Also: Thanks for the comment on size - good points there. I'll ponder whether those kind of restrictions take stuff away from my character - or add to it.
Same with the predator brain - think it adds aspects, but also has its troubles. At the moment, I like it - feels fitting to have it for my character concept. After all, I'm planning some struggle with her nature. No second rolls, though, at least not before it has played out as a disadvantage. Flaws ain't fun if they don't feel like flaws.
I also need a name. Thus far, that has proven difficult for this game... I'll get there!
Same with the predator brain - think it adds aspects, but also has its troubles. At the moment, I like it - feels fitting to have it for my character concept. After all, I'm planning some struggle with her nature. No second rolls, though, at least not before it has played out as a disadvantage. Flaws ain't fun if they don't feel like flaws.
I also need a name. Thus far, that has proven difficult for this game... I'll get there!