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Fandom Imperial Honor(OOC)

There is no limit on *Chapters*, but avoid anything heretical or that a Commissar might knock on your door for
And cool! I was thinking of doing a Grey Knight due to the fact that Chaos is abundant but maybe also a Salamander as it might be a little easier to get him to play nice with everyone
Alright last time I spam this chat but I'm gonna go ahead and go with my Magos Explorator. I feel an astartes is way to strong of a character for me to play, and the mindset is something I'd have a hard time writing. An Ad Mech, however, is a different story
Going to be neat to see why somone who is normally out exploring us in a well mapped area lol
CS is up! I'd love to have some insight on what you guys think. It's a draft right now and subject to whatever change is needed
why does he have a thing for control titans is he a princeps an inquistor and a high ranking tech priest?

Honestly if he met an inquistor once he would more likely be in their retinue or used as a contact/ helper like commissar cain over being granted inquisitor status and being given a high ranking position along with ships and a fleet to be an exploritor.

Also yeah what's with the MIU it is for controlling knights and titans you don't need it for controlling weapons

also why does his forge world do the near cloning thing i put mine in for a reason and it is not normal tech priest stuff they don't normally gene tailor people, Normally they recruit from the population of their forge or local world same thing with skitarii most vat born anything are brain dead servitors.
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Yeah Magos are explicitly unable to be fully fledged Inquisitors due to their split loyalty with the Mechanicus interfering with Inquisitorial status as an 'agent of the throne'

Closest is a retinue member imo

And GM already said no Inquisitors im pretty sure
Also yeah what's with the MIU it is for controlling knights and titans you don't need it for controlling weapons
An MIU is used primarily for connecting with a machine, usually a Titan, Knight, and even a dreadnought. It is also, though rarely, used to control large weapons mounted onto someone's shoulders.
not sure he needs it given the two weapons are automatic and act on their own though fair enough
why does he have a thing for control titans is he a princeps an inquistor and a high ranking tech priest?

Honestly if he met an inquistor once he would more likely be in their retinue or used as a contact/ helper like commissar cain over being granted inquisitor status and being given a high ranking position along with ships and a fleet to be an exploritor.

Also yeah what's with the MIU it is for controlling knights and titans you don't need it for controlling weapons

also why does his forge world do the near cloning thing i put mine in for a reason and it is not normal tech priest stuff they don't normally gene tailor people, Normally they recruit from the population of their forge or local world same thing with skitarii most vat born anything are brain dead servitors.
Like Soviet Panda, my thought process was primarily for him to interface with large machines and large weaponry if the need arose>

My lore knowledge of the inquisition and Ad Mech isn't wear I spent most of time reading into. I'm much more well-versed in lore regarding Astartes, Guardsmen, and Chaos. I never really could wrap my mind around how their system worked as I couldn't find good info on it, not on the wiki at least so I'd be happy if you could provide me with more sources. Did a bit more reading and he definitely doesn't need to be an inquisitor, I also wasn't aware of how the Ad Mech went about their relations with other organizations.

Thought process was for cloning aspect was 1. Ad Mech near the warp would be wary of Chaos seeping it's way into the local populace and thus their ranks 2. Just genuinely didn't know that most vat-borns are used for menial tasks.

Yeah Magos are explicitly unable to be fully fledged Inquisitors due to their split loyalty with the Mechanicus interfering with Inquisitorial status as an 'agent of the throne'

Closest is a retinue member imo

And GM already said no Inquisitors im pretty sure
Wrote this early in the morning and just didn't cross my mind to check the Lore of the RP to see what and wasn't good to go, which I should've done in hindsigh.
Just because their machine spirit is awakened doesn't mean they're smart about what they shoot at. Even the machine spirits of the mighty Titan Legions are animalistic, probably on the same level as a dog, which is why they are paired with a Princept and Moderati, who act as much as handlers as they do pilots. Now a cognis weapon is probably even simpler than that, probably only thinking along the lines of 'threat detected, threat eliminated'. I can see how having control over where the weapon shoots at times can be important.
My lore knowledge of the inquisition and Ad Mech isn't wear I spent most of time reading into. I'm much more well-versed in lore regarding Astartes, Guardsmen, and Chaos. I never really could wrap my mind around how their system worked as I couldn't find good info on it, not on the wiki at least so I'd be happy if you could provide me with more sources. Did a bit more reading and he definitely doesn't need to be an inquisitor, I also wasn't aware of how the Ad Mech went about their relations with other organizations.

Thought process was for cloning aspect was 1. Ad Mech near the warp would be wary of Chaos seeping it's way into the local populace and thus their ranks 2. Just genuinely didn't know that most vat-borns are used for menial tasks.

Its more when you join inquisition you tend to serve under an inquisitor for a time and they don't always recruit everyone they encounter like Commissar Chaphais Cain they will just let you be a useful contact/ person to call up for aid. Also like Panda said tech priest inquisitor would have split loyalties as admech while not hostile like to keep their secrets.

As for the cloning thing cloning is not a well liked thing and is mostly just for cooking up servitors of course nothing is stopping them but i have heard of forge worlds that recruited genestealer hybrids into the skitarii on accident.\

Also by near warp do you mean by the eye of terror by the maelstrom or is their world just some place where the barrier between warp and real space is weak rift as the warp as a thing is everywhere
Just because their machine spirit is awakened doesn't mean they're smart about what they shoot at. Even the machine spirits of the mighty Titan Legions are animalistic, probably on the same level as a dog, which is why they are paired with a Princept and Moderati, who act as much as handlers as they do pilots. Now a cognis weapon is probably even simpler than that, probably only thinking along the lines of 'threat detected, threat eliminated'. I can see how having control over where the weapon shoots at times can be important.
how smart a machine spirit is seems to be very much up to writer, but fair enough enough about him needing it
how smart a machine spirit is seems to be very much up to writer, but fair enough enough about him needing it
This is true, though on the whole as much as I've read machine spirits tend to be basic in nature since advanced AI is a no go for the Imperium.

I'll remove the inquistor part but change him to be a contact in some regard, retaining his loyalty to admech while helping where he can in regards to the inquisition
This is true, though on the whole as much as I've read machine spirits tend to be basic in nature since advanced AI is a no go for the Imperium.

it really is up to the writter finished a titan book and the titan was rather smart had another with a ship where it was far far beyond the humans but those are big this is small and your guy hasn't digitized his brain yet lol
Though now we have to figure out which magos is in over all control of the skitarii forces
Though now we have to figure out which magos is in over all control of the skitarii forces
Gaius is out of the question I'd say. He's experienced with combat but he has a lot less skill in commanding large amount of forces unless it's a detachment that goes on its own. When it comes to managing the skitarii, he's out of the question
Though now we have to figure out which magos is in over all control of the skitarii forces
Itd be yours I think. As an official Dominus you hold sway and operational authority over all remaining skitarri forces in the system assuming the chain of commands been totally thrashed

My dudes essentially nothing but a glorified calculator

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