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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Here's Toby! (Rough draft)

  • Paola Majid at playgroundai.com.jpeg (Image credit: The talented Paola Majid at PlaygroundAI.com) Name: Toby a.k.a. Doctor Spot!
    Alignment: Principled
    Nature/Demeanor: Scientist/Caregiver
    Personality: Happy, affectionate, kind, friendly, fun-loving, restless. Intensely curious, studious, lots of positive energy!
    More: Tucked-down tail, big dog bark, barks often, loyal, dutiful, "CAN-DO" attitude, eats lots.
    Quote: "I was named after a dog Sherlock Holmes was fond of! Sherlock Hooolmes!!"
    Ethnic Background: Welsh
    Species (Human, Mutant Animal, Yokai): Mutant Animal (Pembroke Welsh Corgi)
    Age: 18
    Sex: Male

    I.Q. 26
    (+6%/+6 to Perception)
    M.E. 22 (+5 to Saving Throws vs. Insanity/Willpower Points: 7)
    M.A. 17 (+55% to Charm/Intimidate)
    P.S. 15 (+0 to S.D.C. damage)
    P.P. 20 (+3 to Strike, Parry, Dodge)
    P.E. 16 (+5% to Saving Throws vs. coma/death, +1 to Saving Throws vs. Magic, Pain, Poison)
    P.B. 10 (0% to Charm/Impress)
    Spd 51 (35 miles/56 kilometers per hour, +4 to Initiative)

    Hit Points: 17
    S.D.C.: 62
    Willpower: 7
    Size Level: 6
    Weight: "68 pound weakling" (31 kg)
    Height: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.38 m)
    Human Features:
    Biped: Full
    Speech: Full
    Looks: Partial (required for Canines to have a humanoid body.)
    Mutant Animal Powers? (Yes/No): Yes.
    Martial Arts System? (Yes/No): Yes.
    Natural Weapons (if any): 1d6 Bite.
    Vestigial Disadvantages (if any): Carnivore.
    Level of Experience: 1st

    Combat Modifiers
    Perception +6
    Initiative +5
    Actions per Round: 5
    Strike: +3
    Automatic Parry: +4
    Dodge: +4
    Automatic Roll with Punch: +8
    Damage: +0
    Other/Special: +2 to Backflip/Somersault/Cartwheel/Handstand, Critical Strike from Behind, +1 to Rear Attacks.
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Hey, short warning: I'll probably be less active for a few days - got some family stuff that requires my attention.
I should have said the same on Thursday night. 😂 Am back now.
To make sure we're on the same page:

These two quotes from the Education tab are what everyone gets?
Skills provided by "The Savior" for their children free of charge. =)
1. Native Language (includes literacy): English: 98%
2. Basic Mathematics: 80% (+2%)
3. Detect Ambush: 40% (+5%)
4. Prowl: 30% (+5%)
5. First Aid: 50% (+5%)
6. Lore: Martial Arts: 40% (+5%)
7. One Ancient Weapon Proficiency of Choice. This starts with an additional +1 bonus!
Martial Art Skills (all Language/Literacy, Philosophical, Survival, and Domestic Skills)
Lore: Martial Arts (Your Martial Art Here!): 50% (+5%)

And this part is just an example, meaning not everyone will have these?
Ninjas & Superspies O.C.C.: Operative Agent
Martial Art System? (Yes/No) Yes
Skill Programs (4): Medical Doctor, Deep Cover, Guerilla Warfare, and Technical.

Medical Doctor Skill Program
Biology: 66% (+5%)
Criminal Science/Forensics: 46% (+5%)
Medical Doctor: 96%/86% (+3%)
Paramedic: 76% (+6%)
Pathology: 61% (+5%)
Triple post wooooo

There's a goof in the character sheet coding. Instead of "tab=BIO-E Powers" you just have "BIO-E Powers" inside the brackets, so it didn't make a tab for it (and for some reason it also made the BIO-E text invisible altogether).
Heya Gang!
These two quotes from the Education tab are what everyone gets?

And this part is just an example, meaning not everyone will have these?

Triple post wooooo

There's a goof in the character sheet coding. Instead of "tab=BIO-E Powers" you just have "BIO-E Powers" inside the brackets, so it didn't make a tab for it (and for some reason it also made the BIO-E text invisible altogether).
Yes! That's a Triple Yes with a side of Thank You! (Both times that I've posted Character Sheet 1.1, the sheet borked in that area.)

As for the "Who is He" section, everyone is welcome to fill out what they will. Run things by me if there's something you'd like to have in your characters' past (like Sherwood's earlier-mentioned Moyo's moment of losing his self-control leading him to the person he is now). If there are items you think are integral to your character, let me know (I just realized Toby has a first aid kit, but shouldn't he have a Doctor's Bag? I'll change that now). I posted Toby's here not only so you could get to know him, but also as an example of "what-goes-where" in the character sheet.

Most of all, have fun creating and share it here so we can have fun with you! =)
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Cool deal. I have most of this stuff already set for Moyo, I just have to stat out the equipment he’s going to carry and check with Purr for the ok on my desired electronics pack. Then I just need to tell a good story for my guy as I fill in the ‘Who He Is’ section.
Heya Gang!
Cool deal. I have most of this stuff already set for Moyo, I just have to stat out the equipment he’s going to carry and check with Purr for the ok on my desired electronics pack. Then I just need to tell a good story for my guy as I fill in the ‘Who He Is’ section.
Looking forward to it - just remember to think 1980's now! =)
You mean I can’t pull out my smart phone and surf the web? Awwww!
Thanks for the Well-writtens, Psychie! =)

Minor notes concerning my Character Sheet 1.1. - I just wanted to make this clear.
I changed the Savior Skills slightly. All PCs receive Lore Martial Arts at its base Skill. However, your characters have a +15% bonus to systems they have taken. The new listings now read:

6. Lore: Martial Arts: 40% (+5%) (Note: Everyone with a Martial Art System receives this Skill with a +15% bonus in their system. For example, "Lore: Martial Arts: Jujutsu: 55%." That Skill is listed under Martial Art Skills below).

And under Martial Art Skills, it now reads:
Lore: Martial Arts (Insert Your Martial Art System Here!): 55% (+5%)
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I’m away from my computer at the moment, so I don’t know….. is there a skill for regular chess? And would Toby like to play a game with Moyo now and then? I don’t want to speak for our Storyteller when referencing an npc!
Or with the question of skills, should I just focus in the game of Go?
Or with the question of skills, should I just focus in the game of Go?
I'm willing to combine the two and more into a new Cultural Skill: Board Games: 30%. Because, hey! If RPG Design Skill is in the game, why not? I never liked the idea of spending an entire Skill slot on a single game (Go).

Also, Moyo will likely skunk Toby in a game of chess because he doesn't have that skill. But he's not the kind that minds losing in friendly matches. =)
I'm willing to combine the two and more into a new Cultural Skill: Board Games: 30%. Because, hey! If RPG Design Skill is in the game, why not? I never liked the idea of spending an entire Skill slot on a single game (Go).

Also, you'll likely skunk Toby in a game of chess because he doesn't have that skill. But he's not the kind that minds losing in friendly matches. =)
I’ll have to pick that skill up.
In my head, Toby is thanking Kiseko for knowing how to drive an automobile, because that allowed Toby to drop that Skill and join the family in getting the new Board Games skill!

Toby sez, "Whatsit gonna be tonight, brothers and sister? Connect Four? Monopoly? Chess? Team Checkers? Wahahaha!"
Kiseko is taking several Pilot skills, just so y'all know. ^D^ I'm hoping to have at least a first version of her sheet posted tonight.
Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon

You've shared little bits about your characters as you've developed them. Care to share more? Like... what are their goals? What do they do?

Who are they really?
I have discovered a guilty secret for Moyo that the family will know about: he is a fan of his daytime soap operas, and so he will do his best to not miss an episode of The Young and the Restless.
In my head, Toby is thanking Kiseko for knowing how to drive an automobile, because that allowed Toby to drop that Skill and join the family in getting the new Board Games skill!

Toby sez, "Whatsit gonna be tonight, brothers and sister? Connect Four? Monopoly? Chess? Team Checkers? Wahahaha!"
“You should know me well enough by now to know I want to play Risk.”
I have discovered a guilty secret for Moyo that the family will know about: he is a fan of his daytime soap operas, and so he will do his best to not miss an episode of The Young and the Restless.
That’s funny, you, a giant elephant man that can break concrete with his bare hands getting all excited over a soap opera. Haoyu will have to get a few good jokes in about that. lol

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