In Character

With their keen ears, the dragons could hear the gurgle or blood, and the man's struggle as he choked on his own blood. The other hunters were only aware of his passing when his body fell from high in the tree, landing with a muffled thud.The hunters stared at his body, before attcking. The Captin lunged at Dru with Amber by his side, the archers in the trees took aim and fired down at the dragons, and three men dragged the dragons from he cage out, and nd slit their throats.

@Shirochankun @AllTheFangirlThings @Inheritance @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey

She shrugged, "Maybe. It's entirely plausible, She said, car fully sliding down a somewhat steep slope. The ground she landed on shifted, causing her to pause. "Carl when you get down here, and walk slow." She looked ahead, and threw her sheild to the other side, landing on sturdy ground, then she began to walk.


Kage walked up to her uncle, and gently put her hand on his arm, "Come on Uncle Baldur we don't have mu-" She was interrupted by screams from the hall. A bar wench had come upstairs to see if the one living people needed any more ale and she saw the mess. "Asura, the door."

@Shirochankun @Safety Hammer
Then, Keres lunged out of the cart, shifting into her combat form and attacking the hunters. She knew that when she attacked they would get a clear idea of where she was, but she could take them out first. Flying up into the trees, Keres attacked the remaining archers, easily decapitating them and then flying down as their remains fell to the ground. 

Keres then made herself visible. The large, black dragoness had her jaws wide open. There was blood dripping from the usually perfect teeth in her mouth, and the scent of death was suddenly upon them. Her red eyes and black scales added to her aura, making her seem sinister and evil. 

She growled, glaring down at the puny humans, watching as they slaughtered the dragons. Noticing that they were close to her son's hiding spot, her motherly instincts kicked in. 

She he began speaking in an odd language. If one would listen, it would be a language not recognizable by any human or dragon other than those incredibly skilled in old languages. It sounded like a series of low pitched hisses at first, then grew to another language. As she finished her speech, there was a flash of light, then many clear, smaller versions of Keres were floating next to the dragon. She was about to activate Phantom Star. 

"Everyone duck!"  She yelled in the dragons' minds. "I'm about to do something big. When I'm done, go for it. Someone run. But take my son with you. Don't let him see this. He's never seen me kill anyone and he won't see it today!"

 @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey @Inheritance @Shirochankun
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"Alright.. here goes nothing" Alas said as he started to walk down the steep ground slowly. He stumbles and almost falls over once, but after a few seconds... 

"I think I got the han-" Alas' sentence is cut short as he then slides over and falls face first into the ground then rolling down to the ending of the steep floor.

Ow is what Alas he thinks of, but he manages to put a thumbs up in the air as he tries to collect himself and get back standing on his feet.


He had been rather quiet as he walked with them, having little opinion, focusing on pieces himself back together. He kept hearing it...powerful whispers...though they began to die off... He walked with them, always jumping as someone touched or spoke to him. The worst start of all however, was when the men attacked...or were attacked. The ferocity of the dragons always amazed him, as he just fought with his sword to neutralize his opponents. Hearing the Spirit Dragon's command, he rushed over to lift up the son "Let's go kid, your mother needs a momet" he said quickly as he darted away. What a strange dragon...

 @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey @FireMaiden @Shirochankun @Dutchmann


He had finally lured this Sandro into his layer...and he looked upon this broken Half Dragon, kneeling before him, offering everything to him. This was far too easy, it was obvious to him either the Gods neglected their children or have simply were no longer powerful enough to protect their children...all the better for him! "Come...I can taste your Soul Sandro" 

( @Shirochankun )
Asura reacted even before Kage alerted him. He grabbed the wench and pulled his into the room and slammed the door shut. Asura free hand was clasped over the wench's mouth so that she couldn't yell anymore, just muffled cries. "we won't be able to leave the way we came in now."

@FireMaiden @Safety Hammer

Suo wasn't much good with fighting. But that didn't stop him from firing off bolts of lightning and using his dual power of light as a flashbang.

A few hunters on the ground ran, a smart move. The archers bodies made pools of blood and entrails on the forest floor. The Captin and Amber were among the ones who ran, to much of cowards to actually stay and fight like warriors. When Suo made a flashbang, the hunters covered their eyes to try to spare the,delve fro, the blinding light; but it wasn't very effective. If Alistair were wose, he would take Angelina and follow Malekith.

@Shirochankun @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey

"Graceful," Blake said sarcasticly. 


Kage tugged at her Uncle, "Stop being shell shocked and hurry up. We need to leave now!" The sound of several sets of heavy footsteps comming towards the door could be heard. "Baldur!"

@Safety Hammer @Shirochankun
Suo watched the exchange between Dru and the hunter group. The ring Dru pulled out seemed to hol meaning to the hunters. 

Angelina heard an arrow slicing through the air. But she never actually got to see it because Alistair for a second time had scooped her into his arms. And while it may not have been the time for it, she blushed after being set back down inside a shop.


Asura was still with Baldur and Kage.

Alistair walked  around the shop, and saw someone playing a song with a blue ocarina, with a triforce on it. "Play  magic song, and it's yours!" the shopkeeper said as the person finished the song,  with nothing happening. "Bettah luck next time!" the shopkeeper said as proxi spoke, "that is the ocarina the princess gave you! The ocarina of time!" she whispered loudly as alistair grabbed the ocarina of time, and played the Elegy of Emptiness. Alistair closed his eyes and slightly bent knees, in a trance, and the normally walked to the side as a statue of eerie similarity stood where he was when he played. "My god.... I.... I...." the shopkeeper then faints from the shock of what he witnessed. "That is one way to do it..." proxi said as alistair dumped out his wallet, and 10 silver gems called Rupees fell out, each silver one worth 100 green rupees. He then looked at Angelina, and smiled as he put his reclaimed ocarina away, walking to her.
A few hunters on the ground ran, a smart move. The archers bodies made pools of blood and entrails on the forest floor. The Captin and Amber were among the ones who ran, to much of cowards to actually stay and fight like warriors. When Suo made a flashbang, the hunters covered their eyes to try to spare the,delve fro, the blinding light; but it wasn't very effective. If Alistair were wose, he would take Angelina and follow Malekith.

@Shirochankun @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey

"Graceful," Blake said sarcasticly. 


Kage tugged at her Uncle, "Stop being shell shocked and hurry up. We need to leave now!" The sound of several sets of heavy footsteps comming towards the door could be heard. "Baldur!"

@Safety Hammer @Shirochankun

(alistair disappeared with angelina into a shop as a defensive tactic.) 
Dru flicked his wrist and saND formed into a whip that caught the captain by the throat and began to tug him back his face a mask of peace. Once Dru had him close enough he chopped the man in the base of the neck with almost enough force to paralyze him but more than enough force for his body to tingle and struggle to respond to his whims. Then Dru picked him up by the throat. "Hey buddy, don't you wish things had worked out differently?" @FireMaiden
Keres shifted back into her humanoid form. She began to make her way back to Dru, dodging projectiles and attacks on her way there. As she reached the area where Dru held the captain, she flicked her hand upwards, and the small dragons morphed into dragon-scale swords. Their formation was that such as it looked like the fan of a peacock's feathers. This was Spirit Fan, one of her more special attacks. As she held her arm up, the swords followed her movements. Looking around, Keres looked out to protect Dru from any attacks that could possibly come.
Dru cleared his throat "make sure that the rest of the group is ok and figure out where we will be gathering. I don't really need protection although I appreciate the gesture." @AllTheFangirlThings
"Are you sure?" She asked, waiting until she was sure that he would be fine before she left. She headed towards the rest of their group, putting her swords at ease for a moment. Within a few seconds, she was gone, having gone clear to assure she wouldn't be seen. 

A few hunters on the ground ran, a smart move. The archers bodies made pools of blood and entrails on the forest floor. The Captin and Amber were among the ones who ran, to much of cowards to actually stay and fight like warriors. When Suo made a flashbang, the hunters covered their eyes to try to spare the,delve fro, the blinding light; but it wasn't very effective. If Alistair were wose, he would take Angelina and follow Malekith.

@Shirochankun @Inheritance @AllTheFangirlThings @Emperor Of Embers @Drumonkey

"Graceful," Blake said sarcasticly. 


Kage tugged at her Uncle, "Stop being shell shocked and hurry up. We need to leave now!" The sound of several sets of heavy footsteps comming towards the door could be heard. "Baldur!"

@Safety Hammer @Shirochankun

Baldur quickly pushed open the window, and looked back at Kage.

"Time to jump."
Amber still ran with the other hunters, while the Captin struggled from what Dru was doing to him. He could barley breathe. 

@Drumonkey @AllTheFangirlThings 

"I hope so, it's getting colder the deeper we go," Blake said.


Loud pounding came from the door as Kage made her way to the window. "Come on Asura!" She said, worried. "Baldur you go first."

@Safety Hammer @Shirochankun
Dru sighed and had to remember this was only a human after all. Dru shifted his grip and let the sand hold the Captain up by his arms keeping them pinned to his side then Dru said "let me show you how I feel about the way you treated those people." Dru partially shifted his left hand so that it had some of the scales and it had the long sharp nails. Dru then poked a hole through the armor into the man missing anything vital but still causing pain. @FireMaiden
"Now that you mention it... It's pretty chilly here." Alas says as he looks around.

"Could it be an ice dragon?" Alas asked, he knew that dragons had an elemental aura depending on the dragon. Yet, there are way too many to tell which is which.

Keres still wandered through the forest, looking for the group. She had to find Malekith, who had taken her son with him. And the others of course, to keep them safe. Yes, let's go with that. 

She started running, careful to miss every stick on the ground if possible, not wanting to be detected by any possible hunters nearby. 

Stopping, she closed her eyes, tuning into her soul detect and trying to find Malekith in the haze. "Come on" she willed herself, her mind not being able to get a clear image. She was too worried about Lucian being with a strange man that she couldn't get a grip on her vision. 

Giving up, she sighed and released soul detect. She instead spoke through Malekith's soul. "Where are you guys? Do you have Lucian?" She asked him. 

Dru's eyes turned into their dragon pupils and he frowned "you won't hunt anything ever again. I can promise you that."  With that Dru blinked and in that moment took everything he had learned from the anatomy books made some calclulations and guesses and then shoved his hand through the man's abdomen tearing small holes in a few organs but nothing too vital and then his nails sank into the man's spinal column. Dru twisted slightly then pulled his bloody fingers from the man's stomach before dropping the man to the ground. "Next time you think about hurting someone else remember that I just paralyzed you with my hand and minimal effort all because you thought you could prey on the weak. Now you're the weak one, also keep pressure on your wound." Dru then turned to leave feeling anger he hadnt felt in years. @FireMaiden 
"Now that you mention it... It's pretty chilly here." Alas says as he looks around.

"Could it be an ice dragon?" Alas asked, he knew that dragons had an elemental aura depending on the dragon. Yet, there are way too many to tell which is which.


"We are underground where there is no sun light, I doubt us a dragon," Blake said.


The Captin cried out in pain, no replying in any other way.


Within the temple, a skeleton grips a pillar as if trying to get up. But there is a door that is open, with overgrowth on the stone door. Inside, an evil dragon named Raven Stark stood in dragon form, about to slam her Wingarms into ground as she is in stone, and a low growl echoed throughout the temple, hitting the ears of Alas and Blake. 
"Now that you mention it... It's pretty chilly here." Alas says as he looks around.

"Could it be an ice dragon?" Alas asked, he knew that dragons had an elemental aura depending on the dragon. Yet, there are way too many to tell which is which.


"We are underground where there is no sun light, I doubt us a dragon," Blake said.


The Captin cried out in pain, no replying in any other way.


Within the temple, a skeleton grips a pillar as if trying to get up. But there is a door that is open, with overgrowth on the stone door. Inside, an evil dragon named Raven Stark stood in dragon form, about to slam her Wingarms into ground as she is in stone, and a low growl echoed throughout the temple, hitting the ears of Alas and Blake. 
"I did..." Blake said, drawing her sword, "It's infront of us." The woman continued to walk, but slowly. She didn't want to disturb whatever this was, and knew that it was dangerous. "But we have to keep going."


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