In Character

"I did..." Blake said, drawing her sword, "It's infront of us." The woman continued to walk, but slowly. She didn't want to disturb whatever this was, and knew that it was dangerous. "But we have to keep going."


"Well, you ne-" Alas pauses as he hears something dark.... He looks around as he slowly reaches for his shield and mace. 

"Blake, did you hear something?" Alas whispers as he tries to keep his guard up in all directions.


@Emperor Of Embers

Raven growled at a higher tone, and a dark smoke oozed out of the Dragon's mouth, containing many tiny hairs, and a virus that is known as the Frenzy virus. The virus causes animal aggression to skyrocket, killing anything that moves, and human immune systems to shut down, and kill the host with prolonged exposure. But, should the host overcome it, they gain increased strength for 45 seconds. The virus cloud quickly floods the room, and escapes, heading in all directions, and toward Blake and Alas. 
"B-Blake I really don't think we can stand up to whatever's in here... It could be anything horrible.." Alas said. He hears the pitch yet again, his fear kicking in. Yet his paranoia of being jumped still remains as he looks all around him constantly, slowly following Blake.

Alas nodded to Blake and then placed his mace back in his holster, using the free hand to cover his mouth and nose while. He holds his breath. Still following Blake

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Alas nodded to Blake and then placed his mace back in his holster, using the free hand to cover his mouth and nose while .he holds his breath. Still following Blake


" may wanna cover you mouth and nose, and quickly," Blake said, noticing the sound, then the smoke like toxin. "We gotta go back, Now!" 

@Dutchmann @Emperor Of Embers

The viral cloud keeps its pace, covering everything in its path. A loud roar was heard from the statue as its eyes glow red. The prisoner was awake, but cannot free herself from her prison, for only a god can break her stone prison. 
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@FireMaiden @AllTheFangirlThings @Shirochankun


Finally...he had gone a full 2 days without sleeping. He was growing stronger now, and reached his influence out vast distances...until a group caught his eye. He whispered into one's ear...

"ALAS" He hissed "I can taste the essence of your soul...I can see you...."



His mind...was...broken...or was it fixed? He couldn't tell, all he knew was that he woke up changed. He had a purpose now...and new powers! Now he could live again, and the only reason he could was because his lord and master, Yogig, had saved him. He quickly swore all oaths of fealty to Yogig, then began his training in the dark arts of magic and necromancy. Oh he knew he was important, he could gain trust of other half dragons...

Galleon: Alleyway near Godfrey's Goods

The citizens of Galleon were leading a search for the three dragons in the city. The ones who had killed the most active, and well known hunters in cold blood. They searched in groups of five, sweeping every inch of the city at once. Kage, Baldur, and Asura had made it out out the tavern by jumping from the second story window after letting the wench go. Then they ran, and at the moment, was raking and small break of avoiding the search parties. And Kage was gretaful for the break. She has twisted her ankle in the landing but didn't tell either her uncle or Asura. "So..." She said, still out of breath, "How do you say we get out of here?" @Safety Hammer @Shirochankun

Thalia's Temple: Underground Tunnel

Blake wasn't too sure what the hell that smoke was, but if she knew anything about anything, it was wither a trap...or a dragon. And air. She needed air, but the thick black smoke looked as if it would suffocate them if they tried to breathe even as litttle. When she Alas's face, she knew they needed to hurry, and that show thing was wrong. And thank god the beginning of the tunnel was close. Very close.

[SIZE= 18.44px]@Dutchmann @Emperor Of Embers @Inheritance[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18.44px]The Whispering Forest: Half mile off the road[/SIZE]

With the hunters dissipated, the dragons were safe. From hat threat at least, the animals and sports that roamed the forest was still able to cause the harm if they were not careful. But now they got to hear why the forest, made of thick, dark, moss covered threes was called The Whispering Forest. Voices fluttered through the air with the wind, saying things that seemed to make no sense. Accompanying the whispers of people past, we're screams and twisted laughter. Guiding these voices was a single soul, The Lady in Gold. A spirit made of golden light, who protected the lost sports in he forest, and who only showed herself to those worthy.

@Inheritance @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings 

Galleon: Inside a shop

Even inside the shop was in a uproar at the news of the Hu tees being killed. All but the shopkeeper left to join the search for the culprits. The guy eyed the kids, waiting for them to leave so he too could go and join the hunt. Of course, he said nothing, just inpatiently waited. @Emperor Of Embers @Shirochankun  
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Dru sighed loudly "I'm sorry everyone for attacking those hunters like that and for causing us to leave in such a hurry." Dru shook his head he hadn't been able to look Shiro in the eyes since they had left the city. @Shirochankun 

Galleon: Alleyway near Godfrey's Goods

The citizens of Galleon were leading a search for the three dragons in the city. The ones who had killed the most active, and well known hunters in cold blood. They searched in groups of five, sweeping every inch of the city at once. Kage, Baldur, and Asura had made it out out the tavern by jumping from the second story window after letting the wench go. Then they ran, and at the moment, was raking and small break of avoiding the search parties. And Kage was gretaful for the break. She has twisted her ankle in the landing but didn't tell either her uncle or Asura. "So..." She said, still out of breath, "How do you say we get out of here?" @Safety Hammer @Shirochankun

Thalia's Temple: Underground Tunnel

Blake wasn't too sure what the hell that smoke was, but if she knew anything about anything, it was wither a trap...or a dragon. And air. She needed air, but the thick black smoke looked as if it would suffocate them if they tried to breathe even as litttle. When she Alas's face, she knew they needed to hurry, and that show thing was wrong. And thank god the beginning of the tunnel was close. Very close.

[SIZE= 18.44px]@Dutchmann @Emperor Of Embers @Inheritance[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18.44px]The Whispering Forest: Half mile off the road[/SIZE]

With the hunters dissipated, the dragons were safe. From hat threat at least, the animals and sports that roamed the forest was still able to cause the harm if they were not careful. But now they got to hear why the forest, made of thick, dark, moss covered threes was called The Whispering Forest. Voices fluttered through the air with the wind, saying things that seemed to make no sense. Accompanying the whispers of people past, we're screams and twisted laughter. Guiding these voices was a single soul, The Lady in Gold. A spirit made of golden light, who protected the lost sports in he forest, and who only showed herself to those worthy.

@Inheritance @Shirochankun @Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings 

Galleon: Inside a shop

Even inside the shop was in a uproar at the news of the Hu tees being killed. All but the shopkeeper left to join the search for the culprits. The guy eyed the kids, waiting for them to leave so he too could go and join the hunt. Of course, he said nothing, just inpatiently waited. @Emperor Of Embers @Shirochankun  

Baldur was already in the process of lifting up a manhole cover, and beckoning them over to him. This wasn't the first time he had escaped Galleon (That's a story for another time), so the old dragon knew a crucial fact. The sewer system led to a lake near the entrance of the town.

"Oi! Get in the manhole!"
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Baldur was already in the process of lifting up a manhole cover, and beckoning them over to him. This wasn't the first time he had escaped Galleon (That's a story for another time), so the old dragon knew a crucial fact. The sewer system led to a lake near the entrance of the town.

"Oi! Get in the manhole!"

Kage's noes immediately scrunched. "A-are you serious? But that's just...thats just....thats gross!"

Alas' heart raced as his lungs started to hurt, at some point he needed to breath! His footsteps are hastened as he followed Blake. The corner of his eyes are started to tear up as his armor becomes a problem as the weight slows him down. He can see some of the familiar places of the cave that hints they're close to the entrance, giving him some hope. Yet, he doesn't have much left in him.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance @Emperor Of Embers

Of course he perked up when he saw Alas getting a bit...well freaked out. "You ok over there sir?" he called out to him. He had felt a pulse of dark power as well, but had no other side effect. As of now all he was really concerned with was what the hell he should be doing with this kid in his lap... "Is anyone else planning on stepping up to lead? Because if not I will damn well take the position." He growled. @FireMaiden @Dutchmann @AllTheFangirlThings @Emperor Of Embers


His voice had the desired effect on the one he had touched, and he left the mind of the one, though he kept special track of it. As of now he was getting a bit tired...and needed to train his new slave, his new servant now. Soon, Sandro would be strong enough to begin manipulating others into joining his dark army...Though unfortunately for him, he felt another presence wake up...a few of them, which annoyed him...luckily he hadn't done anything to attract attention....yet. @FireMaiden

Keres stepped forward, her son hanging on to her leg for dear life. "I will" she said, crossing her arms. "I've been around here. I've been on this earth probably longer than most of you." She looked around. "Well, that is if you don't mind having a woman lead you" she added sarcastically with a slight eye roll. "But no, I have the life experience to deal with anything that gets thrown at us. What do you say?" @Inheritance @FireMaiden @Dutchmann @Emperor Of Embers
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Of course he perked up when he saw Alas getting a bit...well freaked out. "You ok over there sir?" he called out to him. He had felt a pulse of dark power as well, but had no other side effect. As of now all he was really concerned with was what the hell he should be doing with this kid in his lap... "Is anyone else planning on stepping up to lead? Because if not I will damn well take the position." He growled. @FireMaiden @Dutchmann @AllTheFangirlThings @Emperor Of Embers


His voice had the desired effect on the one he had touched, and he left the mind of the one, though he kept special track of it. As of now he was getting a bit tired...and needed to train his new slave, his new servant now. Soon, Sandro would be strong enough to begin manipulating others into joining his dark army...Though unfortunately for him, he felt another presence wake up...a few of them, which annoyed him...luckily he hadn't done anything to attract attention....yet. @FireMaiden


(Alas and Blake are no whwre near the dragons.)
Alas' heart raced as his lungs started to hurt, at some point he needed to breath! His footsteps are hastened as he followed Blake. The corner of his eyes are started to tear up as his armor becomes a problem as the weight slows him down. He can see some of the familiar places of the cave that hints they're close to the entrance, giving him some hope. Yet, he doesn't have much left in him.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance @Emperor Of Embers

Blake made it out of the tunnel, and happily gulped down air, with a small smile that she had made it away from the smoke. "Alas, come on!" she said.
"Oh, would you rather wait politely for the search parties to find us, or would you like to leave alive?!"

"No it's just...nevermind," Kage sighed and began to climb down the manhole, repeating the word "ew," every few seconds.

Darmani followed kage, balder, and asura. Then watched as Kage went into the man hole. "A manhole is nothing, there worse things than a mere sewage ." Darmani said as he sniffed the air. "They are close, hurry!" he urgently exclaimed. @AllTheFangirlThings @Inheritance

Alas' heart raced as his lungs started to hurt, at some point he needed to breath! His footsteps are hastened as he followed Blake. The corner of his eyes are started to tear up as his armor becomes a problem as the weight slows him down. He can see some of the familiar places of the cave that hints they're close to the entrance, giving him some hope. Yet, he doesn't have much left in him.

@FireMaiden @Inheritance @Emperor Of Embers

Blake made it out of the tunnel, and happily gulped down air, with a small smile that she had made it away from the smoke. "Alas, come on!" she said.

The viral cloud could not catch the two before the made it outside, but yet it left the temple in a continuous wave in all directions in lines, and a roar of rage was heard from within as the cloud infects nearby predators. A mother bear collapses, and then rose up with purplish-brown fur, glowing red eyes, and a distorted roar. She then proceeded to maul her cub in such savage aggression. After 2 minutes of horror, the Frenzied bear looked at Blake and Alas, and roared as she charged them. 
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Darmani followed the group, and watched as Kage went into the man hole. "A manhole is nothing, there worse things than a mere sewage hole. And to , you would be a better fit for leadership than I." Darmani said to Malekith as he sniffed the air. "They are close, hurry!" he urgently exclaimed. @AllTheFangirlThings @Inheritance

(Kage, Baldur, and Asura are the only ones in the city. Well, Angelina and Alistair is but they aren't with them. The rest of the group is in the whispering forest.)

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