Tusks, I am nixing these for Hayou:

Extra PP - 5
Extra IQ - 5
Why? (You deserve an explanation.) I feel Hayou has plenty coming to him already with the Tiger Mutant Animal bonuses coupled with the Tiger Claw Kung Fu plus whatever Physical skills he is likely to receive after that.

Note: Now, to be fair, if everyone rolls up their characters and somehow Haoyu's way behind the back of the pack in P.P., I will definitely allow the Extra P.P. purchase so that he's at least with the rest of the team. Given what I'm seeing from your characters I just can't see it happening, but if it does, I will reverse this and give it the green light. I hope you understand.

As for the Extra I.Q., you stated you were hoping this cat would get Elite Militia, right?

I have to ask (and I would ask this of nearly any player; not just you) - are you really playing a studious, curiosity-driven, intellectual, or brainy character or are you grabbing these because it's the knee-jerk reaction many Palladium players have for those tasty I.Q. Skill/Perception bonuses?

You know me - I'm not picking on anybody; I just have to ask.

Dice question for everyone! Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Do you want me to roll the dice I rolled for you in Sharseya or do you want to use the brand new green and brown turtle dice I bought to play TMNT with? Or with different dice entirely?

Do you want me to roll the dice I rolled for you in Sharseya or do you want to use the brand new green and brown turtle dice I bought to play TMNT with? Or with different dice entirely?
I am good with the dice I picked earlier. Go for it and give me your best rolls. I am very interested in seeing what I can get!
Why? (You deserve an explanation.) I feel Hayou has plenty coming to him already with the Tiger Mutant Animal bonuses coupled with the Tiger Claw Kung Fu plus whatever Physical skills he is likely to receive after that.

Note: Now, to be fair, if everyone rolls up their characters and somehow Haoyu's way behind the back of the pack in P.P., I will definitely allow the Extra P.P. purchase so that he's at least with the rest of the team. Given what I'm seeing from your characters I just can't see it happening, but if it does, I will reverse this and give it the green light. I hope you understand.

As for the Extra I.Q., you stated you were hoping this cat would get Elite Militia, right?

I have to ask (and I would ask this of nearly any player; not just you) - are you really playing a studious, curiosity-driven, intellectual, or brainy character or are you grabbing these because it's the knee-jerk reaction many Palladium players have for those tasty I.Q. Skill/Perception bonuses?

You know me - I'm not picking on anybody; I just have to ask.
Without those on there, I'll spend the Bio-E on Advanced Hearing and Advanced Smell instead. I have no problem with this, and go ahead and use your shiny new dice for Hayou.
I am good with the dice I picked earlier. Go for it and give me your best rolls. I am very interested in seeing what I can get!
Ha ha! Me too!

And everybody thank Silly Sil for his math earlier! Because of him, you're getting 4 selections instead of 3! (That's 33% moar! OoooOOOoooh!)

Without those on there, I'll spend the Bio-E on Advanced Hearing and Advanced Smell instead. I have no problem with this, and go ahead and use your shiny new dice for Hayou.
Nice! Thank you for understanding and forgive me if I've been over explaining? I experienced something earlier today that really threw my emotions upside-down and I'm not quite back to abnormal yet. So I'm even more talkative than usual and still hyper-emotional. And it's not even a full moon! Wheee!
As badly as I want to see my dice rolls, if you need more time to get your head in the weird spot you normally have, take it. We can wait for a 100% weird Purr on our hands.
Nice! Thank you for understanding and forgive me if I've been over explaining? I experienced something earlier today that really threw my emotions upside-down and I'm not quite back to abnormal yet. So I'm even more talkative than usual and still hyper-emotional. And it's not even a full moon! Wheee!
As a player, I naturally want to see the best for my character, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone.
As badly as I want to see my dice rolls, if you need more time to get your head in the weird spot you normally have, take it. We can wait for a 100% weird Purr on our hands.
Oh, the day I can't roll dice is the day I leave this world. Bring on all the dice! They land where they land! =)

Thanks though. I'm not "messed up" so much as "wound up!"

And thank you, Silanon!
Hee hee! I bet that'll bring a smile to his face!
Oh, the day I can't roll dice is the day I leave this world. Bring on all the dice! They land where they land! =)

Thanks though. I'm not "messed up" so much as "wound up!"

Hee hee! I bet that'll bring a smile to his face!
Just making sure you are good to continue. Trust me when I say you are more important than my urge to make this character.
I have finally opened the book. 😅 And am now looking into foxes, BIO-E, and things Kiseko would like to spend it on.

Fox attribute bonuses: +2 IQ, +3 ME, +2 PB, +4 Spd
Total BIO-E (not counting background and other such): 65
- 15 BIO-E to Size: from 3 to 6 (should get her to 5 feet tall, since foxes are "Long," which is my goal for her height). Might drop to size 5 if I need the BIO-E for something else.
- 10 BIO-E for full hands
- 10 BIO-E for full biped (might drop to partial if I need the BIO-E)
- 10 BIO-E for full speech
- 5 BIO-E for Looks: Partial ("furry humanoid with a fox's head, long tail, lean muscular body, and short legs")
- 5 BIO-E for 1d6 dmg Teeth (maybe)
- 5 BIO-E for Advanced Hearing
- 5 BIO-E for Advanced Smell

I requested GM consideration for giving foxes access to Internal Compass. Other animals that have it on their list: Eagles/Falcons/Hawks for 10 BIO-E, Budgies/Parakeets for 5 BIO-E, Crows/Ravens for 5 BIO-E, Ducks/Geese for 5 BIO-E, Perching/Songbirds for 5 BIO-E, Pigeons for 10 BIO-E, Passenger Pigeons (automatic), Seagulls for 10 BIO-E, Camels for 10 BIO-E, Coyotes for 10 BIO-E, Dogs/Hounds for 10 BIO-E, Allosauroid chickens for 5 BIO-E, Mountain Lions/Cougars/Pumas for 10 BIO-E, Housecats for 10 BIO-E, Appaloosa Horses for 5 BIO-E, Tennessee Walker Horses for 5 BIO-E, Moles for 10 BIO-E, Moose for 5 BIO-E, Pleasure Bunnies for 5 BIO-E.

I asked Purr offline, and he said that was for arctic foxes only, unless I found scientific evidence for red foxes also having it.

I did some Google searching and while National Geographic wanted me to join their email list to read their article, other websites didn't, so here's Popular Science, NPR (which actually includes the video I put in the spoiler above), and the actual study the other two links are based on, as quoted on the National Library of Medicine's website, although having read the abstract and skimmed the rest of the study, I think it actually provides more evidence for Leaping (standard) since the magnetic field part is merely hypothesized to explain the data they collected, while the leaping is pretty clearly documented.
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

For Sil! Choy-Li-Fut from Ninjas & Superspies Revised, page 80.
NOTES FOR SIL: I have made 3 changes that you should be aware of. There is a note at the end.
1. The "Roundhouse Strikes (SPECIAL! No Parries can be used during this attack; does 1d10 damage.)" This means that your character loses his Automatic Parry for that Action, not the entire Round.

2. Overhead Fore-Knuckle Fist (SPECIAL! This special attack is so difficult that it's always done with a -4 to Strike, but does 1d10 damage.) I am adding this benefit: Opponent is -4 to Parry this technique.

3. Add 5 to CHI (Purr note: Replace with +1 to M.E.. We are not using Chi at this time.)

Note: That Critical Strike or Knock-out from Behind works like a Sneak Attack; the opponent cannot be aware of the attacker. There is a Saving Throw vs. Pain (14) to resist the Knock-out, but Choy-Li-Fut is one of the few systems that offer this.

Entrance Requirements: No Alignment or Attribute restrictions.
Skill Cost: 10 Years (5 Years as Secondary Martial Art)
Created in 1838 as one of the many offshoots of Shao-Lin Kung Fu. The form is very aggressive, concentrating on long hand techniques like roundhouse and overhand swings.
A Choy-Li-Fut master, when confronted with a fight, will immediately attack, plunging right into the middle of any group of opponents. Using the Circular Parry, she will fend off any attacks while lashing out with a flurry of hand strikes, snap kicks and back sweeps.
Instruction in Choy-Li-Fut is available in monasteries and martial art schools throughout China, as well as in Hong Kong, Taiwan and in the United States. At least part of the training is spiritual, concentrating on Taoist thought, the building (though not the use) of Chi and in the humble practice of Taoist monks. Costume: Silk Kung Fu outfit.

Add 5 to CHI (Purr note: +1 to M.E.)
Add 2 to P.E.
Add 1 to P.P.
Add 3 to Spd.
Add 10 to S.D.C.

Attacks per Melee: 2
Escape Moves: Roll With Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defenses: Circular Parry
Hand Attacks: Strike (Punch), Knife Hand, Fore-Knuckle Fist, Backhand Strikes, Overhead Fore-Knuckle Fist (SPECIAL! This special attack is so difficult that it's always done with a -4 to Strike, but does 1d10 damage.), Uppercut (SPECIAL! Like a boxing punch that comes from underneath and up into the chin; does 1d8 damage), Roundhouse Strikes (SPECIAL! No Parries can be used during this attack; does 1d10 damage.)
Basic Foot Attacks: Tripping/Leg Hooks, Snap Kick
Special Attacks: Elbow, Forearm
Weapon Katas: W.P. Spear: Pa-Kua Lance, W.P. Short Sword: Willow Leaf Double Swords - Paired, W.P. "Eighteen" Staff.
Modifiers to Attacks: Pull Punch, Knock-Out! Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike From Rear
SPECIAL KATAS: Bear Stance is a solid, two-legged stance where both legs are bent forward and both feet are pointed slightly outward. Arms are held in a wide wrestler-style position, with hands cupped forward in knife-hand position. Cannot retreat, circular parry, or dodge. Attacks are limited to Overhand Fore-Knuckle Fists , Backhand Strikes and Roundhouse Strikes.
Bonuses are + 2 to Parry, + 4 to Maintain Balance, and + 2to Strike. Bonuses applicable only when using Bear Stance.

Martial Art Powers: Select a total of 2 Powers from among Body Hardening Exercises and/or Specialty Katas. If desired, any number of Powers can be traded, one-for-one, for Basic Skill Programs (excluding physical).
Languages: Chinese
Survival: Begging
Philosophical Training: Taoism
If this is your Primary Martial Art Form, then the following other forms can be learned in a shorter time: Moo Gi Gong (4 Years), Lee Kwan Choo (4 Years), Bok Pai (4 Years), or Shao-Lin (6 Years).

1st +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge, +2 to Leap (Add 4ft to Leap Distance), Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20.
2nd +1 to Strike, +1 to Damage. Critical Strike or Knock-out from Behind.
3rd +1 Attack per Melee, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Special Katas.
4th +2 to Leap (Add 4ft to Leap Distance).
5th +2 to Damage. Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19 or 20.
6th +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Parry/Dodge.
7th +1 to Leap (Add 4ft to Leap Distance), Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Special Katas.
8th +1 Attack per Melee, + 1 to Parry/Dodge.
9th Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 18, 19 or 20.
10th +1 to Leap (Add 4ft to Leap Distance), +1 to Strike.
11th +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Special Katas.
12th +2 to Damage.
13th +1 Attack per Melee.
14th Select One (1) Additional Martial Art Power from Body Hardening or Special Katas.
15th +1 to Strike, +1 to Leap (Add 4ft to Leap Distance).

Why Study CHOY-LI-FUT? A terrific , action-oriented martial art. Capable of dealing with multiple attacks or multiple attackers with equal ease. Relatively few special skills.

Aaaand... the results are in (except for Sil whose dice preferences I am happy to wait on)!

Physical Prowess Attribute (15 +1d4): 1
All other Attributes: 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 29 (I saw this with my own eyes!)
Hit Point roll for 1st level: 2
Education results (1d100 x 4): 05, 86, 93, 95, (I saw this with my own eyes too!)

Physical Prowess Attribute (15 +1d4):
(4!) 19
All other Attributes: 09, 10, 10, 13, 13 ,13, and 27 (Wooo!)!
Hit Point roll for 1st level: 2
Education results (1d100 x 4): 06, 38, 47, 70 (1 point away from Elite Militia!).

Physical Prowess Attribute (15 +1d4): (4!) 19
All other Attributes : 09, 11, 11, 13, 14, 14, and 21!
Hit Point roll for 1st level: 1
Education results (1d100 x 4): 09, 29, 30, 72! (Psychie, you'd better be nice to Sherwood!)

Physical Prowess Attribute (15 +1d4): 1
All other Attributes: 09, 10, 10, 11, 14, 20, and 21!
Hit Point roll for 1st level: 4
Education results (1d100 x 4): 36, 79, 88, 93.

Talk about a wild ride! =)
Wow. Some nice rolls there! Purr Purr a quick question. I think I remember you saying that we get the skills from our martial art package. Is that right?

And Sherwood Sherwood , have I mentioned to you just how very funny you are? And talented, good looking and wonderful? That 72 would look awfully nice on my character sheet.......
And @Sherwood, have I mentioned to you just how very funny you are? And talented, good looking and wonderful? That 72 would look awfully nice on my character sheet.......
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv
Wow. Some nice rolls there! Purr Purr a quick question. I think I remember you saying that we get the skills from our martial art package. Is that right?
Psychie Psychie Not exactly! I said (and still stand by) your characters receive any language, domestic, and any philosophy skills offered by the martial art in question. Language includes literacy! =)

And I'm still laughing at your post to Sherwood! Ha ha haaa! That is so good! Oh, how I love you guys!

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