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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Still need to select weapon proficiencies (she already has a bunch, and needs to choose a bunch more), as well as complete the "Weapons and Gear" and "Who Is She?" tabs. But I think I've got all the math done?

  • These are placeholders -- I'd prefer an anthropomorphic fox in 80s clothes, or traditional Japanese clothes, or ninja costume, but I'm having difficulties finding one I like.
    Wong Wai Seng - Fox dance.jpg
    Placeholder #1: "Fox Dance" by Wong Wai Seng (no link, I downloaded this years ago and only have the name)
    Placeholder #2, "Fox Girl" by alorix

    Name: Kiseko Riyu
    Alignment: Unprincipled with Scrupulous leanings
    Nature/Demeanor: Chameleon/Conformist
    Personality: Cautious, quiet, observant, resolute
    Ethnic Background: Japanese
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai): Yokai (fox)
    Age: Physically 19 (spirit may be a little bit older depending on how Purr figures how yokai work)
    Sex: Female

    I.Q. 16 (+2%/+1 to Perception)
    M.E. 21 (+4 to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. 11 (+0% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. 18 (+3 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. 19 (+2 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 20 (+10% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +3 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. 12 (+0% to Charm/Impress)
    Spd 43 (30 miles/48 kilometers per hour, +4 to Initiative)
    Physical Prowess Attribute (15 +1d4): 1
    All other Attributes: 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 29 (I saw this with my own eyes!)
    IQ 16=14 +2 (Fox)
    ME 21=18 +3 (Fox)
    MA 11=09 +2 (Ninjitsu)
    PS 18=13 +1 (Ninjitsu) +1 (Climbing) +1 (Acrobatics) +2 (Gymnastics)
    PP 19=16 +1 (Ninjitsu) +1 (Acrobatics) +1 (Gymnastics)
    PE 20=15 +1 (Ninjitsu) +1 (Climbing) +1 (Acrobatics) +1 (Gymnastics) +1 (Running)
    PB 12=10 +2 (Fox)
    Spd 43=29 +4 (Fox) +4 (Ninjitsu) +6 (Running)

    Fox attribute bonuses: +2 IQ, +3 ME, +2 PB, +4 Spd
    Ninjitsu attribute bonuses: +2 MA, +1 PS, +1 PE, +1 PP, +4 Spd

    Hit Points:
    S.D.C.: 51 = 30 (size) +21 {+1d6 (Climbing) +1d6 (Acrobatics) +3d6 (Gymnastics) +1d6 (Running)}
    Willpower: 7
    Size Level: 6
    Weight: No more than 75 pounds (haven't quite decided)
    Height: 5 foot even
    Human Features:
    * Hands: Full
    * Biped: Full
    * Speech: Full
    * Looks: Partial
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No): Yes
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No): Yes
    Natural Weapons (if any): teeth
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any): none
    Level of Experience: 1

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception: +1
    Initiative: +4
    Actions per Round: 5 = 0+5 (Ninjitsu)
    Strike: +3 = +0 +2 (P.P.) +1 (Ninjitsu)
    Parry: +2 = +0 +2 (P.P.)
    Dodge: +2 = +0 +2 (P.P.)
    Roll with Punch: +8 = +0 +3 (Ninjitsu)+2 (Acrobatics) +3 (Gymnastics)
    Damage: +3 = +0 +3 (P.S.)
    Critical Strike on a Natural 20 (Ninjitsu)
    Critical Strike from Behind (Ninjitsu)
    +3 from Sniper (semi-auto or bolt-action rifle, bow, and crossbow)
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I’m still finding my connection with Haoyu, so as I come up with something I’ll let you know.
Psychie Psychie Let me know if I can help? =)

I have discovered a guilty secret for Moyo that the family will know about: he is a fan of his daytime soap operas, and so he will do his best to not miss an episode of The Young and the Restless.
Hah! You know just as well as I do that this is the time before Internet, before streaming, and you'd better have a reliable friend with a VHS player to record that stuff for you! =)

“You should know me well enough by now to know I want to play Risk.”
Where does this quote come from? It doesn't ring a bell. =)

But I think I've got all the math done?
Kaerri Kaerri Size Level 6, right? Are you adding the 30 S.D.C. from being a yokai of that size (Mutant Animal of After the Bomb)?

Critical Strike from Behind (Ninjitsu)
I added Knock-out From Behind to Ninjitsu. "From Behind" means think "Sneak Attack." Your opponent must have zero warning.

Actions per Round: 2 = 0+2 (Ninjitsu)
All Martial Art Systems have 5 Actions per Round in this game of mine.

Parry: +2 = +0 +2 (P.P.)
Dodge: +2 = +0 +2 (P.P.)
You may want to consider getting either Boxing (+2 to Parry/Dodge) or Athletics (+1 to Parry Dodge - can be selected as a Secondary Skill) to bring that up a touch?

W.P. Archery +1
This translates to both W.P. Bow and W.P. Crossbow. =)
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So let's see what we've got so far - all of these being rough drafts/not finalized as far as I'm concerned?

The Family
- Moyo, a Principled Penitent/Guru Computer/Electrical Engineering mutant elephant who studies Tai Chi?
- Hayou, a Scrupulous Survivor/Rebel Weaponsmith/Brawler shoki tiger-yokai who practices his family system of Tiger Claw Kung Fu?
- Kiseko, an Unprincipled/Scrupulous Chameleon/Conformist Armorer/Scout/Driver kitsune who, as a ninja, studies Ninjitsu?
- Toby, a Principled Scientist/Caregiver Doctor/Explorer mutant Welsh Corgi who can't get enough of Chinese Dog Boxing Kung Fu?
- And... ("BIRB,") a female mutant Falcon who is no joke when she brings out the Choy-Li-Fut action (and possible Guerilla skills)?

It's important to me that each of you sees the other four in your family team here. The more you know about each other, the better. =)
Kaerri Kaerri Size Level 6, right? Are you adding the 30 S.D.C. from being a yokai of that size (Mutant Animal of After the Bomb)?
Nope. Oops. Adding that in.

I added Knock-out From Behind to Ninjitsu. "From Behind" means think "Sneak Attack." Your opponent must have zero warning.
How should I write that in, and where?

All Martial Art Systems have 5 Actions per Round in this game of mine.

You may want to consider getting either Boxing (+2 to Parry/Dodge) or Athletics (+1 to Parry Dodge - can be selected as a Secondary Skill) to bring that up a touch?
Maybe? Not sure what I'd pick to replace. Boxing isn't really her thing, either. Can always add them to her skills wishlist?

This translates to both W.P. Bow and W.P. Crossbow. =)
Noted. ^3^ But speaking of that, why are some of these "W.P." and some are "W.K."? I copy/pasted it from one of your posts somewhere in this thread.
W.P. Bow +1
W.P. Crossbow +1
W.P. Blowgun +1 (consider this added to the game)
W.P. Chain +1
W.P. Claws +1 (consider this added to the game)
W.K. Knife +1
W.P. Rope/Grappling Hook +1 (User cannot Parry with this W.P.!)
W.K. Spear +1
W.K. Staff +1
W.K. Sword +1
W.P. Targeting +1 (Thrown Weapons)
Kaerri Kaerri
How should I write that in, and where?
Hey you! Replace the Level 1 line in Ninjutsu with this text:

1st + 3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, + 1 to Strike, Critical Strike on Natural 20, Critical Strike or Knockout from Behind.

As for the details, I recommend either creating a Notes tab and putting it there, or if you want to, add it on to the end of that 1st level line.

Maybe? Not sure what I'd pick to replace. Boxing isn't really her thing, either. Can always add them to her skills wishlist?
Sure! It's your character after all; I mean only to recommend.

I will admit to getting more annoyed with Boxing. Kickboxing (in other games) and Wrestling always take a back seat to Boxing because of the bonuses Boxing gives. So it feels like everybody and their mom is a boxer in Palladium.

Noted. ^3^ But speaking of that, why are some of these "W.P." and some are "W.K."? I copy/pasted it from one of your posts somewhere in this thread.
Oh! Sorry. Old Game Mastering habits dying hard; that's what that is.

More later.
More later.
Consider every one of those to be Weapon Proficiencies; please ignore W.K. for Weapon Katas.

Weapon Katas are a Ninjas & Superspies thing. Having those means that your W.P. and martial arts system can be used together - a thing every Game Master I know is already doing.

  • 1724370291187.png Name: Khan Haoyu
    Type of Animal: Tiger Yokai
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Alignment: Scrupulous
    No matter what happens, no matter the odds or opposition, the Survivor always manages to pull through. Whether alone or with a group, the Survivor’s utter refusal to accept defeat often makes the difference between success and failure. Survivors are frustrated by others’ acceptance of “what fate has in store” or willingness to withstand less than what they can achieve. Outcasts, street folk, and idealists may well be Survivor Archetypes. A Kindred Survivor might be a renegade under a Prince’s edict of Blood Hunt, an erstwhile Bishop forced from power, or a lowly Nosferatu who finds himself kicked from hunting ground to hunting ground with no acknowledged claim of domain.
    — Regain one point of Willpower whenever you survive a threatening situation through tenacity, or when your counsel causes someone else to persist in spite of opposition.
    The Rebel is a malcontent, never satisfied with the status quo or the system as it is. He hates the very idea of authority and does everything in his power to challenge and undermine it. Perhaps the Rebel truly believes in his ideals, but it is just as likely that he bears authority figures some ill will over a “wrong” done to him in the past. A Rebel may hate institutions categorically, or she may be consumed with opposition toward a single particular authority. Teenagers, insurrectionists, and nonconformists all exemplify the Rebel Archetype. Rebel Kindred certainly include the Sabbat, Anarchs, and temperamental Brujah, but also have room for Tremere who chafe at the rigid Clan hierarchy or neonates who deplore their sires.
    — Regain a point of Willpower whenever your actions adversely affect your chosen opposition. Rebels may oppose the government, the Church, a vampire Prince, or any other holder of authority. The player should choose whom or what his character rebels against when he adopts this Archetype. Storytellers should take rebellion against “all authority” with a grain of salt, and apply the Willpower reward for such a broad concept to only greater and greater actions of insurgency.

    Iq: 10
    Me: 27 - +7 to Save vs Mental
    Ma: 11
    Ps: 30 - +15 SDC in HtH damage
    Pp: 24 - +5 to Strike, Parry and Dodge
    Pe: 17 - +1 to Save vs Poison
    Pb: 10
    Spd: 50 - Approx. 35mph

    Hit Points: 18
    SDC: 82
    Willpower: 9 / 9

    Size Level: 9
    Weight: 180 lbs
    Height: 5'11"
    Human Features: None
    Hands: Full
    Biped: Full
    Speech: Partial - Snarling Voice
    Looks: None
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No): Yes
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No): Yes - Fu-Chiao Pai Tiger Claw Kung Fu
    Natural Weapons (if any): Retractable Claws
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any): Carnivore
    Level of Experience: 1

    Number of Attacks: 5
    Strike: +6
    Parry: +5
    Dodge: +5
    Roll with Punch: +5
    Initiative: +5
    Perception: +0
    Critical Strike on a Natural 20
    Critical Strike from Behind

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Here is the almost done version of Haoyu. I still need to finish his ‘who am I’ section, but he’s getting there.
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Here is the almost done version of Haoyu. I still need to finish he’s m his ‘who am I’ section, but he’s getting there.
That is true! But I see at least three things that need adjusting; I'll get to them as time allows. =)
No, those are hot beans. That’s how you brew coffee. lol
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Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Some of this will be for Psychie, but there are a few changes I'd like to bring in from Broadswordwith the hopes these will bring smiles to people's faces. =)

1. Everyone's Savior Skills should have the following line-up. =)
Skills provided by "The Savior" for their children free of charge. =)
1. Native Language (includes literacy): English: 98%
2. Basic Mathematics: 80% (+2%)
3. Detect Ambush: 40% (+5%)
4. Prowl: 30% (+5%)
5. First Aid: 50% (+5%)
6. Lore: Martial Arts: 40% (+5%)
7. One Ancient Weapon Proficiency of Choice. This starts with an additional +1 bonus!

2. We are using True Percentages (just like in Broadsword.
House Rule: Skills - I am using True Percentages.

In the spirit of not cheating my Players out of their justly-earned rewards, I am using what I call the True Percentage method when doing the math for Skills. The True Percentage is the same as the mathematical term ("true") - it is the grand total of all modifiers especially here in Palladium when they pass the 98% mark. This is present whenever the PC is affected by negative modifiers to a Skill roll as it displays the PC's true ability to get the job done.

Regardless of what any percentage beyond 98% turns out to be, a roll of 99 or 00 still returns in failure (a "soft-cap" as Kaerri has so very well put it).

The alternative is to state that all PCs who reach the 98% mark are equally effective whether they are 5th level and 20 years old or 50 and 15th. I feel PCs of great experience should be able to succeed in situations their lesser-experienced peers fail.

3. Here's a favorite of mine I bet some folks might want to get their hands on again! Enjoy! =)
Awareness (New Espionage and Wilderness Skill!)
Awareness. This training enables the individual to actively use their five senses in gathering information from their surroundings. Training includes trusting one's senses to accurately identify sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch sensations in situations where the character can reasonably make use of their senses.
Note that this skill is not passive in nature; Player Characters must declare when they are using it.

Base Skill: None. Provides a +1 Perception bonus at 1st level proficiency and +1 at every 3rd level until 15th.
Bonus: +5% to the Detect Ambush and Detect Concealment skills.

4. This ought to simplify things a little while cleaning up some character sheets! (Psychie? Get that Delete key ready on yours!).

House Rule: Skills - All Weapon Proficiencies (W.P.s) scale at the same rate of experience.
All Weapon Proficiencies that provide bonuses receive +1 bonus to Strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. All Ancient W.P.s that gain Parry bonuses accrue them at the same rate (thanks, Sil!).

This has saved me from having to remember which W.P. levels up and when. On top of that, I really like the idea of having that +1 to Strike happen at the level of skill selection (as opposed to having to wait an entire experience level to see a bonus). Thanks to Sherwood for bringing up the subject (Fat Gandalf's OOC, Chapter 2, post #90). =)

5. Skill Programs that require one select Military Weapon Proficiencies can also select from Ancient Weapon Proficiences. Skill Programs that contain specific Military W.P.s are unchanged.

1. In the above spoiler, your "Savior" Skills should look like the example I provided there.

2. W.P. Polearms should have a +2 to Strike and Parry bonus (currently it's blank).

3. Haoyu appears to have no Perception modifier. Should be +0.

4. Please note the following change to Fu Chiao Pai. =)
"Tiger Claw's Duo-Claw Strike only gives up the Automatic Parry for that Action, not the entire Round."

5. W.P. Claws should have a +1 to Strike and Parry bonus (currently it's blank).

6. "Retractable Claws - 2d6 (4d6+14) SDC" is lacking its BIO-E cost. Also, the damage should be 4d6+15.
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3. Here's a favorite of mine I bet some folks might want to get their hands on again! Enjoy! =)
Guess I'm rearranging my skill list after all... ^;3^
Awareness (New Espionage and Wilderness Skill!)
1. Ninjas and Superspies doesn't have the Wilderness category, so is this Espionage only?
2. Are you considering adding this to any of the skill programs? Or do we need to choose it as a secondary skill?
1. Ninjas and Superspies doesn't have the Wilderness category, so is this Espionage only?
1. Ack! I'd forgotten this. Thanks! Yes. After looking into the book, the Espionage category only. (I'd say Espionage/Military as it's written in the book, but I don't want that confused with the Military category.)

2. Are you considering adding this to any of the skill programs? Or do we need to choose it as a secondary skill?
2. Secondary only. It's one thing for me to create a Skill Program out of whole cloth (my new Technical Program based off of the Science Program), but it's another ballgame to start tweaking existing Skill Programs. That, I think, leads to potential headaches.
2. Secondary only. It's one thing for me to create a Skill Program out of whole cloth (my new Technical Program based off of the Science Program), but it's another ballgame to start tweaking existing Skill Programs. That, I think, leads to potential headaches.
Fair enough! We did want to keep things simple, after all.
Fair enough! We did want to keep things simple, after all.
Yes! This game is simple for me to run it - nearly all of the new little tweaks and tools I'm providing are either well-known to me or they seem like natural fits for what I want for the game. I like what I'm making and I'm hoping you do too. While it's still Palladium, I think these changes are "little experiments" that may provide a fun and fast balance between the numbers game and role-playing characters in a semi-realistic universe.

There will likely be more changes in the future. But that post of mine above is definitely filled with steps in the right direction! =)
Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Two things today!

1. Shop Talk idea. Skill Accumulation!

What if... at every level, a PC/NPC receives a Skill slot? Not an instantly-earned grab-of-knowledge or proficiency, but just the slot?

All they have to do then is go somewhere and learn the Skill they want, like a gym, library, or maybe a friend or mentor (even a fellow PC)? But this? This seems like something that a few of us will have to exit our comfort zones with, but... like in Real Life, with the work comes the reward.

All the PC has to do is mention who or where they learned the Skill from - the idea is interaction. Don't worry about training times or costs or anything like that. Just... who taught you? How did you come to know? These little things can create stories all on their own and with stories and interaction come bonds of friendship! That's the real reason I like this idea. =)

2. A little story! In an effort to prepare you for a large amount of incoming silliness help you get to know Papa-san and Mama-san Hirawi (The Savior), here is a little bed-time story they would tell you when your characters were just learning the martial arts. Every Skill your characters have learned, you have learned from them. You may have learned of Skills from other sources, but Mama-san and Papa-san knew just how to teach you every Skill, every proficiency, and every Martial Art technique you know! The one thing no one seems to know is... how old are they? Well, with life comes stories. Here is one! =)

I think this is a good time to share this with you. Enjoy!

As members of the Great Guardians of Chinatown, Mom and Pop Hirawa know their demons well! There was one incredibly-powerful demon - one whose chi could not be touched, whose body could not be harmed, and whose resolve had but one all-encompassing weakness - the ever-curious demon could not stand puns! Papa and Mama Hirawa are filled with this form of humor. When either of them tells a joke, the two of them start laughing like a little kids. With their knowledge and love of humor, they fought a demon so greedy, he was intent on robbing all of Chinatown to the point that all who lived there would have to live like beggars and starve!

It went like this:

The eight-armed scaly demon rushed in to viciously attack pop but Pop raised his finger and asked a question, "Hey Demon! Do you know this one?"

Demons are sometimes too curious for their own good. He replied, "Before I pulp your face into sauce, old man, what are you talking about?"

"You say you know all martial arts techniques, yes?"

"Yes! I am the greatest demon ever! I know all techniques! You cannot beat me! So what if I know them all?"

"A family visited a famous Taekwondo kicker! They went inside his house, but could never find him! You have any idea why?"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because he roundhouse! Get it? He always around the house!"

The demon winced and the pain surprised him. "Urgh! Was that pain I just felt? That hurt! I'll kill you!"


"What now?"

Papa-san raised his finger and motioned with his hand. "A injured man could not move his arm, but still he kept trying to reach into his pocket! Why?"

"Eh? Why? Tell me!"

"Because he couldn't find the key to his joint lock!" The married couple paused and laughed heartily. "Eh heh heh heeh!"

But the demon was not laughing. "Aiiie! The paaaain! You know my secret!"

Papa Hirawa opened his arms. "Do you vow to leave San Francisco and never return?"

"N-- no! I-- refuse! The treasures of Chinatown must be mine!" He moved to attack again!

"Oh, demon?" Mama called.

"What?! You too?!" the demon cringed.

"What is the one hand technique you can never rely on?"

"No! No please! D-- don't tell me!"

"The Palm Strike! Because it's always 'on strike!' Get it?" Mama-san acted like she were walking around with a sign. She and Papa-san laughed like little children as the demon wailed.

"That's it! You win! I am leaving Chinatown! You two should feel bad about yourselves! Demons have feelings too!"

"Only leaving Chinatown? The deal is for all of San Francisco! But wait! There is more!"

"Nooooo!" The demon begins to run as fast as he can but Mama and Papa chase after him.

"Hey demon! Why couldn't the Chinese lord of the land catch his breath?"

Gasping, the fleeing demon cried, "Whyyy?!"

"Because he was Cho King! Get it?" Mama held her hands to her throat. "'Choking?!'"

The demon tried to cover his ears, but still his uncontrollable demonic curiosities forced him to listen.

"Demon! You are not running fast enough! We do not believe you! Oh, honey?"

"Yes, dear?"

"How poor was the hungry boxer?"

"I do not know! How poor was he?"

"He could not even afford..." Papa-san held up his fist, "...a knuckle sandwich!!"

"AAAAAH!! No more! I will never return to San Francisco! I sweaaar!!" And that was the last time San Franciscans ever saw the greedy demon!

"Another victory for the Great Guardians of Chinatown!" Mama and Papa cheered and hugged each other with immense joy! Together, they walked hand-in-hand happy to have made beautiful San Francisco a safer place for all. =)
Heya Gang! Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

I would like your opinions on something I've been struggling with.

I am really hesitant to call this name Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles because of the attention I think such a title will attract from the rest of the site. You guys know I'm not really big about sharing my games with people who might potentially plagiarize them.

I was thinking of another name, something less attention-getting but something that seems to fit:

Other Strangeness.

It's a take on Palladium's game that Kevin Seimbeida titled TMNT and Other Strangeness.

Seimbeida originally envisioned a game where you could play any Mutant animal you could think up. The original game designer he hired was against this. He was purely focused on the Turtles and when he turned in his manuscript, Kevin rejected it.

To Kevin, it can't be all about the Turtles - it has to be about with the players and what many of them are going to want to play are their own animal creations. Merge the two concepts together and you get Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness.

Our game could represent that "other" element without attracting fans of either the movie, Big Trouble in Little China, or the enormous TMNT franchise.

What do you think? Do you have any other recommendations?
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Heya Gang! One more thing today and this concerns Sharseya. =)

I'll be writing out one long scene (maybe two posts? It'll be big). Think of it like a "going away" post celebrating 10 years of RP Nation Sharseya Online action and Good Times! I'll be showing how the Wayward Wanderers wind up should we ever decide to pick up where we left off.

I think this is the least our game deserves! You'll be seeing an occasional familiar face from this game in our new game too, so look forward to that! I'll post this special farewell when mind and time allow. Hope you're having a good day, everybody! =)

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
What do you think? Do you have any other recommendations?
Given that none of us are actually playing turtles, "Other Strangeness" seems pretty appropriate to me. ^33^

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