In Character

Alas grunts as he starts to haul the metal on his side. Similar effects happening on his side once he lifts up the rusty metal. 

"Move... Where?" Alas says as he tries to focus on not dropping the metal. Should've done some lifting before getting himself into this.

"Got it.." Alas said in a rush as he starts to walk backwards in a rush, but then realizing what she said and how he thought he just felt soft he stepped on, he starts to walk slowly.

Alas starts to copy Blake's movement, trying to place the metal on the ground as softy as possible. He did well with the steadiness and caution. Until the final inches where he just let go of the metal. 

She nodde,d and grabbed her stuff which she sat down nearby, and walked under some low hanging rubble and ,ore rusted metal being p held up by...who knows really. "Come on, this way."


Asura just stared at Kage. a blushing slowly building up and becoming more and more visable.

"Dial back the blush, I've heard Galleon isn't the best place to be acting like that," She said. She could still smell her uncle in this weird inn, and she wimpered why he hadn't moved yet.

@Safety Hammer
Alas followed behind Blake and observed his surroundings. 

"It's fairly old for a temple, especially one for dragons. Don't you think?" Alas asked as he thinks about a temple of dragons. Shivers in his spine. He has a feeling gnawing at the back of his head. He doesn't feel safe, not at all. 

3 minutes ago, FireMaiden said:

"Dial back the blush, I've heard Galleon isn't the best place to be acting like that," She said. She could still smell her uncle in this weird inn, and she wimpered why he hadn't moved yet.

@Safety Hammer


"That may be so. but i doubt anyone here would outright attack us. Seeing as they don't know us or if we have connections here." Asura said with a low tone so only Kage would hear. Can never be too careful.
"Well," Her voice echoed through the dimly lit tunnel they were going down, "A lot of the stuff we've been seeing was what humans 200 years ago had advanced to use for everyday life. Like those weird metal box things with the rubber wheels." 


"That may be so. but i doubt anyone here would outright attack us. Seeing as they don't know us or if we have connections here." Asura said with a low tone so only Kage would hear. Can never be too careful.

"I guess you're right, but we should sill be careful," She said. "Can I ask you so thing personal?" She said, sitting down on a bench outside of the inn.
3 minutes ago, FireMaiden said:

"I guess you're right, but we should sill be careful," She said. "Can I ask you so thing personal?" She said, sitting down on a bench outside of the inn.


"sure?" Asura replied, cocking an eyebrow at her. He was standing next to the bench rather than sitting with Kage on it. He wanted to... But seeing as they were tailing her uncle. He figured he might wanna be able to keep his focus rather than having taken from him.
"Never heard of those before, but they look interesting. Wouldn't wood be better?" Alas said, he's never heard of anything about advanced technology before. He would think of the future if such topics were brought up.

"sure?" Asura replied, cocking an eyebrow at her. He was standing next to the bench rather than sitting with Kage on it. He wanted to... But seeing as they were tailing her uncle. He figured he might wanna be able to keep his focus rather than having taken from him.

"The day you guys saved me, Violet asked about my family. And when I was talking about my seemed upset," She paused for a second, "What happened to them?"
"How we live, yes. But how our ancestors lived before the dragons took was amazing. Tall buildings made or steel and glass, they could watch sow thing happen that was recorded in the past on these weird moving picture boxes, and who knows what else," Blake said. "Th is is Thalia's Temple, she was a for st dragon who tried to protect the humans by building her temple as a place for them to live. She made sure they were safe and hidden until she died."

"The day you guys saved me, Violet asked about my family. And when I was talking about my seemed upset," She paused for a second, "What happened to them?"

"well, i wasn't really upset. It's kinda hard to be upset about something you never had. instead, it's more like your talk of parents brought up memories of the closest thing to a family i had... but they aren't around anymore." Asura explained, his tone starting out emotionless, changing to sadness towards the end. 
"well, i wasn't really upset. It's kinda hard to be upset about something you never had. instead, it's more like your talk of parents brought up memories of the closest thing to a family i had... but they aren't around anymore." Asura explained, his tone starting out emotionless, changing to sadness towards the end. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad," Kage said quickly. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad," Kage said quickly. 

"its okay, the memories haven't been bothering me as much as they used to. my minds been occupied with thoughts of you-- i mean... *cough* ... has your uncle moved yet?" Asura asked quickly, attempting to change subjects.
Alas had mixed feelings about this. Anger at how a dragon would do that. Glad for what it did. Confusion for why, questions circle Alas' head until he speaks up.

"No wonder why it has fallen then." Alas said, tone as smug as can be.

"It died bout 50 years ago, protecting a group or refugees who were attacked by fellow humans," She said. "The humans she was protecting managed to escape into the temple as she was murdered by the humans who attacked them." Blake paused, "Humans killed attacked dragon who was on the temple heir side, spans she did nothing to he temple hero fight back."

"They started it first..." Alas mumbles under his breath. His mind still trying to block out the truth. 

"So this treasure in this temple isn't really treasure? If it's so advanced how are we suppose to use this stuff? I don't know how you use a rubber metal wheel, maybe it's a shield can be better as a wheel." Alas says, still thinking about a rubber wheel. Odd...


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