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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

I don’t mind the team tactics and coordinated attack idea. I just worry that it might end up being too nasty, if that makes any sense.
Psychie Psychie If I've messed up where I want the techniques, I'll change them. Just like I've done with the martial arts themselves. =) I'm not afraid to change anything about a game I'm running if the change feels right.

you mentioned you wanted to start with a few introductory scenes, right?
Silanon Silanon Yeah! I didn't know if you guys wanted that now or later. =)

At the moment, it's one huge pile of stuff that needs doing - might need some guidance to get it done efficiently enough to get anywhere at all.
Hmm! Well, I like to tackle a Character sheet section-by-section. That way, I'm not taking the whole thing on at once. Let me use Toby's sheet as an example. I'll begin with the very first tab and do my best to not leave any subject empty.

I'm a big fan of details and so I include more rather than less - a byproduct of having a seriously-hyperactive brain, I'm sure. I do this not with perfection in mind, but with what feels ideal at the time. I think all of my characters are constant works in progress. People change, so as my characters change, I update those changes to reflect that.

I take it you have the basic character sheet to run on, right? Where are you on it? What needs filling up? We can take it one bit at a time as our Real Life time allows. =)
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That overview might be a good start for me - thanks! Mind rolling the dice for 1 and 2 for me (7times 4d6, one d6) to get me started?
That overview might be a good start for me - thanks! Mind rolling the dice for 1 and 2 for me (7times 4d6, one d6) to get me started?
I could have sworn I rolled for everyone. Let me do some digging and get back with you.
Well, that's fascinating - didn't remember that at all... Oh well, guess that's progress without additional work! Thanks for finding that!
Well, that's fascinating - didn't remember that at all... Oh well, guess that's progress without additional work! Thanks for finding that!
Ha ha ha! My pleasure, Sil! It's just the way this brain of mine functions! =)
Two questions about the rolls: Why do we have more than four rolls sometimes, is the d4 still correct?

For now: I'm off, it's way too late here - whoops. Actual work on the character sheet soonish, I hope!
Two questions about the rolls: Why do we have more than four rolls sometimes, is the d4 still correct?
Silanon Silanon Good question! That is because there is a rule in Ninjas & Superspies (and many of Palladium's other games) that if you roll a 16, 17, or 18, you get to add another d6 to it. If that roll comes up 6, you roll yet again. This is in reference to all Attributes except for Physical Prowess.

Concerning Physical Prowess, I changed the math to the Players' favor. Instead of 15 + 1d4, it is now 16 + 1d3 (or 1d6/2 if you will). This creates a slight but significant bump to P.P. where the minimum is now 17 instead of 16. Which is really where I want it. Note: The d6 rule from the first paragraph does not apply here. =)
Thanks! I remembered that there was some kind of effect like that, but didn't know how it worked anymore - now the rolls make sense. I'd need a new d6/2-roll, though, right?
Thanks! I remembered that there was some kind of effect like that, but didn't know how it worked anymore - now the rolls make sense. I'd need a new d6/2-roll, though, right?
Nah. You rolled a 3 out of 4; I'd be a bum if I made you re-roll that. =)
Made a bit of progress with the sheet, but nature and demeanor got me stuck for now. I'm thinking that the anarchist works well for her (trying to break free from society's and mankind's shackles) , but I'm not sure about the demeanor. I had eyed the nihilist previously, now I'm thinking that something more active might be better - but thrill-seeker would feel like it'd open her up too much to human society (she's supposed to scoff at mankind's ways to waste time, not endulge them), masochist gives her a darker note that works well but also puts her in a different light. Hmm... Difficult decisions...
Curmudgeon could also work really well, but it's more passive than nihilist,it feels like - she'd only do the talking... Maybe nihilist is still the right middle ground between masochist and that one?

Enigma has some potential if I want to go bonkers, but might be harder to pull off...
On a scale from light-hearted to thoughtful, where are we at character-and mood-wise? Wouldn't want to end up on the opposite side than everyone else.
Made a bit of progress with the sheet, but nature and demeanor got me stuck for now. I'm thinking that the anarchist works well for her (trying to break free from society's and mankind's shackles) , but I'm not sure about the demeanor. I had eyed the nihilist previously, now I'm thinking that something more active might be better - but thrill-seeker would feel like it'd open her up too much to human society (she's supposed to scoff at mankind's ways to waste time, not endulge them), masochist gives her a darker note that works well but also puts her in a different light. Hmm... Difficult decisions...
Silanon Silanon I would have everyone keep in mind that Nature/Demeanor are not set in stone. In my mind, it works just like Alignment. Player: "My character is Scrupulous!" Responsible GM: "Great! Prove it."

As time passes, if I see Nature/Demeanor/Alignment strongly appearing to be something else, I have the option to take that Player aside and chat about it.

I remind myself now that these are tools for our use after all - they are here to help each of us know more about our characters.

So, do feel free to select any Nature/Demeanor that you feel fits at this moment. For as time passes, these things might naturally change as each of us comes to know our characters better.

It's one of the most-delightful and stress-killing things I like about role-playing - there is no need to get it "perfect" (I prefer to use the word "ideal."). Don't like something? Talk with me and we change it to what works best. =)

Curmudgeon could also work really well, but it's more passive than nihilist,it feels like - she'd only do the talking... Maybe nihilist is still the right middle ground between masochist and that one?

Enigma has some potential if I want to go bonkers, but might be harder to pull off...
Having no experience with Alya, I'd have to see her in action first. Be careful with any aspect of this game that makes your character lose self-control, for at that moment, your character temporarily comes under GM control.

After, your character is left to deal with every last consequence of my actions. =)

On a scale from light-hearted to thoughtful, where are we at character-and mood-wise? Wouldn't want to end up on the opposite side than everyone else.
I'm not certain I understand the scale you've raised here? I'm recovering from another headache and so I might not be at my most-perceptive. By "mood-wise," are you asking what the emotional atmosphere of the game is likely to contain?

If so, here's my answer to that:
1. Laughter and light-heartedness - Yes and I don't think I can run a game without those elements. Happiness and sharing are my silvers and golds. Look at every character I've ever Played in games I don't run - there is both light and shadow from Snowfall to Gradicus to O Mighty Fat Cat and so on. =)

2. Darkness and grittiness - Yes, but not to levels of angsty, self-hatred and Todd McFarlane-levels of "everything sucks at all times!" Yes, death is a possibility in this game, but remember that people getting knocked cold or unconscious is far more likely. Death is a part of life (ultimately, death is change and that's O.K.).

3. Philosophy and "deep ways of thinking." Yes, but this is not an intellectual's game. I like it when I've provided some nugget that my Players gain something from.

When I play Bria, for example, there is a person who needs not harm anyone. Her belief in who and what she is and the path she chooses to follow are highly unusual. As such, there were times in Sharseya that some piece of wisdom would come out of Bria's mouth to which the Players (in RP Nation and in tabletop) would sometimes stop and think and most importantly, wonder.

Ours is a game of the martial arts. Martial arts are ways of living and living means thinking. Preferably with a touch of wisdom to guide us along.

And now I think I'm just kind of rambling along with my headache. If I've not provided the answer to your question (or if I've just plain misread the question), do let me know, good Sil? =)

Honor and fun,
Purr =)

P.S. Anyone else have questions or thoughts? I love talking gaming!
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It's one of the most-delightful and stress-killing things I like about role-playing - there is no need to get it "perfect" (I prefer to use the word "ideal."). Don't like something? Talk with me and we change it to what works best. =)
Thanks for pointing that out! I'm not too concerned with writing the wrong word down, though, since it can always be changed like you pointed out. The real underlying question here is: Who's Alya? When I first designed her, I made her a follower - one to fight other people's wars until her nature comes to show. But I don't think that's smart design for her. I believe that within her demeanor, there should already be something that pushes her forward in some direction - otherwise, she lacks agency. I don't think she's a leader, but she should have something that makes her test her boundaries in some way. And now I'm wondering what that is. Sure, she could be a nihilist, or a drifter, or a bon vivant - but I feel like she's a better character if there's something that actively gets her to do stuff - even if it's just for the sake of proving herself that she can take what life throws at her.
I'm not certain I understand the scale you've raised here? I'm recovering from another headache and so I might not be at my most-perceptive. By "mood-wise," are you asking what the emotional atmosphere of the game is likely to contain?
That helps, thanks - probably would've been better to not throw that question out there late at night without giving it a second thought how to make it clearer.

Here's the thing: Alya is designed to be in conflict with herself. She struggles with her existence between human and birb. Thinking about the demeanor yesterday, I noticed that she has the potential to be a really dark character - not without light in the, but with lots of inner struggles. In contrast, there's also a version of her that goes bonkers, similar to Eron before he turned philosophical at times. Both of these extremes are probably not the most enjoyable way to play her, but it got me thinking where I should roughly be at to hit the game's general vibe. Right now I'm thinking somewhat dark, but less self-destructive than some of the options at hand. And then maybe give her some form to express her inner struggle without many words. Maybe an artist, like a painter or something.
Sure, she could be a nihilist, or a drifter, or a bon vivant - but I feel like she's a better character if there's something that actively gets her to do stuff - even if it's just for the sake of proving herself that she can take what life throws at her.
Daredevil maybe? I don't know. My head is still kind of foggy.

I'm sure of one thing; I'll have clearer answers for you when I have a clearer head - hopefully later on today. =)

Here's one bit that just came to mind. Other Strangeness is not meant to be some dark, depressing, or scary game.

I want your characters as would-be heroes forced to hide in the shadows to have many opportunities to make something better out of a very troubled part of San Fran.

I want something mystical and action-oriented. I want to make a place full of mysteries and discoveries for you guys to enjoy as an in-game family.

I want it to contain bits of real life wisdom born from the martial arts. I want there to be monsters both good and bad and people that need helping being helped by you and those you perhaps convince to your cause.

I want to start in Little Asia from the bottom up - for your new home to be something you guys help save lest it be destroyed or turned to evil. I would like you to use what the Savior has given you to continue in a path similar to the noble road they walked. I want San Francisco to be a home that needs you as much as you need it.

Sorry, I'm really starting to ramble now, aren't I? Yeah. Time for bed. See you!
Hope you're feeling better!

Can't find daredevil on the list, though I might have missed it.

Right direction of thought, I think, though, that's like the more poisoned (thanks, auto-correct) positive version of what I pondered. Also comes with a range of daring hobbies to choose from... I'm feeling the license for motorbikes, for example.

Think that leads me to a character that's more in line with your vision of the game - and one I'd enjoy more, too.

Skills and stuff are in ninjas and superspies now, right? Don't have that one at the moment.
Question: it seems like there's a revised version of that book - which one are we using?
Question: it seems like there's a revised version of that book - which one are we using?
Silanon Silanon Revised!

I'd also like to tell you that Ninjas and Superspies is an odd duck even among Palladium books! It is a game written in the '80s and for the '80s, back when James Bond was really big and ninja/martial art films of all kinds were at their peak.

Because of that, I think is the best book we could ask for for determining skills, definitely better than After The Bomb.

However, there are a handful skills that we'll be using from Rifts campaign; Skills like Research, Lore: Demons & Monsters, Lore: Magic. These skills simply do not exist in Ninjas & Superspies but I really want them in Other Strangeness.

More later.

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