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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Would you mind elaborating how well gun shops are protected against robbery in the 1980's? Asking for a few wp-loving friends...
Will do, but more later! Here's a hint (and a scene from The Terminator that changed 198X gun shops forevermore!).

"The Terminator 1984 Gun Shop Scene HD Clip 5 23"

Can you guess what change was made in gun shops just about nationwide after gun shop owners/workers saw that scene? =)
Looks easy enough to me. Folks, we might be able to unlock the hunted-by-the-military-ending after all!

Except that there might be no ammo in reach, bullet-proof glass on the counter, and no access to weapons in the store. And likely more - I wouldn't know, weapon stores are a rare sight over here.
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Looks easy enough to me. Folks, we might be able to unlock the hunted-by-the-military-ending after all!
OH LAWD! Is this going to turn out to be the shortest game I've ever run? Ha ha!

Newcomer: "What happened to the player characters in your game?"

"Uh, they did the bad."

Cracking Up Lol GIF
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Except that there might be no ammo in reach, bullet-proof glass on the counter, and no access to weapons in the store. And likely more - I wouldn't know, weapon stores are a rare sight over here.
No ammunition within reach (thank you, Terminator movie!), lots of people working, you don't know how many of them are trained and or what they have been taught to do in case of violence, camera eyes everywhere, quick access to fast police response, and more!

At least at any shop of good repute. =)
No ammunition within reach (thank you, Terminator movie!), lots of people working, you don't know how many of them are trained and or what they have been taught to do in case of violence, camera eyes everywhere, quick access to fast police response, and more!

At least at any shop of good repute. =)
Doesn't matter - we'll bring an elephant. Worked for Hannibal, works for us.
Kaerri Kaerri Kiseko is a Ninjutsu artist, right?

Doesn't matter - we'll bring an elephant. Worked for Hannibal, works for us.
Well, how about she uses some of that Ninjutsu to keep herself hidden and away from this mess so when the players get themselves killed, you and I can just sit back and drink tea together while we watch them make new characters?

What do you say, Darlin'? Ha ha!
Kaerri Kaerri Kiseko is a Ninjutsu artist, right?

Well, how about she uses some of that Ninjutsu to keep herself hidden and away from this mess so when the players get themselves killed, you and I can just sit back and drink tea together while we watch them make new characters?

What do you say, Darlin'? Ha ha!
You know she wouldn't do that. 😂 Keep hidden, yes. Do all within her yokai power to assist from there, also yes. Abandon her adopted family? Not a chance!
You know she wouldn't do that. 😂 Keep hidden, yes. Do all within her yokai power to assist from there, also yes. Abandon her adopted family? Not a chance!
Hah! I should have known better!

So what are each of you going to play after ol' Sil gets you all killed? See, having every gun store employee in San Francisco and the U.S. military coming after you tends to have that result! =)

Sil, you're such a goofball! Don't change! =)
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So what are each of you going to play after ol' Sil gets you all killed?
I beg to differ - I'm not getting them killed, I'm getting them armed. If they decide to get killed on the retreat or hunted down later on, that's totally not my fault, right? I even organized them guns for the eventuality of danger!
I beg to differ - I'm not getting them killed, I'm getting them armed. If they decide to get killed on the retreat or hunted down later on, that's totally not my fault, right? I even organized them guns for the eventuality of danger!
Sil, you are terrific!
Hah! I should have known better!

So what are each of you going to play after ol' Sil gets you all killed? See, having every gun store employee in San Francisco and the U.S. military coming after you tends to have that result! =)

Sil, you're such a goofball! Don't change! =)
The Mexican border's not that far... ^;3^
Two bits tonight. =)

I've adjusted the free skills your Savior has given to all of you. Please note the 6th new Skill which is described below.

Skills provided by "Savior" for their children free of charge. =)
1. Native Language (includes literacy): English: 98%
2. Basic Mathematics: 80% (+2%)
3. Detect Ambush: 40% (+5%)
4. Prowl: 30% (+5%)
5. First Aid: 50% (+5%)
6. Lore: Martial Arts: 40% (+5%)
7. One Ancient Weapon Proficiency of Choice. This starts with an additional +1 bonus!

Lore: Martial Arts: 40% (+5%/level) Technical Skill (NEW!)
This is the study of the philosophies, techniques, strategies, origins, famous teachers and practitioners, and factual history of the martial arts. The basics of popular martial art systems the world over are known to the character. The less popular the martial art, the less information is available unless the character practices the system in question.
After one minute of astute observation, characters with this skill can attempt to identify a martial art system being performed/displayed. -10% for rare martial arts, -25% for secret martial arts. This Skill can be taken twice. Bonuses include a +10% bonus and no roll is needed for worldwide martial arts (such as Judo, Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, and the like).
Remember the "Savior" in our story? This mysterious and loving person that comes into your characters' lives and not only rescues them from an unenviable fate but also becomes their family?

Well, guess what, Gang?

Well, turns out the Savior isn't one person, but two!

Meet Mama-san and Papa-san Hirawa (remember that rare Japanese last name; you'll be hearing it again)! They're a fun-loving , enigmatic couple who have been doing a lot of good over the years. No one seems to remember a time when they weren't married and caring for people. Not just for your characters, but for many others too! I'll stop there before I get to talking and ruin any other surprises. =)

But yeah! Here they are! "The Savior!" You'll be getting to know them at the start of our game. =)

Papa-san and Mama-san Hirawa 02.jpg
(Image credit: Bizan)
Looking forward to meet them in-game!

Short question: for mutants, you proposed the animal-turned-humanoid route, right? Just making sure I have that correctly in mind. Just wondering how much a character would be familiar with the culture of where they come from initially compared to how much they'd only know from hearsay, so to speak. If the latter outweighs the former, I probably have a somewhat decent background in mind.
Short question: for mutants, you proposed the animal-turned-humanoid route, right?
Short answer: Yes, but... =)

Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Just wondering how much a character would be familiar with the culture of where they come from initially compared to how much they'd only know from hearsay, so to speak.
But... the possible backgrounds for mutant animals are many! Here is yours (and your party's including Toby):

You were born a normal animal of your species by normal parents. Your entire life, you followed animal instincts, did animal things, in your animal territory, and knew absolutely nothing of higher intelligence, reason, education, and all those things we humans take for granted.

One day you were captured and taken away from all this. That life became a memory. You woke to an entirely new world when you were far smarter, far more capable - Godlike - compared to your animal brethren! You had been rescued from your brief captivity.

Now with a new life ahead of you, you were taught a great many things including what you are, where you came from, how your species lives, and so forth. At any time, if you wanted to go back to the lands of your old life, you could! (Perhaps all of you did? Together? That'd be neat, huh?)

But you would never be that creature again. You are forevermore changed and living in a very different world.

You were rescued, nurtured, trained, loved, and given safety and security by two very special people who love you literally unconditionally.

You were also raised along four other mutant animals of different species whom you have known during all of your new life.

You were trained for a purpose - a purpose that all of you may either follow or disregard entirely. But your "parents," (The Savior) requests that you please give it a try.

Because there are others out there , many others - who are victims of the evils of the like that you endured. Ir worse!

They don't have Saviors. Instead, if you are willing, they'll have you. =)

EDIT: At least that's the story I have written up. I hope everyone likes the idea!
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Part 2 that no one asked for, but you might find useful, so hey! Why not be pro-active, right? =)

As for yokai, the situation is notably different. In my game, yokai must mate with a physical creature in order to reproduce (either a human or animal species they belong to, preferably one of the ethnic background they belong to - yes, the African elephants start looking at you funny when you start eyeing those Asian elephants so, elephants out there? You betta check yo'self before you wreck yo'self! KnoWhutA'hm'Sayin'?.

If your parent mated with a human, well, to find you, it's a matter of finding that human. Pretty darned easy compared to if your parent mated with your animal species, because they're nearly always wild and try finding them after you've popped out and are getting your first look at the world! And yes, your parent had better be careful about who they decided to mate with.

Because when your yokai family is relying on you for a kid like this...

body hula GIF by Great Big Story

...and you wind up giving them this...
Breakfast Club Nerd GIF

... they know damn well which ponds you've been playing in if you get my meaning! =)

In the case of the yokai in your team, both Kiseko and Haoyu were born animals. Yeah. Try finding that one fox or tiger in the wild all that time after you had fun with the animal you chose to mate with. It just so happens (because it's my game and I said so) that baby Kiseko...

Baby Fox GIF

... and baby Haoyu...

happy cat GIF

(yeah, did I mention I can do what I want in my games?) =)

... were captured by the same bad guys that nabbed Moyo, PLACEHOLDER BIRB (Sil's mutant falcon), and Toby.

Now I have to hope there are three GIFs to equal out the cute for them (Oh, you guys thought I wasn't going to get you too, huh? Heh heh).

Let's see now...

Hugs GIF

baby animal love GIF by explore.org

.. aaaand Toby!
corgi puppy GIF

Did I forget anyone? (Thank you, RP Nation! Your GIF-maker rarely disappoints and is full of cute!) =)
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Hey, short warning: I'll probably be less active for a few days - got some family stuff that requires my attention.
Hey, short warning: I'll probably be less active for a few days - got some family stuff that requires my attention.
Thanks for the heads-up, Sil! Hope everything with your family goes well! =)
Heya Gang! Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

Here's an updated character sheet (I'm yawning here. Time for bed!). Note the new tab "Who is He?" (or She?) which ought to to help flesh out everyone's characters a bit. There are new goodies in Weapons & Gear and some examples in the Skills and BIO-E sections on how I'd appreciate data to be listed (it doesn't have to be exactly as I've done it, of course, but if I can't understand what you've written or how you came to certain conclusions, I'll kindly ask you to rewrite it). =)

Following this post is a rough draft (I think it's complete?) of your Pembroke Welsh Corgi brother, Toby! You'll notice a lot of words there but that's only because I love details. You do you. =) Please note the new Personality: line on the first page so folks can get a quick synopsis of the kind of character you're playing?

Also, under Martial Arts Skills, you'll notice that new Lore: Martial Arts Skill except this one has a +10% (+15%)for the system you've chosen! Enjoy!

  • Insert a picture of your character here? (Image credit: Please.) Name:
    Ethnic Background:
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai):

    I.Q. ==
    (+0%/+0 to Perception)
    M.E. == (+ to Saving Throws vs. Insanity)
    M.A. == (+0% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. == (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. == (+0 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. == (+% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +0 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. == ( % to Charm/Impress)
    Spd == (0 miles/0 kilometers per hour, +0 to Initiative)

    Hit Points:
    Size Level:
    Human Features:

    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No):
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No):
    Natural Weapons (if any):
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any):
    Level of Experience:

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +0
    Initiative +0
    Actions per Round: 0
    Strike +0
    Parry +0
    Dodge +0
    Roll with Punch +0
    Damage: +0
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