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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

I'm good sticking to one book for skills. That way we don't have the trouble of one book saying one thing while another saying another about the exact same item. No confusion.
Yeah, because that never happens in these books! lol That is a very good point.
Ok, I can see those two, but I was wondering if there was any special bonus to taking Archery to increase my bow or crossbow skill. If not, I'm ok with that.
I don't think there is. Sorry! =)

I'm good sticking to one book for skills. That way we don't have the trouble of one book saying one thing while another saying another about the exact same item. No confusion.
Hmm! I hadn't thought of that.

Which book, Sherwood Sherwood ?

Sticking with Ninjas and Superspies is fine with me. I am making the needed changes to Haoyu as we chat.

Remember this isn't finalized until I hear from everyone.

If it is, please remember to subtract the background Attribute bonuses from AtB. (I nearly goofed with that one when thinking about Toby.)
I don't think there is. Sorry! =)

Hmm! I hadn't thought of that.

Which book, Sherwood Sherwood ?


Remember this isn't finalized until I hear from everyone.

If it is, please remember to subtract the background Attribute bonuses from AtB. (I nearly goofed with that one when thinking about Toby.)
I have noticed that some Physical Skills in one book might be a straight +2 to a stat, but in the other it is +1d4. Another example is in the Robotech Shadow Chronicles books. The Manga sized book has a different amount of damage done by a Wolverine Rifle compared to the Hardback book. This way, we don't have anyone's sheets reflecting different bonuses because we would all be using the same source for skills.
I have noticed that some Physical Skills in one book might be a straight +2 to a stat, but in the other it is +1d4. Another example is in the Robotech Shadow Chronicles books. The Manga sized book has a different amount of damage done by a Wolverine Rifle compared to the Hardback book. This way, we don't have anyone's sheets reflecting different bonuses because we would all be using the same source for skills.
Sherwood Sherwood I could not agree more, and I think another answer but I need to be certain - do you mean you would rather have N&S or AtB?
Pardon me for not being 100% clear. I want Ninjas and Superspies.
Thanks! It's the referee in me; I can't settle for 98% if that 100% is in reach. =)

Yes, Kaerri needs a change. And that change would be much less intrusive on everyone else if the change was on her side and not the game itself.
Kaerri Kaerri I'm just thinking out loud here.

A long time ago when we were playtesting D&D 3.0, you came up with Bren. You thought that if you couldn't make something simple like a human fighter, then the game was broken. And you were right! Bren evolved and he's one of the best characters you've ever made!

Maybe that philosophy can help you here? Might it help you if you rolled a human? Maybe someone like Eadric who might discover what mutant animals and Yokai are all about? Maybe someone as new to the game as you are? Just tossing it out there. =)

And this at your leisure. This won't be starting soon; I still have a lot more work to do. =)
Do you agree with Sil's opinion? Would you be happier if we only used Skills/O.C.C.s from N&S?
I agree with Sil and Sherwood that it would probably keep things simpler if we only used one book.

Yeah, because that never happens in these books.
Never ever.

Might it help you if you rolled a human?
If Kiseko can't be made to work, maybe so. I've considered putting together a plain-Jane human, though I confess with more sour-grapes feelings than proper inspiration.
So what is the verdict on the skills? Are we set on using NaS? I don't want to finish my edits on Haoyu unless things are a go.

Kaerri Kaerri I know you can create a awesome character, be it a revamped older character, or a sparkling new one. Its not like we can't use a human in the team as a spokesperson with the outside world. Amazon doesn't exist for home deliveries quite yet.
So what is the verdict on the skills? Are we set on using NaS? I don't want to finish my edits on Haoyu unless things are a go.
Not unanimous at this time. I'll let you know when I know. =)

Plus... I haven't seen a single N&S character out of anyone yet (including myself). Even some drafts would help. =)
I do believe we are unanimous for Ninjas & Superspies Skills! (My brain is tired; do forgive me if I've missed something? Better yet, alert me if I've missed something? Heh!)

I still need to see your characters so I can see the bigger picture - then I'll give the final word (which is likely, but not without data).
I do believe we are unanimous for Ninjas & Superspies Skills!
I wouldn't say I'm for them, I'm mostly against having skills etc from two different sources. If you folks believe that Ninjas is the better one (and it seems that's where we're at), then that's fine by me. Warning, though: I won't have time over the next few days to dig through a new book. I'll get there eventually, though.
I wouldn't say I'm for them, I'm mostly against having skills etc from two different sources. If you folks believe that Ninjas is the better one (and it seems that's where we're at), then that's fine by me. Warning, though: I won't have time over the next few days to dig through a new book. I'll get there eventually, though.
No worries, Sil! Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is not starting anytime this week and maybe not the next week but maybe the week after that? And that's a guess. Everyone has time so take your time! =)

After I get some data (read: see some of your character sheets), and if it looks feasible (which I strongly imagine it will), the vast majority of Skills will come from one source - Ninjas & Superspies.

Notice I didn't say all? After some serious reading and writing, I realized a few things. Much more in my next post! =)
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Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon
Some helpful notes and additions to Ninjas & Superspies for our campaign (I hope):
Remember to disregard all lore and settings!

Adding Science: Astronomy (for Haoyu) 30% (+5%). Can be taken as a Secondary Skill (amateur level).

Adding Demolitions Disposal to the Advanced Infantry Skill Program (they offer Demolitions without it?)

From Martial Art Systems, please go ahead and add any Survival Skills provided: (Fasting, Wilderness Survival, Tracking, etc.).

Lore skills! It just hit me! How in the world am I supposed to run a mystical martial arts game without lore? All of these are Technical Skills.
History (general)
Lore: Demons & Monsters
Lore: Magic
Lore: Martial Arts (NEW! Want to have a better shot of knowing what you're up against? Where your own martial art came from and what it meant then?). Note: Folks will have this Skill for their own martial art system.
Research (because anyone who loves studying with book/computers will want this skill).

If you think of any such Skills you think we could really use, let me know.

New Skill Program! Technical! (a Basic Skill Program.) Skills include:
Research (with a +10% bonus)
Select any four Technical Skills (all with a +5% bonus)

All of these Skills come from the one source I know them best from - Rifts. Everyone here owns that book already. Seriously, these Skills belong in this game or we'd be missing out on all manner of adventure material, tales, history, wisdom, and more. And that new Skill? Lore: Martial Arts? I'll be happy to write that one up! =)
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Do mutants count as monsters for the lore skills?
Ah! Beautiful question, Silanon! I hadn't thought of that!

Huh! No. They don't. Nor is there a Lore: Mutant Animals Skill (not unless the character is a geneticist or happens to be in some environment where there are Mutant Animals all around them on a regular basis).
Speaking of skills, there is a specific skill listed in the Military section for WP Thrown Grenades, but the skill doesn't list any bonuses for it. Do we just use the same bonuses for the WP Small Thrown Weapons? Or is there no Strike bonus for them since it is a area of effect blast?
Speaking of skills, there is a specific skill listed in the Military section for WP Thrown Grenades, but the skill doesn't list any bonuses for it. Do we just use the same bonuses for the WP Small Thrown Weapons? Or is there no Strike bonus for them since it is a area of effect blast?
It is a separate Skill from Small Thrown Weapons which uses the same bonuses as all Modern W.P.s (starts at +1).
O.K.! I just have to throw this out here!

This is a game based around martial arts, mysticism, and TMNT-like wacky combat. When in doubt, think Big Trouble in Little China (where there were firearms stronger than pistols but very few and far between). I see some folks who are gearing up as if this were a G.I. Joe game or Aliens: Colonial Marines with W.P. fully-automatic-this and grenade launcher-that.

To be clear I have no idea when (or if!) you will get any use out these gun Skills. But I can guarantee you one thing - it won't be soon. No, I am not substituting W.P.s in the Skill Programs (if it says Military, then that is what you are choosing to select). Want more Ancient W.P.s? Change Skill Programs (there is an Ancient Weapon Proficiency Skill Program too in Basic Skill Programs if you're looking for those). Just sayin'! =)

Also, thanks for the quick replies (you know who you are)! This is just the kind of data I'm looking for! =)
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To be clear I have no idea when (or if!) you will get any use out these gun Skills. But I can guarantee you one thing - it won't be soon.
Would you mind elaborating how well gun shops are protected against robbery in the 1980's? Asking for a few wp-loving friends...

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